Christoph Kords
fixed bug that was introduced in the element type mapping in version 2305
2013-04-10 13:22:02 +00:00
Martin Diehl
allowed arbitrary grid (formerly know as resolution), i.e. any integer>1 in each dimension is possible.
removed square root correction for divergence (doesn't make sense)
fixed FFT debug of spectral solver
2013-04-10 10:19:16 +00:00
Christoph Kords
- added element type 54 for macro (2d 8node 4ip reduced integration)
- automatically raising error for unknown element type inside mapping function
2013-04-10 09:38:40 +00:00
Christoph Kords
- fixed bug in volume calculation of 2d elements
- subroutine "mesh_build_ipVolumes" uses openmp parallelization
2013-04-10 08:24:53 +00:00
Christoph Kords
2d elements now have a volume corresponding to a thickness of 1; used to have zero volume
now also 2d elements can be used with nonlocal model
2013-04-09 18:07:30 +00:00
Martin Diehl
enabled alternative (and soon standard) keywords grid (resolution) and size (dimension).
removed errors for odd resolution
2013-04-08 14:22:32 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixed bug in coordinate calculation when no average F was given (scaled wrong by ncp_elems**2)
other changes: just polishing + some more comments
2013-03-27 12:28:55 +00:00
Christoph Kords
corrected debugging output of node twins
2013-03-27 10:25:37 +00:00
Franz Roters
updated copyright header
2013-03-22 17:35:05 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
scaling of deformation gradient fluctuations now possible in x,y,z independently (give array).
2013-03-22 15:09:55 +00:00
Martin Diehl
preparation for introduction of plain mode and restructuring of calc modes for CPFEM_general
2013-02-27 20:41:14 +00:00
Pratheek Shanthraj
reporting current time for most module inits
2013-02-25 16:34:59 +00:00
Martin Diehl
removed unused variables, added pure statements, and declared external functions as external (using gfortrans debug option)
2013-02-11 10:43:45 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added missing bracket and substituted one more forall by do loop
2013-02-09 08:23:47 +00:00
Martin Diehl
improved reading in of values, now only warnings in case of problematic entries in material.config
divergence calculation sqrt scaling optionally introduced for basic scheme spectral solver
2013-02-08 15:55:53 +00:00
Franz Roters
now also fixed the abaqus part
2013-02-07 10:45:10 +00:00
Franz Roters
as some IO functions are no longer pure I changed some forall statements to ordinary do loops
2013-02-07 08:52:47 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
introduced dedicated calculation of interface normals in IP neighborhood. (2D elements did not work so far..!)
fixed definitions of some (2D) interface planes to have all normals pointing outward.
removed "int, private :: i" defined for spectral compilation.
2013-02-05 13:27:37 +00:00
Martin Diehl
changed misplaced private to public statement and renamed qsort to math_qsort
2013-02-01 07:26:21 +00:00
Martin Diehl
changed all remaining routines to fortran-fast arrays (geometry reconstruction etc.)
changed all remaining routines in f2py to more clever determination of array size (requires f2py >= 2.0)
enabled 3D visualize to work with odd resolution by switching to linear reconstruction
PLEASE NOTE: Redefinition of routines for f2py might cause trouble -> DELETE DAMASK_ROOT/lib/damask/ in this case
further changes: added pure statement where possible, polished, unified use of "Q" for "Quaternion" and reordered math to have similar routines together
2013-01-31 16:28:08 +00:00
Martin Diehl
gfortran now detects "call flush" statements, removed the last of them in mesh.f90
2013-01-23 21:50:01 +00:00
Martin Diehl
divergence_correction for basic solver variants has now 3 possibilities:
0: uncorrected, slope per sidelength (physical dimension) e = res/dim
1: corrected by sidelength, slope per unitlength e = res/1
2: corrected such that distance between FPs e = 1
alway regarding the medium length of x,y,z direction
2013-01-16 10:40:53 +00:00
Martin Diehl
removed unnecsessary omp statements, removed one transpose in constitutitve
2013-01-08 11:09:20 +00:00
Martin Diehl
made restart working for all solvers and added corresponding test
corrected error handling for FFT based function in case of odd numbers etc.
2012-12-14 17:30:22 +00:00
Franz Roters
removed write statements which were introduced for "debuging"
2012-11-19 15:12:11 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
switched element library to geomType based.
saves to copy same geometry description for different elements that are essentially similar regarding the IP number but differ in total node count.
introduced quadratic tetrahedron (Marc element 127 -- element 157 might also work, but did not perform well in fully elastic calc so far)
2012-11-15 22:45:20 +00:00
Martin Diehl
removed coordinates from call to CPFEM_general and introduced direct storage of coordinates to mesh_ipCoordinates
2012-11-14 14:38:10 +00:00
Christoph Kords
last version contains buggy mesh.f90; corrected typo in initialization
2012-11-09 07:52:44 +00:00
Christoph Kords
parallelized mesh_build_subNodeCoords and mesh_build_ipCoordinates
2012-11-09 07:47:14 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixed bug when reading in geometry for spectral solver
2012-11-06 17:16:01 +00:00
Christoph Kords
introduced distinction between ip coordinates and cell center coordinates; the former can be globally calculated by subroutine mesh_build_ipCoordinates, the latter locally by the function mesh_cellCenterCoordinates; renamed mesh_ipCenterOfGravity to mesh_ipCordinates
2012-11-06 14:37:13 +00:00
Christoph Kords
third entry in mesh_ipNeighborhood stores the neighbor_index that points from each neighbor back to the central ip; needed in nonlocal model
2012-10-24 14:03:02 +00:00
Christoph Kords
new scaling feature in numerics (unitlength) did not scale the reference coordinates in the first place; now this is taken care of in mesh.f90, so scaling should work properly
2012-09-25 16:21:58 +00:00
Martin Diehl
moved some more 'mesh related' functions for post processing from math.f90 to mesh.f90
f2py functions remaining in math.f90 now uses assumed size arrays in order to have simpler interfaces. This is only working with python 2.7!
changed python pre- and postprocessing scripts.
If you encounter any problems whith core modules, try to remove the old in the lib/damask
2012-08-27 08:04:47 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixed reading/writing of integer arrays with function for real arrays
2012-08-16 14:55:23 +00:00
Krishna Komerla
adaptive regrid now working, updates F and F_lastInc based on mapping.
2012-08-10 15:48:27 +00:00
Martin Diehl
moved calculation and output of geometry related data to mesh.f90, moved output of command line related information to DAMASK_spectral_interface.f90.
improved new solver structure (use with make SOLVER=NEW)
2012-08-06 12:43:05 +00:00
Martin Diehl
enabling regridding more than once by introducing deallocation of arrays
added J2 test (stub from Taymour)
2012-07-31 15:37:49 +00:00
Martin Diehl
in case of regridding, undeformed configuration is written out correctly. Restart improve by reading in additional data from converged step.
2012-07-24 12:21:41 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
changed variable name "debug_what" to "debug_level"
2012-07-05 09:54:50 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixed some bugs in the regridding routine
2012-06-20 18:33:20 +00:00
Martin Diehl
corrected some bugs concerning the regridding
prevented FEsolving from potentially write to a none existing file
started to introduce petsc into the make chain (nothing happens if PETSC_DIR is not set)
2012-06-20 12:49:46 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixed closing of file (unit 222) statement in FEsolving.f90
added missing keyword in mesh.f90 with ifndef Spectral statement (needed for Marc and Abaqus)
2012-06-19 14:33:24 +00:00
Krishna Komerla
added minRes to regridding function and writing out of new geometry file
updated f2py wrapper to enable the use of init functions.
added 2 new error messages to io
2012-06-19 13:31:15 +00:00
Martin Diehl
introduced preprocessor identifiers Marc, Abaqus, and Spectral to enable conditional compilation. This allows deleted dummy functions that are used by one solver only.
Mainly affected modules are IO and mesh. Most of the changes in mesh result from reordering the functions when grouping them depending on their solver.
Further advantage is that FE solver do not need FFTW and kdtree2 anymore. The include files for these two libraries moved to DAMASKROO/lib now as I figured out how to use a include path in the Makefile.
Put all the files I got when testing compilation with abaqus in a folder which to become the abaqus compilation test.
2012-06-15 16:10:21 +00:00
Martin Diehl
corrected bug causing wrong element construction when using spectral solver. Also improved error messages for invalid resolution, dimension, and homogenization.
2012-05-21 09:06:02 +00:00
Krishna Komerla
corrected automatic determination of resolution
2012-05-08 15:12:43 +00:00
Krishna Komerla
regridding is now working, changed the subroutine into a function
changed order of arrays in nearest neighbor search to make it fortran fast
constitutive.f90 and homogenization.f90 write state size out during initialization
setup/ is using byterecl to be compatible with binary files written out by solver
2012-05-08 14:57:06 +00:00
Krishna Komerla
reworked neares neigbor search subroutine, now also works for voronoi tesselation (general nn search in periodic cell)
2012-05-04 13:07:37 +00:00
Krishna Komerla
improved regridding, especially interfacing to python (also for nearest neighbor search)
2012-04-24 17:02:27 +00:00
Martin Diehl
several small corrections/polishing
2012-04-20 11:58:41 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
subnodeparent check is now running only over actual number (not max) of parent nodes...
2012-04-17 09:19:44 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixed bug concerning file handling.
2012-04-11 18:46:36 +00:00
Martin Diehl
merged code for python and spectral solver interfacing (shared most of it anyway).
put functionality for getting header information (dimension, homogenization, resolution) in functions in mesh.f90
2012-04-11 17:28:08 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added missing ":" in mesh.f90, introduced absolute stress tolerance for spectral solver in numerics.config/numerics.f90
2012-04-11 12:57:25 +00:00
Krishna Komerla
integrated subroutine for regridding into mesh.f90 and made it available for python
2012-04-10 15:15:46 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added new, flexible debugging scheme.
now all modules have their own debug specification.
compiles and runs, I hope nothing is broken
did a lot of polishing
2012-03-08 20:25:28 +00:00
Martin Diehl
changed assumed arrays (:) to properly defined ones (gfortran 4.7 was complaining) and remove use statements that are not needed
2012-02-21 15:39:36 +00:00
Martin Diehl
polishing: removed variable names like 'unit' and 'data' that are keywords of fortran and ensured that integer and real precision matches independent of machine standard.
removed cut_off parameter for damask_spectral
removed outpot of derived divergence measures and added RMS output in brackets
added comments and options to the makefile
2012-02-15 18:58:38 +00:00
Christoph Kords
reordered (and partly redistributed) error message identifiers, deleted those which are not in use anymore.
all constitutive as well numerics now raises an error, if an unknown keyword is found in the respective config file
2012-02-13 17:41:27 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixing inconsistencies in variable assignments
2012-02-10 11:56:05 +00:00
Christoph Kords
renamed subroutine "mesh_marc_get_mpieOptions" to "mesh_get_damaskOptions" which is now also used for abaqus and spectral input files. The only available option so far is "periodic", which allows for periodic fluxes in the specified direction. Examples for usage (add the following lines to the respective input file, in case of spectral file this goes into the header):
- periodicity in x and z direction for marc:
$damask periodic x z
- periodicity in y direction for abaqus:
**damask periodic y
- periodicity in x and y direction for spectral:
periodic y x
2012-02-03 12:37:52 +00:00
Martin Diehl
made code standard conform to Fortran 2008 (ignoring warning concerning comments beyond character 132). Basically, changing "x" format specifier to "Nx" ("1x") plus removing $ format specifier
added compiler switches for gfortran and ifort to check for standard conformity
old gnu compilers <4.4 are not longer supported because they don't provide the c binding for fftw
2012-01-31 19:18:55 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added compilation_info.f90, to store compilation date,time and compiler info in each file
added #include statement at each init() routine
2012-01-31 14:54:49 +00:00
Christoph Kords
corrected definition of element base node, which was still flawed
2012-01-19 14:15:26 +00:00
Christoph Kords
corrected node coordinates and sorting for spectral method
2012-01-17 16:53:56 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
parsing of spectral geom file now accepts two-dimensional microstructure definition (plus range indications by 'x to y')
For instance:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
2012-01-12 17:01:24 +00:00
Pratheek Shanthraj
removed spectralPicturemode
2012-01-12 10:36:17 +00:00
Martin Diehl
removed deadlock when calling IO_warning(33)
polished IO_error and IO_warning
checked OpenMP critical statements in DAMASK_spectral.f90
corrected writing of headed in DAMASK_spectral.f90
2011-11-02 14:38:42 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added 'spectralPictureMode' for reading in geometries with 1to1 mapping (e.g. EBSD pattern)
!incremental update, wait for commit of damask_spectral.f90 before checking out
2011-10-18 09:20:29 +00:00
Martin Diehl
did a lot of polishing:
- removed unnecessary "return" before end of subroutine or function:
- changed undetermined array length (:) to (1:3)
To prevent problems with some code analysing tools:
- "3D oneliner loops" (with ";) only for "do" and "enddo" at the same time
- removed line continuation in OMP statements
made the makefile more flexible, removed heap-arrays switch
2011-09-13 15:54:06 +00:00
Christoph Kords
Calculation of current ip volumes now working. Crystallite output also reflects current grain volume, not reference volume. However, this is only available for Marc. Abaqus and spectral method still return the reference ip volume. The ip coordinates though are correctly updated for all solver types.
2011-08-10 16:37:17 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
fixed bug (segmentation fault) occurring for non-renumbered meshes: ipNeighborhood building did use FE IDs of twin nodes to address memory -- dangerous..!
2011-07-31 15:42:59 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
max size of crystallite result is now based on actual use within the mesh, not just picking the largest chunk from the material.config file...
2011-06-08 09:16:48 +00:00
Franz Roters
reworked restarting for compatibility with abaqus (not yet fully working)
added new orientation feature for direct simulation:
component type (random) asigns random orientation to an entire grain
2011-05-28 09:44:43 +00:00
Christoph Kords
ip coordinates are now updated every cycle; this is needed for the nonlocal internal stress fields
* Marc: node displacements are added to initial node coordinates (mesh_node0) to get current node positions (mesh_node), then ip coordinates are deduced
* Abaqus: ip coordinates are directly updated, no update of node coordinates!
* Spectral: for the moment no update of either ip or node coordinates! passing only dummy values with initial ip coordinates
2011-05-24 15:57:59 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
renamed interface from "mpie_interface" to "DAMASK_interface"
2011-05-11 17:01:03 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
new substructure with 'include' and 'config' directories
renaming of mpie_... to DAMASK for main usersubroutines
extension of element outputs from 5 to 8 digits (FFT!!!)
2011-05-11 16:38:45 +00:00
Franz Roters
removed unused variables
2011-04-13 14:16:22 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added new 2D triangle elements
added some sourcecode commenting on internal database formats
corrected database to allow for ipVol and Area calc in 2D element cases
2011-04-06 08:35:37 +00:00
Franz Roters
added copyright text to all f90 (free) format files
2011-04-04 14:09:54 +00:00
Franz Roters
mpie_cpfem_abaqus_std.f: first call is with kinc==1
mesh: allow multiple element sets with identical material
2011-03-23 16:20:12 +00:00
Christoph Kords
debugging output is now controlled by the "verbosity" parameter in the debug.config ranging from 0 (=almost no output) to 8 (=very detailed output)
0 : only version infos and all from "hypela2"/"umat"
1 : basic outputs from "CPFEM.f90", basic output from initialization routines, debug_info
2 : extensive outputs from "CPFEM.f90", extensive output from initialization routines
3 : basic outputs from "homogenization.f90"
4 : extensive outputs from "homogenization.f90"
5 : basic outputs from "crystallite.f90"
6 : extensive outputs from "crystallite.f90"
7 : basic outputs from the constitutive files
8 : extensive outputs from the constitutive files
If verbosity is equal to zero, all counters in debug are not set during calculation (e.g. debug_StressLoopDistribution or debug_cumDotStateTicks). This might speed up parallel calculation, because all these need critical statements which extremely slow down parallel computation.
2011-03-21 10:31:17 +00:00
Christoph Kords
openmp parallelization working again (at least for j2 and nonlocal constitutive model).
In order to keep it like that, please follow these simple rules:
DON'T use implicit array subscripts:
example: real, dimension(3,3) :: A,B
A(:,2) = B(:,1) <--- DON'T USE
A(1:3,2) = B(1:3,1) <--- BETTER USE
In many cases the use of explicit array subscripts is inevitable for parallelization. Additionally, it is an easy means to prevent memory leaks.
Enclose all write statements with the following:
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
<your write statement>
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
Whenever you change something in the code and are not sure if it affects parallelization and leads to nonconforming behavior, please ask me and/or Franz to check this.
2011-03-17 10:46:17 +00:00
Martin Diehl
now deleted old _single files
2011-02-25 12:49:18 +00:00
Martin Diehl
removed all math functions only for double precision by the more flexible counterpart, e.g. "dsqrt --> sqrt", "dsin --> sin". Should not cause any harm, as long as "implicit none" is used.
Now it is possible to compile a single precision spectral solver/crystal plasticity by replacing mesh.f90 and prec.f90 with mesh_single.f90 and prec_single.f90.
For the spectral method, just call "make precision=single" instead of "make". Use "make clean" evertime you switch precision
2011-02-25 09:25:53 +00:00
Christoph Kords
check for twin nodes only in direction of the surface normal. this solves a problem with models of single element thickness and periodic fluxes.
2011-02-24 09:26:30 +00:00
Christoph Kords
in subroutine "mesh_marc_get_mpieOptions": need at least one additional string after keywords "$mpie" and "periodic", not two as it used to be
2011-02-23 12:33:51 +00:00
Christoph Kords
Now able to have real periodicity for fluxes (fluxes leaving the model on one side enter on the other side).
To enable this feature one has to add the following somewhere in the marc input file:
$mpie periodic x y z
for having periodicity in all directions
$mpie periodic z x
for having periodicity in x and z direction
Note that this only works for regular meshes!!!
2011-02-16 16:23:08 +00:00
Martin Diehl
changed format of resolution. instead of reading exponent of two, now the number given equals directly to the number of FPs. Allows us to use arbitrary number of FPs.
OLD: reading 5 results in 2^5=32 FPs
NEW: reading 33 results in 33 FPs
2010-10-01 10:42:15 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
1) added distribution of leapfrog breaks
2) lattice_symmetryType is now a function (former lookup array was buggy)
3) stricter check of state var values (>0!) and memory deallocation done
2010-09-30 07:31:53 +00:00
Christoph Kords
corrected bug in debug: stressloop info was erroneous
mesh init now showing much more ip statistics in verbose mode
2010-09-07 09:06:02 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
1) added element type 57 (C3D20R) reduced quadratic hexahedral
2) need discussion about the present omission of the FE_nodesAtIP for type 8 --> added comment into source code
2010-08-16 22:53:24 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
corrected syntax errors (long lines, line continuation by \) and logical mistake in mpie_cpfem_marc / abq_std which went unnoticed in ifort. Using SunStudio f90 surfaced those...
2010-08-03 23:47:00 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
adopted improvements done by Arun Prakash.
elemType identification based on lower case
Abaqus now reports more errors
new function to inquire whether inputfile contains "parts"
new function to assemble multiply included inputfile into a flat one
awareness of range generation in element numbers
error reporting
2010-07-13 10:26:07 +00:00
Martin Diehl
corrected some problems in building mesh
2010-07-01 15:20:39 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
mpie_spectral now can read loadcase data
adapted error codes
2010-06-10 14:51:10 +00:00
Christoph Kords
added a missing exclamation mark in front of an $OMP directive
2010-05-18 08:07:55 +00:00
Franz Roters
improved version of general I/O functions
renamed module cpfem_interface to mpie_interface
2010-05-11 06:57:15 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
reworked build_ipNeighborhood
added C3D8R reduced integration hexahedral element
2010-05-10 14:54:59 +00:00