numerics: polishing
mpie_cpfem_marc: polishing
..powerlaw: aware of symmetryType function
crystallite: aware of symmetryType function, smaller leapfrog acceleration
IO: new warning 101
CPFEM: range of odd stress is now -1e15...+1e15, H_sym is used for stiffness
added some parameters for spectral method to numerics.f90 (tolerance)
changed error message concerning spectral method in IO.f90
corrected calculation of stress BC in mpie_spectral.f90
* now remembering stiffness similar to how we do it for Lp etc.; avoids undefined stiffness values for nonconverged stiffness calculation
* non-local stuff:
* changed non-local kinetics (Gilman2002)
* enforce zero shearrate for overall carrrier density below relevant density
* enforce zero density for those states that become negative and were below relevant density before
* dislocation velocity is not limited by V^(1/3) / dt anymore
--> new "crystallite" part in config file
--> new "crystallite" option for microstructures
--> new output file "...job.outputCrystallite" to be used in conjunction with marc_addUserOutput for meaningful naming of User Defined Vars.
(1) subStepSizeHomog and subStepSizeCryst := size of substep when cut-back is applied (initially was hard-coded).
(2) stepIncreaseHomog and stepIncreaseCryst := step increase when calculation for substep converge (was also hardcoded).
introduced a possibility to choose different finite difference scheme, i.e., forward-, backward- and central-difference, for computing grain numerical tangent. note that central-difference scheme will slow down the computation significantly. please use it only if necessary.
parameters to set these new features have been included in numerics.f90 and numerics.config, whereas corresponding error messages have been introduced in the IO.f90
IO.f90 >>> adding "inRad" instead of using inRad from math.f90 module, since math.f90 module is now below IO.f90.
numerics.f90 >>> now can read the parameter "fixed_seed" from numerics.config. this parameter is used to set a pseudo-random number generator/fixed seeding. default value is 0 (zero), which will give fully random number.
math.f90 >> adding a possibility to fix the seeding (i.e., pseudo random number)
numerics.config >>> add a new parameter: "fixed_seed"
debugging memory leak closed
debugging counters corrected
center of gravity stored in mesh
state updated is now split into a collecting loop and an execution
updateState and updateTemperature fill sequentially separate logicals and evaluate afterwards to converged
added 3x3 transposition function, norm for 3x1 matrix and 33x3 matrix multiplication in math
non-converged crystallite triggers materialpoint cutback (used to respond elastically)
non-converged materialpoint raises terminal illness which in turn renders whole FE increment useless by means of odd stress/stiffness and thus waits for FE cutback
# non-greedy memory allocation
# generation of outputConstitutive to allow for script-based T16 extraction
# exchange of phenomenological by more general phenopowerlaw
# lattice is based on slip and twin families which can be treated as individual entities (switched on/off, separate hardening, etc.)
# nicer debugging output
# changed some error/warning codes
# plus potentially some minor additional brushes here and there