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Problem Statement :
Implementation of a Speed Limit Indication System Using a GPS Module
- The LED system on the microcontroller should indicate the vehicle's speed range using different colors for specific speed intervals.
- The LED should remain off when the vehicle speed is equal to 0 km/hr.
- The Green LED should turn on when the vehicle speed is greater than 0 km/hr and below 15 km/hr.
- The Yellow LED should turn on when the vehicle speed is greater than or equal to 15 km/hr and below 30 km/hr.
- The Red LED should turn on when the vehicle speed is greater than or equal to 30 km/hr and below 40 km/hr.
- The Red LED should blink rapidly when the vehicle speed is greater than 40 km/hr.
Tasks :
- Initalize UART for receiving data - Completed
- Add Read data function - Completed
- LED indication configuration - Completed
- Initialize buffer to store data - Pending
- Add received data to the buffer - Pending
- Use received data to meet objectives - Pending