[skip ci] remove auto-inserted closing parentheses

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Philip Eisenlohr 2021-09-08 18:45:12 +00:00
parent eae4a7f29c
commit 4b163b9980
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -695,8 +695,8 @@ class Rotation:
phi : numpy.ndarray of shape (...,3)
BungeEuler angles ()φ_1 [0,2π], ϕ [0,π], φ_2 [0,2π])
or ()φ_1 [0,360], ϕ [0,180], φ_2 [0,360]) if degrees == True.
BungeEuler angles (φ_1 [0,2π], ϕ [0,π], φ_2 [0,2π])
or (φ_1 [0,360], ϕ [0,180], φ_2 [0,360]) if degrees == True.
degrees : boolean, optional
BungeEuler angles are given in degrees. Defaults to False.