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Martin Diehl 2020-09-29 09:03:58 +02:00
parent c254472346
commit b5eaf2cb50
1 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -36,27 +36,33 @@ module crystallite
type(rotation), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
crystallite_orientation !< current orientation
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
crystallite_Fe, & !< current "elastic" def grad (end of converged time step)
crystallite_S0, & !< 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector at start of FE inc
crystallite_Fp0, & !< plastic def grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_Fi0, & !< intermediate def grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_F0, & !< def grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_Lp0, & !< plastic velocitiy grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_Li0, & !< intermediate velocitiy grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_partionedS0, & !< 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector at start of homog inc
crystallite_Fp, & !< current plastic def grad (end of converged time step)
crystallite_partionedFp0,& !< plastic def grad at start of homog inc
crystallite_Fi, & !< current intermediate def grad (end of converged time step)
crystallite_partionedFi0,& !< intermediate def grad at start of homog inc
crystallite_partionedLp0, & !< plastic velocity grad at start of homog inc
crystallite_Li, & !< current intermediate velocitiy grad (end of converged time step)
crystallite_partionedLi0, & !< intermediate velocity grad at start of homog inc
crystallite_subFp0,& !< plastic def grad at start of crystallite inc
crystallite_subFi0,& !< intermediate def grad at start of crystallite inc
crystallite_subF, & !< def grad to be reached at end of crystallite inc
crystallite_subF0, & !< def grad at start of crystallite inc
crystallite_Fe, & !< current "elastic" def grad (end of converged time step)
crystallite_Fp, & !< current plastic def grad (end of converged time step)
crystallite_Fp0, & !< plastic def grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_partionedFp0,& !< plastic def grad at start of homog inc
crystallite_subFp0,& !< plastic def grad at start of crystallite inc
crystallite_Fi, & !< current intermediate def grad (end of converged time step)
crystallite_Fi0, & !< intermediate def grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_partionedFi0,& !< intermediate def grad at start of homog inc
crystallite_subFi0,& !< intermediate def grad at start of crystallite inc
crystallite_Lp0, & !< plastic velocitiy grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_partionedLp0, & !< plastic velocity grad at start of homog inc
crystallite_subLp0,& !< plastic velocity grad at start of crystallite inc
crystallite_subLi0 !< intermediate velocity grad at start of crystallite inc
crystallite_Li, & !< current intermediate velocitiy grad (end of converged time step)
crystallite_Li0, & !< intermediate velocitiy grad at start of FE inc
crystallite_partionedLi0, & !< intermediate velocity grad at start of homog inc
crystallite_subLi0, & !< intermediate velocity grad at start of crystallite inc
crystallite_S0, & !< 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector at start of FE inc
crystallite_partionedS0 !< 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector at start of homog inc
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
crystallite_P, & !< 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress per grain
crystallite_Lp, & !< current plastic velocitiy grad (end of converged time step)
@ -482,7 +488,7 @@ end function crystallite_stress
!> @brief tbd
!> @brief Backup data for homog cutback.
subroutine crystallite_initializeRestorationPoints(i,e)
@ -513,7 +519,7 @@ end subroutine crystallite_initializeRestorationPoints
!> @brief tbd
!> @brief Wind homog inc forward.
subroutine crystallite_windForward(i,e)
@ -544,7 +550,7 @@ end subroutine crystallite_windForward
!> @brief tbd
!> @brief Restore data after homog cutback.
subroutine crystallite_restore(i,e,includeL)
@ -578,7 +584,7 @@ end subroutine crystallite_restore
!> @brief calculate tangent (dPdF)
!> @brief Calculate tangent (dPdF).
subroutine crystallite_stressTangent