new function in IO to print integers without leading zeros, implemented it at some places in the new spectral solver (reporting still needs some serious polishing)
updated preprocessing for documentation to handle precision correctly
added configuration file for generation of code documentation using doxygen
restart of spectral solver is fixed and seem to work now also for restart at significant deformation.
spectral solver now gives exit code 2 if some increments did not converge
Mainly affected modules are IO and mesh. Most of the changes in mesh result from reordering the functions when grouping them depending on their solver.
Further advantage is that FE solver do not need FFTW and kdtree2 anymore. The include files for these two libraries moved to DAMASKROO/lib now as I figured out how to use a include path in the Makefile.
Put all the files I got when testing compilation with abaqus in a folder which to become the abaqus compilation test.
explicitly defined all functions in as either public or private in the modules to have a quick overview on all functions and parameters that are available
removed cut_off parameter for damask_spectral
removed outpot of derived divergence measures and added RMS output in brackets
added comments and options to the makefile
added compiler switches for gfortran and ifort to check for standard conformity
old gnu compilers <4.4 are not longer supported because they don't provide the c binding for fftw
additional output in DAMASK_spectral_interface.f90
132 character cut off in constitutive_nonlocal.f90
rounding error in math.f90 complex number initialization (1.0_pReal)*2.0_pReal*pi
new $DAMASK_NUM_THREADS warning in numerics.f90 / IO.f90
polishing in DAMASK_spectral.f90
-removed to long lines
-restructured f2py modules and merged make_DAMASK2Python into setup processing now sets library path in makefile and asks for compile switches for spectral code
-substituted \ in format strings with $
restructured DAMASK_spectral:
-more logical output and structure of code
-better input for spectral debug parameters
introduced parameters for selective debugging of spectral code and partly introduced the advanced divergence calculation again which is controlled by debug.config
added switch in numerics to control divergence behavior (uncorrected and corrected by phenomenological factor)
added precision directive to all values I found
restart write is on per default
restart read is switched on by using --restart or -r INT where INT gives step at which the calculation should restart
setting INT to a value <1 will turn restart write off
- removed unnecessary "return" before end of subroutine or function:
- changed undetermined array length (:) to (1:3)
To prevent problems with some code analysing tools:
- "3D oneliner loops" (with ";) only for "do" and "enddo" at the same time
- removed line continuation in OMP statements
made the makefile more flexible, removed heap-arrays switch
made convergence independent of size and resolution,
polishing output in DAMASK_spectral.f90
added function to compute eigenvalues without eigenvectors and function to convert a 3x3 logical to a 9 vector in math.f90
removed obsolete variable in numerics.f90
you have to specify the job you are restarting from in the job description (cae), if you prepare your input file by hand this is the first line after *Heading
example: if the first job was using Oldjob.inp the first entry in the job description needs to be Oldjob (without the .inp)
as for Marc restart works only from last converged increment, i.e. ther restart writing should be specified like this:
*retsart, write, frequency=1, overlay
Overlay is not essential but saves a lot of disk space and as stated before you can only restart from the last converged increment anyway
In order to keep it like that, please follow these simple rules:
DON'T use implicit array subscripts:
example: real, dimension(3,3) :: A,B
A(:,2) = B(:,1) <--- DON'T USE
A(1:3,2) = B(1:3,1) <--- BETTER USE
In many cases the use of explicit array subscripts is inevitable for parallelization. Additionally, it is an easy means to prevent memory leaks.
Enclose all write statements with the following:
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
<your write statement>
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
Whenever you change something in the code and are not sure if it affects parallelization and leads to nonconforming behavior, please ask me and/or Franz to check this.
* now complaining when encountering an unknown nonlocal parameter in material.config
* use same error ID for all material parameters out of bounds
* symmetric flux calculation in side dotState can now be omitted (because of new treatment of periodicity)
* switching back to "local flux balance" (add leaving and entering fluxes at central MP, don't touch neighbor) instead of "flux distribution" (subtract leaving fluxes from central MP and add them at neighboring MP). This has the advantage that there is almost no need for CRITICAL statements in parallelization, so hopefully this results in some speed up.
removed storage of full cauchy stres field from mpie_spectral.f90, only average is stored now
added cauchy stress and von mises equivalent calculation to spectral post.
numerics: polishing
mpie_cpfem_marc: polishing
..powerlaw: aware of symmetryType function
crystallite: aware of symmetryType function, smaller leapfrog acceleration
IO: new warning 101
CPFEM: range of odd stress is now -1e15...+1e15, H_sym is used for stiffness
Major changes:
CPFEM.f90 =>
1. Moving the initialization out of CPFEM_general into a separate subroutine, which is directly called by the hypela2 (Beware, the Abaqus version must also be modified in order to adapt with this change).
2. Restore primary state variables in CPFEM_init from binary files when requested (Marc flag: restart read).
3. Writing primary state variables into binary files (Marc flag: restart write).
FEsolving.f90 =>
1. Adding functions to recognize Marc restart flags: read and write and the corresponding restart file (parent job).
2. Change the initial value of cycleCounter = -1 in conjuction with the change made the ping-pong scheme
homogenization_RGC.f90 =>
1. Just syntax polishing.
IO.f90 =>
1. Adding functions/subroutines to open binary files for writing the primary state variables for restart purpose.
1. Modification of the general scheme for collection and calculation in order to accommodate the newly added restart feature.
added some parameters for spectral method to numerics.f90 (tolerance)
changed error message concerning spectral method in IO.f90
corrected calculation of stress BC in mpie_spectral.f90
* now remembering stiffness similar to how we do it for Lp etc.; avoids undefined stiffness values for nonconverged stiffness calculation
* non-local stuff:
* changed non-local kinetics (Gilman2002)
* enforce zero shearrate for overall carrrier density below relevant density
* enforce zero density for those states that become negative and were below relevant density before
* dislocation velocity is not limited by V^(1/3) / dt anymore