974 B
974 B
Embedded Systems Lab Report
- FirstName Lastname [ee23mt999@iitdh.ac.in]
- FirstName Lastname [ee23mt999@iitdh.ac.in]
- Group: NN
- [Date]
Problem Statement:
Insert the problem statement here, verbatim
Solution Summary:
A brief description (not more than 200 words) of how you have approached the problem, and how you have attempted to solve it.
Assumptions, Constraints and Requirements:
Self explanatory. The problem statements are not exhaustive. Are there corner cases that your solution accounts for? Are there conditions that you ignore or default to?
Block diagram / Flowchart:
Markdown allows some very nice text graphics. Otherwise you can always add an image file to your repo and link to it.
Measurements and Results:
Oscilloscope waveforms, measurememtns, etc. go here.
Discussion and Conclusions:
Did you get some unexpected behavior? Was there something that was not as expected?