-generation of random positions (in a 1x1x1 parameter space) and random angels
-actual voronoi tessellation
for the generation of the positions, a resolution can be specified to ensure that the tessellation works at that resolution. The tessellation will always work on larger resolutions but not necessarily at smaller ones.
renamed mpie_spectral2.f90 to mpie_spectral2d.f90 (testing file, not properly working at the moment)
changed file extension and variable names in mpie_spectral.f90 and mpie_spectral_interface.f90 from "mesh" to "geom". Removed direct output from mpie_spectral.f90, all output is now base on materialpoint_results(:,1,:)
added new tools to generate colormaps for paraview and gmsh, written in python
removed old fortran colormap generator.
removed test.py (not longer needed) and the python module reconstruct.pyd (not running under linux)
reconstruct.f90 is a fortran source file with comments to use with f2py
reconstruct.pyd is the compiled python module
test.py is a test file to check if the reconstruction works (unfortunately i does not at the moment, probably because there are type conflicts between fortran and python)
* default value of the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable has to be restored at the end of mpie subroutine, since marc also seems to use and change(!) this
* usage: "export MPIE_NUM_THREADS=<number of threads>" to set variable in shell, then restart mentat and compile with option 3 (at the moment this does only work on ws 6, since all other workstations use compiler option "-save"; this puts all local variables by default in static memory, which is a killer for parallelization!)
* better use SINGLE (having an implicit barrier at the end) instead of MASTER construct
* deleted all explicit BARRIERs after do loops since parallel loop construct implies barrier at the end
* had to add some BARRIER constructs
* only the master thread is allowed to increase the state counter
yet parallelization seems not to give a significant decrease in calculation time with nonlocal model (because of too many CRITICAL statements?)
* also put a call to constitutive_microstructure at the start of each crystallite_integration subroutine like it was before. need that for nonlocal model in case of crystallite cutback
numerics: polishing
mpie_cpfem_marc: polishing
..powerlaw: aware of symmetryType function
crystallite: aware of symmetryType function, smaller leapfrog acceleration
IO: new warning 101
CPFEM: range of odd stress is now -1e15...+1e15, H_sym is used for stiffness
Major changes:
CPFEM.f90 =>
1. Moving the initialization out of CPFEM_general into a separate subroutine, which is directly called by the hypela2 (Beware, the Abaqus version must also be modified in order to adapt with this change).
2. Restore primary state variables in CPFEM_init from binary files when requested (Marc flag: restart read).
3. Writing primary state variables into binary files (Marc flag: restart write).
FEsolving.f90 =>
1. Adding functions to recognize Marc restart flags: read and write and the corresponding restart file (parent job).
2. Change the initial value of cycleCounter = -1 in conjuction with the change made the ping-pong scheme
homogenization_RGC.f90 =>
1. Just syntax polishing.
IO.f90 =>
1. Adding functions/subroutines to open binary files for writing the primary state variables for restart purpose.
1. Modification of the general scheme for collection and calculation in order to accommodate the newly added restart feature.
voronoi fast.f90 and voronoi small memory.f90 are two variants to do a voronoi tessellation and write the result to a mesh file that can be interpreted by mpie_spectral.f90. Difference is the memory management resulting in one faster and one memory saving version. voronoi fast.f90 has also the ability to write out a file for Ricardo Lebensohns spectral code.
colormap.f90 is a simple code that can be used to generate colormaps for gmsh.
* in Fixed Point Iteration: update dependent states after state preguess was missing; on the other hand, the first call to constitutive_microstructure was obsolete
* fluxes are now again calculated and distributed only! by the originating material point. this means that the central MP might change the dotState of its neighbor. have to see whether locks slow down parallel computation