Claudio Zambaldi
extract exit number from MSC out-file. Other MSC utility functions can also go into MSC_TOOLS class.
2011-10-24 12:59:46 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
deleted unused vars. changed linking library info/path
2011-10-20 12:47:57 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added option to select between cell-centered (as before) or vertex-centered data
2011-10-20 12:29:59 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added option to skip data points along x,y,z in case they are periodic images. relevant for vertex-centered data for which outer surface data is doubled, i.e. data(0,0,0) == data(Nx,Ny,Nz)
2011-10-20 12:28:39 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added option to output RGB palette on terminal
number of colors is now variable (default 32)
warning issued if MSC path not valid
new "redblue" sym colormap
2011-10-20 11:59:15 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
corrected for-loop index bug. two-dim output is now optional.
2011-10-14 23:43:45 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
seed-file header format corrected, setup script now contains minimalSurface and vicinityOffset. removed .exe from compile output
2011-10-14 22:39:58 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
alter a spectral geom file such that any voxel that sees within a given vicinity a different microstructure than itself gets offset by a given value. this allows to identify/isolate grain boundary regions...
2011-10-11 17:35:53 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
generates spectral geom file for (currently) gyroid or diamond minimal surfaces. Inside and outside of a given threshold value are distinguished by microstructure 1 and 2.
2011-10-11 17:30:55 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
can now deal with arbitrarily long lines for microstructure definition. useful for 2D ASCII representation of grain morphology in the geom file.
additional internal code reworking.
2011-10-11 17:25:22 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
corrected typos and such
2011-09-13 15:57:58 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added two small (quick and dirty) tools to convert data from EBSD to input files for spectral method, put them together with patchFromReconstructedBoundaries into new folder.
2011-09-13 15:46:44 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
reflects new output format of DAMASK_spectral to find
*** Loadcase...
2011-09-05 13:39:44 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added '\n' escaping of ID string in VTK header
2011-09-05 13:38:10 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
forgot to include string module, too
2011-09-05 08:54:29 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
forgot to include string module
2011-09-05 08:50:36 +00:00
Martin Diehl
no fitting recent file renames
2011-08-26 12:25:11 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
name change to better reflect what happens: comparison between local deformation field and a (necessarily compatbile) geometry reconstructed from the whole deformation field.
2011-08-26 07:17:35 +00:00
Martin Diehl
debugging of addDebugInformation (now working, but not tested in detail)
Added Id to postprocessingMath
2011-08-25 18:18:38 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
reworked to match former script layouts and logics. (not yet tested, use at your own risk)
2011-08-25 17:55:36 +00:00
Martin Diehl
corrected wrong Id tag
2011-08-25 16:47:12 +00:00
Martin Diehl
forget to check in addDebugInformation
2011-08-25 16:44:36 +00:00
Martin Diehl
put divergence calculation using FDM to postprocessingMath, added divergence calculation using differentation in Fourier space to postprocessingMath
added functions to calculate the shape and volume mismatch of compatible and non-compatible geometry reconstruction to postprocessingMath. They can be accessed using addDebugInformation
2011-08-25 15:31:05 +00:00
Martin Diehl
made handling of unknown dimension (i.e. resolution ==1) the same as for preprocessing (last commit)
2011-08-25 15:28:33 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added auto scaling of dimension to voronoi_tessellation.f90. If dimension(i) == 0, it will get the smallest step of the remaining dimensions in that direction. Same is now done by patchFromReconstructedBoundaries
... now gives executables the extension *.exe and removes the old executables before compiling
2011-08-25 12:16:06 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added new script "spectral_scaleGeom"
2011-08-19 13:32:27 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
now also works for single stepped loadcases, too
2011-08-19 10:03:42 +00:00
Martin Diehl
renamed to be consistent with other file names
2011-08-19 07:53:35 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added options to control written output (mesh(default), box, points) and to control reconstruction. --undeformed does not calculate average deformation of ve, --scaling controls the scaling of the fluctuation. Default is 1.0, with 0.0 no fluctuations are shown
2011-08-19 07:33:22 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added python script to simply (without antialising) scale a given *.geom file
2011-08-19 07:29:50 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added $Id$ escaping
2011-08-18 08:00:19 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added $Id$ login name escaping
2011-08-18 07:53:07 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added some warnings if Mentat or PIL cabability missing
2011-08-18 07:52:07 +00:00
Martin Diehl
does not double size of 2D data for spectral method any more
2011-08-17 16:06:50 +00:00
Nan Jia
added forgotten "averageDown" script to list of shortcuts
2011-08-16 18:20:52 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
deleted unused option "dimension" since this is figured out by parsing the respective spectral or geom input files anyway.
2011-08-15 08:34:55 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
interrogate output from DAMASK_spectral for "error divergence:" evolution.
results in an ASCII datafile containing the increment counter with corresponding divergence value. the evolution within an increment i is stretched between i and i+1 (and likely jumps then for the next increment i+1 at the value i+1)
2011-08-14 10:44:15 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
bug fix related to hash key error when requesting --increments range
2011-07-25 12:53:54 +00:00
Onur Guevenc
fixed running with default --range & using --separation options.
2011-07-22 11:59:03 +00:00
Onur Guevenc
only consider increments actually present in (spectral) result
added switch to change from range of positions to range of increments
polished help output
2011-07-21 15:45:41 +00:00
Christoph Kords
mappings should rather be called "sumabs" and "avgabs" than "abssum" and "absavg"
2011-07-15 11:27:47 +00:00
Christoph Kords
added "absavg" (=average of the absolute values) to the predefined mappings
2011-07-15 08:07:33 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
moved useful ASCII post processing scripts from my Code repository into the DAMASK post-proc.
2011-06-21 16:25:48 +00:00
Onur Guevenc
fixed a nasty bug in reading the header of spectral files
file type is guessed from extension
script tries to gracefully continue when data is missing but not crucial
ASCII file splitting now has correct increment (not position) in its name: poop_inc123.txt refers to true increment 123 not to position 123 in the result file anymore...
2011-06-21 12:38:58 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
now reports over all loadcases present in the output file, not just a selected one...
2011-06-15 18:14:05 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added capability to deal with (Marc, spectral) output files that have less than every increment stored.
2011-06-15 17:49:59 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
removed "error" msg about missing /msc directory. if not present, now silently ignored (together with any requests for Mentat interaction).
2011-06-09 12:52:54 +00:00
Onur Guevenc
"step" header is modified to "inc" to be consistent with postResults outputs.
2011-06-09 12:39:08 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added nodalScalar capability.
--ns 'elements' reports the nodal connectivity (list of elements touching a node)
--prefix allows to prefix the output filename
2011-06-08 16:54:46 +00:00
Franz Roters
do not use pwd library as it is unix only
due to the above path to subroutine is no longer set in mentat
spectral output uses different "grain numbers" for x-margin, y-margin, and margin edge
2011-06-08 15:06:37 +00:00