math for quaterion / orientation have own classes
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,24 +121,16 @@ module math
math_sym3333to66, &
math_66toSym3333, &
math_Voigt66to3333, &
math_qRand, &
math_qMul, &
math_qDot, &
math_qConj, &
math_qInv, &
math_qRot, &
math_RtoEuler, &
math_RtoQ, &
math_EulerToR, &
math_axisAngleToR, &
math_EulerAxisAngleToQ, &
math_axisAngleToQ, &
math_qToRodrig, &
math_qToEuler, &
math_qToAxisAngle, &
math_EulerMisorientation, &
math_sampleGaussVar, &
math_symmetricEulers, &
math_eigenvectorBasisSym33, &
math_eigenvectorBasisSym33_log, &
math_eigenvectorBasisSym, &
@ -214,33 +206,6 @@ subroutine math_check
implicit none
character(len=64) :: error_msg
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: R,R2
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: Eulers
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: q,q2,axisangle
! --- check rotation dictionary ---
q = math_qRand() ! random quaternion
! +++ q -> a -> q +++
axisangle = math_qToAxisAngle(q)
q2 = math_axisAngleToQ(axisangle(1:3),axisangle(4))
if ( any(abs( q-q2) > tol_math_check) .and. &
any(abs(-q-q2) > tol_math_check) ) then
write (error_msg, '(a,e14.6)' ) &
'quat -> axisAngle -> quat maximum deviation ',min(maxval(abs( q-q2)),maxval(abs(-q-q2)))
call IO_error(401,ext_msg=error_msg)
! +++ R -> euler -> R +++
Eulers = math_RtoEuler(R)
R2 = math_EulerToR(Eulers)
if ( any(abs( R-R2) > tol_math_check) ) then
write (error_msg, '(a,e14.6)' ) &
'R -> euler -> R maximum deviation ',maxval(abs( R-R2))
call IO_error(401,ext_msg=error_msg)
! +++ check vector expansion +++
if (any(abs([1.0_pReal,2.0_pReal,2.0_pReal,3.0_pReal,3.0_pReal,3.0_pReal] - &
math_expand([1.0_pReal,2.0_pReal,3.0_pReal],[1,2,3,0])) > tol_math_check)) then
@ -1195,27 +1160,6 @@ pure function math_Voigt66to3333(m66)
end function math_Voigt66to3333
!> @brief random quaternion
! K. Shoemake. Uniform random rotations. In D. Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III, pages 124-132.
! Academic, New York, 1992.
function math_qRand()
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_qRand
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: rnd
rnd = halton([8,4,9])
math_qRand = [cos(2.0_pReal*PI*rnd(1))*sqrt(rnd(3)), &
sin(2.0_pReal*PI*rnd(2))*sqrt(1.0_pReal-rnd(3)), &
cos(2.0_pReal*PI*rnd(2))*sqrt(1.0_pReal-rnd(3)), &
end function math_qRand
!> @brief quaternion multiplication q1xq2 = q12
@ -1233,19 +1177,6 @@ pure function math_qMul(A,B)
end function math_qMul
!> @brief quaternion dotproduct
real(pReal) pure function math_qDot(A,B)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: A, B
math_qDot = sum(A*B)
end function math_qDot
!> @brief quaternion conjugation
@ -1260,39 +1191,6 @@ pure function math_qConj(Q)
end function math_qConj
!> @brief quaternion norm
real(pReal) pure function math_qNorm(Q)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
math_qNorm = norm2(Q)
end function math_qNorm
!> @brief quaternion inversion
pure function math_qInv(Q)
use prec, only: &
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_qInv
real(pReal) :: squareNorm
math_qInv = 0.0_pReal
squareNorm = math_qDot(Q,Q)
if (dNeq0(squareNorm)) math_qInv = math_qConj(Q) / squareNorm
end function math_qInv
!> @brief action of a quaternion on a vector (rotate vector v with Q)
@ -1490,112 +1388,6 @@ pure function math_axisAngleToR(axis,omega)
end function math_axisAngleToR
!> @brief quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz) from Euler axis and angle (in radians)
!> @details quaternion is meant to represent a PASSIVE rotation
!> @details (see for definitions)
!> @details formula for active rotation taken from
!> @details
pure function math_EulerAxisAngleToQ(axis,omega)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_EulerAxisAngleToQ
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: axis
real(pReal), intent(in) :: omega
math_EulerAxisAngleToQ = math_qConj(math_axisAngleToQ(axis,omega)) ! convert to passive rotation
end function math_EulerAxisAngleToQ
!> @brief quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz) from axis and angle (in radians)
!> @details quaternion is meant to represent an ACTIVE rotation
!> @details (see for definitions)
!> @details formula for active rotation taken from
!> @details
!> @details equivalent to eu2qu (P=+1) from "D Rowenhorst et al. Consistent representations of and
!> @details conversions between 3D rotations, Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 23-8 (2015)"
pure function math_axisAngleToQ(axis,omega)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_axisAngleToQ
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: axis
real(pReal), intent(in) :: omega
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: axisNrm
real(pReal) :: norm
norm = norm2(axis)
wellDefined: if (norm > 1.0e-8_pReal) then
axisNrm = axis/norm ! normalize axis to be sure
math_axisAngleToQ = [cos(0.5_pReal*omega), sin(0.5_pReal*omega) * axisNrm(1:3)]
else wellDefined
math_axisAngleToQ = [1.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal]
endif wellDefined
end function math_axisAngleToQ
!> @brief 3-1-3 Euler angles (in radians) from quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz)
!> @details quaternion is meant to represent a PASSIVE rotation,
!> @details composed of INTRINSIC rotations around the axes of the
!> @details rotating reference frame
!> @details (see for definitions)
pure function math_qToEuler(qPassive)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: qPassive
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: q
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: math_qToEuler
q = math_qConj(qPassive) ! convert to active rotation, since formulas are defined for active rotations
math_qToEuler(2) = acos(1.0_pReal-2.0_pReal*(q(2)**2+q(3)**2))
if (abs(math_qToEuler(2)) < 1.0e-6_pReal) then
math_qToEuler(1) = sign(2.0_pReal*acos(math_clip(q(1),-1.0_pReal, 1.0_pReal)),q(4))
math_qToEuler(3) = 0.0_pReal
math_qToEuler(1) = atan2(+q(1)*q(3)+q(2)*q(4), q(1)*q(2)-q(3)*q(4))
math_qToEuler(3) = atan2(-q(1)*q(3)+q(2)*q(4), q(1)*q(2)+q(3)*q(4))
math_qToEuler = merge(math_qToEuler + [2.0_pReal*PI, PI, 2.0_pReal*PI], & ! ensure correct range
math_qToEuler, math_qToEuler<0.0_pReal)
end function math_qToEuler
!> @brief axis-angle (x, y, z, ang in radians) from quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz)
!> @details quaternion is meant to represent an ACTIVE rotation
!> @details (see for definitions)
!> @details formula for active rotation taken from
!> @details
pure function math_qToAxisAngle(Q)
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(4), intent(in) :: Q
real(pReal) :: halfAngle, sinHalfAngle
real(pReal), dimension(4) :: math_qToAxisAngle
halfAngle = acos(math_clip(Q(1),-1.0_pReal,1.0_pReal))
sinHalfAngle = sin(halfAngle)
smallRotation: if (sinHalfAngle <= 1.0e-4_pReal) then
math_qToAxisAngle = 0.0_pReal
else smallRotation
math_qToAxisAngle= [ Q(2:4)/sinHalfAngle, halfAngle*2.0_pReal]
endif smallRotation
end function math_qToAxisAngle
!> @brief Rodrigues vector (x, y, z) from unit quaternion (w+ix+jy+kz)
@ -1663,36 +1455,6 @@ real(pReal) function math_sampleGaussVar(meanvalue, stddev, width)
end function math_sampleGaussVar
!> @brief symmetrically equivalent Euler angles for given sample symmetry
!> @detail 1 (equivalent to != 2 and !=4):triclinic, 2:monoclinic, 4:orthotropic
pure function math_symmetricEulers(sym,Euler)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: sym !< symmetry Class
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: Euler
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: math_symmetricEulers
math_symmetricEulers = transpose(reshape([PI+Euler(1), PI-Euler(1), 2.0_pReal*PI-Euler(1), &
Euler(2), PI-Euler(2), PI -Euler(2), &
Euler(3), PI+Euler(3), PI +Euler(3)],[3,3])) ! transpose is needed to have symbolic notation instead of column-major
math_symmetricEulers = modulo(math_symmetricEulers,2.0_pReal*pi)
select case (sym)
case (4) ! orthotropic: all done
case (2) ! monoclinic: return only first
math_symmetricEulers(1:3,2:3) = 0.0_pReal
case default ! triclinic: return blank
math_symmetricEulers = 0.0_pReal
end select
end function math_symmetricEulers
!> @brief eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrix m
! ToDo: has wrong oder of arguments
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