initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Chirantan Hebballi Hebballi 2023-05-04 11:46:50 +05:30
parent 26be535f5d
commit 7a2a1758a2
59 changed files with 14538 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
import sys
ap_count = 0
file_write = ["module Prop where\nimport Clash.Prelude\nimport ProcessingElement(processingElement)\nimport Queue(queue,queuetest)\nimport Queue30(queue30,queuetest30)\n\n"]
tt_temp = {'!':["not","(1,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31))"],
class node:
def __init__(self,val,left=None,right=None,t1=0,t2=0,isbinary=0,isunary=0,isap=0,q_no=0,q_mealy="",pe_mealy=""):
self.t1 = t1
self.t2 = t2
self.isbinary = isbinary
self.isunary = isunary
self.isap = isap
self.q_no = q_no
self.q_mealy = q_mealy
self.pe_mealy = pe_mealy
def precedence(op):
if op == '!':
return 11
elif op == 'G':
return 10
elif op == 'H':
return 9
elif op == 'F':
return 8
elif op == 'E':
return 7
elif op == 'X':
return 6
elif op == 'U':
return 5
elif op == '^':
return 4
elif op == 'v':
return 3
elif op == '>':
return 2
return 1
root = [node('')]
def construc_tree(r,expr):
cur = r
parent = []
i = 0
while i < len(expr):
if expr[i] in ['E','H','X','!','G','F']:
cur.isunary = 1
if expr[i] in ['E','H']:
cur.t1 = 0
cur.t2 = int(expr[i+1])
elif expr[i] in ['G','F']:
temp = expr[i:-1].index(']')+i
cur.t1, cur.t2 = map(int , expr[i+2:temp].split(','))
elif expr[i] in ['U','^','v','>']:
cur.isbinary = 1
if expr[i] in ['G','F','U']:
temp = expr[i:-1].index(']')+i
cur.t1, cur.t2 = map(int , expr[i+2:temp].split(','))
if expr[i] in ['^','v','>','U','G','F','H','E','U','X','!']:
# first check the precedence of the operator to his parent operator
# if the precedence of the operator is less than the parent operator
# then pop till the parent operator and make it the left child of the operator
# if the parent is empty then make the operator as the root
# if the parent is not empty then make the operator as the right child of the parent
# and make the parent as the parent of the operator
# make the operator as the current node
par = None
ch = False
while parent and (precedence(expr[i]) < precedence(parent[-1].val)):
par = parent.pop()
ch = True
if ch:
new = node(expr[i])
if parent:
temp = parent[-1].right
parent[-1].right = new
new.left = temp
new.left = root[0]
root[0] = new
new.right = node('')
cur = new.right
cur.val = expr[i]
cur.right = node('')
cur = cur.right
if expr[i].isalpha():
cur.left = node(expr[i])
cur.left.isap = 1
i =i+ 1
def manage_implies_and(root):
if root != None and root != "":
if root.val == '>':
new = node('!')
new.isunary = 1
root.val = 'v'
root.isbinary = 1
new.left = root.left
elif root.val == '^':
new1 = node('!')
new1.isunary = 1
new2 = node('!')
new2.isunary = 1
new3 = node('v')
new3.isbinary = 1
root.val = '!'
new1.left = root.left
new2.left = root.right
new3.left = new1
new3.right = new2
root.left = new3
root.isbinary = 0
root.isunary = 1
root.right = None
file = "property.txt"
f = open(file, "r")
data = f.readlines()
ex = data[0][:-1]
Q_ID = 1
def post_order(root):
global Q_ID
global ap_count
if root != None:
if root != None and root != "" and (not (root.isap == 0 and root.isbinary == 0 and root.isunary == 0)) and (root.val != ""):
print("-" + root.val+"-")
if root.isap == 0:
t = '0:>Nil'
t1 = ""
for x in range(root.t2):
t2 = "0:>"
t1 = t1 + t2
t = t1+t
if root.val != 'U':
print("queue_mealy_"+str(Q_ID)+" inp = mealy queue ("+t+") inp")
file_write.append("queue_mealy_"+str(Q_ID)+" inp = mealy queue ("+t+") inp\n")
elif root.val == 'U':
print("queue_mealy_"+str(Q_ID)+" inp = mealy queue30 ("+t+") inp")
file_write.append("queue_mealy_"+str(Q_ID)+" inp = mealy queue30 ("+t+") inp\n")
root.q_mealy = "queue_mealy_"+str(Q_ID)
root.q_no = Q_ID
elif root.isap == 1:
root.q_mealy = 'inp'+root.val
if root.val in ['H','E']:
tt_temp[root.val][1] = tt_temp[root.val][1].replace("t2",str(root.t2))
elif root.val in ['G','F']:
tt_temp[root.val][1] = tt_temp[root.val][1].replace("t1",str(root.t1))
tt_temp[root.val][1] = tt_temp[root.val][1].replace("t2",str(root.t2))
elif root.val in ['U']:
tt_temp[root.val][0] = tt_temp[root.val][0].replace("t1-1",str(root.t1-1))
tt_temp[root.val][1] = tt_temp[root.val][1].replace("t1",str(root.t1))
tt_temp[root.val][1] = tt_temp[root.val][1].replace("t2",str(root.t2))
tt_temp[root.val][2] = tt_temp[root.val][2].replace("t1",str(root.t1))
tt_temp[root.val][2] = tt_temp[root.val][2].replace("t2",str(root.t2))
if root.isap == 0:
if root.val != 'U':
file_write.append("processingElement_mealy_"+tt_temp[root.val][0]+str(root.q_no)+" inp = mealy processingElement "+tt_temp[root.val][1] +" inp\n\n")
print("processingElement_mealy_"+tt_temp[root.val][0]+str(root.q_no)+" inp = mealy processingElement "+tt_temp[root.val][1] +" inp\n")
root.pe_mealy = "processingElement_mealy_"+tt_temp[root.val][0]+str(root.q_no)
elif root.val == 'U':
file_write.append("processingElement_mealy_until1"+str(root.q_no)+" inp = mealy processingElement "+ tt_temp[root.val][0]+" inp\n")
file_write.append("processingElement_mealy_until2"+str(root.q_no)+" inp = mealy processingElement "+ tt_temp[root.val][1]+" inp\n")
file_write.append("processingElement_mealy_until3"+str(root.q_no)+" inp = mealy processingElement "+ tt_temp[root.val][2]+" inp\n\n")
file_write.append("until_out"+str(root.q_no)+" (inp1,inp2) = "+root.q_mealy+" (bundle (processingElement_mealy_until1"+str(root.q_no)+" (bundle ( inp1, inp1)), processingElement_mealy_until2"+str(root.q_no)+" (bundle ( inp2, inp2)), processingElement_mealy_until3"+str(root.q_no)+" (bundle ( inp1, inp2))))\n\n")
print("processingElement_mealy_until1"+str(root.q_no)+" inp = mealy processingElement "+ tt_temp[root.val][0]+" inp")
print("processingElement_mealy_until2"+str(root.q_no)+" inp = mealy processingElement "+ tt_temp[root.val][1]+" inp")
print("processingElement_mealy_until3"+str(root.q_no)+" inp = mealy processingElement "+ tt_temp[root.val][2]+" inp\n")
print("until_out"+str(root.q_no)+" (inp1,inp2) = "+root.q_mealy+" (bundle (processingElement_mealy_until1"+str(root.q_no)+" (bundle ( inp1, inp1)), processingElement_mealy_until2"+str(root.q_no)+" (bundle ( inp2, inp2)), processingElement_mealy_until3"+str(root.q_no)+" (bundle ( inp1, inp2))))\n")
root.pe_mealy = "until_out"+str(root.q_no)
elif root.isap == 1:
root.pe_mealy = 'inp'+root.val
prop = ""
def final_prop(root):
if root != None and root != "" and (not (root.isap == 0 and root.isbinary == 0 and root.isunary == 0)) and (root.val != ""):
if root.val != 'U':
if root.isap == 1:
elif root.isunary == 1:
if root.left != None:
return(root.q_mealy + " ( " + root.pe_mealy + " ( bundle ( (" + final_prop(root.left) + ") , (" + final_prop(root.left) + ") ) ) )")
if root.right != None:
return(root.q_mealy + " ( " + root.pe_mealy + " ( bundle ( (" + final_prop(root.right) + ") , (" + final_prop(root.right) + ") ) ) )")
elif root.isbinary == 1:
return(root.q_mealy + " ( " + root.pe_mealy + " ( bundle ( (" + final_prop(root.left) + ") , (" + final_prop(root.right) + ") ) ) )")
elif root.val == 'U':
return(root.pe_mealy+" ( "+"("+final_prop(root.left)+") , ("+final_prop(root.right)+") )")
elif root != None and root.val == "":
if root.left != None:
property = "prop ("
def prop_lhs(root):
global property
if root != None and root != "":
if root.isap == 1:
property = property + "inp"+root.val+","
def replacer(s, newstring, index, nofail=False):
# raise an error if index is outside of the string
if not nofail and index not in range(len(s)):
raise ValueError("index outside given string")
# if not erroring, but the index is still not in the correct range..
if index < 0: # add it to the beginning
return newstring + s
if index > len(s): # add it to the end
return s + newstring
# insert the new string between "slices" of the original
return s[:index] + newstring + s[index + 1:]
property = replacer(property,') = ',len(property)-1)
property = property + final_prop(root[0]) + '\n\n'
n_ips = ""
for i in range(ap_count):
if ap_count-1 == i:
n_ips = n_ips + "Signal System (Bool)"
n_ips = "Signal System (Bool)" + " , " + n_ips
file_write.append("topEntity\n :: Clock System\n -> Reset System\n -> Enable System\n -> ("+n_ips+")\n -> Signal System ( Bool)\ntopEntity = exposeClockResetEnable prop\n\n")
f = open("Prop.hs", "w")

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module ProcessingElement where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
processingElement:: (Unsigned 1,(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size)) -> (Bool,Bool) -> ((Unsigned 1,(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size)),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size))
processingElement (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f)) (input1,input2) = (currInst',(tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) where
currInst'= (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
(tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| ((opcode ==0) && (input1||input2)) || ((opcode ==1) && (input1)) = (tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t)
| otherwise = (tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f)
--currInst = (opcode,QID1,QID2,DQID,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
--currInst = (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
-- mealy functions have type: current_state -> input -> (new_state, output)

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module Prop where
import Clash.Prelude
import ProcessingElement(processingElement)
import Queue(queue,queuetest)
import Queue30(queue30,queuetest30)
queue_mealy_1 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_A inp = mealy processingElement (1,(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
queue_mealy_2 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_box2 inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,31,31,0,0,5,5,31,31),(31,31,2,5,0,0,31,31,31,31)) inp
queue_mealy_3 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_or3 inp = mealy processingElement (0,(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
prop (inpA,inpB) = queue_mealy_3 ( processingElement_mealy_or3 ( bundle ( (( queue_mealy_1 ( processingElement_mealy_A ( bundle ( inpA , inpA )) ) )) , (queue_mealy_2 ( processingElement_mealy_box2 ( bundle ( (inpB) , (inpB) ) ) )) ) ) )
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> (Signal System (Bool) , Signal System (Bool))
-> Signal System ( Bool)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable prop

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module Queue where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
queue :: (KnownNat n) => Vec n (Signed 2) -> (Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5) -> (Vec n (Signed 2),Bool)
queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = (modify (f (shiftInAt0 vec (0:>Nil))) (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2), headposnvalue)
| (vec !! (length vec -1) ==1) = True
| otherwise = False
modEveryElem index value (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| (index<= tt2) && (index>= tt1) = 1
| (index<= ff2) && (index>= ff1) = (-1)
| (index<= mm2) && (index>= mm1) = 0
| (index<= tm2) && (index>= tm1) && (value == 0) = 1
| (index<= fm2) && (index>= fm1) && (value == 0) = (-1)
| otherwise = value
modify vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = imap (\i a -> modEveryElem (fromIntegral i) a (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) vec
queuetest vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = (f (queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)), queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2))

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Queue30 where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
modEveryElem index value (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| (index<= tt2) && (index>= tt1) = 1
| (index<= ff2) && (index>= ff1) = (-1)
| (index<= mm2) && (index>= mm1) = 0
| (index<= tm2) && (index>= tm1) && (value == 0) = 1
| (index<= fm2) && (index>= fm1) && (value == 0) = (-1)
| otherwise = value
modify vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = imap (\i a -> modEveryElem (fromIntegral i) a (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) vec
queue30 :: (KnownNat n) => Vec n (Signed 2) -> ((Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5),(Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5),(Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5)) -> (Vec n (Signed 2),Bool)
queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)) = (modify (f (shiftInAt0 vec (0:>Nil))) (tt1', tt2', ff1', ff2', mm1', mm2', tm1', tm2', fm1', fm2'), headposnvalue)
| (vec !! (length vec -1) ==1) = True
| otherwise = False
(tt1', tt2', ff1', ff2', mm1', mm2', tm1', tm2', fm1', fm2') = (min (min tt11 tt12) tt13,min (min tt21 tt22) tt23, min (min ff11 ff12) ff13,min (min ff21 ff22) ff23, min (min mm11 mm12) mm13,min (min mm21 mm22) mm23, min (min tm11 tm12) tm13,min (min tm21 tm22) tm23, min (min fm11 fm12) fm13,min (min fm21 fm22) fm23)
queuetest30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)) = (f (queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23))), queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)))
queue_mealy30 inp = mealy queuetest30 (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
--import qualified Data.List as L
-- L.take 15 $ simulate @System queue_mealy30 [ ((1,3,4,5,0,0,15,15,15,15), (15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15), (0,0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15)),((15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7)) ,((15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7)) ]

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module ProcessingElement where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
processingElement:: (Unsigned 1,(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size)) -> (Bool,Bool) -> ((Unsigned 1,(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size)),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size))
processingElement (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f)) (input1,input2) = (currInst',(tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) where
currInst'= (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
(tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| ((opcode ==0) && (input1||input2)) || ((opcode ==1) && (input1)) = (tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t)
| otherwise = (tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f)
--currInst = (opcode,QID1,QID2,DQID,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
--currInst = (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
-- mealy functions have type: current_state -> input -> (new_state, output)

src/hardware/Queue.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module Queue where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
queue :: (KnownNat n) => Vec n (Signed 2) -> (Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5) -> (Vec n (Signed 2),Bool)
queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = (modify (f (shiftInAt0 vec (0:>Nil))) (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2), headposnvalue)
| (vec !! (length vec -1) ==1) = True
| otherwise = False
modEveryElem index value (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| (index<= tt2) && (index>= tt1) = 1
| (index<= ff2) && (index>= ff1) = (-1)
| (index<= mm2) && (index>= mm1) = 0
| (index<= tm2) && (index>= tm1) && (value == 0) = 1
| (index<= fm2) && (index>= fm1) && (value == 0) = (-1)
| otherwise = value
modify vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = imap (\i a -> modEveryElem (fromIntegral i) a (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) vec
queuetest vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = (f (queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)), queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2))

src/hardware/Queue30.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Queue30 where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
modEveryElem index value (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| (index<= tt2) && (index>= tt1) = 1
| (index<= ff2) && (index>= ff1) = (-1)
| (index<= mm2) && (index>= mm1) = 0
| (index<= tm2) && (index>= tm1) && (value == 0) = 1
| (index<= fm2) && (index>= fm1) && (value == 0) = (-1)
| otherwise = value
modify vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = imap (\i a -> modEveryElem (fromIntegral i) a (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) vec
queue30 :: (KnownNat n) => Vec n (Signed 2) -> ((Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5),(Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5),(Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5)) -> (Vec n (Signed 2),Bool)
queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)) = (modify (f (shiftInAt0 vec (0:>Nil))) (tt1', tt2', ff1', ff2', mm1', mm2', tm1', tm2', fm1', fm2'), headposnvalue)
| (vec !! (length vec -1) ==1) = True
| otherwise = False
(tt1', tt2', ff1', ff2', mm1', mm2', tm1', tm2', fm1', fm2') = (min (min tt11 tt12) tt13,min (min tt21 tt22) tt23, min (min ff11 ff12) ff13,min (min ff21 ff22) ff23, min (min mm11 mm12) mm13,min (min mm21 mm22) mm23, min (min tm11 tm12) tm13,min (min tm21 tm22) tm23, min (min fm11 fm12) fm13,min (min fm21 fm22) fm23)
queuetest30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)) = (f (queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23))), queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)))
queue_mealy30 inp = mealy queuetest30 (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
--import qualified Data.List as L
-- L.take 15 $ simulate @System queue_mealy30 [ ((1,3,4,5,0,0,15,15,15,15), (15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15), (0,0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15)),((15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7)) ,((15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7)) ]

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
module Operators where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
import ProcessingElement(processingElement)
import Queue(queue,queuetest)
import Queue30(queue30,queuetest30)
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
queue_mealy11 inp = mealy queuetest30 (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
-- in until1 '1 --> t1-1'
processingElement_mealy_until1 inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,1,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_until2 inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,31,31,31,31,2,5,31,31),(31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,5,5)) inp
processingElement_mealy_until3 inp = mealy processingElement (0,(31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,2,5)) inp
until_out (inp1,inp2) = queue_mealy11 (bundle (processingElement_mealy_until1 (bundle ( inp1, inp1)), processingElement_mealy_until2 (bundle ( inp2, inp2)), processingElement_mealy_until3 (bundle ( inp1, inp2))))
queue_mealy1 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>1:>0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy2 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy3 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_or inp = mealy processingElement (0,(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
or_out (inp1,inp2) =queue_mealy3 (processingElement_mealy_or (bundle ( inp1, inp2)))
processingElement_mealy_not inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
not_out (inp1,inp2) =queue_mealy3 (processingElement_mealy_not (bundle ( inp1, inp2)))
processingElement_mealy_box3 inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,31,31,0,0,5,5,31,31),(31,31,2,5,0,0,31,31,31,31)) inp
box_out inp1 =queue_mealy2 (processingElement_mealy_box3 (bundle ( inp1, inp1)))
prop (inp1,inp2) = until_out (inp1 , (queue_mealy2 (processingElement_mealy_box3 (bundle (inp2,inp2)))))
processingElement_mealy_diamond inp = mealy processingElement (1,(2,5,31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31),(31,31,31,31,0,0,31,31,5,5)) inp
diamond_out (inp1,inp2) =queue_mealy2 (processingElement_mealy_diamond (bundle ( inp1, inp2)))
-- :: Clock System
-- -> Reset System
-- -> Enable System
-- -> (Signal System (Bool), Signal System (Bool))
-- -> Signal System (Vec 6 (Signed 2), Bool)
--topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable until_out
--testBench :: Signal System Bool
--testBench = done
-- where
-- testInput1 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
-- testInput2 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [True::Bool , True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
-- expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH [(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False):: (Vec 6 (Signed 2), Bool), (-1:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False), (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False), (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,True),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False)])
-- done = expectOutput (topEntity clk rst en (testInput1, testInput2))
-- en = enableGen
-- clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
-- rst = systemResetGen

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module Operators where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
import ProcessingElement(processingElement)
import Queue(queue,queuetest)
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
queue_mealy1 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy2 inp = mealy queuetest (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy3 inp = mealy queuetest (0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_or inp = mealy processingElement (0,(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
or_out (inp1,inp2) =queue_mealy3 (processingElement_mealy_or (bundle ( inp1, inp2)))
processingElement_mealy_not inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
not_out inp1 =queue_mealy3 (processingElement_mealy_not (bundle ( inp1, inp1)))
processingElement_mealy_box inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,31,31,0,0,5,5,31,31),(31,31,2,5,0,0,31,31,31,31)) inp
box_out inp1 =queue_mealy2 (processingElement_mealy_box (bundle ( inp1, inp1)))
processingElement_mealy_diamond inp = mealy processingElement (1,(2,5,31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31),(31,31,31,31,0,0,31,31,5,5)) inp
diamond_out (inp1,inp2) =queue_mealy2 (processingElement_mealy_diamond (bundle ( inp1, inp2)))
-- :: Clock System
-- -> Reset System
-- -> Enable System
-- -> (Signal System (Bool))
-- -> Signal System (Vec 6 (Signed 2), Bool)
--topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable box_out
--testBench :: Signal System Bool
--testBench = done
-- where
-- testInput1 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [True::Bool , False, False, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
-- testInput2 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [True::Bool , True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
-- expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH [(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False):: (Vec 6 (Signed 2), Bool), (-1:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False), (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False), (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,True),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False),(0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil,False)])
-- done = expectOutput (topEntity clk rst en (testInput1, testInput2))
-- en = enableGen
-- clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
-- rst = systemResetGen

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module ProcessingElement where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
processingElement:: (Unsigned 1,(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size)) -> (Bool,Bool) -> ((Unsigned 1,(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size)),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size))
processingElement (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f)) (input1,input2) = (currInst',(tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) where
currInst'= (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
(tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| ((opcode ==0) && (input1||input2)) || ((opcode ==1) && (input1)) = (tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t)
| otherwise = (tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f)
--currInst = (opcode,QID1,QID2,DQID,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
--currInst = (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
-- mealy functions have type: current_state -> input -> (new_state, output)

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module Queue where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
queue :: (KnownNat n) => Vec n (Signed 2) -> (Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5) -> (Vec n (Signed 2),Bool)
queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = (modify (f (shiftInAt0 vec (0:>Nil))) (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2), headposnvalue)
| (vec !! (length vec -1) ==1) = True
| otherwise = False
modEveryElem index value (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| (index<= tt2) && (index>= tt1) = 1
| (index<= ff2) && (index>= ff1) = (-1)
| (index<= mm2) && (index>= mm1) = 0
| (index<= tm2) && (index>= tm1) && (value == 0) = 1
| (index<= fm2) && (index>= fm1) && (value == 0) = (-1)
| otherwise = value
modify vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = imap (\i a -> modEveryElem (fromIntegral i) a (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) vec
queuetest vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = (f (queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)), queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2))

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Queue30 where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
modEveryElem index value (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| (index<= tt2) && (index>= tt1) = 1
| (index<= ff2) && (index>= ff1) = (-1)
| (index<= mm2) && (index>= mm1) = 0
| (index<= tm2) && (index>= tm1) && (value == 0) = 1
| (index<= fm2) && (index>= fm1) && (value == 0) = (-1)
| otherwise = value
modify vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = imap (\i a -> modEveryElem (fromIntegral i) a (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) vec
queue30 :: (KnownNat n) => Vec n (Signed 2) -> ((Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5),(Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5),(Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5)) -> (Vec n (Signed 2),Bool)
queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)) = (modify (f (shiftInAt0 vec (0:>Nil))) (tt1', tt2', ff1', ff2', mm1', mm2', tm1', tm2', fm1', fm2'), headposnvalue)
| (vec !! (length vec -1) ==1) = True
| otherwise = False
(tt1', tt2', ff1', ff2', mm1', mm2', tm1', tm2', fm1', fm2') = (min (min tt11 tt12) tt13,min (min tt21 tt22) tt23, min (min ff11 ff12) ff13,min (min ff21 ff22) ff23, min (min mm11 mm12) mm13,min (min mm21 mm22) mm23, min (min tm11 tm12) tm13,min (min tm21 tm22) tm23, min (min fm11 fm12) fm13,min (min fm21 fm22) fm23)
queuetest30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)) = (f (queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23))), queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)))
queue_mealy30 inp = mealy queuetest30 (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
--import qualified Data.List as L
-- L.take 15 $ simulate @System queue_mealy30 [ ((1,3,4,5,0,0,15,15,15,15), (15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15), (0,0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15)),((15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7)) ,((15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7)) ]

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module Notofnot where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
import ProcessingElement(processingElement)
import Queue(queue,queuetest)
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
queue_mealy1 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
--queue_mealy2 :: HiddenClockResetEnable dom => Signal dom (Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5) -> Signal dom Bool
queue_mealy2 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_not1 inp = mealy processingElement (0,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_not2 inp = mealy processingElement (0,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
--out1 inp = processingElement_mealy_not2 (queue_mealy2 inp)
--out inp = queue_mealy1 (processingElement_mealy_not1 inp)
--out1 inp = processingElement_mealy_not2 (queue_mealy1 (processingElement_mealy_not1 inp))
not_of_not inp = queue_mealy2 (processingElement_mealy_not2 (queue_mealy1 (processingElement_mealy_not1 inp)))
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System Bool
-> Signal System Bool
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable not_of_not

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module ProcessingElement where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
processingElement:: (Unsigned 1,(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size)) -> (Bool,Bool) -> ((Unsigned 1,(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size)),(Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size,Unsigned size))
processingElement (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f)) (input1,input2) = (currInst',(tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) where
currInst'= (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
(tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| ((opcode ==0) && (input1||input2)) || ((opcode ==1) && (input1)) = (tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t)
| otherwise = (tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f)
--currInst = (opcode,QID1,QID2,DQID,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
--currInst = (opcode,(tt1t, tt2t, ff1t, ff2t, mm1t, mm2t, tm1t, tm2t, fm1t, fm2t),(tt1f, tt2f, ff1f, ff2f, mm1f, mm2f, tm1f, tm2f, fm1f, fm2f))
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
-- mealy functions have type: current_state -> input -> (new_state, output)

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module Queue where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
queue :: (KnownNat n) => Vec n (Signed 2) -> (Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5) -> (Vec n (Signed 2),Bool)
queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = (modify (f (shiftInAt0 vec (0:>Nil))) (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2), headposnvalue)
| (vec !! (length vec -1) ==1) = True
| otherwise = False
modEveryElem index value (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| (index<= tt2) && (index>= tt1) = 1
| (index<= ff2) && (index>= ff1) = (-1)
| (index<= mm2) && (index>= mm1) = 0
| (index<= tm2) && (index>= tm1) && (value == 0) = 1
| (index<= fm2) && (index>= fm1) && (value == 0) = (-1)
| otherwise = value
modify vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = imap (\i a -> modEveryElem (fromIntegral i) a (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) vec
queuetest vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = (f (queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)), queue vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2))

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Queue30 where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
f (x,y) = x
g (x,y) = y
-- 1 = True
-- (-1) = False
-- 0 = Maybe
modEveryElem index value (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)
| (index<= tt2) && (index>= tt1) = 1
| (index<= ff2) && (index>= ff1) = (-1)
| (index<= mm2) && (index>= mm1) = 0
| (index<= tm2) && (index>= tm1) && (value == 0) = 1
| (index<= fm2) && (index>= fm1) && (value == 0) = (-1)
| otherwise = value
modify vec (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2) = imap (\i a -> modEveryElem (fromIntegral i) a (tt1, tt2, ff1, ff2, mm1, mm2, tm1, tm2, fm1, fm2)) vec
queue30 :: (KnownNat n) => Vec n (Signed 2) -> ((Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5),(Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5),(Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5,Unsigned 5)) -> (Vec n (Signed 2),Bool)
queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)) = (modify (f (shiftInAt0 vec (0:>Nil))) (tt1', tt2', ff1', ff2', mm1', mm2', tm1', tm2', fm1', fm2'), headposnvalue)
| (vec !! (length vec -1) ==1) = True
| otherwise = False
(tt1', tt2', ff1', ff2', mm1', mm2', tm1', tm2', fm1', fm2') = (min (min tt11 tt12) tt13,min (min tt21 tt22) tt23, min (min ff11 ff12) ff13,min (min ff21 ff22) ff23, min (min mm11 mm12) mm13,min (min mm21 mm22) mm23, min (min tm11 tm12) tm13,min (min tm21 tm22) tm23, min (min fm11 fm12) fm13,min (min fm21 fm22) fm23)
queuetest30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)) = (f (queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23))), queue30 vec ((tt11, tt21, ff11, ff21, mm11, mm21, tm11, tm21, fm11, fm21),(tt12, tt22, ff12, ff22, mm12, mm22, tm12, tm22, fm12, fm22),(tt13, tt23, ff13, ff23, mm13, mm23, tm13, tm23, fm13, fm23)))
queue_mealy30 inp = mealy queuetest30 (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
--import qualified Data.List as L
-- L.take 15 $ simulate @System queue_mealy30 [ ((1,3,4,5,0,0,15,15,15,15), (15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15), (0,0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15)),((15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7)) ,((15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7),(15,15, 15,15,15,15, 5,5,7,7)) ]

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@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop_combined_topEntity_types is
type Tup5 is record
Tup5_sel0_boolean_0 : boolean;
Tup5_sel1_boolean_1 : boolean;
Tup5_sel2_boolean_2 : boolean;
Tup5_sel3_boolean_3 : boolean;
Tup5_sel4_boolean_4 : boolean;
end record;
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
type Tup6 is record
Tup6_sel0_boolean_0 : boolean;
Tup6_sel1_boolean_1 : boolean;
Tup6_sel2_boolean_2 : boolean;
Tup6_sel3_boolean_3 : boolean;
Tup6_sel4_boolean_4 : boolean;
Tup6_sel5_boolean_5 : boolean;
end record;
subtype en_System is boolean;
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_1_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_3 is record
Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
Tup2_3_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_4 is record
Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 19);
Tup2_4_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
type Tup2_2 is record
Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
Tup2_2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 19);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_6 is record
Tup2_6_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
Tup2_6_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
type Tup2_7 is record
Tup2_7_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
Tup2_7_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
type Tup2_5 is record
Tup2_5_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_5_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (p : Tup5) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup5;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (p : Tup6) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup6;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_4) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_4;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_6) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_6;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_7) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_7;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_5) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_5;
package body Prop_combined_topEntity_types is
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup5) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup5_sel0_boolean_0) & toSLV(p.Tup5_sel1_boolean_1) & toSLV(p.Tup5_sel2_boolean_2) & toSLV(p.Tup5_sel3_boolean_3) & toSLV(p.Tup5_sel4_boolean_4));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup5 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)),fromSLV(islv(3 to 3)),fromSLV(islv(4 to 4)));
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (p : Tup6) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup6_sel0_boolean_0) & toSLV(p.Tup6_sel1_boolean_1) & toSLV(p.Tup6_sel2_boolean_2) & toSLV(p.Tup6_sel3_boolean_3) & toSLV(p.Tup6_sel4_boolean_4) & toSLV(p.Tup6_sel5_boolean_5));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup6 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)),fromSLV(islv(3 to 3)),fromSLV(islv(4 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 5)));
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 23)),fromSLV(islv(24 to 24)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_4) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_4_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_4 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 41)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 13)),fromSLV(islv(14 to 14)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 40)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_6) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_6_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_6_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_6 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 13)),fromSLV(islv(14 to 15)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_7) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_7_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_7_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_7 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 23)),fromSLV(islv(24 to 25)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_5) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_5_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_5_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_5 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Prop_combined where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
import Prop1(prop1)
import Prop2(prop2)
import Prop3(prop3)
import Prop4(prop4)
import Prop5(prop5)
finalprop (drain,dry,start,wash,fill,soak) = bundle (prop1 (drain,dry) , prop2 (start, wash), prop3 (fill, soak), prop4 (start,soak), prop5 (start, dry) )
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> (Signal System (Bool), Signal System (Bool), Signal System (Bool), Signal System (Bool),Signal System (Bool),Signal System (Bool))
-> (Signal System (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool))
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable finalprop
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
testInput1 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
testInput2 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [True::Bool , True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
testInput3 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
testInput4 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
testInput5 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
testInput6 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH [(False,False, True , True, False) ::(Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool), (True, True, False, True, True), (False, False, False, False, True)])
done = expectOutput (topEntity clk rst en (testInput1, testInput2,testInput3,testInput4,testInput5,testInput6))
en = enableGen
clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
rst = systemResetGen

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Prop1 where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
import ProcessingElement(processingElement)
import Queue(queue,queuetest)
import Queue30(queue30,queuetest30)
queue_mealy1 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy2 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy3 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_or inp = mealy processingElement (0,(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_not inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
prop1 (inp1,inp2) = queue_mealy1 (processingElement_mealy_or (bundle ( queue_mealy2 (processingElement_mealy_not (bundle (inp1,inp1))),
queue_mealy3 (processingElement_mealy_not (bundle (inp2,inp2))) ) ) )
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> (Signal System (Bool), Signal System (Bool))
-> Signal System ( Bool)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable prop1
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
testInput1 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
testInput2 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [True::Bool , True, True, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False])
expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH [False ::Bool, False, True , True, False, True, True, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, True])
done = expectOutput (topEntity clk rst en (testInput1, testInput2))
en = enableGen
clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
rst = systemResetGen

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module Prop2 where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
import ProcessingElement(processingElement)
import Queue(queue,queuetest)
import Queue30(queue30,queuetest30)
queue_mealy4 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy5 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy6 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_or inp = mealy processingElement (0,(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_not inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_box inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,31,31,0,0,11,11,31,31),(31,31,7,11,0,0,31,31,31,31)) inp
prop2 (inp1,inp2) = queue_mealy6 (processingElement_mealy_or (bundle (queue_mealy5 (processingElement_mealy_not (bundle (inp1,inp1)) ) , queue_mealy4 (processingElement_mealy_box (bundle (inp2,inp2) ) ) )))
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> (Signal System (Bool), Signal System (Bool))
-> Signal System ( Bool)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable prop2
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
testInput1 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [True::Bool , False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False])
testInput2 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,False, False, False])
expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH [False ::Bool,False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True , True, True, True , True, True, True, True, True, True, True , True, True, True,True])
done = expectOutput (topEntity clk rst en (testInput1, testInput2))
en = enableGen
clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
rst = systemResetGen

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
module Prop3 where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
import ProcessingElement(processingElement)
import Queue(queue,queuetest)
import Queue30(queue30,queuetest30)
queue_mealy7 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy8 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy9 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy10 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_or inp = mealy processingElement (0,(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_not inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_next inp = mealy processingElement (1,(1,1,31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31),(31,31,1,1,0,0,31,31,31,31)) inp
prop3 (inp1,inp2) = queue_mealy10 (processingElement_mealy_or (bundle (queue_mealy9 (processingElement_mealy_not (bundle (inp1,inp1)) ) , queue_mealy8 (processingElement_mealy_next (bundle (queue_mealy7 (processingElement_mealy_or (bundle (inp1, inp2) ) ), queue_mealy7 (processingElement_mealy_or (bundle (inp1, inp2) ) ) ) ) ))))
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> (Signal System (Bool), Signal System (Bool))
-> Signal System ( Bool)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable prop3
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
testInput1 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False])
testInput2 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,False, False, False])
expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True , True, True, True,True])
done = expectOutput (topEntity clk rst en (testInput1, testInput2))
en = enableGen
clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
rst = systemResetGen

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module Prop4 where
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
import Clash.Prelude
import ProcessingElement(processingElement)
import Queue(queue,queuetest)
import Queue30(queue30,queuetest30)
queue_mealy11 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy12 inp = mealy queue (0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>0:>Nil) inp
queue_mealy13 inp = mealy queue (0:>Nil) inp
processingElement_mealy_or inp = mealy processingElement (0,(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31),(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_not inp = mealy processingElement (1,(31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31),(0,0,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)) inp
processingElement_mealy_diamond inp = mealy processingElement (1,(4,6,31,31,0,0,31,31,31,31),(31,31,31,31,0,0,31,31,6,6)) inp
prop4 (inp1,inp2) = queue_mealy13 (processingElement_mealy_or (bundle (queue_mealy11 (processingElement_mealy_not (bundle (inp1,inp1)) ), queue_mealy12 (processingElement_mealy_diamond (bundle (inp2,inp2)) ) )) )
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> (Signal System (Bool), Signal System (Bool))
-> Signal System ( Bool)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable prop4
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
testInput1 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False])
testInput2 = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,False, False, False])
expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH [False::Bool , False, False, False, False, False, False,False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True,False, False, False])
done = expectOutput (topEntity clk rst en (testInput1, testInput2))
en = enableGen
clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
rst = systemResetGen

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(1) !(drain ^ dry) ---> satisfied by prog1_3
(2) START -> box [7,11] wash ---> satisfied by prog1, sometimes by prog3
(3) fill -> O (fill v soak ) ---> satisfied by prog1_3
(4) start -> Dia [4,6] soak ---> satisfied by prog1_3f
(5) start U [0,19] dry ---> should be satisfied only by prog3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop1_testBench_types is
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
type array_of_boolean is array (integer range <>) of boolean;
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
subtype index_13 is unsigned(3 downto 0);
subtype index_29 is unsigned(4 downto 0);
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
subtype index_15 is unsigned(3 downto 0);
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_1_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (value : array_of_boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_boolean;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
package body Prop1_testBench_types is
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (value : array_of_boolean) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_boolean(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 1);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 1) + 1 to i*1) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_boolean is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_boolean(0 to slv'length / 1 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 1 to (i+1) * 1 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"components": [
"flags": [
"hash": "d15a15fa2c6dfabe3fd99e0e7002213667bdda40175e353c8fa219a97eac7948",
"dependencies": {
"transitive": []
"version": "unstable",
"files": [
"name": "Prop1_testBench_types.vhdl",
"sha256": "094e73067af55e92ae5cb0b42abe0d522bc49d7e17eb56493139553781f7b381"
"name": "testBench.vhdl",
"sha256": "2e12df463ffa39c26c3b96ba46ef354c6338baaee2c9b9fb231cb62f5408cb7c"
"name": "testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.vhdl",
"sha256": "76ad6e6a41f26803fce0edeea54f88c878437b1a39bfb81fff18923737be7966"
"top_component": {
"ports_flat": [
"direction": "out",
"width": 1,
"name": "result",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"name": "testBench"
"domains": {
"System": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"XilinxSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Synchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"IntelSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
-- Automatically generated VHDL-93
library IEEE;
use std.textio.all;
use work.all;
use work.Prop1_testBench_types.all;
use testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.all;
entity testBench is
port(result : out boolean);
architecture structural of testBench is
signal \c$ds_app_arg\ : Prop1_testBench_types.index_13;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_0\ : boolean;
signal s : Prop1_testBench_types.index_13 := to_unsigned(0,4);
-- prop1.hs:34:5-7
signal \Prop1.testBench_clk\ : Prop1_testBench_types.clk_System;
signal z : Prop1_testBench_types.index_29;
signal result_1 : Prop1_testBench_types.index_15;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$result_rec\ : boolean;
signal s_0 : Prop1_testBench_types.index_15 := to_unsigned(0,4);
signal f2 : boolean;
signal \f'\ : boolean := false;
-- prop1.hs:8:1-43
signal \c$ds_app_arg_2\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_2 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_1\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_3\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_3 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2;
-- prop1.hs:12:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_3\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_4 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_5 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup10;
-- prop1.hs:8:1-43
signal \c$ds_app_arg_4\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_6 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_5\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_6\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_7\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_8\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_1\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_7 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2;
-- prop1.hs:14:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_5\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_8 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_9 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_0 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_0 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup10;
-- prop1.hs:8:1-43
signal \c$ds_app_arg_6\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_10 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_9\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_10\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_11\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_12\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_13\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_3\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_11 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2;
-- prop1.hs:14:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_7\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_12 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_13 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_1 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_1 : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_8\ : Prop1_testBench_types.index_13;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_9\ : boolean;
signal s_1 : Prop1_testBench_types.index_13 := to_unsigned(0,4);
-- prop1.hs:27:1-9
signal \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ : Prop1_testBench_types.rst_System;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 12);
signal result_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$vec_0\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 14);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_1\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
signal \c$vec_2\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_7\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
signal ds4_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_3\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_21\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
signal \c$vec_4\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_1_2\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
signal ds4_selection_res_0 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_5\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_33\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
signal \c$vec_6\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_3_5\ : Prop1_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
signal ds4_selection_res_1 : boolean;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_7\ : Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 12);
\c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ <= s < to_unsigned(12,4);
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= s + to_unsigned(1,4) when \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ else
\c$vec\ <= Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( false
, false
, true
, false
, false
, true
, false
, false
, true
, true
, true
, true
, false );
-- index begin
indexVec : block
signal vec_index : integer range 0 to 13-1;
vec_index <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 13
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= \c$vec\(vec_index);
end block;
-- index end
-- register begin
s_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s <= to_unsigned(0,4);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
s <= \c$ds_app_arg\;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- tbClockGen begin
-- pragma translate_off
clkGen : process is
constant half_periodH : time := 10000000 fs / 2;
constant half_periodL : time := 10000000 fs - half_periodH;
\Prop1.testBench_clk\ <= '0';
wait for 10000 ps;
while (not \c$result_rec\) loop
\Prop1.testBench_clk\ <= not \Prop1.testBench_clk\;
wait for half_periodH;
\Prop1.testBench_clk\ <= not \Prop1.testBench_clk\;
wait for half_periodL;
end loop;
end process;
-- pragma translate_on
-- tbClockGen end
z <= resize(s_0,5) + resize(to_unsigned(1,4),5);
result_selection_res <= z > to_unsigned(14,5);
result_1 <= to_unsigned(14,4) when result_selection_res else
\c$vec_0\ <= Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( false
, false
, true
, true
, false
, true
, true
, false
, true
, true
, false
, false
, false
, false
, true );
-- index begin
indexVec_0 : block
signal vec_index_0 : integer range 0 to 15-1;
vec_index_0 <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s_0,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 15
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= \c$vec_0\(vec_index_0);
end block;
-- index end
\c$result_rec\ <= \f'\ when \f'\ else
-- register begin
s_0_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s_0 <= to_unsigned(0,4);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
s_0 <= result_1;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- assert begin
r_assert : block
-- pragma translate_off
signal actual : boolean;
signal expected : boolean;
-- pragma translate_on
-- pragma translate_off
actual <= result_2;
expected <= \c$ds_app_arg_1\;
process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) is
if (rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\)) then
assert (toSLV(actual) = toSLV(expected)) report (("outputVerifier") & ", expected: " & testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.slv2string(toSLV(expected)) & ", actual: " & testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.slv2string(toSLV(actual))) severity error;
end if;
end process;
-- pragma translate_on
f2 <= \f'\;
end block;
-- assert end
-- register begin
f_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\f'\ <= false;
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
\f'\ <= (s_0 = to_unsigned(14,4));
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_2_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= result_3.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_2 <= result_3.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1);
\c$case_alt\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1);
\c$case_alt_0\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1);
\c$case_alt_1\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$case_alt_2\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$vec_1\ <= (Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_2\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ <= (\c$vec_1\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_1\(1 to \c$vec_1\'high));
\c$case_alt_3\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ else
fm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_2\ <= (Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_2\)));
\c$app_arg_7\ <= (\c$vec_2\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_2\(1 to \c$vec_2\'high));
\c$app_arg\ <= \c$app_arg_7\.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_1 : block
signal vec_index_1 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_1 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_0\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\(vec_index_1);
end block;
-- index end
result_3 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_0\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_3_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= result_5.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_4 <= result_5.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_5 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_3\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res <= ((opcode = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (result_10 or result_6)) or ((opcode = to_unsigned(1,1)) and result_10);
ds4 <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_4_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= result_7.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_6 <= result_7.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1_0);
\c$case_alt_4\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1_0);
\c$case_alt_5\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1_0);
\c$case_alt_6\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2_0) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1_0) and \c$app_arg_1\);
\c$case_alt_7\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2_0) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1_0) and \c$app_arg_1\);
\c$vec_3\ <= (Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_4\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_21\ <= (\c$vec_3\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_3\(1 to \c$vec_3\'high));
\c$case_alt_8\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ else
fm1_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_4\ <= (Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_4\)));
\c$app_arg_1_2\ <= (\c$vec_4\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_4\(1 to \c$vec_4\'high));
\c$app_arg_1\ <= \c$app_arg_1_2\.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_0 <= result_8.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_2 : block
signal vec_index_2 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_2 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_2\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\(vec_index_2);
end block;
-- index end
result_7 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt_4\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_2\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_5_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_5\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_5\ <= result_9.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_8 <= result_9.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_9 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_5\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_5\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_0 <= ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (\c$ds_app_arg_9\ or \c$ds_app_arg_9\)) or ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and \c$ds_app_arg_9\);
ds4_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_5\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_0 else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_6_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_6\ <= Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_6\ <= result_11.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_10 <= result_11.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1_1);
\c$case_alt_9\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1_1);
\c$case_alt_10\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1_1);
\c$case_alt_11\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2_1) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1_1) and \c$app_arg_3\);
\c$case_alt_12\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2_1) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1_1) and \c$app_arg_3\);
\c$vec_5\ <= (Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_6\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_33\ <= (\c$vec_5\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_5\(1 to \c$vec_5\'high));
\c$case_alt_13\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ else
fm1_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_6\ <= (Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_6\)));
\c$app_arg_3_5\ <= (\c$vec_6\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_6\(1 to \c$vec_6\'high));
\c$app_arg_3\ <= \c$app_arg_3_5\.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_1 <= result_12.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_3 : block
signal vec_index_3 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_3 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_4\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_6\(vec_index_3);
end block;
-- index end
result_11 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt_9\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_4\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_7_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_7\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_7\ <= result_13.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_12 <= result_13.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_13 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_7\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_7\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_1 <= ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (\c$ds_app_arg_0\ or \c$ds_app_arg_0\)) or ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and \c$ds_app_arg_0\);
ds4_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_7\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_1 else
\c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ <= s_1 < to_unsigned(12,4);
\c$ds_app_arg_8\ <= s_1 + to_unsigned(1,4) when \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ else
\c$vec_7\ <= Prop1_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, false
, false
, true
, true
, true
, true
, false );
-- index begin
indexVec_4 : block
signal vec_index_4 : integer range 0 to 13-1;
vec_index_4 <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s_1,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 13
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_9\ <= \c$vec_7\(vec_index_4);
end block;
-- index end
-- register begin
s_1_register : process(\Prop1.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop1.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s_1 <= to_unsigned(0,4);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop1.testBench_clk\) then
s_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_8\;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- resetGen begin
resetGen : block
constant reset_delay : time := 10000 ps - 1 ps + (integer'(1) * 10000 ps);
-- pragma translate_off
<= '1',
'0' after reset_delay;
-- pragma translate_on
end block;
-- resetGen end
result <= \c$result_rec\;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- helper function of Clash.Explicit.Testbench.assert
library IEEE;
package testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E is
function slv2string (slv : std_logic_vector) return STRING;
package body testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E is
function slv2string (slv : std_logic_vector) return STRING is
variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
variable res_l : string (1 to 3);
variable r : integer;
r := 1;
for i in slv'range loop
res_l := std_logic'image(slv(i));
result(r) := res_l(2);
r := r + 1;
end loop;
return result;
end slv2string;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop1_topEntity_types is
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0 : boolean;
Tup2_1_sel1_boolean_1 : boolean;
end record;
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
subtype en_System is boolean;
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_2 is record
Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_2_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2;
package body Prop1_topEntity_types is
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 1)));
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
"components": [
"flags": [
"hash": "f38527c09127dc8c3b603c11c5dec571eadb251542af9bd85e0b6667053c0dfb",
"dependencies": {
"transitive": []
"version": "unstable",
"files": [
"name": "topEntity.sdc",
"sha256": "13d4c1aafcc09a84d81d3b60d513cb901384a10e27e5a5a16572a600f15895f3"
"name": "Prop1_topEntity_types.vhdl",
"sha256": "3460416a2efc22b3b4f76a73a562f0507ff60e1ab50ba9ed72a51d65490d7d06"
"name": "topEntity.vhdl",
"sha256": "0a52db2b8c464b6c5dec1c3c9c5e2ceb8b0b67445e6d3693b3bb37701ca88677"
"top_component": {
"ports_flat": [
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "clk",
"is_clock": true,
"type_name": "clk.Prop1_topEntity_types.clk_System"
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "rst",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "rst.Prop1_topEntity_types.rst_System"
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "en",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "en.Prop1_topEntity_types.en_System"
"direction": "in",
"width": 1,
"name": "eta1_0",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"direction": "in",
"width": 1,
"name": "eta1_1",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"direction": "out",
"width": 1,
"name": "result",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"name": "topEntity"
"domains": {
"System": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"XilinxSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Synchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"IntelSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
create_clock -name {clk} -period 10.000 -waveform {0.000 5.000} [get_ports {clk}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
-- Automatically generated VHDL-93
library IEEE;
use std.textio.all;
use work.all;
use work.Prop1_topEntity_types.all;
entity topEntity is
port(-- clock
clk : in Prop1_topEntity_types.clk_System;
-- reset
rst : in Prop1_topEntity_types.rst_System;
-- enable
en : in Prop1_topEntity_types.en_System;
eta1_0 : in boolean;
eta1_1 : in boolean;
result : out boolean);
architecture structural of topEntity is
-- prop1.hs:16:1-206
signal inp1 : boolean;
-- prop1.hs:16:1-206
signal inp2 : boolean;
-- prop1.hs:8:1-43
signal \c$ds_app_arg\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal \c$case_alt\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_1\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_3\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_1 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop1.hs:12:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_0\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_2 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_3 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop1.hs:8:1-43
signal \c$ds_app_arg_1\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_4 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_5\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_6\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_7\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_8\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_1\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_5 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop1.hs:14:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_2\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_6 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_7 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_0 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_0 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop1.hs:8:1-43
signal \c$ds_app_arg_3\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_8 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_9\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_10\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_11\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_12\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_13\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_3\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_9 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop1.hs:14:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_4\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_10 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_11 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_1 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_1 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal eta1 : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_1;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_0\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_7\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_1\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_21\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_2\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_1_2\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res_0 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_3\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_33\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_4\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_3_5\ : Prop1_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res_1 : boolean;
eta1 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0 => eta1_0
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean_1 => eta1_1 );
inp1 <= eta1.Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0;
inp2 <= eta1.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean_1;
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= result_1.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result <= result_1.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1);
\c$case_alt\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1);
\c$case_alt_0\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1);
\c$case_alt_1\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$case_alt_2\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$vec\ <= (Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ <= (\c$vec\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec\(1 to \c$vec\'high));
\c$case_alt_3\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ else
fm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_0\ <= (Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg\)));
\c$app_arg_7\ <= (\c$vec_0\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_0\(1 to \c$vec_0\'high));
\c$app_arg\ <= \c$app_arg_7\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec : block
signal vec_index : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_0\ <= \c$ds_app_arg\(vec_index);
end block;
-- index end
result_1 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_0\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_0_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= result_3.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_2 <= result_3.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_3 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_0\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode <= \c$ds_app_arg_0\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res <= ((opcode = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (result_8 or result_4)) or ((opcode = to_unsigned(1,1)) and result_8);
ds4 <= \c$ds_app_arg_0\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_1_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= result_5.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_4 <= result_5.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1_0);
\c$case_alt_4\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1_0);
\c$case_alt_5\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1_0);
\c$case_alt_6\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2_0) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1_0) and \c$app_arg_1\);
\c$case_alt_7\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2_0) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1_0) and \c$app_arg_1\);
\c$vec_1\ <= (Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_1\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_21\ <= (\c$vec_1\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_1\(1 to \c$vec_1\'high));
\c$case_alt_8\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ else
fm1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_2\ <= (Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_1\)));
\c$app_arg_1_2\ <= (\c$vec_2\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_2\(1 to \c$vec_2\'high));
\c$app_arg_1\ <= \c$app_arg_1_2\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_0 : block
signal vec_index_0 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_0 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_2\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_1\(vec_index_0);
end block;
-- index end
result_5 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt_4\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_2\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_2_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= result_7.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_6 <= result_7.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_7 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_2\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_0 <= ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (inp2 or inp2)) or ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and inp2);
ds4_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_0 else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_3_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= result_9.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_8 <= result_9.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1_1);
\c$case_alt_9\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1_1);
\c$case_alt_10\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1_1);
\c$case_alt_11\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2_1) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1_1) and \c$app_arg_3\);
\c$case_alt_12\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2_1) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1_1) and \c$app_arg_3\);
\c$vec_3\ <= (Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_3\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_33\ <= (\c$vec_3\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_3\(1 to \c$vec_3\'high));
\c$case_alt_13\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ else
fm1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_4\ <= (Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_3\)));
\c$app_arg_3_5\ <= (\c$vec_4\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_4\(1 to \c$vec_4\'high));
\c$app_arg_3\ <= \c$app_arg_3_5\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_1 : block
signal vec_index_1 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_1 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_4\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\(vec_index_1);
end block;
-- index end
result_9 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop1_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt_9\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_4\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_4_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= result_11.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_10 <= result_11.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_11 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_4\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_1 <= ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (inp1 or inp1)) or ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and inp1);
ds4_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_1 else

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop2_testBench_types is
subtype index_17 is unsigned(4 downto 0);
subtype index_16 is unsigned(3 downto 0);
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
type array_of_boolean is array (integer range <>) of boolean;
subtype index_57 is unsigned(5 downto 0);
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
subtype index_29 is unsigned(4 downto 0);
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
Tup2_1_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_3 is record
Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
Tup2_3_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_2 is record
Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_2_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (value : array_of_boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_boolean;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2;
package body Prop2_testBench_types is
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (value : array_of_boolean) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_boolean(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 1);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 1) + 1 to i*1) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_boolean is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_boolean(0 to slv'length / 1 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 1 to (i+1) * 1 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 23)),fromSLV(islv(24 to 24)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 23)),fromSLV(islv(24 to 25)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"components": [
"flags": [
"hash": "eb15b6de257319d3e7fd1404545539b14e5fabe2ac9bc630db955b7db80abdcc",
"dependencies": {
"transitive": []
"version": "unstable",
"files": [
"name": "Prop2_testBench_types.vhdl",
"sha256": "58a9d91ed7dcc593f26a1e8df0d54575d20930d181e026b4e2d919eff89d343e"
"name": "testBench.vhdl",
"sha256": "99554d7603e496c971770e8df1451dcf21d19517415587e9f36acb79164daa51"
"name": "testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.vhdl",
"sha256": "76ad6e6a41f26803fce0edeea54f88c878437b1a39bfb81fff18923737be7966"
"top_component": {
"ports_flat": [
"direction": "out",
"width": 1,
"name": "result",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"name": "testBench"
"domains": {
"System": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"XilinxSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Synchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"IntelSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,968 @@
-- Automatically generated VHDL-93
library IEEE;
use std.textio.all;
use work.all;
use work.Prop2_testBench_types.all;
use testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.all;
entity testBench is
port(result : out boolean);
architecture structural of testBench is
signal \c$ds_app_arg\ : Prop2_testBench_types.index_16;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_0\ : boolean;
signal s : Prop2_testBench_types.index_16 := to_unsigned(0,4);
-- prop2.hs:36:5-7
signal \Prop2.testBench_clk\ : Prop2_testBench_types.clk_System;
signal z : Prop2_testBench_types.index_57;
signal result_1 : Prop2_testBench_types.index_29;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$result_rec\ : boolean;
signal s_0 : Prop2_testBench_types.index_29 := to_unsigned(0,5);
signal f2 : boolean;
signal \f'\ : boolean := false;
-- prop2.hs:10:1-43
signal \c$ds_app_arg_2\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_2 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_1\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_3\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_3 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2;
-- prop2.hs:12:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_3\ : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_4 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_5 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup10;
-- prop2.hs:8:1-76
signal \c$ds_app_arg_4\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11) := Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
signal result_6 : boolean;
signal \c$app_arg_1\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
signal \c$app_arg_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_7 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
-- prop2.hs:16:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_5\ : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(7,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_8 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_9 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_0 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_0 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup10;
-- prop2.hs:8:1-76
signal \c$ds_app_arg_6\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11) := Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
signal result_10 : boolean;
signal \c$app_arg_3\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
signal \c$app_arg_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_11 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
-- prop2.hs:14:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_7\ : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_12 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_13 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_1 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_1 : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_8\ : Prop2_testBench_types.index_17;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_9\ : boolean;
signal s_1 : Prop2_testBench_types.index_17 := to_unsigned(0,5);
-- prop2.hs:29:1-9
signal \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ : Prop2_testBench_types.rst_System;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 15);
signal result_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$vec_0\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 28);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_1\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_2\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_7\ : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$vec_3\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 12);
signal \c$app_arg_1_1\ : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_3;
signal \c$vec_4\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
signal ds4_selection_res_0 : boolean;
signal \c$vec_5\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 12);
signal \c$app_arg_3_3\ : Prop2_testBench_types.Tup2_3;
signal \c$vec_6\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
signal ds4_selection_res_1 : boolean;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_7\ : Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 16);
\c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ <= s < to_unsigned(15,4);
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= s + to_unsigned(1,4) when \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ else
\c$vec\ <= Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( true
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false );
-- index begin
indexVec : block
signal vec_index : integer range 0 to 16-1;
vec_index <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 16
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= \c$vec\(vec_index);
end block;
-- index end
-- register begin
s_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s <= to_unsigned(0,4);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
s <= \c$ds_app_arg\;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- tbClockGen begin
-- pragma translate_off
clkGen : process is
constant half_periodH : time := 10000000 fs / 2;
constant half_periodL : time := 10000000 fs - half_periodH;
\Prop2.testBench_clk\ <= '0';
wait for 10000 ps;
while (not \c$result_rec\) loop
\Prop2.testBench_clk\ <= not \Prop2.testBench_clk\;
wait for half_periodH;
\Prop2.testBench_clk\ <= not \Prop2.testBench_clk\;
wait for half_periodL;
end loop;
end process;
-- pragma translate_on
-- tbClockGen end
z <= resize(s_0,6) + resize(to_unsigned(1,5),6);
result_selection_res <= z > to_unsigned(28,6);
result_1 <= to_unsigned(28,5) when result_selection_res else
\c$vec_0\ <= Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true );
-- index begin
indexVec_0 : block
signal vec_index_0 : integer range 0 to 29-1;
vec_index_0 <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s_0,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 29
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= \c$vec_0\(vec_index_0);
end block;
-- index end
\c$result_rec\ <= \f'\ when \f'\ else
-- register begin
s_0_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s_0 <= to_unsigned(0,5);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
s_0 <= result_1;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- assert begin
r_assert : block
-- pragma translate_off
signal actual : boolean;
signal expected : boolean;
-- pragma translate_on
-- pragma translate_off
actual <= result_2;
expected <= \c$ds_app_arg_1\;
process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) is
if (rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\)) then
assert (toSLV(actual) = toSLV(expected)) report (("outputVerifier") & ", expected: " & testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.slv2string(toSLV(expected)) & ", actual: " & testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.slv2string(toSLV(actual))) severity error;
end if;
end process;
-- pragma translate_on
f2 <= \f'\;
end block;
-- assert end
-- register begin
f_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\f'\ <= false;
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
\f'\ <= (s_0 = to_unsigned(28,5));
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_2_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= result_3.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_2 <= result_3.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1);
\c$case_alt\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1);
\c$case_alt_0\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1);
\c$case_alt_1\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$case_alt_2\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$vec_1\ <= (Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_2\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ <= (\c$vec_1\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_1\(1 to \c$vec_1\'high));
\c$case_alt_3\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ else
fm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_2\ <= (Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_2\)));
\c$app_arg_7\ <= (\c$vec_2\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_2\(1 to \c$vec_2\'high));
\c$app_arg\ <= \c$app_arg_7\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_1 : block
signal vec_index_1 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_1 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_0\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\(vec_index_1);
end block;
-- index end
result_3 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_0\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_3_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= result_5.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_4 <= result_5.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_5 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_3\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res <= ((opcode = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (result_10 or result_6)) or ((opcode = to_unsigned(1,1)) and result_10);
ds4 <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_4_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= result_7.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_6 <= result_7.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean;
\c$vec_3\ <= (Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_4\)));
\c$app_arg_1_1\ <= (\c$vec_3\(0 to 12-1),\c$vec_3\(12 to \c$vec_3\'high));
\c$vec_4\ <= \c$app_arg_1_1\.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0;
-- imap begin
imap : block
function max (l,r : in natural) return natural is
if l > r then return l;
else return r;
end if;
end function;
imap_0 : for i in \c$app_arg_1\'range generate
fun_1 : block
signal \c$app_arg_8\ : signed(63 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_7\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_8\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_9\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_10\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_11\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_9\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ : boolean;
\c$app_arg_1\(i) <= \c$case_alt_7\;
\c$app_arg_8\ <= signed(std_logic_vector(resize(to_unsigned(i,max(1,integer(ceil(log2(real(12)))))),64)));
\c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= tt2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= tt1_1);
\c$case_alt_7\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= ff2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= ff1_1);
\c$case_alt_8\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= mm2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= mm1_1);
\c$case_alt_9\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= tm2_1) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= tm1_1) and \c$app_arg_9\);
\c$case_alt_10\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= fm2_1) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= fm1_1) and \c$app_arg_9\);
\c$case_alt_11\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ else
fm1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$app_arg_9\ <= \c$vec_4\(i) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
end block;
end generate;
end block;
-- imap end
-- index begin
indexVec_2 : block
signal vec_index_2 : integer range 0 to 12-1;
vec_index_2 <= to_integer(to_signed(11,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 12
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_2\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\(vec_index_2);
end block;
-- index end
result_7 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => \c$app_arg_1\
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_2\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_5_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_5\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(7,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_5\ <= result_9.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_8 <= result_9.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_9 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_5\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_5\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_0 <= ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (\c$ds_app_arg_9\ or \c$ds_app_arg_9\)) or ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and \c$ds_app_arg_9\);
ds4_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_5\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_0 else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_6_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_6\ <= Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_6\ <= result_11.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_10 <= result_11.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean;
\c$vec_5\ <= (Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_6\)));
\c$app_arg_3_3\ <= (\c$vec_5\(0 to 12-1),\c$vec_5\(12 to \c$vec_5\'high));
\c$vec_6\ <= \c$app_arg_3_3\.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0;
-- imap begin
imap_1 : block
function max_0 (l,r : in natural) return natural is
if l > r then return l;
else return r;
end if;
end function;
imap_2 : for i_0 in \c$app_arg_3\'range generate
fun_2 : block
signal \c$app_arg_10\ : signed(63 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_12\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_13\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_14\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_15\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_16\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_11\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ : boolean;
\c$app_arg_3\(i_0) <= \c$case_alt_12\;
\c$app_arg_10\ <= signed(std_logic_vector(resize(to_unsigned(i_0,max_0(1,integer(ceil(log2(real(12)))))),64)));
\c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= tt2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= tt1_2);
\c$case_alt_12\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= ff2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= ff1_2);
\c$case_alt_13\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= mm2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= mm1_2);
\c$case_alt_14\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= tm2_2) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= tm1_2) and \c$app_arg_11\);
\c$case_alt_15\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= fm2_2) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= fm1_2) and \c$app_arg_11\);
\c$case_alt_16\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ else
fm1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$app_arg_11\ <= \c$vec_6\(i_0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
end block;
end generate;
end block;
-- imap end
-- index begin
indexVec_3 : block
signal vec_index_3 : integer range 0 to 12-1;
vec_index_3 <= to_integer(to_signed(11,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 12
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_4\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_6\(vec_index_3);
end block;
-- index end
result_11 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => \c$app_arg_3\
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_4\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_7_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_7\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_7\ <= result_13.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_12 <= result_13.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_13 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_7\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_7\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_1 <= ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (\c$ds_app_arg_0\ or \c$ds_app_arg_0\)) or ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and \c$ds_app_arg_0\);
ds4_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_7\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_1 else
\c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ <= s_1 < to_unsigned(16,5);
\c$ds_app_arg_8\ <= s_1 + to_unsigned(1,5) when \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ else
\c$vec_7\ <= Prop2_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, false
, false
, false );
-- index begin
indexVec_4 : block
signal vec_index_4 : integer range 0 to 17-1;
vec_index_4 <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s_1,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 17
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_9\ <= \c$vec_7\(vec_index_4);
end block;
-- index end
-- register begin
s_1_register : process(\Prop2.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop2.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s_1 <= to_unsigned(0,5);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop2.testBench_clk\) then
s_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_8\;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- resetGen begin
resetGen : block
constant reset_delay : time := 10000 ps - 1 ps + (integer'(1) * 10000 ps);
-- pragma translate_off
<= '1',
'0' after reset_delay;
-- pragma translate_on
end block;
-- resetGen end
result <= \c$result_rec\;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- helper function of Clash.Explicit.Testbench.assert
library IEEE;
package testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E is
function slv2string (slv : std_logic_vector) return STRING;
package body testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E is
function slv2string (slv : std_logic_vector) return STRING is
variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
variable res_l : string (1 to 3);
variable r : integer;
r := 1;
for i in slv'range loop
res_l := std_logic'image(slv(i));
result(r) := res_l(2);
r := r + 1;
end loop;
return result;
end slv2string;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop2_topEntity_types is
type Tup2_2 is record
Tup2_2_sel0_boolean_0 : boolean;
Tup2_2_sel1_boolean_1 : boolean;
end record;
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
subtype en_System is boolean;
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
Tup2_1_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_4 is record
Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
Tup2_4_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_3 is record
Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_3_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_4) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_4;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3;
package body Prop2_topEntity_types is
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel0_boolean_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel1_boolean_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 1)));
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 23)),fromSLV(islv(24 to 24)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_4) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_4_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_4 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 23)),fromSLV(islv(24 to 25)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
"components": [
"flags": [
"hash": "59f62714a88c79f828a8cf0a4706b822f68adef7ba09c0ec69b58be998929e30",
"dependencies": {
"transitive": []
"version": "unstable",
"files": [
"name": "topEntity.sdc",
"sha256": "13d4c1aafcc09a84d81d3b60d513cb901384a10e27e5a5a16572a600f15895f3"
"name": "Prop2_topEntity_types.vhdl",
"sha256": "84a80db2831ec1988012b412544e8d2c1e644db78c58f80c405bf481b69f4c3f"
"name": "topEntity.vhdl",
"sha256": "8fda13a2a546eeca6a28f12380bb59dd8653deca2c5b55305b9fc3c6a4a3ea56"
"top_component": {
"ports_flat": [
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "clk",
"is_clock": true,
"type_name": "clk.Prop2_topEntity_types.clk_System"
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "rst",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "rst.Prop2_topEntity_types.rst_System"
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "en",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "en.Prop2_topEntity_types.en_System"
"direction": "in",
"width": 1,
"name": "eta1_0",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"direction": "in",
"width": 1,
"name": "eta1_1",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"direction": "out",
"width": 1,
"name": "result",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"name": "topEntity"
"domains": {
"System": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"XilinxSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Synchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"IntelSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
create_clock -name {clk} -period 10.000 -waveform {0.000 5.000} [get_ports {clk}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
-- Automatically generated VHDL-93
library IEEE;
use std.textio.all;
use work.all;
use work.Prop2_topEntity_types.all;
entity topEntity is
port(-- clock
clk : in Prop2_topEntity_types.clk_System;
-- reset
rst : in Prop2_topEntity_types.rst_System;
-- enable
en : in Prop2_topEntity_types.en_System;
eta1_0 : in boolean;
eta1_1 : in boolean;
result : out boolean);
architecture structural of topEntity is
-- prop2.hs:18:1-206
signal inp1 : boolean;
-- prop2.hs:18:1-206
signal inp2 : boolean;
-- prop2.hs:10:1-43
signal \c$ds_app_arg\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal \c$case_alt\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_1\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_3\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_1 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop2.hs:12:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_0\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_2 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_3 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop2.hs:8:1-76
signal \c$ds_app_arg_1\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11) := Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
signal result_4 : boolean;
signal \c$app_arg_1\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
signal \c$app_arg_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_5 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_1;
-- prop2.hs:16:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_2\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(7,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_6 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_7 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_0 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_0 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop2.hs:8:1-76
signal \c$ds_app_arg_3\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11) := Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
signal result_8 : boolean;
signal \c$app_arg_3\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
signal \c$app_arg_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_9 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_1;
-- prop2.hs:14:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_4\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_10 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_11 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_1 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_1 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal eta1 : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_3;
signal \c$vec_0\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_7\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_3;
signal ds4_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$vec_1\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 12);
signal \c$app_arg_1_1\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_4;
signal \c$vec_2\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
signal ds4_selection_res_0 : boolean;
signal \c$vec_3\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 12);
signal \c$app_arg_3_3\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.Tup2_4;
signal \c$vec_4\ : Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 11);
signal ds4_selection_res_1 : boolean;
eta1 <= ( Tup2_2_sel0_boolean_0 => eta1_0
, Tup2_2_sel1_boolean_1 => eta1_1 );
inp1 <= eta1.Tup2_2_sel0_boolean_0;
inp2 <= eta1.Tup2_2_sel1_boolean_1;
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= result_1.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result <= result_1.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1);
\c$case_alt\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1);
\c$case_alt_0\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1);
\c$case_alt_1\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$case_alt_2\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$vec\ <= (Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ <= (\c$vec\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec\(1 to \c$vec\'high));
\c$case_alt_3\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ else
fm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_0\ <= (Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg\)));
\c$app_arg_7\ <= (\c$vec_0\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_0\(1 to \c$vec_0\'high));
\c$app_arg\ <= \c$app_arg_7\.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec : block
signal vec_index : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_0\ <= \c$ds_app_arg\(vec_index);
end block;
-- index end
result_1 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_0\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_0_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= result_3.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_2 <= result_3.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_3 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_0\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode <= \c$ds_app_arg_0\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res <= ((opcode = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (result_8 or result_4)) or ((opcode = to_unsigned(1,1)) and result_8);
ds4 <= \c$ds_app_arg_0\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_1_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= result_5.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_4 <= result_5.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean;
\c$vec_1\ <= (Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_1\)));
\c$app_arg_1_1\ <= (\c$vec_1\(0 to 12-1),\c$vec_1\(12 to \c$vec_1\'high));
\c$vec_2\ <= \c$app_arg_1_1\.Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0;
-- imap begin
imap : block
function max (l,r : in natural) return natural is
if l > r then return l;
else return r;
end if;
end function;
imap_0 : for i in \c$app_arg_1\'range generate
fun_1 : block
signal \c$app_arg_8\ : signed(63 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_7\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_8\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_9\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_10\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_11\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_9\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ : boolean;
\c$app_arg_1\(i) <= \c$case_alt_7\;
\c$app_arg_8\ <= signed(std_logic_vector(resize(to_unsigned(i,max(1,integer(ceil(log2(real(12)))))),64)));
\c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= tt2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= tt1_1);
\c$case_alt_7\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= ff2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= ff1_1);
\c$case_alt_8\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= mm2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= mm1_1);
\c$case_alt_9\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= tm2_1) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= tm1_1) and \c$app_arg_9\);
\c$case_alt_10\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= fm2_1) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= fm1_1) and \c$app_arg_9\);
\c$case_alt_11\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ else
fm1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$app_arg_9\ <= \c$vec_2\(i) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
end block;
end generate;
end block;
-- imap end
-- index begin
indexVec_0 : block
signal vec_index_0 : integer range 0 to 12-1;
vec_index_0 <= to_integer(to_signed(11,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 12
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_2\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_1\(vec_index_0);
end block;
-- index end
result_5 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => \c$app_arg_1\
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_2\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_2_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(7,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(11,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= result_7.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_6 <= result_7.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_7 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_2\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_0 <= ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (inp2 or inp2)) or ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and inp2);
ds4_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_0 else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_3_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= result_9.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_8 <= result_9.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean;
\c$vec_3\ <= (Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop2_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_3\)));
\c$app_arg_3_3\ <= (\c$vec_3\(0 to 12-1),\c$vec_3\(12 to \c$vec_3\'high));
\c$vec_4\ <= \c$app_arg_3_3\.Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0;
-- imap begin
imap_1 : block
function max_0 (l,r : in natural) return natural is
if l > r then return l;
else return r;
end if;
end function;
imap_2 : for i_0 in \c$app_arg_3\'range generate
fun_2 : block
signal \c$app_arg_10\ : signed(63 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_12\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_13\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_14\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_15\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_16\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_11\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ : boolean;
\c$app_arg_3\(i_0) <= \c$case_alt_12\;
\c$app_arg_10\ <= signed(std_logic_vector(resize(to_unsigned(i_0,max_0(1,integer(ceil(log2(real(12)))))),64)));
\c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= tt2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= tt1_2);
\c$case_alt_12\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= ff2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= ff1_2);
\c$case_alt_13\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= mm2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= mm1_2);
\c$case_alt_14\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= tm2_2) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= tm1_2) and \c$app_arg_11\);
\c$case_alt_15\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= fm2_2) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= fm1_2) and \c$app_arg_11\);
\c$case_alt_16\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ else
fm1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$app_arg_11\ <= \c$vec_4\(i_0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
end block;
end generate;
end block;
-- imap end
-- index begin
indexVec_1 : block
signal vec_index_1 : integer range 0 to 12-1;
vec_index_1 <= to_integer(to_signed(11,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 12
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_4\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\(vec_index_1);
end block;
-- index end
result_9 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => \c$app_arg_3\
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_4\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_4_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= result_11.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_10 <= result_11.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_11 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_4\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_1 <= ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (inp1 or inp1)) or ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and inp1);
ds4_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_1 else

View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop3_testBench_types is
subtype index_33 is unsigned(5 downto 0);
subtype index_17 is unsigned(4 downto 0);
subtype index_16 is unsigned(3 downto 0);
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
type array_of_boolean is array (integer range <>) of boolean;
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_1_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (value : array_of_boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_boolean;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
package body Prop3_testBench_types is
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (value : array_of_boolean) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_boolean(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 1);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 1) + 1 to i*1) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_boolean is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_boolean(0 to slv'length / 1 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 1 to (i+1) * 1 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"components": [
"flags": [
"hash": "cfcab95863eef5c32ad8f1cdd6fe42394cc0cb4e86bbaa819c3ccf6e4093d483",
"dependencies": {
"transitive": []
"version": "unstable",
"files": [
"name": "Prop3_testBench_types.vhdl",
"sha256": "11236b5d403deb624a5e9bccec7e6ece64f410f2a928d435b2a43e6d5d5e3714"
"name": "testBench.vhdl",
"sha256": "ed0c45c2b5df3fb62b9b2be90e06ace7883b0537616f50a015b5106263d0351b"
"name": "testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.vhdl",
"sha256": "76ad6e6a41f26803fce0edeea54f88c878437b1a39bfb81fff18923737be7966"
"top_component": {
"ports_flat": [
"direction": "out",
"width": 1,
"name": "result",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"name": "testBench"
"domains": {
"System": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"XilinxSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Synchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"IntelSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- helper function of Clash.Explicit.Testbench.assert
library IEEE;
package testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E is
function slv2string (slv : std_logic_vector) return STRING;
package body testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E is
function slv2string (slv : std_logic_vector) return STRING is
variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
variable res_l : string (1 to 3);
variable r : integer;
r := 1;
for i in slv'range loop
res_l := std_logic'image(slv(i));
result(r) := res_l(2);
r := r + 1;
end loop;
return result;
end slv2string;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop3_topEntity_types is
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0 : boolean;
Tup2_1_sel1_boolean_1 : boolean;
end record;
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
subtype en_System is boolean;
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_2 is record
Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_2_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2;
package body Prop3_topEntity_types is
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 1)));
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
"components": [
"flags": [
"hash": "2d4b8ae6a2d456b473f65a3711af4d3987763cf8729ff6c7af5c31a80eca9ce2",
"dependencies": {
"transitive": []
"version": "unstable",
"files": [
"name": "topEntity.sdc",
"sha256": "13d4c1aafcc09a84d81d3b60d513cb901384a10e27e5a5a16572a600f15895f3"
"name": "Prop3_topEntity_types.vhdl",
"sha256": "cbcdfd88bc1a5fdb0722172278bd17151f26565660ce91e87982d1572a3ed71d"
"name": "topEntity.vhdl",
"sha256": "18c64f888baae3e32a19d5ff2c25a0404a0f484fbcbe4b0ea2f7377df6ceef70"
"top_component": {
"ports_flat": [
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "clk",
"is_clock": true,
"type_name": "clk.Prop3_topEntity_types.clk_System"
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "rst",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "rst.Prop3_topEntity_types.rst_System"
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "en",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "en.Prop3_topEntity_types.en_System"
"direction": "in",
"width": 1,
"name": "eta1_0",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"direction": "in",
"width": 1,
"name": "eta1_1",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"direction": "out",
"width": 1,
"name": "result",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"name": "topEntity"
"domains": {
"System": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"XilinxSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Synchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"IntelSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
create_clock -name {clk} -period 10.000 -waveform {0.000 5.000} [get_ports {clk}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
-- Automatically generated VHDL-93
library IEEE;
use std.textio.all;
use work.all;
use work.Prop3_topEntity_types.all;
entity topEntity is
port(-- clock
clk : in Prop3_topEntity_types.clk_System;
-- reset
rst : in Prop3_topEntity_types.rst_System;
-- enable
en : in Prop3_topEntity_types.en_System;
eta1_0 : in boolean;
eta1_1 : in boolean;
result : out boolean);
architecture structural of topEntity is
-- prop3.hs:8:1-44
signal \c$ds_app_arg\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal \c$case_alt\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_1\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_3\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_1 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop3.hs:13:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_0\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_2 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_3 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop3.hs:8:1-44
signal \c$ds_app_arg_1\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_4 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_5\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_6\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_7\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_8\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_1\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_5 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop3.hs:17:1-122
signal \c$ds_app_arg_2\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(1,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(1,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(1,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(1,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_6 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_7 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_0 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_0 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop3.hs:8:1-44
signal \c$ds_app_arg_3\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_8 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_9\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_10\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_11\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_12\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_13\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_3\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_9 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop3.hs:13:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_4\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_10 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_11 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_1 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal input1 : boolean;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal input2 : boolean;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_1 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop3.hs:8:1-44
signal \c$ds_app_arg_5\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_12 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_14\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_15\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_16\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_17\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_18\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_5\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_6\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_13 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop3.hs:15:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_6\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_14 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_15 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_2 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_2 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop3.hs:19:1-332
signal inp1 : boolean;
signal eta1 : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_1;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_0\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_9\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_1\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_21\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_2\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_1_2\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res_0 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_3\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_33\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_4\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_3_5\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res_1 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_14\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_15\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_16\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_17\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_18\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_5\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_45\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_6\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_5_8\ : Prop3_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res_2 : boolean;
eta1 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0 => eta1_0
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean_1 => eta1_1 );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= result_1.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result <= result_1.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1);
\c$case_alt\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1);
\c$case_alt_0\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1);
\c$case_alt_1\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$case_alt_2\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$vec\ <= (Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ <= (\c$vec\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec\(1 to \c$vec\'high));
\c$case_alt_3\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ else
fm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_0\ <= (Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg\)));
\c$app_arg_9\ <= (\c$vec_0\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_0\(1 to \c$vec_0\'high));
\c$app_arg\ <= \c$app_arg_9\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec : block
signal vec_index : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_0\ <= \c$ds_app_arg\(vec_index);
end block;
-- index end
result_1 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_0\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_0_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= result_3.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_2 <= result_3.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_3 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_0\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode <= \c$ds_app_arg_0\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res <= ((opcode = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (result_12 or result_4)) or ((opcode = to_unsigned(1,1)) and result_12);
ds4 <= \c$ds_app_arg_0\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_1_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= result_5.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_4 <= result_5.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1_0);
\c$case_alt_4\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1_0);
\c$case_alt_5\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2_0) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1_0);
\c$case_alt_6\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2_0) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1_0) and \c$app_arg_1\);
\c$case_alt_7\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2_0) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1_0) and \c$app_arg_1\);
\c$vec_1\ <= (Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_1\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_21\ <= (\c$vec_1\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_1\(1 to \c$vec_1\'high));
\c$case_alt_8\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ else
fm1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_2\ <= (Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_1\)));
\c$app_arg_1_2\ <= (\c$vec_2\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_2\(1 to \c$vec_2\'high));
\c$app_arg_1\ <= \c$app_arg_1_2\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_0 <= result_6.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_0 : block
signal vec_index_0 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_0 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_2\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_1\(vec_index_0);
end block;
-- index end
result_5 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt_4\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_2\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_2_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(1,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(1,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(1,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(1,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= result_7.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_6 <= result_7.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_7 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_2\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_0 <= ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (result_8 or result_8)) or ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and result_8);
ds4_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_0 else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_3_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= result_9.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_8 <= result_9.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1_1);
\c$case_alt_9\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1_1);
\c$case_alt_10\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2_1) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1_1);
\c$case_alt_11\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2_1) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1_1) and \c$app_arg_3\);
\c$case_alt_12\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2_1) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1_1) and \c$app_arg_3\);
\c$vec_3\ <= (Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_3\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_33\ <= (\c$vec_3\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_3\(1 to \c$vec_3\'high));
\c$case_alt_13\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ else
fm1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_4\ <= (Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_3\)));
\c$app_arg_3_5\ <= (\c$vec_4\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_4\(1 to \c$vec_4\'high));
\c$app_arg_3\ <= \c$app_arg_3_5\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_1 <= result_10.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_1 : block
signal vec_index_1 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_1 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_4\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\(vec_index_1);
end block;
-- index end
result_9 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt_9\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_4\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_4_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= result_11.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_10 <= result_11.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_11 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_4\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
input1 <= eta1.Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0;
input2 <= eta1.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean_1;
ds4_selection_res_1 <= ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (input1 or input2)) or ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and input1);
ds4_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_1 else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_5_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_5\ <= Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_5\ <= result_13.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_12 <= result_13.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res_14\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2_2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1_2);
\c$case_alt_14\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_14\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_15\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2_2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1_2);
\c$case_alt_15\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_15\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_16\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2_2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1_2);
\c$case_alt_16\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_16\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_17\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2_2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1_2) and \c$app_arg_5\);
\c$case_alt_17\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_17\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_18\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2_2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1_2) and \c$app_arg_5\);
\c$vec_5\ <= (Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_5\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_45\ <= (\c$vec_5\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_5\(1 to \c$vec_5\'high));
\c$case_alt_18\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_18\ else
fm1_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_6\ <= (Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_5\)));
\c$app_arg_5_8\ <= (\c$vec_6\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_6\(1 to \c$vec_6\'high));
\c$app_arg_5\ <= \c$app_arg_5_8\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_2 <= result_14.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_2 : block
signal vec_index_2 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_2 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_6\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_5\(vec_index_2);
end block;
-- index end
result_13 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop3_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt_14\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_6\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_6_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_6\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_6\ <= result_15.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_14 <= result_15.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_15 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_6\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_2.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_2 <= \c$ds_app_arg_6\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_2 <= ((opcode_2 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (inp1 or inp1)) or ((opcode_2 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and inp1);
ds4_2 <= \c$ds_app_arg_6\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_2 else
inp1 <= eta1.Tup2_1_sel0_boolean_0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop4_testBench_types is
subtype index_17 is unsigned(4 downto 0);
subtype index_16 is unsigned(3 downto 0);
subtype index_35 is unsigned(5 downto 0);
subtype index_18 is unsigned(4 downto 0);
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
type array_of_boolean is array (integer range <>) of boolean;
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
Tup2_1_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_3 is record
Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
Tup2_3_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_2 is record
Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_2_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (value : array_of_boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_boolean;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2;
package body Prop4_testBench_types is
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (value : array_of_boolean) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_boolean(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 1);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 1) + 1 to i*1) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_boolean is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_boolean(0 to slv'length / 1 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 1 to (i+1) * 1 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 13)),fromSLV(islv(14 to 14)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 13)),fromSLV(islv(14 to 15)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"components": [
"flags": [
"hash": "030081bc085c32ea869f87bbfb04bfad27365b453d70164fa62431e2f1becce9",
"dependencies": {
"transitive": []
"version": "unstable",
"files": [
"name": "Prop4_testBench_types.vhdl",
"sha256": "fba2b1070f653581f888ef1e63381e4b7893be54e9dc0d60e84ed3877ec1eece"
"name": "testBench.vhdl",
"sha256": "0f7bdbc6b003aa8663eed0345d320f92c26d5b77e03d5aebd73a358efa025d5c"
"name": "testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.vhdl",
"sha256": "76ad6e6a41f26803fce0edeea54f88c878437b1a39bfb81fff18923737be7966"
"top_component": {
"ports_flat": [
"direction": "out",
"width": 1,
"name": "result",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"name": "testBench"
"domains": {
"System": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"XilinxSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Synchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"IntelSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
-- Automatically generated VHDL-93
library IEEE;
use std.textio.all;
use work.all;
use work.Prop4_testBench_types.all;
use testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.all;
entity testBench is
port(result : out boolean);
architecture structural of testBench is
signal \c$ds_app_arg\ : Prop4_testBench_types.index_16;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_0\ : boolean;
signal s : Prop4_testBench_types.index_16 := to_unsigned(0,4);
-- prop4.hs:36:5-7
signal \Prop4.testBench_clk\ : Prop4_testBench_types.clk_System;
signal z : Prop4_testBench_types.index_35;
signal result_1 : Prop4_testBench_types.index_18;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$result_rec\ : boolean;
signal s_0 : Prop4_testBench_types.index_18 := to_unsigned(0,5);
signal f2 : boolean;
signal \f'\ : boolean := false;
-- prop4.hs:10:1-45
signal \c$ds_app_arg_2\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal result_2 : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_1\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_3\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_3 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2;
-- prop4.hs:12:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_3\ : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_4 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_5 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup10;
-- prop4.hs:8:1-63
signal \c$ds_app_arg_4\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6) := Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
signal result_6 : boolean;
signal \c$app_arg_1\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
signal \c$app_arg_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_7 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
-- prop4.hs:16:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_5\ : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(4,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(6,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(6,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(6,5) ) );
signal result_8 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_9 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_0 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_0 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup10;
-- prop4.hs:8:1-63
signal \c$ds_app_arg_6\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6) := Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
signal result_10 : boolean;
signal \c$app_arg_3\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
signal \c$app_arg_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_11 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_1;
-- prop4.hs:14:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_7\ : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_12 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal result_13 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_1 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_1 : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup10;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_8\ : Prop4_testBench_types.index_17;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_9\ : boolean;
signal s_1 : Prop4_testBench_types.index_17 := to_unsigned(0,5);
-- prop4.hs:29:1-9
signal \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ : Prop4_testBench_types.rst_System;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 15);
signal result_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$vec_0\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 17);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_1\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$vec_2\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_7\ : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_2;
signal ds4_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$vec_3\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 7);
signal \c$app_arg_1_1\ : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_3;
signal \c$vec_4\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
signal ds4_selection_res_0 : boolean;
signal \c$vec_5\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 7);
signal \c$app_arg_3_3\ : Prop4_testBench_types.Tup2_3;
signal \c$vec_6\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
signal ds4_selection_res_1 : boolean;
signal \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec_7\ : Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_boolean(0 to 16);
\c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ <= s < to_unsigned(15,4);
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= s + to_unsigned(1,4) when \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res\ else
\c$vec\ <= Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( false
, false
, false
, true
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false );
-- index begin
indexVec : block
signal vec_index : integer range 0 to 16-1;
vec_index <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 16
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= \c$vec\(vec_index);
end block;
-- index end
-- register begin
s_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s <= to_unsigned(0,4);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
s <= \c$ds_app_arg\;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- tbClockGen begin
-- pragma translate_off
clkGen : process is
constant half_periodH : time := 10000000 fs / 2;
constant half_periodL : time := 10000000 fs - half_periodH;
\Prop4.testBench_clk\ <= '0';
wait for 10000 ps;
while (not \c$result_rec\) loop
\Prop4.testBench_clk\ <= not \Prop4.testBench_clk\;
wait for half_periodH;
\Prop4.testBench_clk\ <= not \Prop4.testBench_clk\;
wait for half_periodL;
end loop;
end process;
-- pragma translate_on
-- tbClockGen end
z <= resize(s_0,6) + resize(to_unsigned(1,5),6);
result_selection_res <= z > to_unsigned(17,6);
result_1 <= to_unsigned(17,5) when result_selection_res else
\c$vec_0\ <= Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, false
, false
, false );
-- index begin
indexVec_0 : block
signal vec_index_0 : integer range 0 to 18-1;
vec_index_0 <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s_0,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 18
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= \c$vec_0\(vec_index_0);
end block;
-- index end
\c$result_rec\ <= \f'\ when \f'\ else
-- register begin
s_0_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s_0 <= to_unsigned(0,5);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
s_0 <= result_1;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- assert begin
r_assert : block
-- pragma translate_off
signal actual : boolean;
signal expected : boolean;
-- pragma translate_on
-- pragma translate_off
actual <= result_2;
expected <= \c$ds_app_arg_1\;
process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) is
if (rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\)) then
assert (toSLV(actual) = toSLV(expected)) report (("outputVerifier") & ", expected: " & testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.slv2string(toSLV(expected)) & ", actual: " & testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E.slv2string(toSLV(actual))) severity error;
end if;
end process;
-- pragma translate_on
f2 <= \f'\;
end block;
-- assert end
-- register begin
f_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\f'\ <= false;
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
\f'\ <= (s_0 = to_unsigned(17,5));
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_2_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= result_3.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_2 <= result_3.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1);
\c$case_alt\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1);
\c$case_alt_0\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1);
\c$case_alt_1\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$case_alt_2\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$vec_1\ <= (Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_2\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ <= (\c$vec_1\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_1\(1 to \c$vec_1\'high));
\c$case_alt_3\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ else
fm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_2\ <= (Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_2\)));
\c$app_arg_7\ <= (\c$vec_2\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_2\(1 to \c$vec_2\'high));
\c$app_arg\ <= \c$app_arg_7\.Tup2_2_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1 <= result_4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2 <= result_4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec_1 : block
signal vec_index_1 : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index_1 <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_0\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\(vec_index_1);
end block;
-- index end
result_3 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_0\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_3_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= result_5.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_4 <= result_5.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_5 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_3\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res <= ((opcode = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (result_10 or result_6)) or ((opcode = to_unsigned(1,1)) and result_10);
ds4 <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_4_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= result_7.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_6 <= result_7.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean;
\c$vec_3\ <= (Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_4\)));
\c$app_arg_1_1\ <= (\c$vec_3\(0 to 7-1),\c$vec_3\(7 to \c$vec_3\'high));
\c$vec_4\ <= \c$app_arg_1_1\.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0;
-- imap begin
imap : block
function max (l,r : in natural) return natural is
if l > r then return l;
else return r;
end if;
end function;
imap_0 : for i in \c$app_arg_1\'range generate
fun_1 : block
signal \c$app_arg_8\ : signed(63 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_7\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_8\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_9\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_10\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_11\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_9\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ : boolean;
\c$app_arg_1\(i) <= \c$case_alt_7\;
\c$app_arg_8\ <= signed(std_logic_vector(resize(to_unsigned(i,max(1,integer(ceil(log2(real(7)))))),64)));
\c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= tt2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= tt1_1);
\c$case_alt_7\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= ff2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= ff1_1);
\c$case_alt_8\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= mm2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= mm1_1);
\c$case_alt_9\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= tm2_1) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= tm1_1) and \c$app_arg_9\);
\c$case_alt_10\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= fm2_1) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= fm1_1) and \c$app_arg_9\);
\c$case_alt_11\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ else
fm1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$app_arg_9\ <= \c$vec_4\(i) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_1 <= result_8.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
end block;
end generate;
end block;
-- imap end
-- index begin
indexVec_2 : block
signal vec_index_2 : integer range 0 to 7-1;
vec_index_2 <= to_integer(to_signed(6,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 7
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_2\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\(vec_index_2);
end block;
-- index end
result_7 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => \c$app_arg_1\
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_2\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_5_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_5\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(4,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(6,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(6,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(6,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_5\ <= result_9.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_8 <= result_9.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_9 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_5\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_5\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_0 <= ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (\c$ds_app_arg_9\ or \c$ds_app_arg_9\)) or ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and \c$ds_app_arg_9\);
ds4_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_5\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_0 else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_6_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_6\ <= Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_6\ <= result_11.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_10 <= result_11.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean;
\c$vec_5\ <= (Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_6\)));
\c$app_arg_3_3\ <= (\c$vec_5\(0 to 7-1),\c$vec_5\(7 to \c$vec_5\'high));
\c$vec_6\ <= \c$app_arg_3_3\.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0;
-- imap begin
imap_1 : block
function max_0 (l,r : in natural) return natural is
if l > r then return l;
else return r;
end if;
end function;
imap_2 : for i_0 in \c$app_arg_3\'range generate
fun_2 : block
signal \c$app_arg_10\ : signed(63 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_12\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_13\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_14\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_15\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_16\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_11\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ : boolean;
\c$app_arg_3\(i_0) <= \c$case_alt_12\;
\c$app_arg_10\ <= signed(std_logic_vector(resize(to_unsigned(i_0,max_0(1,integer(ceil(log2(real(7)))))),64)));
\c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= tt2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= tt1_2);
\c$case_alt_12\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= ff2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= ff1_2);
\c$case_alt_13\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= mm2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= mm1_2);
\c$case_alt_14\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= tm2_2) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= tm1_2) and \c$app_arg_11\);
\c$case_alt_15\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= fm2_2) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= fm1_2) and \c$app_arg_11\);
\c$case_alt_16\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ else
fm1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$app_arg_11\ <= \c$vec_6\(i_0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_2 <= result_12.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
end block;
end generate;
end block;
-- imap end
-- index begin
indexVec_3 : block
signal vec_index_3 : integer range 0 to 7-1;
vec_index_3 <= to_integer(to_signed(6,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 7
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_4\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_6\(vec_index_3);
end block;
-- index end
result_11 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => \c$app_arg_3\
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_4\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_7_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_7\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
\c$ds_app_arg_7\ <= result_13.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_12 <= result_13.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_13 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_7\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_7\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_1 <= ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (\c$ds_app_arg_0\ or \c$ds_app_arg_0\)) or ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and \c$ds_app_arg_0\);
ds4_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_7\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_1 else
\c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ <= s_1 < to_unsigned(16,5);
\c$ds_app_arg_8\ <= s_1 + to_unsigned(1,5) when \c$ds_app_arg_selection_res_0\ else
\c$vec_7\ <= Prop4_testBench_types.array_of_boolean'( false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, false
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, true
, false
, false
, false );
-- index begin
indexVec_4 : block
signal vec_index_4 : integer range 0 to 17-1;
vec_index_4 <= to_integer((signed(std_logic_vector(resize(s_1,64)))))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 17
-- pragma translate_on
\c$ds_app_arg_9\ <= \c$vec_7\(vec_index_4);
end block;
-- index end
-- register begin
s_1_register : process(\Prop4.testBench_clk\,\c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\)
if \c$Prop4.testBench_app_arg\ = '1' then
s_1 <= to_unsigned(0,5);
elsif rising_edge(\Prop4.testBench_clk\) then
s_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_8\;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
-- resetGen begin
resetGen : block
constant reset_delay : time := 10000 ps - 1 ps + (integer'(1) * 10000 ps);
-- pragma translate_off
<= '1',
'0' after reset_delay;
-- pragma translate_on
end block;
-- resetGen end
result <= \c$result_rec\;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- helper function of Clash.Explicit.Testbench.assert
library IEEE;
package testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E is
function slv2string (slv : std_logic_vector) return STRING;
package body testBench_slv2string_FD7FE0FDE5409B5E is
function slv2string (slv : std_logic_vector) return STRING is
variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
variable res_l : string (1 to 3);
variable r : integer;
r := 1;
for i in slv'range loop
res_l := std_logic'image(slv(i));
result(r) := res_l(2);
r := r + 1;
end loop;
return result;
end slv2string;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
library IEEE;
package Prop4_topEntity_types is
type Tup2_2 is record
Tup2_2_sel0_boolean_0 : boolean;
Tup2_2_sel1_boolean_1 : boolean;
end record;
subtype rst_System is std_logic;
subtype en_System is boolean;
type Tup10 is record
Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
end record;
type Tup3 is record
Tup3_sel0_unsigned : unsigned(0 downto 0);
Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 : Tup10;
Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 : Tup10;
end record;
subtype clk_System is std_logic;
type Tup2_0 is record
Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 : Tup3;
Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 : Tup10;
end record;
type array_of_signed_2 is array (integer range <>) of signed(1 downto 0);
type Tup2_1 is record
Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
Tup2_1_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_4 is record
Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
Tup2_4_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
type Tup2 is record
Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_sel1_boolean : boolean;
end record;
type Tup2_3 is record
Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
Tup2_3_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1 : array_of_signed_2(0 to 0);
end record;
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2;
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10;
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3;
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0;
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_4) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_4;
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3;
package body Prop4_topEntity_types is
function toSLV (b : in boolean) return std_logic_vector is
if b then
return "1";
return "0";
end if;
function fromSLV (sl : in std_logic_vector) return boolean is
if sl = "1" then
return true;
return false;
end if;
function tagToEnum (s : in signed) return boolean is
if s = to_signed(0,64) then
return false;
return true;
end if;
function dataToTag (b : in boolean) return signed is
if b then
return to_signed(1,64);
return to_signed(0,64);
end if;
function toSLV (u : in unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(u);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return unsigned(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel0_boolean_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_2_sel1_boolean_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 1)));
function toSLV (sl : in std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector'(0 => sl);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
alias islv : std_logic_vector (0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return islv(0);
function toSLV (p : Tup10) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8) & toSLV(p.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup10 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 4)),fromSLV(islv(5 to 9)),fromSLV(islv(10 to 14)),fromSLV(islv(15 to 19)),fromSLV(islv(20 to 24)),fromSLV(islv(25 to 29)),fromSLV(islv(30 to 34)),fromSLV(islv(35 to 39)),fromSLV(islv(40 to 44)),fromSLV(islv(45 to 49)));
function toSLV (p : Tup3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup3_sel0_unsigned) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0) & toSLV(p.Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 0)),fromSLV(islv(1 to 50)),fromSLV(islv(51 to 100)));
function toSLV (s : in signed) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(s);
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return signed is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return signed(islv);
function toSLV (p : Tup2_0) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3) & toSLV(p.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_0 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 100)),fromSLV(islv(101 to 150)));
function toSLV (value : array_of_signed_2) return std_logic_vector is
alias ivalue : array_of_signed_2(1 to value'length) is value;
variable result : std_logic_vector(1 to value'length * 2);
for i in ivalue'range loop
result(((i - 1) * 2) + 1 to i*2) := toSLV(ivalue(i));
end loop;
return result;
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return array_of_signed_2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
variable result : array_of_signed_2(0 to slv'length / 2 - 1);
for i in result'range loop
result(i) := fromSLV(islv(i * 2 to (i+1) * 2 - 1));
end loop;
return result;
function toSLV (p : Tup2_1) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_1 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 13)),fromSLV(islv(14 to 14)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_4) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_4_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_4 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 13)),fromSLV(islv(14 to 15)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2) & toSLV(p.Tup2_sel1_boolean));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 2)));
function toSLV (p : Tup2_3) return std_logic_vector is
return (toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0) & toSLV(p.Tup2_3_sel1_array_of_signed_2_1));
function fromSLV (slv : in std_logic_vector) return Tup2_3 is
alias islv : std_logic_vector(0 to slv'length - 1) is slv;
return (fromSLV(islv(0 to 1)),fromSLV(islv(2 to 3)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
"components": [
"flags": [
"hash": "263b88e196839de8822f39fa71c05d7d781aa002e0e37046b003102dfdad08eb",
"dependencies": {
"transitive": []
"version": "unstable",
"files": [
"name": "topEntity.sdc",
"sha256": "13d4c1aafcc09a84d81d3b60d513cb901384a10e27e5a5a16572a600f15895f3"
"name": "Prop4_topEntity_types.vhdl",
"sha256": "af20d79bba56606cc5d286e865c0941c07c1a0a673eb4aa8e622058591aa4f44"
"name": "topEntity.vhdl",
"sha256": "0b5001176be1972eaa22a7a4952a196c35dbd63ea978e03f923aaedd6d4ddf99"
"top_component": {
"ports_flat": [
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "clk",
"is_clock": true,
"type_name": "clk.Prop4_topEntity_types.clk_System"
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "rst",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "rst.Prop4_topEntity_types.rst_System"
"direction": "in",
"domain": "System",
"width": 1,
"name": "en",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "en.Prop4_topEntity_types.en_System"
"direction": "in",
"width": 1,
"name": "eta1_0",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"direction": "in",
"width": 1,
"name": "eta1_1",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"direction": "out",
"width": 1,
"name": "result",
"is_clock": false,
"type_name": "boolean"
"name": "topEntity"
"domains": {
"System": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"XilinxSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Synchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"
"IntelSystem": {
"period": 10000,
"init_behavior": "Defined",
"reset_kind": "Asynchronous",
"active_edge": "Rising",
"reset_polarity": "ActiveHigh"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
create_clock -name {clk} -period 10.000 -waveform {0.000 5.000} [get_ports {clk}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
-- Automatically generated VHDL-93
library IEEE;
use std.textio.all;
use work.all;
use work.Prop4_topEntity_types.all;
entity topEntity is
port(-- clock
clk : in Prop4_topEntity_types.clk_System;
-- reset
rst : in Prop4_topEntity_types.rst_System;
-- enable
en : in Prop4_topEntity_types.en_System;
eta1_0 : in boolean;
eta1_1 : in boolean;
result : out boolean);
architecture structural of topEntity is
-- prop4.hs:18:1-212
signal inp1 : boolean;
-- prop4.hs:18:1-212
signal inp2 : boolean;
-- prop4.hs:10:1-45
signal \c$ds_app_arg\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 0) := Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
signal \c$case_alt\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_1\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_3\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_0\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_1 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2;
-- prop4.hs:12:1-124
signal \c$ds_app_arg_0\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_2 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_3 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop4.hs:8:1-63
signal \c$ds_app_arg_1\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6) := Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
signal result_4 : boolean;
signal \c$app_arg_1\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
signal \c$app_arg_2\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_5 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_1;
-- prop4.hs:16:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_2\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(4,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(6,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(6,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(6,5) ) );
signal result_6 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_7 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_0 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_0 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup10;
-- prop4.hs:8:1-63
signal \c$ds_app_arg_3\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6) := Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
signal result_8 : boolean;
signal \c$app_arg_3\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
signal \c$app_arg_4\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal result_9 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_1;
-- prop4.hs:14:1-125
signal \c$ds_app_arg_4\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup3 := ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
signal result_10 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal result_11 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_0;
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal opcode_1 : unsigned(0 downto 0);
-- ProcessingElement.hs:9:1-777
signal ds4_1 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup10;
signal eta1 : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_2;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ : boolean;
signal \c$vec\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_3;
signal \c$vec_0\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 1);
signal \c$app_arg_7\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_3;
signal ds4_selection_res : boolean;
signal \c$vec_1\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 7);
signal \c$app_arg_1_1\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_4;
signal \c$vec_2\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
signal ds4_selection_res_0 : boolean;
signal \c$vec_3\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 7);
signal \c$app_arg_3_3\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.Tup2_4;
signal \c$vec_4\ : Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2(0 to 6);
signal ds4_selection_res_1 : boolean;
eta1 <= ( Tup2_2_sel0_boolean_0 => eta1_0
, Tup2_2_sel1_boolean_1 => eta1_1 );
inp1 <= eta1.Tup2_2_sel0_boolean_0;
inp2 <= eta1.Tup2_2_sel1_boolean_1;
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2));
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg\ <= result_1.Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result <= result_1.Tup2_sel1_boolean;
\c$case_alt_selection_res\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tt2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= tt1);
\c$case_alt\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= ff2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= ff1);
\c$case_alt_0\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_0\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= mm2) and (to_unsigned(0,5) >= mm1);
\c$case_alt_1\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_1\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= tm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= tm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$case_alt_2\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_2\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ <= (to_unsigned(0,5) <= fm2) and ((to_unsigned(0,5) >= fm1) and \c$app_arg\);
\c$vec\ <= (Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg\)));
\c$case_alt_sel_alt_9\ <= (\c$vec\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec\(1 to \c$vec\'high));
\c$case_alt_3\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_3\ else
fm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$vec_0\ <= (Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg\)));
\c$app_arg_7\ <= (\c$vec_0\(0 to 1-1),\c$vec_0\(1 to \c$vec_0\'high));
\c$app_arg\ <= \c$app_arg_7\.Tup2_3_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0(0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1 <= result_2.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2 <= result_2.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
-- index begin
indexVec : block
signal vec_index : integer range 0 to 1-1;
vec_index <= to_integer(to_signed(0,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 1
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_0\ <= \c$ds_app_arg\(vec_index);
end block;
-- index end
result_1 <= ( Tup2_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => \c$case_alt\)
, Tup2_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_0\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_0_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(0,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_0\ <= result_3.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_2 <= result_3.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_3 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_0\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode <= \c$ds_app_arg_0\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res <= ((opcode = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (result_8 or result_4)) or ((opcode = to_unsigned(1,1)) and result_8);
ds4 <= \c$ds_app_arg_0\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_1_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_1\ <= result_5.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_4 <= result_5.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean;
\c$vec_1\ <= (Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_1\)));
\c$app_arg_1_1\ <= (\c$vec_1\(0 to 7-1),\c$vec_1\(7 to \c$vec_1\'high));
\c$vec_2\ <= \c$app_arg_1_1\.Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0;
-- imap begin
imap : block
function max (l,r : in natural) return natural is
if l > r then return l;
else return r;
end if;
end function;
imap_0 : for i in \c$app_arg_1\'range generate
fun_1 : block
signal \c$app_arg_8\ : signed(63 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_7\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_8\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_9\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_10\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_11\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_9\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_1 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ : boolean;
\c$app_arg_1\(i) <= \c$case_alt_7\;
\c$app_arg_8\ <= signed(std_logic_vector(resize(to_unsigned(i,max(1,integer(ceil(log2(real(7)))))),64)));
\c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= tt2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= tt1_1);
\c$case_alt_7\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_4\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= ff2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= ff1_1);
\c$case_alt_8\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_5\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= mm2_1) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= mm1_1);
\c$case_alt_9\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_6\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= tm2_1) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= tm1_1) and \c$app_arg_9\);
\c$case_alt_10\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_7\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) <= fm2_1) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_8\)),5)) >= fm1_1) and \c$app_arg_9\);
\c$case_alt_11\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_8\ else
fm1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$app_arg_9\ <= \c$vec_2\(i) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_1 <= result_6.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
end block;
end generate;
end block;
-- imap end
-- index begin
indexVec_0 : block
signal vec_index_0 : integer range 0 to 7-1;
vec_index_0 <= to_integer(to_signed(6,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 7
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_2\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_1\(vec_index_0);
end block;
-- index end
result_5 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => \c$app_arg_1\
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_2\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_2_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(4,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(6,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(6,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(6,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_2\ <= result_7.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_6 <= result_7.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_7 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_2\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_0.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_0 <= ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (inp2 or inp2)) or ((opcode_0 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and inp2);
ds4_0 <= \c$ds_app_arg_2\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_0 else
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_3_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'( to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2)
, to_signed(0,2) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_3\ <= result_9.Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_8 <= result_9.Tup2_1_sel1_boolean;
\c$vec_3\ <= (Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(0 => to_signed(0,2))) & Prop4_topEntity_types.array_of_signed_2'(\c$ds_app_arg_3\)));
\c$app_arg_3_3\ <= (\c$vec_3\(0 to 7-1),\c$vec_3\(7 to \c$vec_3\'high));
\c$vec_4\ <= \c$app_arg_3_3\.Tup2_4_sel0_array_of_signed_2_0;
-- imap begin
imap_1 : block
function max_0 (l,r : in natural) return natural is
if l > r then return l;
else return r;
end if;
end function;
imap_2 : for i_0 in \c$app_arg_3\'range generate
fun_2 : block
signal \c$app_arg_10\ : signed(63 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_12\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_13\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_14\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_15\ : signed(1 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_16\ : signed(1 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal fm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$app_arg_11\ : boolean;
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal mm2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal ff2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt1_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
-- Queue.hs:20:1-12
signal tt2_2 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ : boolean;
signal \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ : boolean;
\c$app_arg_3\(i_0) <= \c$case_alt_12\;
\c$app_arg_10\ <= signed(std_logic_vector(resize(to_unsigned(i_0,max_0(1,integer(ceil(log2(real(7)))))),64)));
\c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= tt2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= tt1_2);
\c$case_alt_12\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_9\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= ff2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= ff1_2);
\c$case_alt_13\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_10\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= mm2_2) and ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= mm1_2);
\c$case_alt_14\ <= to_signed(0,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_11\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= tm2_2) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= tm1_2) and \c$app_arg_11\);
\c$case_alt_15\ <= to_signed(1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_12\ else
\c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ <= ((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) <= fm2_2) and (((resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(\c$app_arg_10\)),5)) >= fm1_2) and \c$app_arg_11\);
\c$case_alt_16\ <= to_signed(-1,2) when \c$case_alt_selection_res_13\ else
fm1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8;
fm2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9;
\c$app_arg_11\ <= \c$vec_4\(i_0) = to_signed(0,2);
tm1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6;
tm2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7;
mm1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4;
mm2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5;
ff1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2;
ff2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3;
tt1_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0;
tt2_2 <= result_10.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1;
end block;
end generate;
end block;
-- imap end
-- index begin
indexVec_1 : block
signal vec_index_1 : integer range 0 to 7-1;
vec_index_1 <= to_integer(to_signed(6,64))
-- pragma translate_off
mod 7
-- pragma translate_on
\c$app_arg_4\ <= \c$ds_app_arg_3\(vec_index_1);
end block;
-- index end
result_9 <= ( Tup2_1_sel0_array_of_signed_2 => \c$app_arg_3\
, Tup2_1_sel1_boolean => \c$app_arg_4\ = to_signed(1,2) );
-- register begin
cds_app_arg_4_register : process(clk,rst)
if rst = '1' then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= ( Tup3_sel0_unsigned => to_unsigned(1,1)
, Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) )
, Tup3_sel2_Tup10_1 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => to_unsigned(0,5)
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => to_unsigned(31,5)
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => to_unsigned(31,5) ) );
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if en then
\c$ds_app_arg_4\ <= result_11.Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- register end
result_10 <= result_11.Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10;
result_11 <= ( Tup2_0_sel0_Tup3 => \c$ds_app_arg_4\
, Tup2_0_sel1_Tup10 => ( Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel0_unsigned_0
, Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel1_unsigned_1
, Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel2_unsigned_2
, Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel3_unsigned_3
, Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel4_unsigned_4
, Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel5_unsigned_5
, Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel6_unsigned_6
, Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel7_unsigned_7
, Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel8_unsigned_8
, Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 => ds4_1.Tup10_sel9_unsigned_9 ) );
opcode_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\.Tup3_sel0_unsigned;
ds4_selection_res_1 <= ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(0,1)) and (inp1 or inp1)) or ((opcode_1 = to_unsigned(1,1)) and inp1);
ds4_1 <= \c$ds_app_arg_4\.Tup3_sel1_Tup10_0 when ds4_selection_res_1 else

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
#define start 2;
#define fill 3;
#define soak 4;
#define spin_wash 5;
#define rinse 6;
#define drain 7;
#define spin_dry 8;
#define mode 9;
int status;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
status = 2;
/*normal*/case 1: digitalWrite(2,HIGH); //start
digitalWrite(2,LOW); //start
digitalWrite(3,HIGH); //fill
digitalWrite(4,HIGH); //soak
digitalWrite(5,HIGH); //wash
digitalWrite(6,HIGH); //rinse
digitalWrite(7,HIGH); //drain
digitalWrite(8,HIGH); //dry
/*fast*/case 2: digitalWrite(2,HIGH); //start
digitalWrite(3,HIGH); //fill
digitalWrite(3,LOW); //fill
digitalWrite(2,LOW); //start -> stop
digitalWrite(4,HIGH); //soak
digitalWrite(4,LOW); //soak
digitalWrite(5,HIGH); //wash
digitalWrite(5,LOW); //wash
digitalWrite(6,HIGH); //rinse
digitalWrite(6,LOW); //rinse
digitalWrite(7,HIGH); //drain
digitalWrite(8,HIGH); //dry
digitalWrite(8,LOW); //dry
digitalWrite(7,LOW); //drain
/*abnormal*/case 3:
digitalWrite(2,HIGH); //start
digitalWrite(3,HIGH); //fill
digitalWrite(4,HIGH); //soak
digitalWrite(5,HIGH); //wash
digitalWrite(6,HIGH); //rinse
digitalWrite(7,HIGH); //drain
digitalWrite(8,HIGH); //dry