2012-05-04 18:37:37 +05:30
! Copyright 2011 Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
2011-04-04 19:39:54 +05:30
! This file is part of DAMASK,
2011-04-07 12:50:28 +05:30
! the Düsseldorf Advanced MAterial Simulation Kit.
2011-04-04 19:39:54 +05:30
! DAMASK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! DAMASK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with DAMASK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
#ifdef Spectral
#include "kdtree2.f90"
2012-07-19 00:09:59 +05:30
2009-08-31 20:39:15 +05:30
!* $Id$
2012-07-19 00:09:59 +05:30
!> @author Franz Roters, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Christoph Kords, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief Mathematical library, including random number generation and tensor represenations
2012-02-02 21:27:22 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
module math
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
real(pReal), parameter, public :: PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_pReal
real(pReal), parameter, public :: INDEG = 180.0_pReal/pi
real(pReal), parameter, public :: INRAD = pi/180.0_pReal
complex(pReal), parameter, public :: TWOPIIMG = (0.0_pReal,2.0_pReal)* pi
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), parameter, public :: &
math_I3 = reshape([&
1.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal, &
0.0_pReal,1.0_pReal,0.0_pReal, &
0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,1.0_pReal &
2012-07-19 00:09:59 +05:30
],[3,3]) !< 3x3 Identity
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension (2,6), parameter, private :: &
mapMandel = reshape([&
1_pInt,1_pInt, &
2_pInt,2_pInt, &
3_pInt,3_pInt, &
1_pInt,2_pInt, &
2_pInt,3_pInt, &
1_pInt,3_pInt &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
],[2,6]) !< arrangement in Mandel notation
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6), parameter, private :: &
nrmMandel = [&
1.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal,&
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
1.414213562373095_pReal, 1.414213562373095_pReal, 1.414213562373095_pReal] !< weighting for Mandel notation (forward)
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6), parameter , public :: &
invnrmMandel = [&
1.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal,&
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal] !< weighting for Mandel notation (backward)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension (2,6), parameter, private :: &
mapVoigt = reshape([&
1_pInt,1_pInt, &
2_pInt,2_pInt, &
3_pInt,3_pInt, &
2_pInt,3_pInt, &
1_pInt,3_pInt, &
1_pInt,2_pInt &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
],[2,6]) !< arrangement in Voigt notation
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6), parameter, private :: &
nrmVoigt = 1.0_pReal, & !< weighting for Voigt notation (forward)
invnrmVoigt = 1.0_pReal !< weighting for Voigt notation (backward)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension (2,9), parameter, private :: &
mapPlain = reshape([&
1_pInt,1_pInt, &
1_pInt,2_pInt, &
1_pInt,3_pInt, &
2_pInt,1_pInt, &
2_pInt,2_pInt, &
2_pInt,3_pInt, &
3_pInt,1_pInt, &
3_pInt,2_pInt, &
3_pInt,3_pInt &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
],[2,9]) !< arrangement in Plain notation
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(2), parameter, private :: &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
math_NsymOperations = [24_pInt,12_pInt] !< Symmetry operations as quaternions 24 for cubic, 12 for hexagonal = 36
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(4,36), parameter, private :: &
math_symOperations = reshape([&
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
1.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, & ! cubic symmetry operations
0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, & ! 2-fold symmetry
0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, -0.7071067811865476_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, -0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, -0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, & ! 3-fold symmetry
-0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, &
0.5_pReal, -0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, &
-0.5_pReal, -0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, &
0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, -0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, &
-0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, -0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, &
0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, -0.5_pReal, &
-0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.5_pReal, -0.5_pReal, &
0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, & ! 4-fold symmetry
0.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
-0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
-0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal, &
-0.7071067811865476_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.7071067811865476_pReal, &
1.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, & ! hexagonal symmetry operations
0.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, & ! 2-fold symmetry
0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
2010-04-12 13:34:26 +05:30
0.0_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.866025403784439_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, -0.5_pReal, 0.866025403784439_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, 0.866025403784439_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, -0.866025403784439_pReal, 0.5_pReal, 0.0_pReal, &
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
0.866025403784439_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.5_pReal, & ! 6-fold symmetry
-0.866025403784439_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.5_pReal, &
0.5_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.866025403784439_pReal, &
-0.5_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.866025403784439_pReal, &
0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal &
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
2012-02-01 00:48:55 +05:30
2012-06-15 21:40:21 +05:30
#ifdef Spectral
2012-02-01 00:48:55 +05:30
include 'fftw3.f03'
2012-06-15 21:40:21 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
public :: math_init, &
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
qsort, &
math_range, &
math_identity2nd, &
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_civita, &
math_identity4th, &
math_vectorproduct, &
math_tensorproduct, &
math_mul3x3, &
math_mul6x6, &
math_mul33xx33, &
math_mul3333xx33, &
math_mul3333xx3333, &
math_mul33x33, &
math_mul66x66, &
math_mul99x99, &
math_mul33x3, &
math_mul33x3_complex, &
math_mul66x6 , &
math_qConj, &
math_qRot, &
math_transpose33, &
math_inv33, &
math_invert33, &
math_invSym3333, &
math_invert, &
math_symmetric33, &
math_symmetric66, &
math_skew33, &
math_deviatoric33, &
#ifdef Spectral
public :: math_curlFFT, &
math_divergenceFFT, &
math_divergenceFDM, &
math_tensorAvg, &
math_logstrainSpat, &
math_logstrainMat, &
math_cauchy, &
private :: mesh_location, &
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
private :: math_partition, &
math_delta, &
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-07-19 00:09:59 +05:30
!> @brief initialization of random seed generator
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
subroutine math_init
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
2012-07-19 00:09:59 +05:30
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran 4.6 at the moment)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
use prec, only: tol_math_check
2009-08-27 21:00:40 +05:30
use numerics, only: fixedSeed
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
use IO, only: IO_error
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
implicit none
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: R,R2
2010-05-04 18:33:35 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: Eulers
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: q,q2,axisangle,randTest
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! the following variables are system dependend and shound NOT be pInt
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
integer :: randSize ! gfortran requires a variable length to compile
2012-07-19 00:09:59 +05:30
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: randInit ! if recalculations of former randomness (with given seed) is necessary
! comment the first random_seed call out, set randSize to 1, and use ifort
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
character(len=64) :: error_msg
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
openmp parallelization working again (at least for j2 and nonlocal constitutive model).
In order to keep it like that, please follow these simple rules:
DON'T use implicit array subscripts:
example: real, dimension(3,3) :: A,B
A(:,2) = B(:,1) <--- DON'T USE
A(1:3,2) = B(1:3,1) <--- BETTER USE
In many cases the use of explicit array subscripts is inevitable for parallelization. Additionally, it is an easy means to prevent memory leaks.
Enclose all write statements with the following:
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
<your write statement>
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
Whenever you change something in the code and are not sure if it affects parallelization and leads to nonconforming behavior, please ask me and/or Franz to check this.
2011-03-17 16:16:17 +05:30
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
2012-02-01 00:48:55 +05:30
write(6,*) ''
2009-08-31 20:39:15 +05:30
write(6,*) '<<<+- math init -+>>>'
write(6,*) '$Id$'
2012-02-01 00:48:55 +05:30
#include "compilation_info.f90"
openmp parallelization working again (at least for j2 and nonlocal constitutive model).
In order to keep it like that, please follow these simple rules:
DON'T use implicit array subscripts:
example: real, dimension(3,3) :: A,B
A(:,2) = B(:,1) <--- DON'T USE
A(1:3,2) = B(1:3,1) <--- BETTER USE
In many cases the use of explicit array subscripts is inevitable for parallelization. Additionally, it is an easy means to prevent memory leaks.
Enclose all write statements with the following:
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
<your write statement>
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
Whenever you change something in the code and are not sure if it affects parallelization and leads to nonconforming behavior, please ask me and/or Franz to check this.
2011-03-17 16:16:17 +05:30
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
call random_seed(size=randSize)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
if (allocated(randInit)) deallocate(randInit)
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
if (fixedSeed > 0_pInt) then
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
randInit(1:randSize) = int(fixedSeed) ! fixedSeed is of type pInt, randInit not
2009-08-27 21:00:40 +05:30
call random_seed(put=randInit)
call random_seed()
2011-01-21 00:55:45 +05:30
call random_seed(get=randInit)
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do i = 1_pInt, 4_pInt
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
call random_number(randTest(i))
2011-06-14 19:38:13 +05:30
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
write(6,*) 'value of random seed: ', randInit(1)
write(6,*) 'size of random seed: ', randSize
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
write(6,'(a,4(/,26x,f17.14))') ' start of random sequence: ', randTest
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
write(6,*) ''
2011-06-14 19:38:13 +05:30
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-11-04 15:59:35 +05:30
call random_seed(put=randInit)
call random_seed(get=randInit)
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
call halton_seed_set(int(randInit(1), pInt))
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call halton_ndim_set(3_pInt)
2010-05-04 18:33:35 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
! --- check rotation dictionary ---
! +++ q -> a -> q +++
q = math_qRnd();
axisangle = math_QuaternionToAxisAngle(q);
q2 = math_AxisAngleToQuaternion(axisangle(1:3),axisangle(4))
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if ( any(abs( q-q2) > tol_math_check) .and. &
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
any(abs(-q-q2) > tol_math_check) ) then
2012-02-01 00:48:55 +05:30
write (error_msg, '(a,e14.6)' ) 'maximum deviation ',min(maxval(abs( q-q2)),maxval(abs(-q-q2)))
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
call IO_error(401_pInt,ext_msg=error_msg)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
! +++ q -> R -> q +++
R = math_QuaternionToR(q);
q2 = math_RToQuaternion(R)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if ( any(abs( q-q2) > tol_math_check) .and. &
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
any(abs(-q-q2) > tol_math_check) ) then
2012-02-01 00:48:55 +05:30
write (error_msg, '(a,e14.6)' ) 'maximum deviation ',min(maxval(abs( q-q2)),maxval(abs(-q-q2)))
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
call IO_error(402_pInt,ext_msg=error_msg)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
! +++ q -> euler -> q +++
Eulers = math_QuaternionToEuler(q);
q2 = math_EulerToQuaternion(Eulers)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if ( any(abs( q-q2) > tol_math_check) .and. &
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
any(abs(-q-q2) > tol_math_check) ) then
2012-02-01 00:48:55 +05:30
write (error_msg, '(a,e14.6)' ) 'maximum deviation ',min(maxval(abs( q-q2)),maxval(abs(-q-q2)))
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
call IO_error(403_pInt,ext_msg=error_msg)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
! +++ R -> euler -> R +++
Eulers = math_RToEuler(R);
R2 = math_EulerToR(Eulers)
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
if ( any(abs( R-R2) > tol_math_check) ) then
2012-02-01 00:48:55 +05:30
write (error_msg, '(a,e14.6)' ) 'maximum deviation ',maxval(abs( R-R2))
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
call IO_error(404_pInt,ext_msg=error_msg)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine math_init
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
2009-01-26 18:28:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief Quicksort algorithm for two-dimensional integer arrays
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
! Sorting is done with respect to array(1,:)
! and keeps array(2:N,:) linked to it.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
recursive subroutine qsort(a, istart, iend)
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
implicit none
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: istart,iend
integer(pInt) :: ipivot
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
if (istart < iend) then
ipivot = math_partition(a,istart, iend)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call qsort(a, istart, ipivot-1_pInt)
call qsort(a, ipivot+1_pInt, iend)
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine qsort
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief Partitioning required for quicksort
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
integer(pInt) function math_partition(a, istart, iend)
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
implicit none
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: istart,iend
integer(pInt) :: d,i,j,k,x,tmp
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
2012-02-16 00:28:38 +05:30
d = int(size(a,1_pInt), pInt) ! number of linked data
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! set the starting and ending points, and the pivot point
i = istart
2007-04-04 14:19:48 +05:30
j = iend
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
x = a(1,istart)
! find the first element on the right side less than or equal to the pivot point
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do j = j, istart, -1_pInt
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
if (a(1,j) <= x) exit
! find the first element on the left side greater than the pivot point
do i = i, iend
if (a(1,i) > x) exit
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (i < j) then ! if the indexes do not cross, exchange values
do k = 1_pInt,d
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
tmp = a(k,i)
a(k,i) = a(k,j)
a(k,j) = tmp
2007-12-14 19:06:04 +05:30
else ! if they do cross, exchange left value with pivot and return with the partition index
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt,d
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
tmp = a(k,istart)
a(k,istart) = a(k,j)
a(k,j) = tmp
2007-04-04 14:19:48 +05:30
math_partition = j
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_partition
2007-04-03 13:47:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief range of integers starting at one
pure function math_range(N)
2009-03-04 17:18:54 +05:30
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: N
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2009-03-04 17:18:54 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(N) :: math_range
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:N) math_range(i) = i
2009-03-04 17:18:54 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_range
2009-03-04 17:18:54 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief second rank identity tensor of specified dimension
pure function math_identity2nd(dimen)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
implicit none
2009-12-14 16:32:10 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: dimen
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2007-04-11 15:34:22 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(dimen,dimen) :: math_identity2nd
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
math_identity2nd = 0.0_pReal
forall (i=1_pInt:dimen) math_identity2nd(i,i) = 1.0_pReal
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_identity2nd
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief permutation tensor e_ijk used for computing cross product of two tensors
2008-03-26 19:05:01 +05:30
! e_ijk = 1 if even permutation of ijk
! e_ijk = -1 if odd permutation of ijk
! e_ijk = 0 otherwise
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_civita(i,j,k)
2008-03-26 19:05:01 +05:30
implicit none
2009-12-14 16:32:10 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: i,j,k
2009-07-31 17:32:20 +05:30
real(pReal) math_civita
2008-03-26 19:05:01 +05:30
2009-07-31 17:32:20 +05:30
math_civita = 0.0_pReal
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (((i == 1_pInt).and.(j == 2_pInt).and.(k == 3_pInt)) .or. &
((i == 2_pInt).and.(j == 3_pInt).and.(k == 1_pInt)) .or. &
((i == 3_pInt).and.(j == 1_pInt).and.(k == 2_pInt))) math_civita = 1.0_pReal
if (((i == 1_pInt).and.(j == 3_pInt).and.(k == 2_pInt)) .or. &
((i == 2_pInt).and.(j == 1_pInt).and.(k == 3_pInt)) .or. &
((i == 3_pInt).and.(j == 2_pInt).and.(k == 1_pInt))) math_civita = -1.0_pReal
2008-03-27 17:24:34 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_civita
2008-03-27 17:24:34 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief kronecker delta function d_ij
2008-03-27 17:24:34 +05:30
! d_ij = 1 if i = j
! d_ij = 0 otherwise
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_delta(i,j)
2008-03-27 17:24:34 +05:30
implicit none
2009-12-14 16:32:10 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent (in) :: i,j
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_delta
2008-03-27 17:24:34 +05:30
math_delta = 0.0_pReal
if (i == j) math_delta = 1.0_pReal
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_delta
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief fourth rank identity tensor of specified dimension
pure function math_identity4th(dimen)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: dimen
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j,k,l
2007-04-11 15:34:22 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(dimen,dimen,dimen,dimen) :: math_identity4th
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:dimen,j=1_pInt:dimen,k=1_pInt:dimen,l=1_pInt:dimen) math_identity4th(i,j,k,l) = &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_identity4th
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief vector product a x b
pure function math_vectorproduct(A,B)
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: A,B
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_vectorproduct
math_vectorproduct(1) = A(2)*B(3)-A(3)*B(2)
math_vectorproduct(2) = A(3)*B(1)-A(1)*B(3)
math_vectorproduct(3) = A(1)*B(2)-A(2)*B(1)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_vectorproduct
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief tensor product a \otimes b
pure function math_tensorproduct(A,B)
2009-03-17 20:43:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: A,B
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_tensorproduct
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt,j=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_tensorproduct(i,j) = A(i)*B(j)
2009-03-17 20:43:17 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_tensorproduct
2009-03-17 20:43:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 3x3 = 1
pure function math_mul3x3(A,B)
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: A,B
2010-09-30 15:02:49 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: C
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_mul3x3
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt) C(i) = A(i)*B(i)
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
math_mul3x3 = sum(C)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul3x3
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 6x6 = 1
pure function math_mul6x6(A,B)
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: A,B
2010-09-30 15:02:49 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: C
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_mul6x6
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt) C(i) = A(i)*B(i)
2009-03-05 20:07:59 +05:30
math_mul6x6 = sum(C)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul6x6
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 33x33 = 1 (double contraction --> ij * ij)
pure function math_mul33xx33(A,B)
2010-09-30 15:02:49 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2010-09-30 15:02:49 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: A,B
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: C
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_mul33xx33
2010-09-30 15:02:49 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt,j=1_pInt:3_pInt) C(i,j) = A(i,j) * B(i,j)
2010-09-30 15:02:49 +05:30
math_mul33xx33 = sum(C)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul33xx33
2010-09-30 15:02:49 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 3333x33 = 33 (double contraction --> ijkl *kl = ij)
pure function math_mul3333xx33(A,B)
2010-10-13 21:34:44 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2010-10-13 21:34:44 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(in) :: A
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: B
2011-04-13 19:46:22 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_mul3333xx33
2010-10-13 21:34:44 +05:30
2012-02-13 19:38:07 +05:30
forall(i = 1_pInt:3_pInt,j = 1_pInt:3_pInt)&
math_mul3333xx33(i,j) = sum(A(i,j,1:3,1:3)*B(1:3,1:3))
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul3333xx33
2010-10-13 21:34:44 +05:30
2010-09-30 15:02:49 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 3333x3333 = 3333 (ijkl *klmn = ijmn)
pure function math_mul3333xx3333(A,B)
2012-02-23 01:41:09 +05:30
implicit none
integer(pInt) :: i,j,k,l
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(in) :: A
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(in) :: B
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: math_mul3333xx3333
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt
do j = 1_pInt,3_pInt
do k = 1_pInt,3_pInt
do l = 1_pInt,3_pInt
math_mul3333xx3333(i,j,k,l) = sum(A(i,j,1:3,1:3)*B(1:3,1:3,k,l))
enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul3333xx3333
2012-02-23 01:41:09 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 33x33 = 33
pure function math_mul33x33(A,B)
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: A,B
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_mul33x33
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt,j=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_mul33x33(i,j) = &
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
A(i,1)*B(1,j) + A(i,2)*B(2,j) + A(i,3)*B(3,j)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul33x33
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 66x66 = 66
pure function math_mul66x66(A,B)
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: A,B
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: math_mul66x66
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt,j=1_pInt:6_pInt) math_mul66x66(i,j) = &
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
A(i,1)*B(1,j) + A(i,2)*B(2,j) + A(i,3)*B(3,j) + &
A(i,4)*B(4,j) + A(i,5)*B(5,j) + A(i,6)*B(6,j)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul66x66
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 99x99 = 99
pure function math_mul99x99(A,B)
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
use prec, only: pReal, pInt
2012-03-30 01:24:31 +05:30
implicit none
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
integer(pInt) i,j
real(pReal), dimension(9,9), intent(in) :: A,B
real(pReal), dimension(9,9) :: math_mul99x99
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:9_pInt,j=1_pInt:9_pInt) math_mul99x99(i,j) = &
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
A(i,1)*B(1,j) + A(i,2)*B(2,j) + A(i,3)*B(3,j) + &
A(i,4)*B(4,j) + A(i,5)*B(5,j) + A(i,6)*B(6,j) + &
A(i,7)*B(7,j) + A(i,8)*B(8,j) + A(i,9)*B(9,j)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul99x99
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 33x3 = 3
pure function math_mul33x3(A,B)
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: A
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: B
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_mul33x3
2012-01-25 20:01:21 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_mul33x3(i) = sum(A(i,1:3)*B)
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul33x3
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication complex(33) x real(3) = complex(3)
pure function math_mul33x3_complex(A,B)
2010-09-22 17:34:43 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2010-09-22 17:34:43 +05:30
complex(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: A
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: B
complex(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_mul33x3_complex
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_mul33x3_complex(i) = sum(A(i,1:3)*cmplx(B,0.0_pReal,pReal))
2010-09-22 17:34:43 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul33x3_complex
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief matrix multiplication 66x6 = 6
pure function math_mul66x6(A,B)
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: A
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: B
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: math_mul66x6
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt) math_mul66x6(i) = &
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
A(i,1)*B(1) + A(i,2)*B(2) + A(i,3)*B(3) + &
A(i,4)*B(4) + A(i,5)*B(5) + A(i,6)*B(6)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_mul66x6
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief random quaternion
function math_qRnd()
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_qRnd
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: rnd
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call halton(3_pInt,rnd)
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
math_qRnd(1) = cos(2.0_pReal*pi*rnd(1))*sqrt(rnd(3))
math_qRnd(2) = sin(2.0_pReal*pi*rnd(2))*sqrt(1.0_pReal-rnd(3))
math_qRnd(3) = cos(2.0_pReal*pi*rnd(2))*sqrt(1.0_pReal-rnd(3))
math_qRnd(4) = sin(2.0_pReal*pi*rnd(1))*sqrt(rnd(3))
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_qRnd
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief quaternion multiplication q1xq2 = q12
pure function math_qMul(A,B)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: A, B
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_qMul
math_qMul(1) = A(1)*B(1) - A(2)*B(2) - A(3)*B(3) - A(4)*B(4)
math_qMul(2) = A(1)*B(2) + A(2)*B(1) + A(3)*B(4) - A(4)*B(3)
math_qMul(3) = A(1)*B(3) - A(2)*B(4) + A(3)*B(1) + A(4)*B(2)
math_qMul(4) = A(1)*B(4) + A(2)*B(3) - A(3)*B(2) + A(4)*B(1)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_qMul
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief quaternion dotproduct
pure function math_qDot(A,B)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: A, B
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_qDot
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
math_qDot = A(1)*B(1) + A(2)*B(2) + A(3)*B(3) + A(4)*B(4)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_qDot
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief quaternion conjugation
pure function math_qConj(Q)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_qConj
math_qConj(1) = Q(1)
math_qConj(2:4) = -Q(2:4)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_qConj
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief quaternion norm
pure function math_qNorm(Q)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_qNorm
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
math_qNorm = sqrt(max(0.0_pReal, Q(1)*Q(1) + Q(2)*Q(2) + Q(3)*Q(3) + Q(4)*Q(4)))
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_qNorm
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief quaternion inversion
pure function math_qInv(Q)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_qInv
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: squareNorm
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
math_qInv = 0.0_pReal
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
squareNorm = math_qDot(Q,Q)
if (squareNorm > tiny(squareNorm)) &
math_qInv = math_qConj(Q) / squareNorm
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_qInv
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief action of a quaternion on a vector (rotate vector v with Q)
pure function math_qRot(Q,v)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: v
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_qRot
real(pReal), dimension(4,4) :: T
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i, j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do i = 1_pInt,4_pInt
do j = 1_pInt,i
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
T(i,j) = Q(i) * Q(j)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
math_qRot(1) = -v(1)*(T(3,3)+T(4,4)) + v(2)*(T(3,2)-T(4,1)) + v(3)*(T(4,2)+T(3,1))
math_qRot(2) = v(1)*(T(3,2)+T(4,1)) - v(2)*(T(2,2)+T(4,4)) + v(3)*(T(4,3)-T(2,1))
math_qRot(3) = v(1)*(T(4,2)-T(3,1)) + v(2)*(T(4,3)+T(2,1)) - v(3)*(T(2,2)+T(3,3))
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
math_qRot = 2.0_pReal * math_qRot + v
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_qRot
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief transposition of a 33 matrix
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
pure function math_transpose33(A)
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
implicit none
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
real(pReal),dimension(3,3),intent(in) :: A
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal),dimension(3,3) :: math_transpose33
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
forall(i=1_pInt:3_pInt, j=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_transpose33(i,j) = A(j,i)
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_transpose33
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief Cramer inversion of 33 matrix (function)
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
! direct Cramer inversion of matrix A.
! returns all zeroes if not possible, i.e. if det close to zero
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
pure function math_inv33(A)
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal),dimension(3,3),intent(in) :: A
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: DetA
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal),dimension(3,3) :: math_inv33
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_inv33 = 0.0_pReal
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DetA = A(1,1) * (A(2,2) * A(3,3) - A(2,3) * A(3,2))&
- A(1,2) * (A(2,1) * A(3,3) - A(2,3) * A(3,1))&
+ A(1,3) * (A(2,1) * A(3,2) - A(2,2) * A(3,1))
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
2011-12-14 14:25:24 +05:30
if (abs(DetA) > tiny(abs(DetA))) then
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_inv33(1,1) = ( A(2,2) * A(3,3) - A(2,3) * A(3,2)) / DetA
math_inv33(2,1) = (-A(2,1) * A(3,3) + A(2,3) * A(3,1)) / DetA
math_inv33(3,1) = ( A(2,1) * A(3,2) - A(2,2) * A(3,1)) / DetA
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_inv33(1,2) = (-A(1,2) * A(3,3) + A(1,3) * A(3,2)) / DetA
math_inv33(2,2) = ( A(1,1) * A(3,3) - A(1,3) * A(3,1)) / DetA
math_inv33(3,2) = (-A(1,1) * A(3,2) + A(1,2) * A(3,1)) / DetA
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_inv33(1,3) = ( A(1,2) * A(2,3) - A(1,3) * A(2,2)) / DetA
math_inv33(2,3) = (-A(1,1) * A(2,3) + A(1,3) * A(2,1)) / DetA
math_inv33(3,3) = ( A(1,1) * A(2,2) - A(1,2) * A(2,1)) / DetA
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_inv33
2009-03-31 13:01:38 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief Cramer inversion of 33 matrix (subroutine)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure subroutine math_invert33(A, InvA, DetA, error)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
! Bestimmung der Determinanten und Inversen einer 33-Matrix
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! A = Matrix A
! InvA = Inverse of A
! DetA = Determinant of A
2007-04-11 15:34:22 +05:30
! error = logical
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
logical, intent(out) :: error
2007-04-11 15:34:22 +05:30
real(pReal),dimension(3,3),intent(in) :: A
real(pReal),dimension(3,3),intent(out) :: InvA
real(pReal), intent(out) :: DetA
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DetA = A(1,1) * (A(2,2) * A(3,3) - A(2,3) * A(3,2))&
- A(1,2) * (A(2,1) * A(3,3) - A(2,3) * A(3,1))&
+ A(1,3) * (A(2,1) * A(3,2) - A(2,2) * A(3,1))
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-14 14:25:24 +05:30
if (abs(DetA) <= tiny(abs(DetA))) then
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
error = .true.
2007-04-11 15:34:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
InvA(1,1) = ( A(2,2) * A(3,3) - A(2,3) * A(3,2)) / DetA
InvA(2,1) = (-A(2,1) * A(3,3) + A(2,3) * A(3,1)) / DetA
InvA(3,1) = ( A(2,1) * A(3,2) - A(2,2) * A(3,1)) / DetA
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
InvA(1,2) = (-A(1,2) * A(3,3) + A(1,3) * A(3,2)) / DetA
InvA(2,2) = ( A(1,1) * A(3,3) - A(1,3) * A(3,1)) / DetA
InvA(3,2) = (-A(1,1) * A(3,2) + A(1,2) * A(3,1)) / DetA
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
InvA(1,3) = ( A(1,2) * A(2,3) - A(1,3) * A(2,2)) / DetA
InvA(2,3) = (-A(1,1) * A(2,3) + A(1,3) * A(2,1)) / DetA
InvA(3,3) = ( A(1,1) * A(2,2) - A(1,2) * A(2,1)) / DetA
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
error = .false.
2007-04-11 15:34:22 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine math_invert33
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief Inversion of symmetriced 3x3x3x3 tensor.
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
function math_invSym3333(A)
use IO, only: IO_error
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal),dimension(3,3,3,3) :: math_invSym3333
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
real(pReal),dimension(3,3,3,3),intent(in) :: A
integer(pInt) :: ierr1, ierr2
integer(pInt), dimension(6) :: ipiv6
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: temp66_Real
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: work6
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
temp66_real = math_Mandel3333to66(A)
call dgetrf(6,6,temp66_real,6,ipiv6,ierr1)
call dgetri(6,temp66_real,6,ipiv6,work6,6,ierr2)
if (ierr1*ierr2 == 0_pInt) then
math_invSym3333 = math_Mandel66to3333(temp66_real)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
call IO_error(400_pInt, ext_msg = 'math_invSym3333')
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_invSym3333
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief Gauss elimination to invert matrix of arbitrary dimension
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure subroutine math_invert(dimen,A, InvA, AnzNegEW, error)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Invertieren einer dimen x dimen - Matrix
! A = Matrix A
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
! InvA = Inverse of A
! AnzNegEW = Number of negative Eigenvalues of A
! error = false: Inversion done.
! = true: Inversion stopped in SymGauss because of dimishing
! Pivotelement
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: dimen
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(dimen,dimen), intent(in) :: A
real(pReal), dimension(dimen,dimen), intent(out) :: InvA
2007-04-11 15:34:22 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(out) :: AnzNegEW
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
logical, intent(out) :: error
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: LogAbsDetA
real(pReal), dimension(dimen,dimen) :: B
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
InvA = math_identity2nd(dimen)
B = A
CALL Gauss(dimen,B,InvA,LogAbsDetA,AnzNegEW,error)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine math_invert
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief Solves a linear EQS A * X = B with the GAUSS-Algorithm
! For numerical stabilization using a pivot search in rows and columns
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure subroutine Gauss (dimen,A,B,LogAbsDetA,NegHDK,error)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
! input parameters
! A(dimen,dimen) = matrix A
! B(dimen,dimen) = right side B
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
! output parameters
! B(dimen,dimen) = Matrix containing unknown vectors X
! LogAbsDetA = 10-Logarithm of absolute value of determinatns of A
! NegHDK = Number of negative Maindiagonal coefficients resulting
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Vorwaertszerlegung
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
! error = false: EQS is solved
! = true : Matrix A is singular.
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
! A and B will be changed!
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
logical, intent(out) :: error
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: dimen
integer(pInt), intent(out) :: NegHDK
real(pReal), intent(out) :: LogAbsDetA
real(pReal), intent(inout), dimension(dimen,dimen) :: A, B
logical :: SortX
integer(pInt) :: PivotZeile, PivotSpalte, StoreI, I, IP1, J, K, L
integer(pInt), dimension(dimen) :: XNr
real(pReal) :: AbsA, PivotWert, EpsAbs, Quote
real(pReal), dimension(dimen) :: StoreA, StoreB
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
error = .true.; NegHDK = 1_pInt; SortX = .false.
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Unbekanntennumerierung
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO I = 1_pInt, dimen
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
XNr(I) = I
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Genauigkeitsschranke und Bestimmung des groessten Pivotelementes
PivotWert = ABS(A(1,1))
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
PivotZeile = 1_pInt
PivotSpalte = 1_pInt
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do I = 1_pInt, dimen; do J = 1_pInt, dimen
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
AbsA = ABS(A(I,J))
IF (AbsA .GT. PivotWert) THEN
PivotWert = AbsA
PivotZeile = I
PivotSpalte = J
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
IF (PivotWert .LT. 0.0000001_pReal) RETURN ! Pivotelement = 0?
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
EpsAbs = PivotWert * 0.1_pReal ** PRECISION(1.0_pReal)
! V O R W A E R T S T R I A N G U L A T I O N
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO I = 1_pInt, dimen - 1_pInt
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Zeilentausch?
IF (PivotZeile .NE. I) THEN
StoreA(I:dimen) = A(I,I:dimen)
A(I,I:dimen) = A(PivotZeile,I:dimen)
A(PivotZeile,I:dimen) = StoreA(I:dimen)
StoreB(1:dimen) = B(I,1:dimen)
B(I,1:dimen) = B(PivotZeile,1:dimen)
B(PivotZeile,1:dimen) = StoreB(1:dimen)
SortX = .TRUE.
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Spaltentausch?
IF (PivotSpalte .NE. I) THEN
StoreA(1:dimen) = A(1:dimen,I)
A(1:dimen,I) = A(1:dimen,PivotSpalte)
A(1:dimen,PivotSpalte) = StoreA(1:dimen)
StoreI = XNr(I)
XNr(I) = XNr(PivotSpalte)
XNr(PivotSpalte) = StoreI
SortX = .TRUE.
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Triangulation
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO J = I + 1_pInt, dimen
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
Quote = A(J,I) / A(I,I)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO K = I + 1_pInt, dimen
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
A(J,K) = A(J,K) - Quote * A(I,K)
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO K = 1_pInt, dimen
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
B(J,K) = B(J,K) - Quote * B(I,K)
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Bestimmung des groessten Pivotelementes
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
IP1 = I + 1_pInt
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
PivotWert = ABS(A(IP1,IP1))
PivotZeile = IP1
PivotSpalte = IP1
DO J = IP1, dimen
DO K = IP1, dimen
AbsA = ABS(A(J,K))
IF (AbsA .GT. PivotWert) THEN
PivotWert = AbsA
PivotZeile = J
PivotSpalte = K
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
IF (PivotWert .LT. EpsAbs) RETURN ! Pivotelement = 0?
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! R U E C K W A E R T S A U F L O E S U N G
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO I = dimen, 1_pInt, -1_pInt
DO L = 1_pInt, dimen
DO J = I + 1_pInt, dimen
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
B(I,L) = B(I,L) - A(I,J) * B(J,L)
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
B(I,L) = B(I,L) / A(I,I)
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Sortieren der Unbekanntenvektoren?
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO L = 1_pInt, dimen
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
StoreA(1:dimen) = B(1:dimen,L)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO I = 1_pInt, dimen
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
J = XNr(I)
B(J,L) = StoreA(I)
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
! Determinante
LogAbsDetA = 0.0_pReal
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
NegHDK = 0_pInt
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
DO I = 1_pInt, dimen
IF (A(I,I) .LT. 0.0_pReal) NegHDK = NegHDK + 1_pInt
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
AbsA = ABS(A(I,I))
LogAbsDetA = LogAbsDetA + LOG10(AbsA)
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
error = .false.
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine Gauss
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief symmetrize a 33 matrix
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
function math_symmetric33(m)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_symmetric33
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: m
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt,j=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_symmetric33(i,j) = 0.5_pReal * (m(i,j) + m(j,i))
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_symmetric33
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief symmetrize a 66 matrix
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_symmetric66(m)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: m
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: math_symmetric66
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt,j=1_pInt:6_pInt) math_symmetric66(i,j) = 0.5_pReal * (m(i,j) + m(j,i))
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_symmetric66
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief skew part of a 33 matrix
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
pure function math_skew33(m)
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
implicit none
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_skew33
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: m
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt,j=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_skew33(i,j) = m(i,j) - 0.5_pReal * (m(i,j) + m(j,i))
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_skew33
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief deviatoric part of a 33 matrix
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
pure function math_deviatoric33(m)
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
implicit none
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_deviatoric33
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: m
integer(pInt) :: i
real(pReal) :: hydrostatic
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
hydrostatic = (m(1,1) + m(2,2) + m(3,3)) / 3.0_pReal
math_deviatoric33 = m
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_deviatoric33(i,i) = m(i,i) - hydrostatic
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_deviatoric33
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief equivalent scalar quantity of a full strain tensor
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_equivStrain33(m)
2010-03-24 18:50:12 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: m
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_equivStrain33,e11,e22,e33,s12,s23,s31
2010-03-24 18:50:12 +05:30
e11 = (2.0_pReal*m(1,1)-m(2,2)-m(3,3))/3.0_pReal
e22 = (2.0_pReal*m(2,2)-m(3,3)-m(1,1))/3.0_pReal
e33 = (2.0_pReal*m(3,3)-m(1,1)-m(2,2))/3.0_pReal
s12 = 2.0_pReal*m(1,2)
s23 = 2.0_pReal*m(2,3)
s31 = 2.0_pReal*m(3,1)
math_equivStrain33 = 2.0_pReal*(1.50_pReal*(e11**2.0_pReal+e22**2.0_pReal+e33**2.0_pReal) + &
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_equivStrain33
2010-03-24 18:50:12 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief determinant of a 33 matrix
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_det33(m)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: m
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_det33
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_det33 = m(1,1)*(m(2,2)*m(3,3)-m(2,3)*m(3,2)) &
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
-m(1,2)*(m(2,1)*m(3,3)-m(2,3)*m(3,1)) &
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_det33
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief norm of a 33 matrix
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_norm33(m)
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: m
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_norm33
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
math_norm33 = sqrt(sum(m**2.0_pReal))
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief euclidic norm of a 3 vector
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_norm3(v)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
implicit none
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: v
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_norm3
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
math_norm3 = sqrt(v(1)*v(1) + v(2)*v(2) + v(3)*v(3))
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_norm3
2009-08-11 22:01:57 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert 33 matrix into vector 9
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Plain33to9(m33)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: m33
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(9) :: math_Plain33to9
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:9_pInt) math_Plain33to9(i) = m33(mapPlain(1,i),mapPlain(2,i))
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Plain33to9
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert Plain 9 back to 33 matrix
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Plain9to33(v9)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(9), intent(in) :: v9
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_Plain9to33
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:9_pInt) math_Plain9to33(mapPlain(1,i),mapPlain(2,i)) = v9(i)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Plain9to33
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert symmetric 33 matrix into Mandel vector 6
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Mandel33to6(m33)
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: m33
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: math_Mandel33to6
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt) math_Mandel33to6(i) = nrmMandel(i)*m33(mapMandel(1,i),mapMandel(2,i))
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Mandel33to6
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert Mandel 6 back to symmetric 33 matrix
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Mandel6to33(v6)
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: v6
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_Mandel6to33
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt)
2007-03-28 13:50:50 +05:30
math_Mandel6to33(mapMandel(1,i),mapMandel(2,i)) = invnrmMandel(i)*v6(i)
math_Mandel6to33(mapMandel(2,i),mapMandel(1,i)) = invnrmMandel(i)*v6(i)
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
end forall
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Mandel6to33
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert 3333 tensor into plain matrix 99
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Plain3333to99(m3333)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(in) :: m3333
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(9,9) :: math_Plain3333to99
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:9_pInt,j=1_pInt:9_pInt) math_Plain3333to99(i,j) = &
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Plain3333to99
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief plain matrix 99 into 3333 tensor
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Plain99to3333(m99)
2010-09-22 17:34:43 +05:30
implicit none
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2010-09-22 17:34:43 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(9,9), intent(in) :: m99
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: math_Plain99to3333
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:9_pInt,j=1_pInt:9_pInt) math_Plain99to3333(mapPlain(1,i),mapPlain(2,i),&
2010-09-22 17:34:43 +05:30
mapPlain(1,j),mapPlain(2,j)) = m99(i,j)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Plain99to3333
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert Mandel matrix 66 into Plain matrix 66
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Mandel66toPlain66(m66)
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: m66
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: math_Mandel66toPlain66
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt,j=1_pInt:6_pInt) &
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
math_Mandel66toPlain66(i,j) = invnrmMandel(i) * invnrmMandel(j) * m66(i,j)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert Plain matrix 66 into Mandel matrix 66
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Plain66toMandel66(m66)
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: m66
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: math_Plain66toMandel66
integer(pInt) i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt,j=1_pInt:6_pInt) &
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
math_Plain66toMandel66(i,j) = nrmMandel(i) * nrmMandel(j) * m66(i,j)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function
2011-07-29 21:27:39 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert symmetric 3333 tensor into Mandel matrix 66
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Mandel3333to66(m3333)
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(in) :: m3333
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: math_Mandel3333to66
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt,j=1_pInt:6_pInt) math_Mandel3333to66(i,j) = &
2007-03-28 13:50:50 +05:30
2007-03-28 12:51:47 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Mandel3333to66
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert Mandel matrix 66 back to symmetric 3333 tensor
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Mandel66to3333(m66)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: m66
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: math_Mandel66to3333
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt,j=1_pInt:6_pInt)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
math_Mandel66to3333(mapMandel(1,i),mapMandel(2,i),mapMandel(1,j),mapMandel(2,j)) = invnrmMandel(i)*invnrmMandel(j)*m66(i,j)
math_Mandel66to3333(mapMandel(2,i),mapMandel(1,i),mapMandel(1,j),mapMandel(2,j)) = invnrmMandel(i)*invnrmMandel(j)*m66(i,j)
math_Mandel66to3333(mapMandel(1,i),mapMandel(2,i),mapMandel(2,j),mapMandel(1,j)) = invnrmMandel(i)*invnrmMandel(j)*m66(i,j)
math_Mandel66to3333(mapMandel(2,i),mapMandel(1,i),mapMandel(2,j),mapMandel(1,j)) = invnrmMandel(i)*invnrmMandel(j)*m66(i,j)
end forall
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Mandel66to3333
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief convert Voigt matrix 66 back to symmetric 3333 tensor
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_Voigt66to3333(m66)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(6,6), intent(in) :: m66
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: math_Voigt66to3333
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:6_pInt,j=1_pInt:6_pInt)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
math_Voigt66to3333(mapVoigt(1,i),mapVoigt(2,i),mapVoigt(1,j),mapVoigt(2,j)) = invnrmVoigt(i)*invnrmVoigt(j)*m66(i,j)
math_Voigt66to3333(mapVoigt(2,i),mapVoigt(1,i),mapVoigt(1,j),mapVoigt(2,j)) = invnrmVoigt(i)*invnrmVoigt(j)*m66(i,j)
math_Voigt66to3333(mapVoigt(1,i),mapVoigt(2,i),mapVoigt(2,j),mapVoigt(1,j)) = invnrmVoigt(i)*invnrmVoigt(j)*m66(i,j)
math_Voigt66to3333(mapVoigt(2,i),mapVoigt(1,i),mapVoigt(2,j),mapVoigt(1,j)) = invnrmVoigt(i)*invnrmVoigt(j)*m66(i,j)
end forall
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_Voigt66to3333
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief Euler angles (in radians) from rotation matrix
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_RtoEuler(R)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension (3,3), intent(in) :: R
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_RtoEuler
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
real(pReal) :: sqhkl, squvw, sqhk, myVal
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
! calculate PHI
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
if(myVal > 1.0_pReal) myVal = 1.0_pReal
if(myVal < -1.0_pReal) myVal = -1.0_pReal
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
math_RtoEuler(2) = acos(myVal)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
if(math_RtoEuler(2) < 1.0e-8_pReal) then
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
! calculate phi2
math_RtoEuler(3) = 0.0_pReal
! calculate phi1
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
if(myVal > 1.0_pReal) myVal = 1.0_pReal
if(myVal < -1.0_pReal) myVal = -1.0_pReal
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
math_RtoEuler(1) = acos(myVal)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
if(R(2,1) > 0.0_pReal) math_RtoEuler(1) = 2.0_pReal*pi-math_RtoEuler(1)
! calculate phi2
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
if(myVal > 1.0_pReal) myVal = 1.0_pReal
if(myVal < -1.0_pReal) myVal = -1.0_pReal
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
math_RtoEuler(3) = acos(myVal)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
if(R(1,3) < 0.0) math_RtoEuler(3) = 2.0_pReal*pi-math_RtoEuler(3)
! calculate phi1
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
if(myVal > 1.0_pReal) myVal = 1.0_pReal
if(myVal < -1.0_pReal) myVal = -1.0_pReal
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
math_RtoEuler(1) = acos(myVal)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
if(R(3,1) < 0.0) math_RtoEuler(1) = 2.0_pReal*pi-math_RtoEuler(1)
end if
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_RtoEuler
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz) from orientation matrix
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! math adopted from http://code.google.com/p/mtex/source/browse/trunk/geometry/geometry_tools/mat2quat.m
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_RtoQuaternion(R)
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension (3,3), intent(in) :: R
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: absQ, math_RtoQuaternion
real(pReal) :: max_absQ
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
integer, dimension(1) :: largest !no pInt, maxloc returns integer default
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
2011-03-03 16:17:07 +05:30
absQ(1) = 1.0_pReal+R(1,1)+R(2,2)+R(3,3)
absQ(2) = 1.0_pReal+R(1,1)-R(2,2)-R(3,3)
absQ(3) = 1.0_pReal-R(1,1)+R(2,2)-R(3,3)
absQ(4) = 1.0_pReal-R(1,1)-R(2,2)+R(3,3)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
math_RtoQuaternion = 0.0_pReal
2011-03-03 16:17:07 +05:30
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
largest = maxloc(absQ)
2011-03-03 16:17:07 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
max_absQ=0.5_pReal * sqrt(absQ(largest(1)))
2011-03-03 16:17:07 +05:30
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
select case(largest(1))
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
case (1_pInt)
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
math_RtoQuaternion(2) = R(2,3)-R(3,2)
math_RtoQuaternion(3) = R(3,1)-R(1,3)
math_RtoQuaternion(4) = R(1,2)-R(2,1)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
case (2_pInt)
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
math_RtoQuaternion(1) = R(2,3)-R(3,2)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
math_RtoQuaternion(3) = R(1,2)+R(2,1)
math_RtoQuaternion(4) = R(3,1)+R(1,3)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
case (3_pInt)
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
math_RtoQuaternion(1) = R(3,1)-R(1,3)
math_RtoQuaternion(2) = R(1,2)+R(2,1)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
math_RtoQuaternion(4) = R(2,3)+R(3,2)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
case (4_pInt)
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
math_RtoQuaternion (1) = R(1,2)-R(2,1)
math_RtoQuaternion (2) = R(3,1)+R(1,3)
math_RtoQuaternion (3) = R(3,2)+R(2,3)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
end select
2011-03-03 16:17:07 +05:30
math_RtoQuaternion = math_RtoQuaternion*0.25_pReal/max_absQ
math_RtoQuaternion(largest(1)) = max_absQ
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_RtoQuaternion
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief rotation matrix from Euler angles (in radians)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_EulerToR(Euler)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: Euler
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_EulerToR
real(pReal) c1, c, c2, s1, s, s2
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
C1 = cos(Euler(1))
C = cos(Euler(2))
C2 = cos(Euler(3))
S1 = sin(Euler(1))
S = sin(Euler(2))
S2 = sin(Euler(3))
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_EulerToR
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz) from 3-1-3 Euler angles (in radians)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_EulerToQuaternion(eulerangles)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: eulerangles
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_EulerToQuaternion
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: halfangles
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: c, s
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
halfangles = 0.5_pReal * eulerangles
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
c = cos(halfangles(2))
s = sin(halfangles(2))
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
math_EulerToQuaternion(1) = cos(halfangles(1)+halfangles(3)) * c
math_EulerToQuaternion(2) = cos(halfangles(1)-halfangles(3)) * s
math_EulerToQuaternion(3) = sin(halfangles(1)-halfangles(3)) * s
math_EulerToQuaternion(4) = sin(halfangles(1)+halfangles(3)) * c
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_EulerToQuaternion
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief rotation matrix from axis and angle (in radians)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_AxisAngleToR(axis,omega)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: axis
real(pReal), intent(in) :: omega
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: axisNrm
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_AxisAngleToR
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: norm,s,c,c1
integer(pInt) :: i
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
norm = sqrt(math_mul3x3(axis,axis))
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (norm > 1.0e-8_pReal) then ! non-zero rotation
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt) axisNrm(i) = axis(i)/norm ! normalize axis to be sure
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
s = sin(omega)
c = cos(omega)
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
c1 = 1.0_pReal - c
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
! formula for active rotation taken from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RodriguesRotationFormula.html
! below is transposed form to get passive rotation
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR(1,1) = c + c1*axisNrm(1)**2.0_pReal
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR(2,1) = -s*axisNrm(3) + c1*axisNrm(1)*axisNrm(2)
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR(3,1) = s*axisNrm(2) + c1*axisNrm(1)*axisNrm(3)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR(1,2) = s*axisNrm(3) + c1*axisNrm(2)*axisNrm(1)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR(2,2) = c + c1*axisNrm(2)**2.0_pReal
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR(3,2) = -s*axisNrm(1) + c1*axisNrm(2)*axisNrm(3)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR(1,3) = -s*axisNrm(2) + c1*axisNrm(3)*axisNrm(1)
math_AxisAngleToR(2,3) = s*axisNrm(1) + c1*axisNrm(3)*axisNrm(2)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR(3,3) = c + c1*axisNrm(3)**2.0_pReal
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToR = math_I3
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_AxisAngleToR
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz) from axis and angle (in radians)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_AxisAngleToQuaternion(axis,omega)
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: axis
real(pReal), intent(in) :: omega
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: axisNrm
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_AxisAngleToQuaternion
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: s,c,norm
integer(pInt) :: i
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
norm = sqrt(math_mul3x3(axis,axis))
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
if (norm > 1.0e-8_pReal) then ! non-zero rotation
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt) axisNrm(i) = axis(i)/norm ! normalize axis to be sure
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
! formula taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_representation_%28mathematics%29#Rodrigues_parameters
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
s = sin(omega/2.0_pReal)
c = cos(omega/2.0_pReal)
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
math_AxisAngleToQuaternion(1) = c
math_AxisAngleToQuaternion(2:4) = s * axisNrm(1:3)
math_AxisAngleToQuaternion = (/1.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal/) ! no rotation
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_AxisAngleToQuaternion
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief orientation matrix from quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_QuaternionToR(Q)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_QuaternionToR, T,S
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i, j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i = 1_pInt:3_pInt, j = 1_pInt:3_pInt) &
T(i,j) = Q(i+1_pInt) * Q(j+1_pInt)
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
S = reshape( (/0.0_pReal, Q(4), -Q(3), &
-Q(4),0.0_pReal, +Q(2), &
Q(3), -Q(2),0.0_pReal/),(/3,3/)) ! notation is transposed!
math_QuaternionToR = (2.0_pReal * Q(1)*Q(1) - 1.0_pReal) * math_I3 + &
2.0_pReal * T - &
2.0_pReal * Q(1) * S
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_QuaternionToR
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief 3-1-3 Euler angles (in radians) from quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_QuaternionToEuler(Q)
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_QuaternionToEuler
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: acos_arg
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
math_QuaternionToEuler(2) = acos(1.0_pReal-2.0_pReal*(Q(2)*Q(2)+Q(3)*Q(3)))
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
if (abs(math_QuaternionToEuler(2)) < 1.0e-3_pReal) then
2011-03-03 19:53:39 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
if(acos_arg > 1.0_pReal)acos_arg = 1.0_pReal
if(acos_arg < -1.0_pReal)acos_arg = -1.0_pReal
2011-03-03 19:53:39 +05:30
math_QuaternionToEuler(1) = 2.0_pReal*acos(acos_arg)
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
math_QuaternionToEuler(3) = 0.0_pReal
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
math_QuaternionToEuler(1) = atan2(Q(1)*Q(3)+Q(2)*Q(4), Q(1)*Q(2)-Q(3)*Q(4))
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
if (math_QuaternionToEuler(1) < 0.0_pReal) &
math_QuaternionToEuler(1) = math_QuaternionToEuler(1) + 2.0_pReal * pi
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
math_QuaternionToEuler(3) = atan2(-Q(1)*Q(3)+Q(2)*Q(4), Q(1)*Q(2)+Q(3)*Q(4))
2010-05-26 21:22:54 +05:30
if (math_QuaternionToEuler(3) < 0.0_pReal) &
math_QuaternionToEuler(3) = math_QuaternionToEuler(3) + 2.0_pReal * pi
2010-03-19 21:41:53 +05:30
if (math_QuaternionToEuler(2) < 0.0_pReal) &
math_QuaternionToEuler(2) = math_QuaternionToEuler(2) + pi
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_QuaternionToEuler
2010-03-18 17:53:17 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief axis-angle (x, y, z, ang in radians) from quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_QuaternionToAxisAngle(Q)
2010-04-12 16:37:25 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: halfAngle, sinHalfAngle
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_QuaternionToAxisAngle
2010-04-12 16:37:25 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
halfAngle = acos(max(-1.0_pReal, min(1.0_pReal, Q(1)))) ! limit to [-1,1] --> 0 to 180 deg
sinHalfAngle = sin(halfAngle)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
if (sinHalfAngle <= 1.0e-4_pReal) then ! very small rotation angle?
2010-04-29 15:31:09 +05:30
math_QuaternionToAxisAngle = 0.0_pReal
math_QuaternionToAxisAngle(1:3) = Q(2:4)/sinHalfAngle
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
math_QuaternionToAxisAngle(4) = halfAngle*2.0_pReal
2010-04-29 15:31:09 +05:30
2011-08-01 15:41:32 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_QuaternionToAxisAngle
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2010-04-12 16:37:25 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief Rodrigues vector (x, y, z) from unit quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_QuaternionToRodrig(Q)
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
use prec, only: DAMASK_NaN
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_QuaternionToRodrig
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
if (Q(1) /= 0.0_pReal) then ! unless rotation by 180 deg
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
math_QuaternionToRodrig = Q(2:4)/Q(1)
2011-10-18 14:51:38 +05:30
math_QuaternionToRodrig = DAMASK_NaN ! NaN since Rodrig is unbound for 180 deg...
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_QuaternionToRodrig
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief misorientation angle between two sets of Euler angles
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_EulerMisorientation(EulerA,EulerB)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2009-01-16 20:57:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: EulerA,EulerB
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: r
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_EulerMisorientation, tr
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2008-07-23 18:19:40 +05:30
r = math_mul33x33(math_EulerToR(EulerB),transpose(math_EulerToR(EulerA)))
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
tr = (r(1,1)+r(2,2)+r(3,3)-1.0_pReal)*0.4999999_pReal
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
math_EulerMisorientation = abs(0.5_pReal*pi-asin(tr))
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_EulerMisorientation
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief figures whether unit quat falls into stereographic standard triangle
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
pure function math_QuaternionInSST(Q, symmetryType)
implicit none
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!*** input variables
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q ! orientation
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: symmetryType ! Type of crystal symmetry; 1:cubic, 2:hexagonal
!*** output variables
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
logical :: math_QuaternionInSST
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
!*** local variables
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: Rodrig ! Rodrigues vector of Q
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
Rodrig = math_QuaternionToRodrig(Q)
2012-05-11 13:07:32 +05:30
if (any(Rodrig/=Rodrig)) then
math_QuaternionInSST = .false.
select case (symmetryType)
case (1_pInt)
math_QuaternionInSST = Rodrig(1) > Rodrig(2) .and. &
Rodrig(2) > Rodrig(3) .and. &
Rodrig(3) > 0.0_pReal
case (2_pInt)
math_QuaternionInSST = Rodrig(1) > sqrt(3.0_pReal)*Rodrig(2) .and. &
Rodrig(2) > 0.0_pReal .and. &
Rodrig(3) > 0.0_pReal
case default
math_QuaternionInSST = .true.
end select
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_QuaternionInSST
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
2010-05-04 18:24:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief calculates the disorientation for 2 unit quaternions
2010-05-04 21:32:05 +05:30
function math_QuaternionDisorientation(Q1, Q2, symmetryType)
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
2010-05-04 21:32:05 +05:30
use IO, only: IO_error
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
implicit none
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!*** input variables
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q1, & ! 1st orientation
Q2 ! 2nd orientation
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: symmetryType ! Type of crystal symmetry; 1:cubic, 2:hexagonal
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
!*** output variables
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_QuaternionDisorientation ! disorientation
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
!*** local variables
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: dQ,dQsymA,mis
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j,k,s
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
dQ = math_qMul(math_qConj(Q1),Q2)
math_QuaternionDisorientation = dQ
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-04 18:24:13 +05:30
select case (symmetryType)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
case (0_pInt)
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
if (math_QuaternionDisorientation(1) < 0.0_pReal) &
math_QuaternionDisorientation = -math_QuaternionDisorientation ! keep omega within 0 to 180 deg
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
case (1_pInt,2_pInt)
s = sum(math_NsymOperations(1:symmetryType-1_pInt))
do i = 1_pInt,2_pInt
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
dQ = math_qConj(dQ) ! switch order of "from -- to"
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do j = 1_pInt,math_NsymOperations(symmetryType) ! run through first crystal's symmetries
dQsymA = math_qMul(math_symOperations(1:4,s+j),dQ) ! apply sym
do k = 1_pInt,math_NsymOperations(symmetryType) ! run through 2nd crystal's symmetries
mis = math_qMul(dQsymA,math_symOperations(1:4,s+k)) ! apply sym
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
if (mis(1) < 0.0_pReal) & ! want positive angle
mis = -mis
if (mis(1)-math_QuaternionDisorientation(1) > -1e-8_pReal .and. &
math_QuaternionInSST(mis,symmetryType)) &
math_QuaternionDisorientation = mis ! found better one
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2010-05-04 18:24:13 +05:30
case default
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
call IO_error(450_pInt,symmetryType) ! complain about unknown symmetry
2010-05-04 18:24:13 +05:30
end select
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_QuaternionDisorientation
2010-04-28 22:49:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief draw a random sample from Euler space
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
function math_sampleRandomOri()
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_sampleRandomOri, rnd
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call halton(3_pInt,rnd)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
math_sampleRandomOri(1) = rnd(1)*2.0_pReal*pi
math_sampleRandomOri(2) = acos(2.0_pReal*rnd(2)-1.0_pReal)
math_sampleRandomOri(3) = rnd(3)*2.0_pReal*pi
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_sampleRandomOri
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief draw a random sample from Gauss component with noise (in radians) half-width
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
function math_sampleGaussOri(center,noise)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_sampleGaussOri, center, disturb
real(pReal), dimension(3), parameter :: origin = (/0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal/)
real(pReal), dimension(5) :: rnd
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: noise,scatter,cosScatter
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
integer(pInt) i
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (noise==0.0_pReal) then
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
math_sampleGaussOri = center
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
! Helming uses different distribution with Bessel functions
! therefore the gauss scatter width has to be scaled differently
scatter = 0.95_pReal * noise
cosScatter = cos(scatter)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call halton(5_pInt,rnd)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt) rnd(i) = 2.0_pReal*rnd(i)-1.0_pReal ! expand 1:3 to range [-1,+1]
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
disturb(1) = scatter * rnd(1) ! phi1
disturb(2) = sign(1.0_pReal,rnd(2))*acos(cosScatter+(1.0_pReal-cosScatter)*rnd(4)) ! Phi
disturb(3) = scatter * rnd(2) ! phi2
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
if (rnd(5) <= exp(-1.0_pReal*(math_EulerMisorientation(origin,disturb)/scatter)**2_pReal)) exit
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2008-07-23 18:19:40 +05:30
math_sampleGaussOri = math_RtoEuler(math_mul33x33(math_EulerToR(disturb),math_EulerToR(center)))
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_sampleGaussOri
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
!> @brief draw a random sample from Fiber component with noise (in radians)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
function math_sampleFiberOri(alpha,beta,noise)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_sampleFiberOri, fiberInC,fiberInS,axis
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(2), intent(in) :: alpha,beta
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: rnd
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: oRot,fRot,pRot
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: noise, scatter, cos2Scatter, angle
integer(pInt), dimension(2,3), parameter :: rotMap = reshape((/2_pInt,3_pInt,&
integer(pInt) :: i
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
! Helming uses different distribution with Bessel functions
! therefore the gauss scatter width has to be scaled differently
scatter = 0.95_pReal * noise
cos2Scatter = cos(2.0_pReal*scatter)
! fiber axis in crystal coordinate system
! fiber axis in sample coordinate system
! ---# rotation matrix from sample to crystal system #---
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
angle = -acos(dot_product(fiberInC,fiberInS))
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
if(angle /= 0.0_pReal) then
! rotation axis between sample and crystal system (cross product)
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
forall(i=1_pInt:3_pInt) axis(i) = fiberInC(rotMap(1,i))*fiberInS(rotMap(2,i))-fiberInC(rotMap(2,i))*fiberInS(rotMap(1,i))
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
oRot = math_AxisAngleToR(math_vectorproduct(fiberInC,fiberInS),angle)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
oRot = math_I3
end if
! ---# rotation matrix about fiber axis (random angle) #---
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
call halton(6_pInt,rnd)
fRot = math_AxisAngleToR(fiberInS,rnd(1)*2.0_pReal*pi)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
! ---# rotation about random axis perpend to fiber #---
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
! random axis pependicular to fiber axis
axis(1:2) = rnd(2:3)
if (fiberInS(3) /= 0.0_pReal) then
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
else if(fiberInS(2) /= 0.0_pReal) then
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
else if(fiberInS(1) /= 0.0_pReal) then
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
end if
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
! scattered rotation angle
if (noise > 0.0_pReal) then
angle = acos(cos2Scatter+(1.0_pReal-cos2Scatter)*rnd(4))
if (rnd(5) <= exp(-1.0_pReal*(angle/scatter)**2.0_pReal)) exit
angle = 0.0_pReal
end if
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
if (rnd(6) <= 0.5) angle = -angle
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
pRot = math_AxisAngleToR(axis,angle)
2007-03-29 21:02:52 +05:30
! ---# apply the three rotations #---
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
math_sampleFiberOri = math_RtoEuler(math_mul33x33(pRot,math_mul33x33(fRot,oRot)))
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_sampleFiberOri
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief symmetric Euler angles for given symmetry string 'triclinic' or '', 'monoclinic', 'orthotropic'
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_symmetricEulers(sym,Euler)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
implicit none
2009-03-04 17:18:54 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: sym
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: Euler
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_symmetricEulers
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
math_symmetricEulers(1,1) = pi+Euler(1)
math_symmetricEulers(2,1) = Euler(2)
math_symmetricEulers(3,1) = Euler(3)
math_symmetricEulers(1,2) = pi-Euler(1)
math_symmetricEulers(2,2) = pi-Euler(2)
math_symmetricEulers(3,2) = pi+Euler(3)
math_symmetricEulers(1,3) = 2.0_pReal*pi-Euler(1)
math_symmetricEulers(2,3) = pi-Euler(2)
math_symmetricEulers(3,3) = pi+Euler(3)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
forall (i=1_pInt:3_pInt,j=1_pInt:3_pInt) math_symmetricEulers(j,i) = modulo(math_symmetricEulers(j,i),2.0_pReal*pi)
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
select case (sym)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
case (4_pInt) ! all done
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
case (2_pInt) ! return only first
math_symmetricEulers(1:3,2:3) = 0.0_pReal
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
case default ! return blank
math_symmetricEulers = 0.0_pReal
end select
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_symmetricEulers
2008-02-15 18:12:27 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief draw a random sample from Gauss variable
2011-02-04 21:11:32 +05:30
function math_sampleGaussVar(meanvalue, stddev, width)
implicit none
!*** input variables
real(pReal), intent(in) :: meanvalue, & ! meanvalue of gauss distribution
stddev ! standard deviation of gauss distribution
real(pReal), intent(in), optional :: width ! width of considered values as multiples of standard deviation
!*** output variables
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: math_sampleGaussVar
2011-02-04 21:11:32 +05:30
!*** local variables
real(pReal), dimension(2) :: rnd ! random numbers
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: scatter, & ! normalized scatter around meanvalue
2011-02-04 21:11:32 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (stddev == 0.0_pReal) then
2011-02-04 21:11:32 +05:30
math_sampleGaussVar = meanvalue
if (present(width)) then
myWidth = width
myWidth = 3.0_pReal ! use +-3*sigma as default value for scatter
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call halton(2_pInt, rnd)
2011-02-04 21:11:32 +05:30
scatter = myWidth * (2.0_pReal * rnd(1) - 1.0_pReal)
if (rnd(2) <= exp(-0.5_pReal * scatter ** 2.0_pReal)) & ! test if scattered value is drawn
math_sampleGaussVar = scatter * stddev
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_sampleGaussVar
2011-09-14 18:56:00 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief not yet done
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
subroutine math_spectralDecompositionSym33(M,values,vectors,error)
2011-09-14 18:56:00 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
implicit none
2011-09-14 18:56:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: M
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(out) :: values
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: vectors
logical, intent(out) :: error
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: info
2011-09-14 18:56:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension((64+2)*3) :: work ! block size of 64 taken from http://www.netlib.org/lapack/double/dsyev.f
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-09-14 18:56:00 +05:30
vectors = M ! copy matrix to input (doubles as output) array
call DSYEV('V','U',3,vectors,3,values,work,(64+2)*3,info)
error = (info == 0_pInt)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-09-14 18:56:00 +05:30
end subroutine
2011-02-04 21:11:32 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief FE = R.U
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure subroutine math_pDecomposition(FE,U,R,error)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: FE
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: R, U
2009-12-14 16:32:10 +05:30
logical, intent(out) :: error
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: CE, EB1, EB2, EB3, UI
real(pReal) :: EW1, EW2, EW3, det
2007-04-11 15:34:22 +05:30
error = .false.
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
ce = math_mul33x33(math_transpose33(FE),FE)
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
CALL math_spectral1(CE,EW1,EW2,EW3,EB1,EB2,EB3)
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
call math_invert33(U,UI,det,error)
2009-05-07 21:57:36 +05:30
if (.not. error) R = math_mul33x33(FE,UI)
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine math_pDecomposition
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure subroutine math_spectral1(M,EW1,EW2,EW3,EB1,EB2,EB3)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: M
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: EB1, EB2, EB3
real(pReal), intent(out) :: EW1,EW2,EW3
real(pReal) HI1M, HI2M, HI3M, R, S, T, P, Q, RHO, PHI, Y1, Y2, Y3, D1, D2, D3
real(pReal), parameter :: TOL=1.e-14_pReal
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: M1, M2, M3
real(pReal) C1,C2,C3,arg
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
CALL math_hi(M,HI1M,HI2M,HI3M)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! this is not really correct, but this way U is calculated
! correctly in PDECOMPOSITION (correct is EB?=I)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if(arg.GT.1.0_pReal) arg=1.0_pReal
if(arg.LT.-1.0_pReal) arg=-1.0_pReal
2011-02-25 14:55:53 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! EW1 is equal to EW2
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-27 20:43:08 +05:30
2008-07-23 18:19:40 +05:30
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2007-03-27 20:43:08 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! both EB2 and EW2 are set to zero so that they do not
! contribute to U in PDECOMPOSITION
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! EW2 is equal to EW3
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-27 20:43:08 +05:30
2008-07-23 18:19:40 +05:30
2007-03-27 20:43:08 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! both EB3 and EW3 are set to zero so that they do not
! contribute to U in PDECOMPOSITION
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! EW1 is equal to EW3
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-27 20:43:08 +05:30
2008-07-23 18:19:40 +05:30
2007-03-27 20:43:08 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! both EB3 and EW3 are set to zero so that they do not
! contribute to U in PDECOMPOSITION
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! all three eigenvectors are different
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2007-03-27 20:43:08 +05:30
2008-07-23 18:19:40 +05:30
2008-07-09 01:08:22 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-08-01 15:41:32 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine math_spectral1
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief Eigenvalues of symmetric 3X3 matrix M
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
function math_eigenvalues33(M)
2011-08-26 19:36:37 +05:30
implicit none
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: M
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: EB1 = 0.0_pReal, EB2 = 0.0_pReal, EB3 = 0.0_pReal
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_eigenvalues33
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: HI1M, HI2M, HI3M, R, S, T, P, Q, RHO, PHI, Y1, Y2, Y3, arg
real(pReal), parameter :: TOL=1.e-14_pReal
2011-08-26 19:36:37 +05:30
CALL math_hi(M,HI1M,HI2M,HI3M)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-08-26 19:36:37 +05:30
if((abs(P) < TOL) .and. (abs(Q) < TOL)) THEN
! three equivalent eigenvalues
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_eigenvalues33(1) = HI1M/3.0_pReal
2011-08-26 19:36:37 +05:30
! this is not really correct, but this way U is calculated
! correctly in PDECOMPOSITION (correct is EB?=I)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if(arg.GT.1.0_pReal) arg=1.0_pReal
if(arg.LT.-1.0_pReal) arg=-1.0_pReal
2011-08-26 19:36:37 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_eigenvalues33(1) = Y1-R/3.0_pReal
math_eigenvalues33(2) = Y2-R/3.0_pReal
math_eigenvalues33(3) = Y3-R/3.0_pReal
2011-08-26 19:36:37 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_eigenvalues33
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure subroutine math_hi(M,HI1M,HI2M,HI3M)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in) :: M(3,3)
real(pReal), intent(out) :: HI1M, HI2M, HI3M
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
HI2M=HI1M**2.0_pReal/2.0_pReal- (M(1,1)**2.0_pReal+M(2,2)**2.0_pReal+M(3,3)**2.0_pReal)&
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
2007-03-22 20:18:16 +05:30
! QUESTION: is 3rd equiv det(M) ?? if yes, use function math_det !agreed on YES
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine math_hi
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief GET_SEED returns a seed for the random number generator.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! The seed depends on the current time, and ought to be (slightly)
! different every millisecond. Once the seed is obtained, a random
! number generator should be called a few times to further process
! the seed.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Parameters:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Output, integer SEED, a pseudorandom seed value.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 27 June 2000
! Author: John Burkardt
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 29 April 2005
! Author: Franz Roters
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
subroutine get_seed(seed)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: seed
real(pReal) :: temp = 0.0_pReal
character(len = 10) :: time
character(len = 8) :: today
integer(pInt) :: values(8)
character(len = 5) :: zone
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call date_and_time (today, time, zone, values)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
temp = temp + real(values(2)- 1_pInt, pReal) / 11.0_pReal
temp = temp + real(values(3)- 1_pInt, pReal) / 30.0_pReal
temp = temp + real(values(5), pReal) / 23.0_pReal
temp = temp + real(values(6), pReal) / 59.0_pReal
temp = temp + real(values(7), pReal) / 59.0_pReal
temp = temp + real(values(8), pReal) / 999.0_pReal
temp = temp / 6.0_pReal
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (temp <= 0.0_pReal) then
temp = 1.0_pReal / 3.0_pReal
else if (1.0_pReal <= temp) then
temp = 2.0_pReal / 3.0_pReal
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
end if
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
seed = int(real(huge(1_pInt),pReal)*temp, pInt)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Never use a seed of 0 or maximum integer.
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (seed == 0_pInt) then
seed = 1_pInt
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
end if
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (seed == huge(1_pInt)) then
seed = seed -1_pInt
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
end if
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine get_seed
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief HALTON computes the next element in the Halton sequence.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Parameters:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, integer NDIM, the dimension of the element.
! Output, real R(NDIM), the next element of the current Halton sequence.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 09 March 2003
! Author: John Burkardt
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 29 April 2005
! Author: Franz Roters
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
subroutine halton(ndim, r)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ndim
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(ndim) :: r
integer(pInt), dimension(ndim) :: base
integer(pInt) :: seed
integer(pInt), dimension(1) :: value_halton
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call halton_memory ('GET', 'SEED', 1_pInt, value_halton)
seed = value_halton(1)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call halton_memory ('GET', 'BASE', ndim, base)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call i_to_halton (seed, base, ndim, r)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
value_halton(1) = 1_pInt
call halton_memory ('INC', 'SEED', 1_pInt, value_halton)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine halton
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief HALTON_MEMORY sets or returns quantities associated with the Halton sequence.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Parameters:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, character (len = *) action_halton, the desired action.
! 'GET' means get the value of a particular quantity.
! 'SET' means set the value of a particular quantity.
! 'INC' means increment the value of a particular quantity.
! (Only the SEED can be incremented.)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, character (len = *) name_halton, the name of the quantity.
! 'BASE' means the Halton base or bases.
! 'NDIM' means the spatial dimension.
! 'SEED' means the current Halton seed.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input/output, integer NDIM, the dimension of the quantity.
! If action_halton is 'SET' and action_halton is 'BASE', then NDIM is input, and
! is the number of entries in value_halton to be put into BASE.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input/output, integer value_halton(NDIM), contains a value.
! If action_halton is 'SET', then on input, value_halton contains values to be assigned
! to the internal variable.
! If action_halton is 'GET', then on output, value_halton contains the values of
! the specified internal variable.
! If action_halton is 'INC', then on input, value_halton contains the increment to
! be added to the specified internal variable.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 09 March 2003
! Author: John Burkardt
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 29 April 2005
! Author: Franz Roters
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
subroutine halton_memory (action_halton, name_halton, ndim, value_halton)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
character(len = *), intent(in) :: action_halton, name_halton
integer(pInt), dimension(*), intent(inout) :: value_halton
integer(pInt), allocatable, save, dimension(:) :: base
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
logical, save :: first_call = .true.
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ndim
integer(pInt):: i
integer(pInt), save :: ndim_save = 0_pInt, seed = 1_pInt
if (first_call) then
ndim_save = 1_pInt
base(1) = 2_pInt
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
first_call = .false.
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Set
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if(action_halton(1:1) == 'S' .or. action_halton(1:1) == 's') then
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if(name_halton(1:1) == 'B' .or. name_halton(1:1) == 'b') then
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if(ndim_save /= ndim) then
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
ndim_save = ndim
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
base(1:ndim) = value_halton(1:ndim)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
elseif(name_halton(1:1) == 'N' .or. name_halton(1:1) == 'n') then
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if(ndim_save /= value_halton(1)) then
ndim_save = value_halton(1)
do i = 1_pInt, ndim_save
base(i) = prime (i)
2010-05-06 19:37:21 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
ndim_save = value_halton(1)
elseif(name_halton(1:1) == 'S' .or. name_halton(1:1) == 's') then
seed = value_halton(1)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Get
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
elseif(action_halton(1:1) == 'G' .or. action_halton(1:1) == 'g') then
if(name_halton(1:1) == 'B' .or. name_halton(1:1) == 'b') then
if(ndim /= ndim_save) then
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
ndim_save = ndim
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do i = 1_pInt, ndim_save
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
base(i) = prime(i)
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
value_halton(1:ndim_save) = base(1:ndim_save)
elseif(name_halton(1:1) == 'N' .or. name_halton(1:1) == 'n') then
value_halton(1) = ndim_save
elseif(name_halton(1:1) == 'S' .or. name_halton(1:1) == 's') then
value_halton(1) = seed
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Increment
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
elseif(action_halton(1:1) == 'I' .or. action_halton(1:1) == 'i') then
if(name_halton(1:1) == 'S' .or. name_halton(1:1) == 's') then
seed = seed + value_halton(1)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
end if
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine halton_memory
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief HALTON_NDIM_SET sets the dimension for a Halton sequence.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Parameters:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, integer NDIM, the dimension of the Halton vectors.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 26 February 2001
! Author: John Burkardt
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 29 April 2005
! Author: Franz Roters
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
subroutine halton_ndim_set (ndim)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ndim
integer(pInt) :: value_halton(1)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
value_halton(1) = ndim
call halton_memory ('SET', 'NDIM', 1_pInt, value_halton)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine halton_ndim_set
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> HALTON_SEED_SET sets the "seed" for the Halton sequence.
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Calling HALTON repeatedly returns the elements of the
! Halton sequence in order, starting with element number 1.
! An internal counter, called SEED, keeps track of the next element
! to return. Each time the routine is called, the SEED-th element
! is computed, and then SEED is incremented by 1.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! To restart the Halton sequence, it is only necessary to reset
! SEED to 1. It might also be desirable to reset SEED to some other value.
! This routine allows the user to specify any value of SEED.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! The default value of SEED is 1, which restarts the Halton sequence.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Parameters:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, integer SEED, the seed for the Halton sequence.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 26 February 2001
! Author: John Burkardt
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 29 April 2005
! Author: Franz Roters
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
subroutine halton_seed_set (seed)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt), parameter :: ndim = 1_pInt
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: seed
integer(pInt) :: value_halton(ndim)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
value_halton(1) = seed
call halton_memory ('SET', 'SEED', ndim, value_halton)
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine halton_seed_set
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief I_TO_HALTON computes an element of a Halton sequence.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Reference:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! J H Halton: On the efficiency of certain quasi-random sequences of points
! in evaluating multi-dimensional integrals, Numerische Mathematik, Volume 2, pages 84-90, 1960.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Parameters:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, integer SEED, the index of the desired element.
! Only the absolute value of SEED is considered. SEED = 0 is allowed,
! and returns R = 0.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, integer BASE(NDIM), the Halton bases, which should be
! distinct prime numbers. This routine only checks that each base
! is greater than 1.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, integer NDIM, the dimension of the sequence.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Output, real R(NDIM), the SEED-th element of the Halton sequence
! for the given bases.
! Modified: 26 February 2001
! Author: John Burkardt
! Modified: 29 April 2005
! Author: Franz RotersA
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
subroutine i_to_halton (seed, base, ndim, r)
use IO, only: IO_error
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ndim
integer(pInt), intent(in), dimension(ndim) :: base
real(pReal), dimension(ndim) :: base_inv
integer(pInt), dimension(ndim) :: digit
real(pReal), dimension(ndim), intent(out) ::r
integer(pInt) :: seed
integer(pInt), dimension(ndim) :: seed2
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
seed2(1:ndim) = abs(seed)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
r(1:ndim) = 0.0_pReal
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
if (any (base(1:ndim) <= 1_pInt)) call IO_error(error_ID=405_pInt)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
base_inv(1:ndim) = 1.0_pReal / real (base(1:ndim), pReal)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do while ( any ( seed2(1:ndim) /= 0_pInt) )
digit(1:ndim) = mod ( seed2(1:ndim), base(1:ndim))
r(1:ndim) = r(1:ndim) + real ( digit(1:ndim), pReal) * base_inv(1:ndim)
base_inv(1:ndim) = base_inv(1:ndim) / real ( base(1:ndim), pReal)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
seed2(1:ndim) = seed2(1:ndim) / base(1:ndim)
2009-06-29 20:59:07 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end subroutine i_to_halton
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief PRIME returns any of the first PRIME_MAX prime numbers.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Note:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! PRIME_MAX is 1500, and the largest prime stored is 12553.
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Reference:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical Functions,
! US Department of Commerce, 1964, pages 870-873.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Daniel Zwillinger: CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae,
! 30th Edition, CRC Press, 1996, pages 95-98.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
! Parameters:
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Input, integer N, the index of the desired prime number.
! N = -1 returns PRIME_MAX, the index of the largest prime available.
! N = 0 is legal, returning PRIME = 1.
! It should generally be true that 0 <= N <= PRIME_MAX.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Output, integer PRIME, the N-th prime. If N is out of range, PRIME
! is returned as 0.
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 21 June 2002
! Author: John Burkardt
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! Modified: 29 April 2005
! Author: Franz Roters
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
function prime(n)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
use IO, only: IO_error
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
implicit none
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
integer(pInt), parameter :: prime_max = 1500_pInt
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
integer(pInt), save :: icall = 0_pInt
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: n
integer(pInt), save, dimension(prime_max) :: npvec
integer(pInt) prime
2007-03-21 15:50:25 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if (icall == 0_pInt) then
icall = 1_pInt
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
npvec = [&
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2_pInt, 3_pInt, 5_pInt, 7_pInt, 11_pInt, 13_pInt, 17_pInt, 19_pInt, 23_pInt, 29_pInt, &
31_pInt, 37_pInt, 41_pInt, 43_pInt, 47_pInt, 53_pInt, 59_pInt, 61_pInt, 67_pInt, 71_pInt, &
73_pInt, 79_pInt, 83_pInt, 89_pInt, 97_pInt, 101_pInt, 103_pInt, 107_pInt, 109_pInt, 113_pInt, &
127_pInt, 131_pInt, 137_pInt, 139_pInt, 149_pInt, 151_pInt, 157_pInt, 163_pInt, 167_pInt, 173_pInt, &
179_pInt, 181_pInt, 191_pInt, 193_pInt, 197_pInt, 199_pInt, 211_pInt, 223_pInt, 227_pInt, 229_pInt, &
233_pInt, 239_pInt, 241_pInt, 251_pInt, 257_pInt, 263_pInt, 269_pInt, 271_pInt, 277_pInt, 281_pInt, &
283_pInt, 293_pInt, 307_pInt, 311_pInt, 313_pInt, 317_pInt, 331_pInt, 337_pInt, 347_pInt, 349_pInt, &
353_pInt, 359_pInt, 367_pInt, 373_pInt, 379_pInt, 383_pInt, 389_pInt, 397_pInt, 401_pInt, 409_pInt, &
419_pInt, 421_pInt, 431_pInt, 433_pInt, 439_pInt, 443_pInt, 449_pInt, 457_pInt, 461_pInt, 463_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
467_pInt, 479_pInt, 487_pInt, 491_pInt, 499_pInt, 503_pInt, 509_pInt, 521_pInt, 523_pInt, 541_pInt, &
! 101:200
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
547_pInt, 557_pInt, 563_pInt, 569_pInt, 571_pInt, 577_pInt, 587_pInt, 593_pInt, 599_pInt, 601_pInt, &
607_pInt, 613_pInt, 617_pInt, 619_pInt, 631_pInt, 641_pInt, 643_pInt, 647_pInt, 653_pInt, 659_pInt, &
661_pInt, 673_pInt, 677_pInt, 683_pInt, 691_pInt, 701_pInt, 709_pInt, 719_pInt, 727_pInt, 733_pInt, &
739_pInt, 743_pInt, 751_pInt, 757_pInt, 761_pInt, 769_pInt, 773_pInt, 787_pInt, 797_pInt, 809_pInt, &
811_pInt, 821_pInt, 823_pInt, 827_pInt, 829_pInt, 839_pInt, 853_pInt, 857_pInt, 859_pInt, 863_pInt, &
877_pInt, 881_pInt, 883_pInt, 887_pInt, 907_pInt, 911_pInt, 919_pInt, 929_pInt, 937_pInt, 941_pInt, &
947_pInt, 953_pInt, 967_pInt, 971_pInt, 977_pInt, 983_pInt, 991_pInt, 997_pInt, 1009_pInt, 1013_pInt, &
1019_pInt, 1021_pInt, 1031_pInt, 1033_pInt, 1039_pInt, 1049_pInt, 1051_pInt, 1061_pInt, 1063_pInt, 1069_pInt, &
1087_pInt, 1091_pInt, 1093_pInt, 1097_pInt, 1103_pInt, 1109_pInt, 1117_pInt, 1123_pInt, 1129_pInt, 1151_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
1153_pInt, 1163_pInt, 1171_pInt, 1181_pInt, 1187_pInt, 1193_pInt, 1201_pInt, 1213_pInt, 1217_pInt, 1223_pInt, &
! 201:300
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
1229_pInt, 1231_pInt, 1237_pInt, 1249_pInt, 1259_pInt, 1277_pInt, 1279_pInt, 1283_pInt, 1289_pInt, 1291_pInt, &
1297_pInt, 1301_pInt, 1303_pInt, 1307_pInt, 1319_pInt, 1321_pInt, 1327_pInt, 1361_pInt, 1367_pInt, 1373_pInt, &
1381_pInt, 1399_pInt, 1409_pInt, 1423_pInt, 1427_pInt, 1429_pInt, 1433_pInt, 1439_pInt, 1447_pInt, 1451_pInt, &
1453_pInt, 1459_pInt, 1471_pInt, 1481_pInt, 1483_pInt, 1487_pInt, 1489_pInt, 1493_pInt, 1499_pInt, 1511_pInt, &
1523_pInt, 1531_pInt, 1543_pInt, 1549_pInt, 1553_pInt, 1559_pInt, 1567_pInt, 1571_pInt, 1579_pInt, 1583_pInt, &
1597_pInt, 1601_pInt, 1607_pInt, 1609_pInt, 1613_pInt, 1619_pInt, 1621_pInt, 1627_pInt, 1637_pInt, 1657_pInt, &
1663_pInt, 1667_pInt, 1669_pInt, 1693_pInt, 1697_pInt, 1699_pInt, 1709_pInt, 1721_pInt, 1723_pInt, 1733_pInt, &
1741_pInt, 1747_pInt, 1753_pInt, 1759_pInt, 1777_pInt, 1783_pInt, 1787_pInt, 1789_pInt, 1801_pInt, 1811_pInt, &
1823_pInt, 1831_pInt, 1847_pInt, 1861_pInt, 1867_pInt, 1871_pInt, 1873_pInt, 1877_pInt, 1879_pInt, 1889_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
1901_pInt, 1907_pInt, 1913_pInt, 1931_pInt, 1933_pInt, 1949_pInt, 1951_pInt, 1973_pInt, 1979_pInt, 1987_pInt, &
! 301:400
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
1993_pInt, 1997_pInt, 1999_pInt, 2003_pInt, 2011_pInt, 2017_pInt, 2027_pInt, 2029_pInt, 2039_pInt, 2053_pInt, &
2063_pInt, 2069_pInt, 2081_pInt, 2083_pInt, 2087_pInt, 2089_pInt, 2099_pInt, 2111_pInt, 2113_pInt, 2129_pInt, &
2131_pInt, 2137_pInt, 2141_pInt, 2143_pInt, 2153_pInt, 2161_pInt, 2179_pInt, 2203_pInt, 2207_pInt, 2213_pInt, &
2221_pInt, 2237_pInt, 2239_pInt, 2243_pInt, 2251_pInt, 2267_pInt, 2269_pInt, 2273_pInt, 2281_pInt, 2287_pInt, &
2293_pInt, 2297_pInt, 2309_pInt, 2311_pInt, 2333_pInt, 2339_pInt, 2341_pInt, 2347_pInt, 2351_pInt, 2357_pInt, &
2371_pInt, 2377_pInt, 2381_pInt, 2383_pInt, 2389_pInt, 2393_pInt, 2399_pInt, 2411_pInt, 2417_pInt, 2423_pInt, &
2437_pInt, 2441_pInt, 2447_pInt, 2459_pInt, 2467_pInt, 2473_pInt, 2477_pInt, 2503_pInt, 2521_pInt, 2531_pInt, &
2539_pInt, 2543_pInt, 2549_pInt, 2551_pInt, 2557_pInt, 2579_pInt, 2591_pInt, 2593_pInt, 2609_pInt, 2617_pInt, &
2621_pInt, 2633_pInt, 2647_pInt, 2657_pInt, 2659_pInt, 2663_pInt, 2671_pInt, 2677_pInt, 2683_pInt, 2687_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2689_pInt, 2693_pInt, 2699_pInt, 2707_pInt, 2711_pInt, 2713_pInt, 2719_pInt, 2729_pInt, 2731_pInt, 2741_pInt, &
! 401:500
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2749_pInt, 2753_pInt, 2767_pInt, 2777_pInt, 2789_pInt, 2791_pInt, 2797_pInt, 2801_pInt, 2803_pInt, 2819_pInt, &
2833_pInt, 2837_pInt, 2843_pInt, 2851_pInt, 2857_pInt, 2861_pInt, 2879_pInt, 2887_pInt, 2897_pInt, 2903_pInt, &
2909_pInt, 2917_pInt, 2927_pInt, 2939_pInt, 2953_pInt, 2957_pInt, 2963_pInt, 2969_pInt, 2971_pInt, 2999_pInt, &
3001_pInt, 3011_pInt, 3019_pInt, 3023_pInt, 3037_pInt, 3041_pInt, 3049_pInt, 3061_pInt, 3067_pInt, 3079_pInt, &
3083_pInt, 3089_pInt, 3109_pInt, 3119_pInt, 3121_pInt, 3137_pInt, 3163_pInt, 3167_pInt, 3169_pInt, 3181_pInt, &
3187_pInt, 3191_pInt, 3203_pInt, 3209_pInt, 3217_pInt, 3221_pInt, 3229_pInt, 3251_pInt, 3253_pInt, 3257_pInt, &
3259_pInt, 3271_pInt, 3299_pInt, 3301_pInt, 3307_pInt, 3313_pInt, 3319_pInt, 3323_pInt, 3329_pInt, 3331_pInt, &
3343_pInt, 3347_pInt, 3359_pInt, 3361_pInt, 3371_pInt, 3373_pInt, 3389_pInt, 3391_pInt, 3407_pInt, 3413_pInt, &
3433_pInt, 3449_pInt, 3457_pInt, 3461_pInt, 3463_pInt, 3467_pInt, 3469_pInt, 3491_pInt, 3499_pInt, 3511_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
3517_pInt, 3527_pInt, 3529_pInt, 3533_pInt, 3539_pInt, 3541_pInt, 3547_pInt, 3557_pInt, 3559_pInt, 3571_pInt, &
! 501:600
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
3581_pInt, 3583_pInt, 3593_pInt, 3607_pInt, 3613_pInt, 3617_pInt, 3623_pInt, 3631_pInt, 3637_pInt, 3643_pInt, &
3659_pInt, 3671_pInt, 3673_pInt, 3677_pInt, 3691_pInt, 3697_pInt, 3701_pInt, 3709_pInt, 3719_pInt, 3727_pInt, &
3733_pInt, 3739_pInt, 3761_pInt, 3767_pInt, 3769_pInt, 3779_pInt, 3793_pInt, 3797_pInt, 3803_pInt, 3821_pInt, &
3823_pInt, 3833_pInt, 3847_pInt, 3851_pInt, 3853_pInt, 3863_pInt, 3877_pInt, 3881_pInt, 3889_pInt, 3907_pInt, &
3911_pInt, 3917_pInt, 3919_pInt, 3923_pInt, 3929_pInt, 3931_pInt, 3943_pInt, 3947_pInt, 3967_pInt, 3989_pInt, &
4001_pInt, 4003_pInt, 4007_pInt, 4013_pInt, 4019_pInt, 4021_pInt, 4027_pInt, 4049_pInt, 4051_pInt, 4057_pInt, &
4073_pInt, 4079_pInt, 4091_pInt, 4093_pInt, 4099_pInt, 4111_pInt, 4127_pInt, 4129_pInt, 4133_pInt, 4139_pInt, &
4153_pInt, 4157_pInt, 4159_pInt, 4177_pInt, 4201_pInt, 4211_pInt, 4217_pInt, 4219_pInt, 4229_pInt, 4231_pInt, &
4241_pInt, 4243_pInt, 4253_pInt, 4259_pInt, 4261_pInt, 4271_pInt, 4273_pInt, 4283_pInt, 4289_pInt, 4297_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
4327_pInt, 4337_pInt, 4339_pInt, 4349_pInt, 4357_pInt, 4363_pInt, 4373_pInt, 4391_pInt, 4397_pInt, 4409_pInt, &
! 601:700
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
4421_pInt, 4423_pInt, 4441_pInt, 4447_pInt, 4451_pInt, 4457_pInt, 4463_pInt, 4481_pInt, 4483_pInt, 4493_pInt, &
4507_pInt, 4513_pInt, 4517_pInt, 4519_pInt, 4523_pInt, 4547_pInt, 4549_pInt, 4561_pInt, 4567_pInt, 4583_pInt, &
4591_pInt, 4597_pInt, 4603_pInt, 4621_pInt, 4637_pInt, 4639_pInt, 4643_pInt, 4649_pInt, 4651_pInt, 4657_pInt, &
4663_pInt, 4673_pInt, 4679_pInt, 4691_pInt, 4703_pInt, 4721_pInt, 4723_pInt, 4729_pInt, 4733_pInt, 4751_pInt, &
4759_pInt, 4783_pInt, 4787_pInt, 4789_pInt, 4793_pInt, 4799_pInt, 4801_pInt, 4813_pInt, 4817_pInt, 4831_pInt, &
4861_pInt, 4871_pInt, 4877_pInt, 4889_pInt, 4903_pInt, 4909_pInt, 4919_pInt, 4931_pInt, 4933_pInt, 4937_pInt, &
4943_pInt, 4951_pInt, 4957_pInt, 4967_pInt, 4969_pInt, 4973_pInt, 4987_pInt, 4993_pInt, 4999_pInt, 5003_pInt, &
5009_pInt, 5011_pInt, 5021_pInt, 5023_pInt, 5039_pInt, 5051_pInt, 5059_pInt, 5077_pInt, 5081_pInt, 5087_pInt, &
5099_pInt, 5101_pInt, 5107_pInt, 5113_pInt, 5119_pInt, 5147_pInt, 5153_pInt, 5167_pInt, 5171_pInt, 5179_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
5189_pInt, 5197_pInt, 5209_pInt, 5227_pInt, 5231_pInt, 5233_pInt, 5237_pInt, 5261_pInt, 5273_pInt, 5279_pInt, &
! 701:800
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
5281_pInt, 5297_pInt, 5303_pInt, 5309_pInt, 5323_pInt, 5333_pInt, 5347_pInt, 5351_pInt, 5381_pInt, 5387_pInt, &
5393_pInt, 5399_pInt, 5407_pInt, 5413_pInt, 5417_pInt, 5419_pInt, 5431_pInt, 5437_pInt, 5441_pInt, 5443_pInt, &
5449_pInt, 5471_pInt, 5477_pInt, 5479_pInt, 5483_pInt, 5501_pInt, 5503_pInt, 5507_pInt, 5519_pInt, 5521_pInt, &
5527_pInt, 5531_pInt, 5557_pInt, 5563_pInt, 5569_pInt, 5573_pInt, 5581_pInt, 5591_pInt, 5623_pInt, 5639_pInt, &
5641_pInt, 5647_pInt, 5651_pInt, 5653_pInt, 5657_pInt, 5659_pInt, 5669_pInt, 5683_pInt, 5689_pInt, 5693_pInt, &
5701_pInt, 5711_pInt, 5717_pInt, 5737_pInt, 5741_pInt, 5743_pInt, 5749_pInt, 5779_pInt, 5783_pInt, 5791_pInt, &
5801_pInt, 5807_pInt, 5813_pInt, 5821_pInt, 5827_pInt, 5839_pInt, 5843_pInt, 5849_pInt, 5851_pInt, 5857_pInt, &
5861_pInt, 5867_pInt, 5869_pInt, 5879_pInt, 5881_pInt, 5897_pInt, 5903_pInt, 5923_pInt, 5927_pInt, 5939_pInt, &
5953_pInt, 5981_pInt, 5987_pInt, 6007_pInt, 6011_pInt, 6029_pInt, 6037_pInt, 6043_pInt, 6047_pInt, 6053_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
6067_pInt, 6073_pInt, 6079_pInt, 6089_pInt, 6091_pInt, 6101_pInt, 6113_pInt, 6121_pInt, 6131_pInt, 6133_pInt, &
! 801:900
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
6143_pInt, 6151_pInt, 6163_pInt, 6173_pInt, 6197_pInt, 6199_pInt, 6203_pInt, 6211_pInt, 6217_pInt, 6221_pInt, &
6229_pInt, 6247_pInt, 6257_pInt, 6263_pInt, 6269_pInt, 6271_pInt, 6277_pInt, 6287_pInt, 6299_pInt, 6301_pInt, &
6311_pInt, 6317_pInt, 6323_pInt, 6329_pInt, 6337_pInt, 6343_pInt, 6353_pInt, 6359_pInt, 6361_pInt, 6367_pInt, &
6373_pInt, 6379_pInt, 6389_pInt, 6397_pInt, 6421_pInt, 6427_pInt, 6449_pInt, 6451_pInt, 6469_pInt, 6473_pInt, &
6481_pInt, 6491_pInt, 6521_pInt, 6529_pInt, 6547_pInt, 6551_pInt, 6553_pInt, 6563_pInt, 6569_pInt, 6571_pInt, &
6577_pInt, 6581_pInt, 6599_pInt, 6607_pInt, 6619_pInt, 6637_pInt, 6653_pInt, 6659_pInt, 6661_pInt, 6673_pInt, &
6679_pInt, 6689_pInt, 6691_pInt, 6701_pInt, 6703_pInt, 6709_pInt, 6719_pInt, 6733_pInt, 6737_pInt, 6761_pInt, &
6763_pInt, 6779_pInt, 6781_pInt, 6791_pInt, 6793_pInt, 6803_pInt, 6823_pInt, 6827_pInt, 6829_pInt, 6833_pInt, &
6841_pInt, 6857_pInt, 6863_pInt, 6869_pInt, 6871_pInt, 6883_pInt, 6899_pInt, 6907_pInt, 6911_pInt, 6917_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
6947_pInt, 6949_pInt, 6959_pInt, 6961_pInt, 6967_pInt, 6971_pInt, 6977_pInt, 6983_pInt, 6991_pInt, 6997_pInt, &
! 901:1000
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
7001_pInt, 7013_pInt, 7019_pInt, 7027_pInt, 7039_pInt, 7043_pInt, 7057_pInt, 7069_pInt, 7079_pInt, 7103_pInt, &
7109_pInt, 7121_pInt, 7127_pInt, 7129_pInt, 7151_pInt, 7159_pInt, 7177_pInt, 7187_pInt, 7193_pInt, 7207_pInt, &
7211_pInt, 7213_pInt, 7219_pInt, 7229_pInt, 7237_pInt, 7243_pInt, 7247_pInt, 7253_pInt, 7283_pInt, 7297_pInt, &
7307_pInt, 7309_pInt, 7321_pInt, 7331_pInt, 7333_pInt, 7349_pInt, 7351_pInt, 7369_pInt, 7393_pInt, 7411_pInt, &
7417_pInt, 7433_pInt, 7451_pInt, 7457_pInt, 7459_pInt, 7477_pInt, 7481_pInt, 7487_pInt, 7489_pInt, 7499_pInt, &
7507_pInt, 7517_pInt, 7523_pInt, 7529_pInt, 7537_pInt, 7541_pInt, 7547_pInt, 7549_pInt, 7559_pInt, 7561_pInt, &
7573_pInt, 7577_pInt, 7583_pInt, 7589_pInt, 7591_pInt, 7603_pInt, 7607_pInt, 7621_pInt, 7639_pInt, 7643_pInt, &
7649_pInt, 7669_pInt, 7673_pInt, 7681_pInt, 7687_pInt, 7691_pInt, 7699_pInt, 7703_pInt, 7717_pInt, 7723_pInt, &
7727_pInt, 7741_pInt, 7753_pInt, 7757_pInt, 7759_pInt, 7789_pInt, 7793_pInt, 7817_pInt, 7823_pInt, 7829_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
7841_pInt, 7853_pInt, 7867_pInt, 7873_pInt, 7877_pInt, 7879_pInt, 7883_pInt, 7901_pInt, 7907_pInt, 7919_pInt, &
! 1001:1100
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
7927_pInt, 7933_pInt, 7937_pInt, 7949_pInt, 7951_pInt, 7963_pInt, 7993_pInt, 8009_pInt, 8011_pInt, 8017_pInt, &
8039_pInt, 8053_pInt, 8059_pInt, 8069_pInt, 8081_pInt, 8087_pInt, 8089_pInt, 8093_pInt, 8101_pInt, 8111_pInt, &
8117_pInt, 8123_pInt, 8147_pInt, 8161_pInt, 8167_pInt, 8171_pInt, 8179_pInt, 8191_pInt, 8209_pInt, 8219_pInt, &
8221_pInt, 8231_pInt, 8233_pInt, 8237_pInt, 8243_pInt, 8263_pInt, 8269_pInt, 8273_pInt, 8287_pInt, 8291_pInt, &
8293_pInt, 8297_pInt, 8311_pInt, 8317_pInt, 8329_pInt, 8353_pInt, 8363_pInt, 8369_pInt, 8377_pInt, 8387_pInt, &
8389_pInt, 8419_pInt, 8423_pInt, 8429_pInt, 8431_pInt, 8443_pInt, 8447_pInt, 8461_pInt, 8467_pInt, 8501_pInt, &
8513_pInt, 8521_pInt, 8527_pInt, 8537_pInt, 8539_pInt, 8543_pInt, 8563_pInt, 8573_pInt, 8581_pInt, 8597_pInt, &
8599_pInt, 8609_pInt, 8623_pInt, 8627_pInt, 8629_pInt, 8641_pInt, 8647_pInt, 8663_pInt, 8669_pInt, 8677_pInt, &
8681_pInt, 8689_pInt, 8693_pInt, 8699_pInt, 8707_pInt, 8713_pInt, 8719_pInt, 8731_pInt, 8737_pInt, 8741_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
8747_pInt, 8753_pInt, 8761_pInt, 8779_pInt, 8783_pInt, 8803_pInt, 8807_pInt, 8819_pInt, 8821_pInt, 8831_pInt, &
! 1101:1200
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
8837_pInt, 8839_pInt, 8849_pInt, 8861_pInt, 8863_pInt, 8867_pInt, 8887_pInt, 8893_pInt, 8923_pInt, 8929_pInt, &
8933_pInt, 8941_pInt, 8951_pInt, 8963_pInt, 8969_pInt, 8971_pInt, 8999_pInt, 9001_pInt, 9007_pInt, 9011_pInt, &
9013_pInt, 9029_pInt, 9041_pInt, 9043_pInt, 9049_pInt, 9059_pInt, 9067_pInt, 9091_pInt, 9103_pInt, 9109_pInt, &
9127_pInt, 9133_pInt, 9137_pInt, 9151_pInt, 9157_pInt, 9161_pInt, 9173_pInt, 9181_pInt, 9187_pInt, 9199_pInt, &
9203_pInt, 9209_pInt, 9221_pInt, 9227_pInt, 9239_pInt, 9241_pInt, 9257_pInt, 9277_pInt, 9281_pInt, 9283_pInt, &
9293_pInt, 9311_pInt, 9319_pInt, 9323_pInt, 9337_pInt, 9341_pInt, 9343_pInt, 9349_pInt, 9371_pInt, 9377_pInt, &
9391_pInt, 9397_pInt, 9403_pInt, 9413_pInt, 9419_pInt, 9421_pInt, 9431_pInt, 9433_pInt, 9437_pInt, 9439_pInt, &
9461_pInt, 9463_pInt, 9467_pInt, 9473_pInt, 9479_pInt, 9491_pInt, 9497_pInt, 9511_pInt, 9521_pInt, 9533_pInt, &
9539_pInt, 9547_pInt, 9551_pInt, 9587_pInt, 9601_pInt, 9613_pInt, 9619_pInt, 9623_pInt, 9629_pInt, 9631_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
9643_pInt, 9649_pInt, 9661_pInt, 9677_pInt, 9679_pInt, 9689_pInt, 9697_pInt, 9719_pInt, 9721_pInt, 9733_pInt, &
! 1201:1300
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
9739_pInt, 9743_pInt, 9749_pInt, 9767_pInt, 9769_pInt, 9781_pInt, 9787_pInt, 9791_pInt, 9803_pInt, 9811_pInt, &
9817_pInt, 9829_pInt, 9833_pInt, 9839_pInt, 9851_pInt, 9857_pInt, 9859_pInt, 9871_pInt, 9883_pInt, 9887_pInt, &
9901_pInt, 9907_pInt, 9923_pInt, 9929_pInt, 9931_pInt, 9941_pInt, 9949_pInt, 9967_pInt, 9973_pInt,10007_pInt, &
10009_pInt,10037_pInt,10039_pInt,10061_pInt,10067_pInt,10069_pInt,10079_pInt,10091_pInt,10093_pInt,10099_pInt, &
10103_pInt,10111_pInt,10133_pInt,10139_pInt,10141_pInt,10151_pInt,10159_pInt,10163_pInt,10169_pInt,10177_pInt, &
10181_pInt,10193_pInt,10211_pInt,10223_pInt,10243_pInt,10247_pInt,10253_pInt,10259_pInt,10267_pInt,10271_pInt, &
10273_pInt,10289_pInt,10301_pInt,10303_pInt,10313_pInt,10321_pInt,10331_pInt,10333_pInt,10337_pInt,10343_pInt, &
10357_pInt,10369_pInt,10391_pInt,10399_pInt,10427_pInt,10429_pInt,10433_pInt,10453_pInt,10457_pInt,10459_pInt, &
10463_pInt,10477_pInt,10487_pInt,10499_pInt,10501_pInt,10513_pInt,10529_pInt,10531_pInt,10559_pInt,10567_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
10589_pInt,10597_pInt,10601_pInt,10607_pInt,10613_pInt,10627_pInt,10631_pInt,10639_pInt,10651_pInt,10657_pInt, &
! 1301:1400
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
10663_pInt,10667_pInt,10687_pInt,10691_pInt,10709_pInt,10711_pInt,10723_pInt,10729_pInt,10733_pInt,10739_pInt, &
10753_pInt,10771_pInt,10781_pInt,10789_pInt,10799_pInt,10831_pInt,10837_pInt,10847_pInt,10853_pInt,10859_pInt, &
10861_pInt,10867_pInt,10883_pInt,10889_pInt,10891_pInt,10903_pInt,10909_pInt,19037_pInt,10939_pInt,10949_pInt, &
10957_pInt,10973_pInt,10979_pInt,10987_pInt,10993_pInt,11003_pInt,11027_pInt,11047_pInt,11057_pInt,11059_pInt, &
11069_pInt,11071_pInt,11083_pInt,11087_pInt,11093_pInt,11113_pInt,11117_pInt,11119_pInt,11131_pInt,11149_pInt, &
11159_pInt,11161_pInt,11171_pInt,11173_pInt,11177_pInt,11197_pInt,11213_pInt,11239_pInt,11243_pInt,11251_pInt, &
11257_pInt,11261_pInt,11273_pInt,11279_pInt,11287_pInt,11299_pInt,11311_pInt,11317_pInt,11321_pInt,11329_pInt, &
11351_pInt,11353_pInt,11369_pInt,11383_pInt,11393_pInt,11399_pInt,11411_pInt,11423_pInt,11437_pInt,11443_pInt, &
11447_pInt,11467_pInt,11471_pInt,11483_pInt,11489_pInt,11491_pInt,11497_pInt,11503_pInt,11519_pInt,11527_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
11549_pInt,11551_pInt,11579_pInt,11587_pInt,11593_pInt,11597_pInt,11617_pInt,11621_pInt,11633_pInt,11657_pInt, &
! 1401:1500
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
11677_pInt,11681_pInt,11689_pInt,11699_pInt,11701_pInt,11717_pInt,11719_pInt,11731_pInt,11743_pInt,11777_pInt, &
11779_pInt,11783_pInt,11789_pInt,11801_pInt,11807_pInt,11813_pInt,11821_pInt,11827_pInt,11831_pInt,11833_pInt, &
11839_pInt,11863_pInt,11867_pInt,11887_pInt,11897_pInt,11903_pInt,11909_pInt,11923_pInt,11927_pInt,11933_pInt, &
11939_pInt,11941_pInt,11953_pInt,11959_pInt,11969_pInt,11971_pInt,11981_pInt,11987_pInt,12007_pInt,12011_pInt, &
12037_pInt,12041_pInt,12043_pInt,12049_pInt,12071_pInt,12073_pInt,12097_pInt,12101_pInt,12107_pInt,12109_pInt, &
12113_pInt,12119_pInt,12143_pInt,12149_pInt,12157_pInt,12161_pInt,12163_pInt,12197_pInt,12203_pInt,12211_pInt, &
12227_pInt,12239_pInt,12241_pInt,12251_pInt,12253_pInt,12263_pInt,12269_pInt,12277_pInt,12281_pInt,12289_pInt, &
12301_pInt,12323_pInt,12329_pInt,12343_pInt,12347_pInt,12373_pInt,12377_pInt,12379_pInt,12391_pInt,12401_pInt, &
12409_pInt,12413_pInt,12421_pInt,12433_pInt,12437_pInt,12451_pInt,12457_pInt,12473_pInt,12479_pInt,12487_pInt, &
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
if(n == -1_pInt) then
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
prime = prime_max
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
else if (n == 0_pInt) then
prime = 1_pInt
else if (n <= prime_max) then
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
prime = npvec(n)
2012-02-13 19:38:07 +05:30
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
call IO_error(error_ID=406_pInt)
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
end if
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function prime
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief volume of tetrahedron given by four vertices
pure function math_volTetrahedron(v1,v2,v3,v4)
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
implicit none
real(pReal) math_volTetrahedron
real(pReal), dimension (3), intent(in) :: v1,v2,v3,v4
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: m
2007-03-20 19:25:22 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
m(1:3,1) = v1-v2
m(1:3,2) = v2-v3
m(1:3,3) = v3-v4
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
math_volTetrahedron = math_det33(m)/6.0_pReal
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_volTetrahedron
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief rotate 33 tensor forward
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_rotate_forward33(tensor,rot_tensor)
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
implicit none
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_rotate_forward33
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: tensor, rot_tensor
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_rotate_forward33 = math_mul33x33(rot_tensor,&
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_rotate_forward33
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief rotate 33 tensor backward
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_rotate_backward33(tensor,rot_tensor)
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
implicit none
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_rotate_backward33
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: tensor, rot_tensor
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_rotate_backward33 = math_mul33x33(math_transpose33(rot_tensor),&
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_rotate_backward33
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
!> @brief rotate 3333 tensor C'_ijkl=g_im*g_jn*g_ko*g_lp*C_mnop
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
pure function math_rotate_forward3333(tensor,rot_tensor)
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
implicit none
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: math_rotate_forward3333
2011-10-24 23:56:34 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: rot_tensor
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(in) :: tensor
2011-10-25 19:08:24 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_rotate_forward3333= 0.0_pReal
2011-10-25 19:08:24 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do i = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do j = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do k = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do l = 1_pInt,3_pInt
do m = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do n = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do o = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do p = 1_pInt,3_pInt
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
math_rotate_forward3333(i,j,k,l) = tensor(i,j,k,l)+rot_tensor(m,i)*rot_tensor(n,j)*&
2011-10-25 19:08:24 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end function math_rotate_forward3333
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-06-15 21:40:21 +05:30
#ifdef Spectral
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief calculates curl field using differentation in Fourier space
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! use vec_tens to decide if tensor (3) or vector (1)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
function math_curlFFT(geomdim,field)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
use IO, only: IO_error
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
use numerics, only: fftw_timelimit, fftw_planner_flag
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
use debug, only: debug_math, &
2012-07-05 15:24:50 +05:30
debug_level, &
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
implicit none
! input variables
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3) :: geomdim
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: field
! function
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4),size(field,5)) :: math_curlFFT
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! variables with dimension depending on input
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,size(field,2),size(field,3),3) :: xi
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
! allocatable arrays for fftw c routines
type(C_PTR) :: fftw_forth, fftw_back
type(C_PTR) :: field_fftw, curl_fftw
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_real
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_fourier
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: curl_real
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: curl_fourier
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! other variables
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
integer(pInt) i, j, k, l, res1_red
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: k_s,res
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
real(pReal) :: wgt
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: vec_tens
res = [size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)]
vec_tens = size(field,4)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-07-05 15:24:50 +05:30
if (iand(debug_level(debug_math),debug_levelBasic) /= 0_pInt) then
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
print*, 'Calculating curl of vector/tensor field'
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
print '(a,3(e12.5))', ' Dimension: ', geomdim
print '(a,3(i5))', ' Resolution:', res
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
wgt = 1.0_pReal/real(res(1)*res(2)*res(3),pReal)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
res1_red = res(1)/2_pInt + 1_pInt ! size of complex array in first dimension (c2r, r2c)
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
if (pReal /= C_DOUBLE .or. pInt /= C_INT) call IO_error(error_ID=808_pInt)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
call fftw_set_timelimit(fftw_timelimit)
field_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red *res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) !C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_fourier,[res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
curl_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red *res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) !C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call c_f_pointer(curl_fftw, curl_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
call c_f_pointer(curl_fftw, curl_fourier, [res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
fftw_forth = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(3_pInt,(/res(3),res(2) ,res(1)/),vec_tens*3_pInt,& ! dimensions , length in each dimension in reversed order
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
field_real,(/res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt/),& ! input data , physical length in each dimension in reversed order
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),& ! striding , product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions
field_fourier,(/res(3),res(2) ,res1_red/),&
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,fftw_planner_flag)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
fftw_back = fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(3_pInt,(/res(3),res(2) ,res(1)/),vec_tens*3_pInt,&
curl_fourier,(/res(3),res(2) ,res1_red/),&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,&
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
curl_real,(/res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt/),&
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),fftw_planner_flag)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
field_real(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) = field(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call fftw_execute_dft_r2c(fftw_forth, field_real, field_fourier)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
!remove highest frequency in each direction
if(res(1)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier( res(1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(2) ,1:res(3) ,&
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
if(res(2)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,res(2)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(3) ,&
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
if(res(3)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,1:res(2) ,res(3)/2_pInt+1_pInt,&
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3) ! calculation of discrete angular frequencies, ordered as in FFTW (wrap around)
k_s(3) = k - 1_pInt
if(k > res(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt) k_s(3) = k_s(3) - res(3)
do j = 1_pInt, res(2)
k_s(2) = j - 1_pInt
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
if(j > res(2)/2_pInt + 1_pInt) k_s(2) = k_s(2) - res(2)
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
do i = 1_pInt, res1_red
2012-01-20 02:08:52 +05:30
k_s(1) = i - 1_pInt
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
xi(i,j,k,1:3) = real(k_s, pReal)/geomdim
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-02-16 00:28:38 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res1_red
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
do l = 1_pInt, vec_tens
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
curl_fourier(i,j,k,l,1) = ( field_fourier(i,j,k,l,3)*xi(i,j,k,2)&
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
-field_fourier(i,j,k,l,2)*xi(i,j,k,3) )*TWOPIIMG
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
curl_fourier(i,j,k,l,2) = (-field_fourier(i,j,k,l,3)*xi(i,j,k,1)&
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
+field_fourier(i,j,k,l,1)*xi(i,j,k,3) )*TWOPIIMG
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
curl_fourier(i,j,k,l,3) = ( field_fourier(i,j,k,l,2)*xi(i,j,k,1)&
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
-field_fourier(i,j,k,l,1)*xi(i,j,k,2) )*TWOPIIMG
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(fftw_back, curl_fourier, curl_real)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_curlFFT(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) = curl_real(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_curlFFT = math_curlFFT * wgt
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_forth)
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_back)
call fftw_free(field_fftw)
call fftw_free(curl_fftw)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
end function math_curlFFT
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief calculates divergence field using integration in Fourier space
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! use vec_tens to decide if tensor (3) or vector (1)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
function math_divergenceFFT(geomdim,field)
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
use IO, only: IO_error
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
use numerics, only: fftw_timelimit, fftw_planner_flag
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
use debug, only: debug_math, &
2012-07-05 15:24:50 +05:30
debug_level, &
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
implicit none
! input variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3) :: geomdim
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: field
! function
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4)) :: math_divergenceFFT
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! variables with dimension depending on input
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,size(field,2),size(field,3),3) :: xi
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
! allocatable arrays for fftw c routines
type(C_PTR) :: fftw_forth, fftw_back
type(C_PTR) :: field_fftw, divergence_fftw
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_real
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_fourier
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: divergence_real
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: divergence_fourier
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! other variables
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k, l, res1_red
real(pReal) :: wgt
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: k_s, res
integer(pInt) :: vec_tens
res = [size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)]
vec_tens = size(field,4)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-07-05 15:24:50 +05:30
if (iand(debug_level(debug_math),debug_levelBasic) /= 0_pInt) then
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
print '(a)', 'Calculating divergence of tensor/vector field using FFT'
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
print '(a,3(e12.5))', ' Dimension: ', geomdim
print '(a,3(i5))', ' Resolution:', res
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
res1_red = res(1)/2_pInt + 1_pInt ! size of complex array in first dimension (c2r, r2c)
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
wgt = 1.0_pReal/real(res(1)*res(2)*res(3),pReal)
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
if (pReal /= C_DOUBLE .or. pInt /= C_INT) call IO_error(error_ID=808_pInt)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
call fftw_set_timelimit(fftw_timelimit)
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
field_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red*res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) !C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_fourier, [res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
divergence_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red*res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens,C_SIZE_T))
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
call c_f_pointer(divergence_fftw, divergence_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens])
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call c_f_pointer(divergence_fftw, divergence_fourier,[res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens])
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
fftw_forth = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(3_pInt,(/res(3),res(2) ,res(1)/),vec_tens*3_pInt,& ! dimensions , length in each dimension in reversed order
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
field_real,(/res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt/),& ! input data , physical length in each dimension in reversed order
2012-02-13 23:11:27 +05:30
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),& ! striding , product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
field_fourier,(/res(3),res(2) ,res1_red/),&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,fftw_planner_flag)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
fftw_back = fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(3_pInt,(/res(3),res(2) ,res(1)/),vec_tens,&
divergence_fourier,(/res(3),res(2) ,res1_red/),&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,&
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
divergence_real,(/res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt/),&
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),fftw_planner_flag) ! padding
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
field_real(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) = field(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call fftw_execute_dft_r2c(fftw_forth, field_real, field_fourier)
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3) ! calculation of discrete angular frequencies, ordered as in FFTW (wrap around)
k_s(3) = k - 1_pInt
if(k > res(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt) k_s(3) = k_s(3) - res(3)
do j = 1_pInt, res(2)
k_s(2) = j - 1_pInt
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
if(j > res(2)/2_pInt + 1_pInt) k_s(2) = k_s(2) - res(2)
2012-02-14 19:13:36 +05:30
do i = 1_pInt, res1_red
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
k_s(1) = i - 1_pInt
xi(i,j,k,1:3) = real(k_s, pReal)/geomdim
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
!remove highest frequency in each direction
if(res(1)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier( res(1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(2) ,1:res(3) ,&
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
if(res(2)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,res(2)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(3) ,&
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
if(res(3)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,1:res(2) ,res(3)/2_pInt+1_pInt,&
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
2012-08-25 17:16:36 +05:30
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res1_red
do l = 1_pInt, vec_tens
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
2012-01-25 16:00:39 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-02-09 21:28:15 +05:30
call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(fftw_back, divergence_fourier, divergence_real)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_divergenceFFT(i,j,k,1:vec_tens) = divergence_real(i,j,k,1:vec_tens) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_divergenceFFT = math_divergenceFFT * wgt
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_forth)
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_back)
call fftw_free(field_fftw)
call fftw_free(divergence_fftw)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
end function math_divergenceFFT
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief calculates divergence field using FDM with variable accuracy
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! use vec_tes to decide if tensor (3) or vector (1)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
function math_divergenceFDM(geomdim,order,field)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
use debug, only: debug_math, &
2012-07-05 15:24:50 +05:30
debug_level, &
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
implicit none
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: order
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3) :: geomdim
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: field
! function
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4)) :: math_divergenceFDM
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! other variables
integer(pInt), dimension(6,3) :: coordinates
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
integer(pInt) i, j, k, m, l, vec_tens
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: res
real(pReal), dimension(4,4), parameter :: FDcoefficient = reshape([ &
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
1.0_pReal/2.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,& !from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_difference_coefficients
2.0_pReal/3.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/12.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,&
3.0_pReal/4.0_pReal,-3.0_pReal/20.0_pReal,1.0_pReal/ 60.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,&
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
4.0_pReal/5.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/ 5.0_pReal,4.0_pReal/105.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/280.0_pReal],&
res = [size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)]
vec_tens = size(field,4)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-07-05 15:24:50 +05:30
if (iand(debug_level(debug_math),debug_levelBasic) /= 0_pInt) then
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
print*, 'Calculating divergence of tensor/vector field using FDM'
2012-02-10 16:54:53 +05:30
print '(a,3(e12.5))', ' Dimension: ', geomdim
print '(a,3(i5))', ' Resolution:', res
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_divergenceFDM = 0.0_pReal
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do k = 0_pInt, res(3)-1_pInt; do j = 0_pInt, res(2)-1_pInt; do i = 0_pInt, res(1)-1_pInt
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
do m = 1_pInt, order + 1_pInt
2011-12-06 22:28:17 +05:30
coordinates(1,1:3) = mesh_location(mesh_index((/i+m,j,k/),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/)),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/))&
+ (/1_pInt,1_pInt,1_pInt/)
coordinates(2,1:3) = mesh_location(mesh_index((/i-m,j,k/),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/)),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/))&
+ (/1_pInt,1_pInt,1_pInt/)
coordinates(3,1:3) = mesh_location(mesh_index((/i,j+m,k/),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/)),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/))&
+ (/1_pInt,1_pInt,1_pInt/)
coordinates(4,1:3) = mesh_location(mesh_index((/i,j-m,k/),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/)),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/))&
+ (/1_pInt,1_pInt,1_pInt/)
coordinates(5,1:3) = mesh_location(mesh_index((/i,j,k+m/),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/)),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/))&
+ (/1_pInt,1_pInt,1_pInt/)
coordinates(6,1:3) = mesh_location(mesh_index((/i,j,k-m/),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/)),(/res(1),res(2),res(3)/))&
+ (/1_pInt,1_pInt,1_pInt/)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do l = 1_pInt, vec_tens
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_divergenceFDM(i+1_pInt,j+1_pInt,k+1_pInt,l) = math_divergenceFDM(i+1_pInt,j+1_pInt,k+1_pInt,l) &
+ FDcoefficient(m,order) * &
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
((field(coordinates(1,1),coordinates(1,2),coordinates(1,3),l,1)- &
field(coordinates(2,1),coordinates(2,2),coordinates(2,3),l,1))*real(res(1),pReal)/geomdim(1) +&
(field(coordinates(3,1),coordinates(3,2),coordinates(3,3),l,2)- &
field(coordinates(4,1),coordinates(4,2),coordinates(4,3),l,2))*real(res(2),pReal)/geomdim(2) +&
(field(coordinates(5,1),coordinates(5,2),coordinates(5,3),l,3)- &
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
end function math_divergenceFDM
!> @brief Obtain the nearest neighbor in domain set for all points in querySet
subroutine math_nearestNeighborSearch(spatialDim, Favg, geomdim, queryPoints, domainPoints, querySet, domainSet, indices)
use kdtree2_module
use IO, only: &
implicit none
! input variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: spatialDim
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: Favg
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: geomdim
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: domainPoints
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: queryPoints
real(pReal), dimension(spatialDim,queryPoints), intent(in) :: querySet
real(pReal), dimension(spatialDim,domainPoints), intent(in) :: domainSet
! output variable
integer(pInt), dimension(queryPoints), intent(out) :: indices
! other variables depending on input
real(pReal), dimension(spatialDim,(3_pInt**spatialDim)*domainPoints) :: domainSetLarge
! other variables
integer(pInt) :: i,j, l,m,n
type(kdtree2), pointer :: tree
type(kdtree2_result), dimension(1) :: Results
if (size(querySet(:,1)) /= spatialDim) call IO_error(407_pInt,ext_msg='query set')
if (size(domainSet(:,1)) /= spatialDim) call IO_error(407_pInt,ext_msg='domain set')
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-24 18:57:55 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
i = 0_pInt
if(spatialDim == 2_pInt) then
do j = 1_pInt, domainPoints
do l = -1_pInt, 1_pInt; do m = -1_pInt, 1_pInt
i = i + 1_pInt
domainSetLarge(1:2,i) = domainSet(1:2,j) +matmul(Favg(1:2,1:2),real([l,m],pReal)*geomdim(1:2))
enddo; enddo
do j = 1_pInt, domainPoints
do l = -1_pInt, 1_pInt; do m = -1_pInt, 1_pInt; do n = -1_pInt, 1_pInt
i = i + 1_pInt
domainSetLarge(1:3,i) = domainSet(1:3,j) + math_mul33x3(Favg,real([l,m,n],pReal)*geomdim)
enddo; enddo; enddo
tree => kdtree2_create(domainSetLarge,sort=.true.,rearrange=.true.)
do j = 1_pInt, queryPoints
call kdtree2_n_nearest(tp=tree, qv=querySet(1:spatialDim,j),nn=1_pInt, results = Results)
indices(j) = Results(1)%idx
indices = indices -1_pInt ! let them run from 0 to domainPoints -1
end subroutine math_nearestNeighborSearch
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
! Functions below are taken from the old postprocessingMath.f90
! mostly they are used in combination with f2py to build fortran
! they now reside in mesh.f90 and should be removed from here soon
! put the next two funtions into mesh?
function mesh_location(idx,resolution)
! small helper functions for indexing
! CAREFULL, index and location runs from 0 to N-1 (python style)
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: idx
integer(pInt), intent(in), dimension(3) :: resolution
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: mesh_location
mesh_location = (/modulo(idx/ resolution(3) / resolution(2),resolution(1)), &
modulo(idx/ resolution(3), resolution(2)), &
modulo(idx, resolution(3))/)
end function mesh_location
function mesh_index(location,resolution)
! small helper functions for indexing
! CAREFULL, index and location runs from 0 to N-1 (python style)
integer(pInt), intent(in), dimension(3) :: resolution, location
integer(pInt) :: mesh_index
mesh_index = modulo(location(3), resolution(3)) +&
(modulo(location(2), resolution(2)))*resolution(3) +&
(modulo(location(1), resolution(1)))*resolution(3)*resolution(2)
end function mesh_index
!> @brief calculate average of tensor field
function math_tensorAvg(field)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
implicit none
! input variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: field
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! output variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_tensorAvg
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! other variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal) :: wgt
integer(pInt) :: m,n
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: res
res = [size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)]
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
wgt = 1.0_pReal/real(res(1)*res(2)*res(3), pReal)
do m = 1_pInt,3_pInt; do n = 1_pInt,3_pInt
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_tensorAvg(m,n) = sum(field(1:res(1),1:res(2),1:res(3),m,n)) * wgt
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
end function math_tensorAvg
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief calculate logarithmic strain in spatial configuration for given F field
function math_logstrainSpat(F)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
implicit none
! input variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: F
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! output variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal) , dimension(size(F,1),size(F,2),size(F,3),3,3) :: math_logstrainSpat
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! other variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: res
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: temp33_Real, temp33_Real2
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3) :: eigenvectorbasis
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: eigenvalue
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k
logical :: errmatinv
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
res = [size(F,1),size(F,2),size(F,3)]
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
call math_pDecomposition(F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3),temp33_Real2,temp33_Real,errmatinv) !store R in temp33_Real
2012-01-26 19:20:00 +05:30
temp33_Real2 = math_inv33(temp33_Real)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
temp33_Real = math_mul33x33(F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3),temp33_Real2) ! v = F o inv(R), store in temp33_Real2
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call math_spectral1(temp33_Real,eigenvalue(1), eigenvalue(2), eigenvalue(3),&
eigenvalue = log(sqrt(eigenvalue))
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_logstrainSpat(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = eigenvalue(1)*eigenvectorbasis(1,1:3,1:3)+&
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
end function math_logstrainSpat
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief calculate logarithmic strain in material configuration for given F field
function math_logstrainMat(F)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
implicit none
! input variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: F
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! output variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal) , dimension(size(F,1),size(F,2),size(F,3),3,3) :: math_logstrainMat
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! other variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: res
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: temp33_Real, temp33_Real2
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3) :: eigenvectorbasis
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: eigenvalue
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k
logical :: errmatinv
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
res = [size(F,1),size(F,2),size(F,3)]
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
call math_pDecomposition(F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3),temp33_Real,temp33_Real2,errmatinv) !store U in temp33_Real
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
call math_spectral1(temp33_Real,eigenvalue(1), eigenvalue(2), eigenvalue(3),&
eigenvalue = log(sqrt(eigenvalue))
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
math_logstrainMat(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = eigenvalue(1)*eigenvectorbasis(1,1:3,1:3)+&
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
end function math_logstrainMat
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
!> @brief calculate cauchy stress for given PK1 stress and F field
function math_cauchy(F,P)
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
implicit none
! input variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: F
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: P
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! output variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
real(pReal) , dimension(size(F,1),size(F,2),size(F,3),3,3) :: math_cauchy
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
! other variables
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: res
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
real(pReal) :: jacobi
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
res = [size(F,1),size(F,2),size(F,3)]
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
jacobi = math_det33(F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3))
math_cauchy(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = matmul(P(i,j,k,1:3,1:3),transpose(F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)))/jacobi
2011-12-01 17:31:13 +05:30
enddo; enddo; enddo
2012-08-27 13:34:47 +05:30
end function math_cauchy
2012-01-13 21:48:16 +05:30
2012-03-09 01:55:28 +05:30
end module math