removed spectralPicturemode

This commit is contained in:
Pratheek Shanthraj 2012-01-12 10:36:17 +00:00
parent 7103a44d45
commit 2ea3c68d3f
3 changed files with 55 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
integer(pInt) :: Npoints,& ! number of Fourier points
homog ! homogenization scheme used
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: res = 1_pInt ! resolution (number of Fourier points) in each direction
logical :: spectralPictureMode = .false. ! indicating 1 to 1 mapping of FP to microstructure
! stress, stiffness and compliance average etc.
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: pstress, pstress_av, defgrad_av_lab, &
@ -316,8 +315,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
res(3) = IO_intValue(line,positions,j+1_pInt)
end select
case ('picture')
spectralPictureMode = .true.
end select
@ -349,7 +346,6 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
print '(a,i12,i12,i12)','resolution a b c:', res
print '(a,f12.5,f12.5,f12.5)','dimension x y z:', geomdimension
print '(a,i5)','homogenization: ',homog
print '(a,L)', 'spectralPictureMode: ',spectralPictureMode
print '(a)', '#############################################################'
print '(a,a)', 'loadcase file: ',trim(getLoadcaseName())

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ character(len=32), parameter :: material_partMicrostructure = 'microstructure'
character(len=32), parameter :: material_partCrystallite = 'crystallite'
character(len=32), parameter :: material_partPhase = 'phase'
character(len=32), parameter :: material_partTexture = 'texture'
!* Definition of material properties *
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ subroutine material_parseMicrostructure(file,myPart)
use prec, only: pInt
use IO
use mesh, only: mesh_element, spectralPictureMode
use mesh, only: mesh_element
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: myPart
@ -301,11 +301,7 @@ subroutine material_parseMicrostructure(file,myPart)
if (spectralPictureMode) then
microstructure_active = .true.
forall (i = 1:Nsections) microstructure_active(i) = any(mesh_element(4,:) == i) ! current microstructure used in model?
forall (i = 1:Nsections) microstructure_active(i) = any(mesh_element(4,:) == i) ! current microstructure used in model?
microstructure_Nconstituents = IO_countTagInPart(file,myPart,'(constituent)',Nsections)
microstructure_maxNconstituents = maxval(microstructure_Nconstituents)
@ -601,7 +597,7 @@ subroutine material_populateGrains()
use prec, only: pInt, pReal
use math, only: math_sampleRandomOri, math_sampleGaussOri, math_sampleFiberOri, math_symmetricEulers, inDeg
use mesh, only: mesh_element, mesh_maxNips, mesh_NcpElems, mesh_ipVolume, FE_Nips, spectralPictureMode
use mesh, only: mesh_element, mesh_maxNips, mesh_NcpElems, mesh_ipVolume, FE_Nips
use IO, only: IO_error, IO_hybridIA
use FEsolving, only: FEsolving_execIP
use debug, only: debug_verbosity
@ -616,8 +612,10 @@ subroutine material_populateGrains()
integer(pInt), dimension (:), allocatable :: phaseOfGrain, textureOfGrain
integer(pInt) t,e,i,g,j,m,homog,micro,sgn,loopStart,loopEnd
integer(pInt) phaseID,textureID,dGrains,myNgrains,myNorientations, &
grain,constituentGrain,symExtension, counter_cpElemsindex
real(pReal) extreme,rnd
integer(pInt), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: NcpElemscounter ! counts number of elements in homog, micro array
integer(pInt), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: cpElemsindex ! lists element number in homog, micro array
allocate(material_volume(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; material_volume = 0.0_pReal
@ -626,8 +624,19 @@ subroutine material_populateGrains()
allocate(material_EulerAngles(3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; material_EulerAngles = 0.0_pReal
allocate(Ngrains(material_Nhomogenization,material_Nmicrostructure)); Ngrains = 0_pInt
allocate(NcpElemscounter(material_Nhomogenization,material_Nmicrostructure)); NcpElemscounter = &
! identify maximum grain count per IP (from element) and find grains per homog/micro pair
do e = 1, mesh_NcpElems
NcpElemscounter(homog,micro) = NcpElemscounter(homog,micro) + 1_pInt
cpElemsindex = 0_pInt
counter_cpElemsindex = 0_pInt
do e = 1,mesh_NcpElems
homog = mesh_element(3,e)
micro = mesh_element(4,e)
@ -641,6 +650,9 @@ subroutine material_populateGrains()
dGrains = homogenization_Ngrains(homog) * FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e))
Ngrains(homog,micro) = Ngrains(homog,micro) + dGrains
counter_cpElemsindex = counter_cpElemsindex + 1_pInt
cpElemsindex(homog,micro,counter_cpElemsindex) = e ! populate arrays
allocate(volumeOfGrain(maxval(Ngrains))) ! reserve memory for maximum case
@ -670,27 +682,20 @@ subroutine material_populateGrains()
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- calculate volume of each grain
volumeOfGrain = 0.0_pReal
grain = 0_pInt ! microstructure grain index
if (spectralPictureMode) then
loopStart = micro
loopEnd = micro
loopStart = 1_pInt
loopEnd = mesh_NcpElems
do e = loopStart,loopEnd ! check each element
if (mesh_element(3,e) == homog .and. mesh_element(4,e) == micro) then ! my combination of homog and micro
if (microstructure_elemhomo(micro)) then ! homogeneous distribution of grains over each element's IPs
volumeOfGrain(grain+1:grain+dGrains) = sum(mesh_ipVolume(1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)),e))/dGrains
grain = grain + dGrains ! wind forward by NgrainsPerIP
forall (i = 1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e))) & ! loop over IPs
volumeOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+1:grain+i*dGrains) = &
mesh_ipVolume(i,e)/dGrains ! assign IPvolume/Ngrains to all grains of IP
grain = grain + FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)) * dGrains ! wind forward by Nips*NgrainsPerIP
grain = 0_pInt
do counter_cpElemsindex = 1, NcpElemscounter(homog,micro)
e = cpElemsindex(homog,micro,counter_cpElemsindex) ! my combination of homog and micro, only perform calculations for elements with homog, micro combinations which is indexed in cpElemsindex
if (microstructure_elemhomo(micro)) then ! homogeneous distribution of grains over each element's IPs
volumeOfGrain(grain+1:grain+dGrains) = sum(mesh_ipVolume(1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)),e))/dGrains
grain = grain + dGrains ! wind forward by NgrainsPerIP
forall (i = 1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e))) & ! loop over IPs
volumeOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+1:grain+i*dGrains) = &
mesh_ipVolume(i,e)/dGrains ! assign IPvolume/Ngrains to all grains of IP
grain = grain + FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)) * dGrains ! wind forward by Nips*NgrainsPerIP
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- divide myNgrains as best over constituents
NgrainsOfConstituent = 0_pInt
forall (i = 1:microstructure_Nconstituents(micro)) &
@ -794,37 +799,28 @@ subroutine material_populateGrains()
!exchange in MC steps to improve result...
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
grain = 0_pInt ! microstructure grain index
if (spectralPictureMode) then
loopStart = micro
loopEnd = micro
loopStart = 1_pInt
loopEnd = mesh_NcpElems
do e = loopStart,loopEnd ! check each element
if (mesh_element(3,e) == homog .and. mesh_element(4,e) == micro) then ! my combination of homog and micro
if (microstructure_elemhomo(micro)) then ! homogeneous distribution of grains over each element's IPs
forall (i = 1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)), g = 1:dGrains) ! loop over IPs and grains
material_volume(g,i,e) = volumeOfGrain(grain+g)
material_phase(g,i,e) = phaseOfGrain(grain+g)
material_texture(g,i,e) = textureOfGrain(grain+g)
material_EulerAngles(:,g,i,e) = orientationOfGrain(:,grain+g)
end forall
FEsolving_execIP(2,e) = 1_pInt ! restrict calculation to first IP only, since all other results are to be copied from this
grain = grain + dGrains ! wind forward by NgrainsPerIP
forall (i = 1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)), g = 1:dGrains) ! loop over IPs and grains
material_volume(g,i,e) = volumeOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
material_phase(g,i,e) = phaseOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
material_texture(g,i,e) = textureOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
material_EulerAngles(:,g,i,e) = orientationOfGrain(:,grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
end forall
grain = grain + FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)) * dGrains ! wind forward by Nips*NgrainsPerIP
grain = 0_pInt
do counter_cpElemsindex = 1, NcpElemscounter(homog,micro)
e = cpElemsindex(homog,micro,counter_cpElemsindex) ! only perform calculations for elements with homog, micro combinations which is indexed in cpElemsindex
if (microstructure_elemhomo(micro)) then ! homogeneous distribution of grains over each element's IPs
forall (i = 1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)), g = 1:dGrains) ! loop over IPs and grains
material_volume(g,i,e) = volumeOfGrain(grain+g)
material_phase(g,i,e) = phaseOfGrain(grain+g)
material_texture(g,i,e) = textureOfGrain(grain+g)
material_EulerAngles(:,g,i,e) = orientationOfGrain(:,grain+g)
end forall
FEsolving_execIP(2,e) = 1_pInt ! restrict calculation to first IP only, since all other results are to be copied from this
grain = grain + dGrains ! wind forward by NgrainsPerIP
forall (i = 1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)), g = 1:dGrains) ! loop over IPs and grains
material_volume(g,i,e) = volumeOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
material_phase(g,i,e) = phaseOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
material_texture(g,i,e) = textureOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
material_EulerAngles(:,g,i,e) = orientationOfGrain(:,grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
end forall
grain = grain + FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)) * dGrains ! wind forward by Nips*NgrainsPerIP
endif ! active homog,micro pair
@ -833,6 +829,8 @@ subroutine material_populateGrains()

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@ -87,7 +87,6 @@
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: FE_ipNeighbor
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: FE_subNodeParent
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: FE_subNodeOnIPFace
logical spectralPictureMode
logical :: noPart ! for cases where the ABAQUS input file does not use part/assembly information
logical, dimension(3) :: mesh_periodicSurface ! flag indicating periodic outer surfaces (used for fluxes)
@ -2402,7 +2401,6 @@ subroutine mesh_marc_count_cpSizes (myUnit)
gotResolution = .false.
gotDimension = .false.
spectralPictureMode = .false.
read(myUnit,'(a1024)') line
myPos = IO_stringPos(line,2)
@ -2442,8 +2440,6 @@ subroutine mesh_marc_count_cpSizes (myUnit)
c = 1_pInt + IO_intValue(line,myPos,j+1)
end select
case ('picture')
spectralPictureMode = .true.
end select