better use explicit arguments
This commit is contained in:
@ -737,15 +737,15 @@ end subroutine mech_results
!> @brief calculation of stress (P) with time integration based on a residuum in Lp and
!> intermediate acceleration of the Newton-Raphson correction
function integrateStress(co,ip,el,timeFraction) result(broken)
function integrateStress(F,Delta_t,co,ip,el) result(broken)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: F
real(pReal), intent(in) :: Delta_t
integer, intent(in):: el, & ! element index
ip, & ! integration point index
co ! grain index
real(pReal), optional, intent(in) :: timeFraction ! fraction of timestep
co ! grain index
real(pReal), dimension(3,3):: F, & ! deformation gradient at end of timestep
Fp_new, & ! plastic deformation gradient at end of timestep
real(pReal), dimension(3,3):: Fp_new, & ! plastic deformation gradient at end of timestep
invFp_new, & ! inverse of Fp_new
invFp_current, & ! inverse of Fp_current
Lpguess, & ! current guess for plastic velocity gradient
@ -783,7 +783,6 @@ function integrateStress(co,ip,el,timeFraction) result(broken)
real(pReal) steplengthLp, &
steplengthLi, &
dt, & ! time increment
atol_Lp, &
atol_Li, &
@ -801,15 +800,6 @@ function integrateStress(co,ip,el,timeFraction) result(broken)
broken = .true.
if (present(timeFraction)) then
dt = crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el) * timeFraction
F = crystallite_subF0(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el) &
+ (crystallite_subF(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el) - crystallite_subF0(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el)) * timeFraction
dt = crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el)
F = crystallite_subF(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el)
call constitutive_plastic_dependentState(crystallite_partitionedF(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el),co,ip,el)
ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
@ -835,7 +825,7 @@ function integrateStress(co,ip,el,timeFraction) result(broken)
NiterationStressLi = NiterationStressLi + 1
if (NiterationStressLi>num%nStress) return ! error
invFi_new = matmul(invFi_current,math_I3 - dt*Liguess)
invFi_new = matmul(invFi_current,math_I3 - Delta_t*Liguess)
Fi_new = math_inv33(invFi_new)
jacoCounterLp = 0
@ -848,7 +838,7 @@ function integrateStress(co,ip,el,timeFraction) result(broken)
NiterationStressLp = NiterationStressLp + 1
if (NiterationStressLp>num%nStress) return ! error
B = math_I3 - dt*Lpguess
B = math_I3 - Delta_t*Lpguess
Fe = matmul(matmul(A,B), invFi_new)
call constitutive_hooke_SandItsTangents(S, dS_dFe, dS_dFi, &
Fe, Fi_new, co, ip, el)
@ -880,7 +870,7 @@ function integrateStress(co,ip,el,timeFraction) result(broken)
jacoCounterLp = jacoCounterLp + 1
do o=1,3; do p=1,3
dFe_dLp(o,1:3,p,1:3) = - dt * A(o,p)*transpose(invFi_new) ! dFe_dLp(i,j,k,l) = -dt * A(i,k) invFi(l,j)
dFe_dLp(o,1:3,p,1:3) = - Delta_t * A(o,p)*transpose(invFi_new) ! dFe_dLp(i,j,k,l) = -Delta_t * A(i,k) invFi(l,j)
enddo; enddo
dRLp_dLp = math_eye(9) &
- math_3333to99(math_mul3333xx3333(math_mul3333xx3333(dLp_dS,dS_dFe),dFe_dLp))
@ -921,8 +911,8 @@ function integrateStress(co,ip,el,timeFraction) result(broken)
temp_33 = matmul(matmul(A,B),invFi_current)
do o=1,3; do p=1,3
dFe_dLi(1:3,o,1:3,p) = -dt*math_I3(o,p)*temp_33 ! dFe_dLp(i,j,k,l) = -dt * A(i,k) invFi(l,j)
dFi_dLi(1:3,o,1:3,p) = -dt*math_I3(o,p)*invFi_current
dFe_dLi(1:3,o,1:3,p) = -Delta_t*math_I3(o,p)*temp_33 ! dFe_dLp(i,j,k,l) = -Delta_t * A(i,k) invFi(l,j)
dFi_dLi(1:3,o,1:3,p) = -Delta_t*math_I3(o,p)*invFi_current
enddo; enddo
do o=1,3; do p=1,3
dFi_dLi(1:3,1:3,o,p) = matmul(matmul(Fi_new,dFi_dLi(1:3,1:3,o,p)),Fi_new)
@ -998,7 +988,7 @@ subroutine integrateStateFPI(co,ip,el)
if(nIterationState > 1) plastic_dotState(1:size_pl,2) = plastic_dotState(1:size_pl,1)
plastic_dotState(1:size_pl,1) = plasticState(ph)%dotState(:,me)
broken = integrateStress(co,ip,el)
broken = integrateStress(crystallite_subF(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el),crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el),co,ip,el)
if(broken) exit iteration
broken = mech_collectDotState(crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el), co,ip,el,ph,me)
@ -1082,7 +1072,7 @@ subroutine integrateStateEuler(co,ip,el)
if(broken) return
broken = integrateStress(co,ip,el)
broken = integrateStress(crystallite_subF(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el),crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el),co,ip,el)
crystallite_converged(co,ip,el) = .not. broken
end subroutine integrateStateEuler
@ -1123,7 +1113,7 @@ subroutine integrateStateAdaptiveEuler(co,ip,el)
if(broken) return
broken = integrateStress(co,ip,el)
broken = integrateStress(crystallite_subF(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el),crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el),co,ip,el)
if(broken) return
broken = mech_collectDotState(crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el), co,ip,el,ph,me)
@ -1215,6 +1205,7 @@ subroutine integrateStateRK(co,ip,el,A,B,C,DB)
logical :: &
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_plasticity_maxSizeDotState,size(B)) :: plastic_RKdotState
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: F
ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
@ -1239,7 +1230,10 @@ subroutine integrateStateRK(co,ip,el,A,B,C,DB)
+ plasticState(ph)%dotState (1:sizeDotState,me) &
* crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el)
broken = integrateStress(co,ip,el,C(stage))
F = crystallite_subF0(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el) &
+ (crystallite_subF(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el) - crystallite_subF0(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el)) * C(stage)
broken = integrateStress(F,crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el) * C(stage),co,ip,el)
if(broken) exit
broken = mech_collectDotState(crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el)*C(stage), co,ip,el,ph,me)
@ -1267,7 +1261,7 @@ subroutine integrateStateRK(co,ip,el,A,B,C,DB)
if(broken) return
broken = integrateStress(co,ip,el)
broken = integrateStress(crystallite_subF(1:3,1:3,co,ip,el),crystallite_subdt(co,ip,el),co,ip,el)
crystallite_converged(co,ip,el) = .not. broken
Reference in New Issue