modified formated integer output and added error number in case maximum number of cutbacks is reached

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Martin Diehl 2012-10-02 09:30:13 +00:00
parent 9fc46b4950
commit 4c7bcb8df9
1 changed files with 6 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1267,18 +1267,18 @@ function IO_continuousIntValues(myUnit,maxN,lookupName,lookupMap,lookupMaxN)
100 end function IO_continuousIntValues
pure function IO_intOut(intToPrint)
implicit none
character(len=64) :: N_Digits
character(len=64) :: IO_intOut
character(len=16) :: N_Digits
character(len=34) :: IO_intOut
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: intToPrint
write(N_Digits, '(I16.16)') 1_pInt + int(log10(real(intToPrint)),pInt)
IO_intOut = '1x,I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//',1x'
IO_intOut = 'I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)
end function IO_intOut
!> @brief write error statements to standard out and terminate the Marc/spectral run with exit #9xxx
!> in ABAQUS either time step is reduced or execution terminated
@ -1426,6 +1426,8 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,e,i,g,ext_msg)
msg = 'not a rotation defined for loadcase rotation'
case (847_pInt)
msg = 'updating of gamma operator not possible if it is pre calculated'
case (850_pInt)
msg = 'max number of cut back exceeded'
case (880_pInt)
msg = 'mismatch of microstructure count and a*b*c in geom file'
case (890_pInt)