2 Google_Chat
Abhijit Kshirsagar Kshirsagar edited this page 2024-08-08 09:51:05 +05:30

Why Google Chat

Google Chat natively integrates with the institute Google Apps infrastruction. It is similar to any other internet chat app (Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal etc) but has some key distinctions because it is specifically designed for professional "work" use.

  1. Linked to your IIT-DH email, not your personal phone / phone number: You can access it on web (browser or computer app) or mobile app independently. If you lose access to your phone you don't lose access to Chat.
  2. Work-only: You don't get annoying forwards. You can mute all your other non-work chat apps when at work and still get important notifications.
  3. Integrates well with other work tools such as Google calendar, Google Drive, Git, etc.
  4. Easy to keep conversations segregated using threads, and public and private channels.

Getting Started:

  1. Joining Google Chat: All iitdh gmail accounts have chat enabled by default and is visible in the side bar within the Gmail interface or as a standalone webpage PEG students will need to ask a faculty member to add them to the PEG Students Group
  2. Faculty and Staff members of PEG should join the PEG-Faculty and PEG-Infrastructure channels as well.
  3. Install the Apps: (optional) You can install the Google Chat app on your phone or just access chats from the Gmail app on mobile
  4. Spaces: Google Chat is organised into spaces - some are private, some are public to all within IIT-DH and some are viewable outside IIT-DH. You can create new spaces at will.