- reworked contribution of immobile dislocation density for rate equations
- flux is now calculated on the basis of interpolated velocities and densities at the interface; both incoming and outgoing fluxes are considered, so every material point only changes his own dotState
- dislocation velocity is now globally defined and calculated by subroutine constitutive_nonlocal_kinetics; the subroutine is called inside _LpAndItsTangent as well as _microstructure; therefore, microstructure now needs Tstar_v as additional input; in the future one should perhaps create a subroutine constitutive_kinetics that calls constitutive_nonlocal_kinetics separately, to clearly distinguish between microstructural and kinetic variables
- better use flux density vector as output variable instead of scalar flux values for each interface
- added output variables internal and external resolved stress
- added flag to force local stiffness calculation in case of nonlocal model
- misorientation angle is explicitly set to zero when no neighbor can be found
- added flag "selectiveDebugger" that is used when debugging statements should only affect a specific element, ip and grain; these are specified with the new variables debug_e, debug_i and debug_g
- debugger can now be used in its original sense
# IO has some additional functionality for Abaqus parsing
# ping pong scheme in FE interface now similar (and more human understandable) in both versions
# mesh has better splitting of different tasks, plus operation on database whenever possible
# FEsolver as new global var to indicate FEM solver type
# computation mode reshuffling: 6 is now Marc special case of recycling...
homogenization.f90 and crystallite.f90 >>> Correction in the algorithm to count the iteration distribution (for better statistics).
material.config and numerics.config >>> more collection of parameters.
- dipole dislocations with evolution
- collect state uses subdt and subTstar0_v
- in nonlocal modus: set all crystallites to broken if one is not on track anymore after either stress integration or state update
- constitutive_microstructure is now called inside state update and not in integrate_stress anymore
- new parameter for nonlocal constitution
- age Tstar after increment was finished
debugging memory leak closed
debugging counters corrected
center of gravity stored in mesh
state updated is now split into a collecting loop and an execution
updateState and updateTemperature fill sequentially separate logicals and evaluate afterwards to converged
added 3x3 transposition function, norm for 3x1 matrix and 33x3 matrix multiplication in math
non-converged crystallite triggers materialpoint cutback (used to respond elastically)
non-converged materialpoint raises terminal illness which in turn renders whole FE increment useless by means of odd stress/stiffness and thus waits for FE cutback
# non-greedy memory allocation
# generation of outputConstitutive to allow for script-based T16 extraction
# exchange of phenomenological by more general phenopowerlaw
# lattice is based on slip and twin families which can be treated as individual entities (switched on/off, separate hardening, etc.)
# nicer debugging output
# changed some error/warning codes
# plus potentially some minor additional brushes here and there