1272 lines
53 KiB
Raw Normal View History

!> @author Franz Roters, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Christoph Kords, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief input/output functions, partly depending on chosen solver
module IO
2019-09-20 01:28:51 +05:30
use prec
use DAMASK_interface
implicit none
character(len=5), parameter, public :: &
IO_EOF = '#EOF#' !< end of file string
character(len=207), parameter, private :: &
IO_DIVIDER = '───────────────────'//&
public :: &
IO_init, &
IO_read_ASCII, &
IO_open_file, &
IO_open_jobFile_binary, &
IO_write_jobFile, &
IO_isBlank, &
IO_getTag, &
IO_stringPos, &
IO_stringValue, &
IO_floatValue, &
IO_intValue, &
IO_lc, &
IO_error, &
IO_warning, &
2014-11-06 17:17:27 +05:30
#if defined(Marc4DAMASK) || defined(Abaqus)
2019-09-20 01:28:51 +05:30
public :: &
IO_open_inputFile, &
IO_open_logFile, &
IO_countContinuousIntValues, &
IO_continuousIntValues, &
#if defined(Abaqus)
2019-09-20 01:28:51 +05:30
IO_extractValue, &
#elif defined(Marc4DAMASK)
2019-09-20 01:28:51 +05:30
IO_skipChunks, &
IO_fixedNoEFloatValue, &
IO_fixedIntValue, &
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
private :: &
IO_verifyFloatValue, &
2015-05-11 02:25:36 +05:30
!> @brief does nothing.
! ToDo: needed?
subroutine IO_init
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- IO init -+>>>'
end subroutine IO_init
!> @brief reads an entire ASCII file into an array
function IO_read_ASCII(fileName) result(fileContent)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fileName
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(len=pStringLen), dimension(:), allocatable :: fileContent !< file content, separated per lines
character(len=pStringLen) :: line
character(len=:), allocatable :: rawData
integer :: &
fileLength, &
fileUnit, &
startPos, endPos, &
myTotalLines, & !< # lines read from file
l, &
logical :: warned
! read data as stream
inquire(file = fileName, size=fileLength)
if (fileLength == 0) then
open(newunit=fileUnit, file=fileName, access='stream',&
status='old', position='rewind', action='read',iostat=myStat)
if(myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,ext_msg=trim(fileName))
read(fileUnit) rawData
! count lines to allocate string array
myTotalLines = 1
do l=1, len(rawData)
if (rawData(l:l) == new_line('')) myTotalLines = myTotalLines+1
! split raw data at end of line
warned = .false.
startPos = 1
l = 1
do while (l <= myTotalLines)
endPos = merge(startPos + scan(rawData(startPos:),new_line('')) - 2,len(rawData),l /= myTotalLines)
if (endPos - startPos > pStringLen-1) then
line = rawData(startPos:startPos+pStringLen-1)
if (.not. warned) then
call IO_warning(207,ext_msg=trim(fileName),el=l)
warned = .true.
line = rawData(startPos:endpos)
startPos = endPos + 2 ! jump to next line start
fileContent(l) = line
l = l + 1
2014-05-21 15:33:57 +05:30
end function IO_read_ASCII
!> @brief opens existing file for reading to given unit. Path to file is relative to working
!! directory
subroutine IO_open_file(fileUnit,path)
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit !< file unit
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path !< relative path from working directory
integer :: myStat
if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,el=myStat,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_open_file
!> @brief opens an existing file for reading or a new file for writing. Name is the job name
!> @details replaces an existing file when writing
integer function IO_open_jobFile_binary(extension,mode)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: extension
character, intent(in), optional :: mode
if (present(mode)) then
IO_open_jobFile_binary = IO_open_binary(trim(getSolverJobName())//'.'//trim(extension),mode)
IO_open_jobFile_binary = IO_open_binary(trim(getSolverJobName())//'.'//trim(extension))
end function IO_open_jobFile_binary
!> @brief opens an existing file for reading or a new file for writing.
!> @details replaces an existing file when writing
integer function IO_open_binary(fileName,mode)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fileName
character, intent(in), optional :: mode
character :: m
integer :: ierr
if (present(mode)) then
m = mode
m = 'r'
if (m == 'w') then
open(newunit=IO_open_binary, file=trim(fileName),&
if (ierr /= 0) call IO_error(100,ext_msg='could not open file (w): '//trim(fileName))
elseif(m == 'r') then
open(newunit=IO_open_binary, file=trim(fileName),&
status='old', access='stream',action='read', iostat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call IO_error(100,ext_msg='could not open file (r): '//trim(fileName))
call IO_error(100,ext_msg='unknown access mode: '//m)
end function IO_open_binary
2014-11-06 17:17:27 +05:30
#if defined(Marc4DAMASK) || defined(Abaqus)
!> @brief opens FEM input file for reading located in current working directory to given unit
subroutine IO_open_inputFile(fileUnit,modelName)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit !< file unit
character(len=*), intent(in) :: modelName !< model name, in case of restart not solver job name
integer :: myStat
character(len=1024) :: path
#if defined(Abaqus)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer :: fileType
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
fileType = 1 ! assume .pes
path = trim(modelName)//inputFileExtension(fileType) ! attempt .pes, if it exists: it should be used
if(myStat /= 0) then ! if .pes does not work / exist; use conventional extension, i.e.".inp"
fileType = 2
path = trim(modelName)//inputFileExtension(fileType)
if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,el=myStat,ext_msg=path)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
path = trim(modelName)//inputFileExtension(fileType)//'_assembly'
if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,el=myStat,ext_msg=path)
if (.not.abaqus_assembleInputFile(fileUnit,fileUnit+1)) call IO_error(103) ! strip comments and concatenate any "include"s
!> @brief create a new input file for abaqus simulations by removing all comment lines and
!> including "include"s
recursive function abaqus_assembleInputFile(unit1,unit2) result(createSuccess)
integer, intent(in) :: unit1, &
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunkPos
character(len=65536) :: line,fname
logical :: createSuccess,fexist
read(unit2,'(A65536)',END=220) line
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
if (IO_lc(IO_StringValue(line,chunkPos,1))=='*include') then
fname = trim(line(9+scan(line(9:),'='):))
inquire(file=fname, exist=fexist)
if (.not.(fexist)) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*)'ERROR: file does not exist error in abaqus_assembleInputFile'
write(6,*)'filename: ', trim(fname)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
createSuccess = .false.
if (abaqus_assembleInputFile(unit1,unit2+1)) then
else if (line(1:2) /= '**' .OR. line(1:8)=='**damask') then
write(unit1,'(A)') trim(line)
220 createSuccess = .true.
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
200 createSuccess =.false.
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
end function abaqus_assembleInputFile
#elif defined(Marc4DAMASK)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
path = trim(modelName)//inputFileExtension
if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,el=myStat,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_open_inputFile
!> @brief opens existing FEM log file for reading to given unit. File is named after solver job
!! name and located in current working directory
subroutine IO_open_logFile(fileUnit)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit !< file unit
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer :: myStat
character(len=1024) :: path
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
path = trim(getSolverJobName())//LogFileExtension
if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,el=myStat,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_open_logFile
!> @brief opens ASCII file to given unit for writing. File is named after solver job name plus
!! given extension and located in current working directory
subroutine IO_write_jobFile(fileUnit,ext)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit !< file unit
character(len=*), intent(in) :: ext !< extension of file
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer :: myStat
character(len=1024) :: path
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
path = trim(getSolverJobName())//'.'//ext
if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,el=myStat,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_write_jobFile
!> @brief identifies strings without content
logical pure function IO_isBlank(string)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< string to check for content
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(len=*), parameter :: blankChar = achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! whitespaces
character(len=*), parameter :: comment = achar(35) ! comment id '#'
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer :: posNonBlank, posComment
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
posNonBlank = verify(string,blankChar)
posComment = scan(string,comment)
IO_isBlank = posNonBlank == 0 .or. posNonBlank == posComment
end function IO_isBlank
!> @brief get tagged content of string
pure function IO_getTag(string,openChar,closeChar)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< string to check for tag
character(len=len_trim(string)) :: IO_getTag
character, intent(in) :: openChar, & !< indicates beginning of tag
closeChar !< indicates end of tag
character(len=*), parameter :: SEP=achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! whitespaces
integer :: left,right
IO_getTag = ''
if (openChar /= closeChar) then
left = scan(string,openChar)
right = scan(string,closeChar)
left = scan(string,openChar)
right = left + merge(scan(string(left+1:),openChar),0,len(string) > left)
if (left == verify(string,SEP) .and. right > left) & ! openChar is first and closeChar occurs
IO_getTag = string(left+1:right-1)
end function IO_getTag
!> @brief locates all space-separated chunks in given string and returns array containing number
!! them and the left/right position to be used by IO_xxxVal
!! Array size is dynamically adjusted to number of chunks found in string
!! IMPORTANT: first element contains number of chunks!
pure function IO_stringPos(string)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: IO_stringPos
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< string in which chunk positions are searched for
character(len=*), parameter :: SEP=achar(44)//achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! comma and whitespaces
2019-06-11 18:09:51 +05:30
integer :: left, right
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
allocate(IO_stringPos(1), source=0)
right = 0
do while (verify(string(right+1:),SEP)>0)
left = right + verify(string(right+1:),SEP)
right = left + scan(string(left:),SEP) - 2
if ( string(left:left) == '#' ) exit
2019-06-11 18:09:51 +05:30
IO_stringPos = [IO_stringPos,left, right]
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
IO_stringPos(1) = IO_stringPos(1)+1
endOfString: if (right < left) then
IO_stringPos(IO_stringPos(1)*2+1) = len_trim(string)
endif endOfString
end function IO_stringPos
!> @brief reads string value at myChunk from string
function IO_stringValue(string,chunkPos,myChunk,silent)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: chunkPos !< positions of start and end of each tag/chunk in given string
integer, intent(in) :: myChunk !< position number of desired chunk
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< raw input with known start and end of each chunk
character(len=:), allocatable :: IO_stringValue
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
logical, optional,intent(in) :: silent !< switch to trigger verbosity
character(len=16), parameter :: MYNAME = 'IO_stringValue: '
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
logical :: warn
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
if (present(silent)) then
warn = silent
warn = .false.
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
IO_stringValue = ''
valuePresent: if (myChunk > chunkPos(1) .or. myChunk < 1) then
if (warn) call IO_warning(201,el=myChunk,ext_msg=MYNAME//trim(string))
else valuePresent
IO_stringValue = string(chunkPos(myChunk*2):chunkPos(myChunk*2+1))
endif valuePresent
end function IO_stringValue
!> @brief reads float value at myChunk from string
real(pReal) function IO_floatValue (string,chunkPos,myChunk)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: chunkPos !< positions of start and end of each tag/chunk in given string
integer, intent(in) :: myChunk !< position number of desired chunk
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< raw input with known start and end of each chunk
character(len=15), parameter :: MYNAME = 'IO_floatValue: '
character(len=17), parameter :: VALIDCHARACTERS = '0123456789eEdD.+-'
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
IO_floatValue = 0.0_pReal
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
valuePresent: if (myChunk > chunkPos(1) .or. myChunk < 1) then
call IO_warning(201,el=myChunk,ext_msg=MYNAME//trim(string))
else valuePresent
IO_floatValue = &
endif valuePresent
end function IO_floatValue
!> @brief reads integer value at myChunk from string
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer function IO_intValue(string,chunkPos,myChunk)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< raw input with known start and end of each chunk
integer, intent(in) :: myChunk !< position number of desired chunk
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: chunkPos !< positions of start and end of each tag/chunk in given string
character(len=13), parameter :: MYNAME = 'IO_intValue: '
character(len=12), parameter :: VALIDCHARACTERS = '0123456789+-'
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
IO_intValue = 0
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
valuePresent: if (myChunk > chunkPos(1) .or. myChunk < 1) then
call IO_warning(201,el=myChunk,ext_msg=MYNAME//trim(string))
else valuePresent
IO_intValue = IO_verifyIntValue(trim(adjustl(string(chunkPos(myChunk*2):chunkPos(myChunk*2+1)))),&
endif valuePresent
end function IO_intValue
2019-02-03 12:41:19 +05:30
#ifdef Marc4DAMASK
!> @brief reads float x.y+z value at myChunk from format string
real(pReal) function IO_fixedNoEFloatValue (string,ends,myChunk)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< raw input with known ends of each chunk
integer, intent(in) :: myChunk !< position number of desired chunk
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ends !< positions of end of each tag/chunk in given string
character(len=22), parameter :: MYNAME = 'IO_fixedNoEFloatValue '
character(len=13), parameter :: VALIDBASE = '0123456789.+-'
character(len=12), parameter :: VALIDEXP = '0123456789+-'
real(pReal) :: base
integer :: expon
integer :: pos_exp
pos_exp = scan(string(ends(myChunk)+1:ends(myChunk+1)),'+-',back=.true.)
hasExponent: if (pos_exp > 1) then
base = IO_verifyFloatValue(trim(adjustl(string(ends(myChunk)+1:ends(myChunk)+pos_exp-1))),&
expon = IO_verifyIntValue(trim(adjustl(string(ends(myChunk)+pos_exp:ends(myChunk+1)))),&
else hasExponent
base = IO_verifyFloatValue(trim(adjustl(string(ends(myChunk)+1:ends(myChunk+1)))),&
expon = 0
endif hasExponent
IO_fixedNoEFloatValue = base*10.0_pReal**real(expon,pReal)
2007-03-21 20:15:03 +05:30
end function IO_fixedNoEFloatValue
2007-03-21 20:15:03 +05:30
2019-02-03 12:41:19 +05:30
!> @brief reads integer value at myChunk from fixed format string
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer function IO_fixedIntValue(string,ends,myChunk)
2019-02-03 12:41:19 +05:30
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< raw input with known ends of each chunk
integer, intent(in) :: myChunk !< position number of desired chunk
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ends !< positions of end of each tag/chunk in given string
character(len=20), parameter :: MYNAME = 'IO_fixedIntValue: '
character(len=12), parameter :: VALIDCHARACTERS = '0123456789+-'
IO_fixedIntValue = IO_verifyIntValue(trim(adjustl(string(ends(myChunk)+1:ends(myChunk+1)))),&
2019-02-03 12:41:19 +05:30
end function IO_fixedIntValue
!> @brief changes characters in string to lower case
pure function IO_lc(string)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string !< string to convert
character(len=len(string)) :: IO_lc
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
character(26), parameter :: LOWER = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
character(26), parameter :: UPPER = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer :: i,n
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
IO_lc = string
do i=1,len(string)
n = index(UPPER,IO_lc(i:i))
if (n/=0) IO_lc(i:i) = LOWER(n:n)
end function IO_lc
!> @brief returns format string for integer values without leading zeros
pure function IO_intOut(intToPrint)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: intToPrint
character(len=41) :: IO_intOut
integer :: N_digits
character(len=19) :: width ! maximum digits for 64 bit integer
character(len=20) :: min_width ! longer for negative values
2019-06-11 18:09:51 +05:30
N_digits = 1 + int(log10(real(max(abs(intToPrint),1))))
write(width, '(I19.19)') N_digits
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
write(min_width, '(I20.20)') N_digits + merge(1,0,intToPrint < 0)
IO_intOut = 'I'//trim(min_width)//'.'//trim(width)
end function IO_intOut
!> @brief write error statements to standard out and terminate the Marc/spectral run with exit #9xxx
!> in ABAQUS either time step is reduced or execution terminated
subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,instance,ext_msg)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: error_ID
integer, optional, intent(in) :: el,ip,g,instance
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: ext_msg
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
external :: quit
character(len=1024) :: msg
character(len=1024) :: formatString
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
select case (error_ID)
! internal errors
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (0)
msg = 'internal check failed:'
! file handling errors
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (100)
msg = 'could not open file:'
case (101)
msg = 'write error for file:'
case (102)
msg = 'could not read file:'
case (103)
msg = 'could not assemble input files'
case (104)
msg = '{input} recursion limit reached'
case (105)
msg = 'unknown output:'
case (106)
msg = 'working directory does not exist:'
case (107)
msg = 'line length exceeds limit of 256'
! lattice error messages
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (130)
msg = 'unknown lattice structure encountered'
case (131)
msg = 'hex lattice structure with invalid c/a ratio'
case (132)
msg = 'trans_lattice_structure not possible'
case (133)
msg = 'transformed hex lattice structure with invalid c/a ratio'
2019-09-21 06:46:08 +05:30
case (134)
msg = 'negative lattice parameter'
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (135)
msg = 'zero entry on stiffness diagonal'
case (136)
msg = 'zero entry on stiffness diagonal for transformed phase'
case (137)
msg = 'not defined for lattice structure'
case (138)
msg = 'not enough interaction parameters given'
2018-06-11 03:08:16 +05:30
! errors related to the parsing of material.config
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (140)
msg = 'key not found'
case (141)
msg = 'number of chunks in string differs'
case (142)
msg = 'empty list'
case (143)
msg = 'no value found for key'
case (144)
msg = 'negative number systems requested'
case (145)
msg = 'too many systems requested'
case (146)
msg = 'number of values does not match'
case (147)
msg = 'not supported anymore'
2018-06-11 03:08:16 +05:30
! material error messages and related messages in mesh
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (150)
msg = 'index out of bounds'
case (151)
msg = 'microstructure has no constituents'
case (153)
msg = 'sum of phase fractions differs from 1'
case (154)
msg = 'homogenization index out of bounds'
case (155)
msg = 'microstructure index out of bounds'
case (157)
2019-09-20 19:10:21 +05:30
msg = 'invalid texture transformation specified'
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (160)
msg = 'no entries in config part'
case (161)
msg = 'config part found twice'
case (165)
msg = 'homogenization configuration'
case (170)
msg = 'no homogenization specified via State Variable 2'
case (180)
msg = 'no microstructure specified via State Variable 3'
case (190)
msg = 'unknown element type:'
case (191)
msg = 'mesh consists of more than one element type'
! plasticity error messages
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (200)
msg = 'unknown elasticity specified:'
case (201)
msg = 'unknown plasticity specified:'
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (210)
msg = 'unknown material parameter:'
case (211)
msg = 'material parameter out of bounds:'
! numerics error messages
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (300)
msg = 'unknown numerics parameter:'
case (301)
msg = 'numerics parameter out of bounds:'
! math errors
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (400)
msg = 'matrix inversion error'
case (401)
msg = 'math_check failed'
2019-09-20 19:10:21 +05:30
case (402)
msg = 'invalid orientation specified'
! homogenization errors
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (500)
msg = 'unknown homogenization specified'
! user errors
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (600)
msg = 'Ping-Pong not possible when using non-DAMASK elements'
case (601)
msg = 'Ping-Pong needed when using non-local plasticity'
case (602)
msg = 'invalid selection for debug'
! DAMASK_marc errors
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (700)
msg = 'invalid materialpoint result requested'
! errors related to the grid solver
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (809)
msg = 'initializing FFTW'
case (810)
msg = 'FFTW plan creation'
case (831)
msg = 'mask consistency violated in grid load case'
case (832)
msg = 'ill-defined L (line partly defined) in grid load case'
case (834)
msg = 'negative time increment in grid load case'
case (835)
msg = 'non-positive increments in grid load case'
case (836)
msg = 'non-positive result frequency in grid load case'
case (837)
msg = 'incomplete loadcase'
case (838)
msg = 'mixed boundary conditions allow rotation'
2019-06-30 03:36:47 +05:30
case (839)
msg = 'non-positive restart frequency in grid load case'
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (841)
msg = 'missing header length info in grid mesh'
case (842)
msg = 'incomplete information in grid mesh header'
case (843)
msg = 'microstructure count mismatch'
case (846)
msg = 'rotation for load case rotation ill-defined (R:RT != I)'
case (891)
msg = 'unknown solver type selected'
case (892)
msg = 'unknown filter type selected'
case (894)
msg = 'MPI error'
! error messages related to parsing of Abaqus input file
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case (900)
msg = 'improper definition of nodes in input file (Nnodes < 2)'
case (901)
msg = 'no elements defined in input file (Nelems = 0)'
case (902)
msg = 'no element sets defined in input file (No *Elset exists)'
case (903)
msg = 'no materials defined in input file (Look into section assigments)'
case (904)
msg = 'no elements could be assigned for Elset: '
case (905)
msg = 'error in mesh_abaqus_map_materials'
case (906)
msg = 'error in mesh_abaqus_count_cpElements'
case (907)
msg = 'size of mesh_mapFEtoCPelem in mesh_abaqus_map_elements'
case (908)
msg = 'size of mesh_mapFEtoCPnode in mesh_abaqus_map_nodes'
case (909)
msg = 'size of mesh_node in mesh_abaqus_build_nodes not equal to mesh_Nnodes'
! general error messages
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
case default
msg = 'unknown error number...'
end select
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(0,'(/,a)') ' ┌'//IO_DIVIDER//'┐'
write(0,'(a,24x,a,40x,a)') ' │','error', '│'
write(0,'(a,24x,i3,42x,a)') ' │',error_ID, '│'
write(0,'(a)') ' ├'//IO_DIVIDER//'┤'
write(formatString,'(a,i6.6,a,i6.6,a)') '(1x,a4,a',max(1,len(trim(msg))),',',&
write(0,formatString) '│ ',trim(msg), '│'
if (present(ext_msg)) then
write(formatString,'(a,i6.6,a,i6.6,a)') '(1x,a4,a',max(1,len(trim(ext_msg))),',',&
write(0,formatString) '│ ',trim(ext_msg), '│'
if (present(el)) &
write(0,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at element ',el, '│'
if (present(ip)) &
write(0,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at IP ',ip, '│'
if (present(g)) &
write(0,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at constituent',g, '│'
if (present(instance)) &
write(0,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at instance ',instance, '│'
write(0,'(a,69x,a)') ' │', '│'
write(0,'(a)') ' └'//IO_DIVIDER//'┘'
call quit(9000+error_ID)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
2009-01-20 00:40:58 +05:30
end subroutine IO_error
!> @brief writes warning statement to standard out
subroutine IO_warning(warning_ID,el,ip,g,ext_msg)
2019-06-16 00:02:53 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: warning_ID
integer, optional, intent(in) :: el,ip,g
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: ext_msg
character(len=1024) :: msg
character(len=1024) :: formatString
select case (warning_ID)
case (1)
msg = 'unknown key'
case (34)
msg = 'invalid restart increment given'
case (35)
msg = 'could not get $DAMASK_NUM_THREADS'
case (40)
msg = 'found spectral solver parameter'
case (42)
msg = 'parameter has no effect'
case (43)
msg = 'main diagonal of C66 close to zero'
case (47)
msg = 'no valid parameter for FFTW, using FFTW_PATIENT'
case (50)
msg = 'not all available slip system families are defined'
case (51)
msg = 'not all available twin system families are defined'
case (52)
msg = 'not all available parameters are defined'
case (53)
msg = 'not all available transformation system families are defined'
case (101)
msg = 'crystallite debugging off'
case (201)
msg = 'position not found when parsing line'
case (202)
msg = 'invalid character in string chunk'
case (203)
msg = 'interpretation of string chunk failed'
case (207)
msg = 'line truncated'
case (600)
msg = 'crystallite responds elastically'
case (601)
msg = 'stiffness close to zero'
case (650)
msg = 'polar decomposition failed'
case (700)
msg = 'unknown crystal symmetry'
case (850)
msg = 'max number of cut back exceeded, terminating'
case default
msg = 'unknown warning number'
end select
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(/,a)') ' ┌'//IO_DIVIDER//'┐'
write(6,'(a,24x,a,38x,a)') ' │','warning', '│'
write(6,'(a,24x,i3,42x,a)') ' │',warning_ID, '│'
write(6,'(a)') ' ├'//IO_DIVIDER//'┤'
write(formatString,'(a,i6.6,a,i6.6,a)') '(1x,a4,a',max(1,len(trim(msg))),',',&
write(6,formatString) '│ ',trim(msg), '│'
if (present(ext_msg)) then
write(formatString,'(a,i6.6,a,i6.6,a)') '(1x,a4,a',max(1,len(trim(ext_msg))),',',&
write(6,formatString) '│ ',trim(ext_msg), '│'
if (present(el)) &
write(6,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at element ',el, '│'
if (present(ip)) &
write(6,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at IP ',ip, '│'
if (present(g)) &
write(6,'(a19,1x,i9,44x,a3)') ' │ at constituent',g, '│'
write(6,'(a,69x,a)') ' │', '│'
write(6,'(a)') ' └'//IO_DIVIDER//'┘'
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
end subroutine IO_warning
#if defined(Abaqus) || defined(Marc4DAMASK)
2019-09-23 18:58:10 +05:30
!> @brief reads a line from a text file.
function IO_read(fileUnit) result(line)
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit !< file unit
character(len=pStringLen) :: line
read(fileUnit,'(a256)',END=100) line
100 end function IO_read
#ifdef Abaqus
!> @brief extracts string value from key=value pair and check whether key matches
character(len=300) pure function IO_extractValue(pair,key)
2019-09-20 01:28:51 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: pair, & !< key=value pair
key !< key to be expected
character(len=*), parameter :: SEP = achar(61) ! '='
integer :: myChunk !< position number of desired chunk
IO_extractValue = ''
myChunk = scan(pair,SEP)
if (myChunk > 0 .and. pair(:myChunk-1) == key) IO_extractValue = pair(myChunk+1:) ! extract value if key matches
end function IO_extractValue
!> @brief count lines containig data up to next *keyword
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer function IO_countDataLines(fileUnit)
2019-09-20 01:28:51 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit !< file handle
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunkPos
character(len=65536) :: line, &
IO_countDataLines = 0
line = ''
do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
line = IO_read(fileUnit)
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
tmp = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1))
if (tmp(1:1) == '*' .and. tmp(2:2) /= '*') then ! found keyword
if (tmp(2:2) /= '*') IO_countDataLines = IO_countDataLines + 1
end function IO_countDataLines
#ifdef Marc4DAMASK
!> @brief count lines containig data up to next *keyword
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer function IO_countNumericalDataLines(fileUnit)
2019-09-20 01:28:51 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit !< file handle
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunkPos
character(len=65536) :: line, &
IO_countNumericalDataLines = 0
line = ''
do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
line = IO_read(fileUnit)
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
tmp = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1))
if (verify(trim(tmp),'0123456789') == 0) then ! numerical values
IO_countNumericalDataLines = IO_countNumericalDataLines + 1
end function IO_countNumericalDataLines
!> @brief reads file to skip (at least) N chunks (may be over multiple lines)
subroutine IO_skipChunks(fileUnit,N)
2019-09-20 01:28:51 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit, & !< file handle
N !< minimum number of chunks to skip
integer :: remainingChunks
character(len=65536) :: line
line = ''
remainingChunks = N
do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF .and. remainingChunks > 0)
line = IO_read(fileUnit)
remainingChunks = remainingChunks - (size(IO_stringPos(line))-1)/2
end subroutine IO_skipChunks
!> @brief count items in consecutive lines depending on lines
!> @details Marc: ints concatenated by "c" as last char or range of values a "to" b
!> Abaqus: triplet of start,stop,inc
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer function IO_countContinuousIntValues(fileUnit)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit
#ifdef Abaqus
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer :: l,c
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunkPos
character(len=65536) :: line
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
IO_countContinuousIntValues = 0
line = ''
#if defined(Marc4DAMASK)
do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
line = IO_read(fileUnit)
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
if (chunkPos(1) < 1) then ! empty line
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
elseif (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,2)) == 'to' ) then ! found range indicator
IO_countContinuousIntValues = 1 + abs( IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,3) &
- IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,1))
exit ! only one single range indicator allowed
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
IO_countContinuousIntValues = IO_countContinuousIntValues+chunkPos(1)-1 ! add line's count when assuming 'c'
if ( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,chunkPos(1))) /= 'c' ) then ! line finished, read last value
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
IO_countContinuousIntValues = IO_countContinuousIntValues+1
exit ! data ended
#elif defined(Abaqus)
c = IO_countDataLines(fileUnit)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
do l = 1,c
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
l = 1
do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF .and. l <= c) ! ToDo: is this correct?
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
l = l + 1
line = IO_read(fileUnit)
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
IO_countContinuousIntValues = IO_countContinuousIntValues + 1 + & ! assuming range generation
end function IO_countContinuousIntValues
!> @brief return integer list corresponding to items in consecutive lines.
!! First integer in array is counter
!> @details Marc: ints concatenated by "c" as last char, range of a "to" b, or named set
!! Abaqus: triplet of start,stop,inc or named set
function IO_continuousIntValues(fileUnit,maxN,lookupName,lookupMap,lookupMaxN)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: maxN
integer, dimension(1+maxN) :: IO_continuousIntValues
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer, intent(in) :: fileUnit, &
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lookupMap
character(len=64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: lookupName
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer :: i,first,last
#ifdef Abaqus
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer :: j,l,c
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunkPos
character(len=65536) line
logical rangeGeneration
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
IO_continuousIntValues = 0
rangeGeneration = .false.
#if defined(Marc4DAMASK)
read(fileUnit,'(A65536)',end=100) line
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
if (chunkPos(1) < 1) then ! empty line
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
elseif (verify(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1),'0123456789') > 0) then ! a non-int, i.e. set name
do i = 1, lookupMaxN ! loop over known set names
if (IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1) == lookupName(i)) then ! found matching name
IO_continuousIntValues = lookupMap(:,i) ! return resp. entity list
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
else if (chunkPos(1) > 2 .and. IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,2)) == 'to' ) then ! found range indicator
first = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,1)
last = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,3)
do i = first, last, sign(1,last-first)
IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1
IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = i
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
do i = 1,chunkPos(1)-1 ! interpret up to second to last value
IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1
IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,i)
if ( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,chunkPos(1))) /= 'c' ) then ! line finished, read last value
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1
IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,chunkPos(1))
#elif defined(Abaqus)
c = IO_countDataLines(fileUnit)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
do l = 1,c
! check if the element values in the elset are auto generated
read(fileUnit,'(A65536)',end=100) line
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
do i = 1,chunkPos(1)
if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,i)) == 'generate') rangeGeneration = .true.
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
do l = 1,c
read(fileUnit,'(A65536)',end=100) line
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
if (verify(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1),'0123456789') > 0) then ! a non-int, i.e. set names follow on this line
do i = 1,chunkPos(1) ! loop over set names in line
do j = 1,lookupMaxN ! look through known set names
if (IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,i) == lookupName(j)) then ! found matching name
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
first = 2 + IO_continuousIntValues(1) ! where to start appending data
last = first + lookupMap(1,j) - 1 ! up to where to append data
IO_continuousIntValues(first:last) = lookupMap(2:1+lookupMap(1,j),j) ! add resp. entity list
IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + lookupMap(1,j) ! count them
else if (rangeGeneration) then ! range generation
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
do i = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,1),&
IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1
IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = i
else ! read individual elem nums
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
do i = 1,chunkPos(1)
IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1
IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,i)
100 end function IO_continuousIntValues
! internal helper functions
!> @brief returns verified integer value in given string
2019-05-15 02:14:38 +05:30
integer function IO_verifyIntValue (string,validChars,myName)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string, & !< string for conversion to int value. Must not contain spaces!
validChars, & !< valid characters in string
myName !< name of caller function (for debugging)
integer :: readStatus, invalidWhere
IO_verifyIntValue = 0
invalidWhere = verify(string,validChars)
if (invalidWhere == 0) then
read(UNIT=string,iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_verifyIntValue ! no offending chars found
if (readStatus /= 0) & ! error during string to integer conversion
call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=myName//'"'//string//'"')
call IO_warning(202,ext_msg=myName//'"'//string//'"') ! complain about offending characters
read(UNIT=string(1:invalidWhere-1),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_verifyIntValue ! interpret remaining string
if (readStatus /= 0) & ! error during string to integer conversion
call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=myName//'"'//string(1:invalidWhere-1)//'"')
end function IO_verifyIntValue
!> @brief returns verified float value in given string
real(pReal) function IO_verifyFloatValue (string,validChars,myName)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string, & !< string for conversion to int value. Must not contain spaces!
validChars, & !< valid characters in string
myName !< name of caller function (for debugging)
integer :: readStatus, invalidWhere
IO_verifyFloatValue = 0.0_pReal
invalidWhere = verify(string,validChars)
if (invalidWhere == 0) then
read(UNIT=string,iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_verifyFloatValue ! no offending chars found
if (readStatus /= 0) & ! error during string to float conversion
call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=myName//'"'//string//'"')
call IO_warning(202,ext_msg=myName//'"'//string//'"') ! complain about offending characters
read(UNIT=string(1:invalidWhere-1),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_verifyFloatValue ! interpret remaining string
if (readStatus /= 0) & ! error during string to float conversion
call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=myName//'"'//string(1:invalidWhere-1)//'"')
end function IO_verifyFloatValue
end module IO