made changes to string, int, float interpretations and added warnings.

This commit is contained in:
Mahesh Balasubramaniam 2013-02-06 16:41:09 +00:00
parent c4b877d4f1
commit b591dd5f33
1 changed files with 151 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -477,7 +477,9 @@ function IO_hybridIA(Nast,ODFfileName)
read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
myPos = IO_stringPos(line,3_pInt)
if (myPos(1) == 3) then ! found 3 chunks
forall(i=1_pInt:3_pInt) limits(i) = IO_floatValue(line,myPos,i)*INRAD
do i = 1_pInt, 3_pInt
limits(i) = IO_floatValue(line,myPos,i)*INRAD
else ! wrong line format
@ -487,7 +489,9 @@ function IO_hybridIA(Nast,ODFfileName)
read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
myPos = IO_stringPos(line,3_pInt)
if (myPos(1) == 3) then ! found 3 chunks
forall(i=1_pInt:3_pInt) deltas(i) = IO_floatValue(line,myPos,i)*INRAD
do i = 1_pInt, 3_pInt
deltas(i) = IO_floatValue(line,myPos,i)*INRAD
else ! wrong line format
@ -809,14 +813,12 @@ logical function IO_globalTagInPart(myFile,part,myTag)
pure function IO_stringPos(line,N)
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: N
integer(pInt) :: IO_stringPos(1_pInt+N*2_pInt)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: N
integer(pInt), dimension(1_pInt+N*2_pInt) :: IO_stringPos
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
character(len=*), parameter :: sep=achar(44)//achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! comma and whitespaces
integer :: left, right !no pInt (verify and scan return default integer)
integer :: left, right ! no pInt (verify and scan return default integer)
IO_stringPos = -1_pInt
@ -842,19 +844,17 @@ end function IO_stringPos
!> @brief read string value at myPos from line
pure function IO_stringValue(line,positions,myPos)
function IO_stringValue(line,positions,myPos)
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*), &
integer(pInt), dimension(:), intent(in) :: positions
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myPos
character(len=1+positions(myPos*2+1)-positions(myPos*2)) :: IO_stringValue
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
if (positions(1) < myPos) then
if (myPos > positions(1)) then
IO_stringValue = ''
call IO_warning(201, e=myPos, ext_msg = trim(line)//' (IO_stringValue)')
IO_stringValue = line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1))
@ -869,12 +869,10 @@ pure function IO_fixedStringValue (line,ends,myPos)
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ends(*), &
character(len=ends(myPos+1)-ends(myPos)) :: IO_fixedStringValue
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myPos
integer(pInt), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ends
character(len=ends(myPos+1)-ends(myPos)) :: IO_fixedStringValue
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
IO_fixedStringValue = line(ends(myPos)+1:ends(myPos+1))
@ -884,20 +882,32 @@ end function IO_fixedStringValue
!> @brief read float value at myPos from line
real(pReal) pure function IO_floatValue (line,positions,myPos)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*), &
real(pReal) function IO_floatValue (line,positions,myPos)
if (positions(1) < myPos) then
IO_floatValue = 0.0_pReal
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), dimension(:), intent(in) :: positions
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myPos
character(len=64), parameter :: myName = 'IO_floatValue'
character(len=17), parameter :: validCharacters = '0123456789eEdD.+-'
integer(pInt) :: readStatus, invalidWhere
IO_floatValue = 0.0_pReal
if (myPos > positions(1) .or. myPos < 1_pInt) then ! trying to access non-present value
call IO_warning(201,ext_msg=trim(line)//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
read(UNIT=line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_floatValue
invalidWhere = verify(line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1)),validCharacters)
if (invalidWhere /= 0_pInt) then
invalidWhere = invalidWhere-1
call IO_warning(202,ext_msg=line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1))//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
invalidWhere = positions(myPos*2+1)-positions(myPos*2)+1
read(UNIT=line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2)+invalidWhere-1),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_floatValue
if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &
call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2)+invalidWhere-1)//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
100 IO_floatValue = huge(1.0_pReal)
end function IO_floatValue
@ -905,45 +915,81 @@ end function IO_floatValue
!> @brief read float value at myPos from fixed format line
real(pReal) pure function IO_fixedFloatValue (line,ends,myPos)
real(pReal) function IO_fixedFloatValue (line,ends,myPos)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ends(*), &
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myPos
integer(pInt), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ends
character(len=64), parameter :: myName = 'IO_fixedFloatValue'
character(len=17), parameter :: validCharacters = '0123456789eEdD.+-'
integer(pInt) :: readStatus, myStart, invalidWhere
read(UNIT=line(ends(myPos-1)+1:ends(myPos)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_fixedFloatValue
100 IO_fixedFloatValue = huge(1.0_pReal)
IO_fixedFloatValue = 0.0_pReal
myStart = ends(myPos-1)+1
invalidWhere = verify(line(myStart:ends(myPos)),validCharacters)
if (invalidWhere /= 0_pInt) then
invalidWhere = invalidWhere-1
call IO_warning(202,ext_msg=line(myStart:ends(myPos))//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
invalidWhere = ends(myPos)-myStart+1
read(UNIT=line(myStart:myStart+invalidWhere-1),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_fixedFloatValue
if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &
call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=line(myStart:myStart+invalidWhere-1)//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
end function IO_fixedFloatValue
!> @brief read float x.y+z value at myPos from format line line
real(pReal) pure function IO_fixedNoEFloatValue (line,ends,myPos)
real(pReal) function IO_fixedNoEFloatValue (line,ends,myPos)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ends(*), &
integer(pInt) :: expon
integer :: pos_exp
real(pReal) :: base
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myPos
integer(pInt), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ends
character(len=64), parameter :: myName = 'IO_fixedNoEFloatValue'
character(len=13), parameter :: validBase = '0123456789.+-'
character(len=12), parameter :: validExp = '0123456789+-'
pos_exp = scan(line(ends(myPos)+1:ends(myPos+1)),'+-',back=.true.)
if (pos_exp > 1) then
read(UNIT=line(ends(myPos)+1:ends(myPos)+pos_exp-1),ERR=100,FMT=*) base
read(UNIT=line(ends(myPos)+pos_exp:ends(myPos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) expon
integer(pInt) :: expon = 0, myStart, readStatus
integer :: pos_exp, end_base, end_exp
real(pReal) :: base = 0.0_pReal
myStart = ends(myPos-1)+1
pos_exp = scan(line(myStart:ends(myPos)),'+-',back=.true.)
if (pos_exp <= 1_pInt) & ! no exponent but only base
pos_exp = ends(myPos)-myStart+1
! --- figure out base ---
end_base = verify(line(myStart:myStart+pos_exp-1),validBase)
if (end_base /= 0_pInt) then ! invalid base
end_base = end_base-1
call IO_warning(202, ext_msg = line(myStart:myStart+pos_exp-1)//' ('//trim(myName)//':base)')
read(UNIT=line(ends(myPos)+1:ends(myPos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) base
expon = 0_pInt
end_base = pos_exp
read(UNIT=line(myStart:myStart+end_base-1),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) base
if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &
call IO_warning(203, ext_msg = line(myStart:myStart+end_base-1)//' ('//trim(myName)//':base)')
! --- figure out exponent ---
end_exp = verify(line(myStart+pos_exp:ends(myPos)),validExp)
if (end_exp /= 0_pInt) then ! invalid exponent
end_exp = end_exp-1
call IO_warning(202, ext_msg = line(myStart+pos_exp:ends(myPos))//' ('//trim(myName)//':exp)')
end_exp = mystart-ends(myPos)+1
read(UNIT=line(myStart+pos_exp:myStart+end_exp-1),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) expon
if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &
call IO_warning(203, ext_msg = line(myStart+pos_exp:myStart+end_exp-1)//' ('//trim(myName)//':exp)')
IO_fixedNoEFloatValue = base*10.0_pReal**expon
100 IO_fixedNoEFloatValue = huge(1.0_pReal)
end function IO_fixedNoEFloatValue
@ -951,20 +997,32 @@ end function IO_fixedNoEFloatValue
!> @brief read int value at myPos from line
integer(pInt) pure function IO_intValue(line,positions,myPos)
integer(pInt) function IO_intValue(line,positions,myPos)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*), &
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), dimension(:), intent(in) :: positions
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myPos
character(len=64), parameter :: myName = 'IO_intValue'
character(len=12), parameter :: validCharacters = '0123456789+-'
integer(pInt) :: readStatus, invalidWhere
if (positions(1) < myPos) then
IO_intValue = 0_pInt
IO_intValue = 0_pInt
if (myPos > positions(1) .or. myPos < 1_pInt) then ! trying to access non-present value
call IO_warning(201,ext_msg=trim(line)//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
read(UNIT=line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_intValue
invalidWhere = verify(line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1)),validCharacters)
if (invalidWhere /= 0_pInt) then
invalidWhere = invalidWhere-1
call IO_warning(202,ext_msg=line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1))//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
invalidWhere = positions(myPos*2+1)-positions(myPos*2)+1
read(UNIT=line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2)+invalidWhere-1),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_intValue
if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &
call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=line(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2)+invalidWhere-1)//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
100 IO_intValue = huge(1_pInt)
end function IO_intValue
@ -972,17 +1030,31 @@ end function IO_intValue
!> @brief read int value at myPos from fixed format line
integer(pInt) pure function IO_fixedIntValue(line,ends,myPos)
integer(pInt) function IO_fixedIntValue(line,ends,myPos)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ends(*), &
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myPos
integer(pInt), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ends
character(len=64), parameter :: myName = 'IO_fixedIntValue'
character(len=13), parameter :: validCharacters = '0123456789.+-'
integer(pInt) :: readStatus, myStart, invalidWhere
read(UNIT=line(ends(myPos)+1:ends(myPos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_fixedIntValue
100 IO_fixedIntValue = huge(1_pInt)
IO_fixedIntValue = 0_pInt
myStart = ends(myPos-1)+1
invalidWhere = verify(line(myStart:ends(myPos)),validCharacters)
if (invalidWhere /= 0_pInt) then
invalidWhere = invalidWhere-1
call IO_warning(202,ext_msg=line(myStart:ends(myPos))//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
invalidWhere = ends(myPos)-myStart+1
read(UNIT=line(myStart:myStart+invalidWhere-1),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_fixedIntValue
if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &
call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=line(myStart:myStart+invalidWhere-1)//' ('//trim(myName)//')')
end function IO_fixedIntValue
@ -997,7 +1069,7 @@ pure function IO_lc(line)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
character(len=len(line)) :: IO_lc
integer :: i,n ! no pInt (len returns default integer)
integer :: i,n ! no pInt (len returns default integer)
IO_lc = line
do i=1,len(line)
@ -1558,6 +1630,12 @@ subroutine IO_warning(warning_ID,e,i,g,ext_msg)
msg = 'no valid parameter for FFTW, using FFTW_PATIENT'
case (101_pInt)
msg = 'crystallite debugging off'
case (201_pInt)
msg = 'position not found when parsing line'
case (202_pInt)
msg = 'invalid character in string chunk'
case (203_pInt)
msg = 'interpretation of string chunk failed'
case (600_pInt)
msg = 'crystallite responds elastically'
case (601_pInt)