2020-01-27 00:26:30 +05:30
2018-06-10 14:37:17 +05:30
!> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief Reads in the material configuration from file
!> @details Reads the material configuration file, where solverJobName.materialConfig takes
!! precedence over material.config. Stores the raw strings and the positions of delimiters for the
!! parts 'homogenization', 'crystallite', 'phase', 'texture', and 'microstucture'
2018-06-14 10:09:49 +05:30
module config
2019-05-15 02:42:32 +05:30
use prec
2019-05-17 02:26:48 +05:30
use DAMASK_interface
use IO
use debug
2019-05-15 02:42:32 +05:30
use list
2020-06-16 22:17:19 +05:30
use YAML_parse
use YAML_types
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
implicit none
2019-05-15 02:42:32 +05:30
2019-05-17 02:26:48 +05:30
2019-05-28 12:57:52 +05:30
type(tPartitionedStringList), public, protected, allocatable, dimension(:) :: &
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
config_phase, &
config_microstructure, &
config_homogenization, &
config_texture, &
2020-07-01 17:10:56 +05:30
2020-01-29 19:22:09 +05:30
character(len=pStringLen), public, protected, allocatable, dimension(:) :: &
2019-06-15 17:56:32 +05:30
config_name_phase, & !< name of each phase
config_name_homogenization, & !< name of each homogenization
config_name_crystallite, & !< name of each crystallite setting
config_name_microstructure, & !< name of each microstructure
config_name_texture !< name of each texture
2018-06-10 22:08:31 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
public :: &
config_init, &
2018-06-10 22:08:31 +05:30
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2018-06-27 00:00:41 +05:30
!> @brief reads material.config and stores its content per part
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
subroutine config_init
2019-05-17 02:26:48 +05:30
integer :: i
logical :: verbose
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
character(len=pStringLen) :: &
line, &
character(len=pStringLen), dimension(:), allocatable :: fileContent
2020-06-18 21:44:53 +05:30
class(tNode), pointer :: &
logical :: fileExists
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
2019-12-07 15:36:39 +05:30
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- config init -+>>>'; flush(6)
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
2020-06-18 21:44:53 +05:30
debug_material => debug_root%get('material',defaultVal=emptyList)
verbose = debug_material%contains('basic')
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
if(fileExists) then
write(6,'(/,a)') ' reading '//trim(getSolverJobName())//'.materialConfig'; flush(6)
fileContent = read_materialConfig(trim(getSolverJobName())//'.materialConfig')
if(.not. fileExists) call IO_error(100,ext_msg='material.config')
write(6,'(/,a)') ' reading material.config'; flush(6)
fileContent = read_materialConfig('material.config')
do i = 1, size(fileContent)
line = trim(fileContent(i))
part = IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>'))
select case (trim(part))
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
case (trim('phase'))
2019-06-15 17:56:32 +05:30
call parse_materialConfig(config_name_phase,config_phase,line,fileContent(i+1:))
2019-05-17 02:26:48 +05:30
if (verbose) write(6,'(a)') ' Phase parsed'; flush(6)
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
case (trim('microstructure'))
2019-06-15 17:56:32 +05:30
call parse_materialConfig(config_name_microstructure,config_microstructure,line,fileContent(i+1:))
2019-05-17 02:26:48 +05:30
if (verbose) write(6,'(a)') ' Microstructure parsed'; flush(6)
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
case (trim('crystallite'))
2019-06-15 17:56:32 +05:30
call parse_materialConfig(config_name_crystallite,config_crystallite,line,fileContent(i+1:))
2019-05-17 02:26:48 +05:30
if (verbose) write(6,'(a)') ' Crystallite parsed'; flush(6)
2019-11-24 15:30:47 +05:30
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
case (trim('homogenization'))
2019-06-15 17:56:32 +05:30
call parse_materialConfig(config_name_homogenization,config_homogenization,line,fileContent(i+1:))
2019-05-17 02:26:48 +05:30
if (verbose) write(6,'(a)') ' Homogenization parsed'; flush(6)
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
case (trim('texture'))
2019-06-15 19:00:41 +05:30
call parse_materialConfig(config_name_texture,config_texture,line,fileContent(i+1:))
2019-05-17 02:26:48 +05:30
if (verbose) write(6,'(a)') ' Texture parsed'; flush(6)
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
end select
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
2019-03-08 13:18:06 +05:30
2019-07-16 02:23:34 +05:30
if (.not. allocated(config_homogenization) .or. size(config_homogenization) < 1) &
call IO_error(160,ext_msg='<homogenization>')
if (.not. allocated(config_microstructure) .or. size(config_microstructure) < 1) &
call IO_error(160,ext_msg='<microstructure>')
if (.not. allocated(config_phase) .or. size(config_phase) < 1) &
call IO_error(160,ext_msg='<phase>')
if (.not. allocated(config_texture) .or. size(config_texture) < 1) &
call IO_error(160,ext_msg='<texture>')
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
2018-06-09 17:18:37 +05:30
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
!> @brief reads material.config
!! Recursion is triggered by "{path/to/inputfile}" in a line
recursive function read_materialConfig(fileName,cnt) result(fileContent)
2020-03-15 17:16:10 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fileName !< name of the material configuration file
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
integer, intent(in), optional :: cnt !< recursion counter
character(len=pStringLen), dimension(:), allocatable :: fileContent !< file content, separated per lines
character(len=pStringLen), dimension(:), allocatable :: includedContent
character(len=pStringLen) :: line
character(len=pStringLen), parameter :: dummy = 'https://damask.mpie.de' !< to fill up remaining array
2019-09-19 23:30:41 +05:30
character(len=:), allocatable :: rawData
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
integer :: &
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
startPos, endPos, &
myTotalLines, & !< # lines read from file without include statements
2020-06-16 22:17:19 +05:30
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
logical :: warned
if (present(cnt)) then
2019-03-13 02:59:03 +05:30
if (cnt>10) call IO_error(106,ext_msg=trim(fileName))
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
2020-06-16 22:17:19 +05:30
rawData = IO_read(fileName) ! read data as stream
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
! count lines to allocate string array
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
myTotalLines = 1
do l=1, len(rawData)
2020-01-27 01:45:21 +05:30
if (rawData(l:l) == IO_EOL) myTotalLines = myTotalLines+1
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
! split raw data at end of line and handle includes
warned = .false.
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
startPos = 1
l = 1
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
do while (l <= myTotalLines)
2020-01-27 01:45:21 +05:30
endPos = merge(startPos + scan(rawData(startPos:),IO_EOL) - 2,len(rawData),l /= myTotalLines)
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
if (endPos - startPos > pStringLen -1) then
line = rawData(startPos:startPos+pStringLen-1)
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
if (.not. warned) then
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
call IO_warning(207,ext_msg=trim(fileName),el=l)
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
warned = .true.
line = rawData(startPos:endpos)
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
startPos = endPos + 2 ! jump to next line start
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
recursion: if (scan(trim(adjustl(line)),'{') == 1 .and. scan(trim(line),'}') > 2) then
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
includedContent = read_materialConfig(trim(line(scan(line,'{')+1:scan(line,'}')-1)), &
merge(cnt,1,present(cnt))) ! to track recursion depth
fileContent = [ fileContent(1:l-1), includedContent, [(dummy,i=1,myTotalLines-l)] ] ! add content and grow array
myTotalLines = myTotalLines - 1 + size(includedContent)
l = l - 1 + size(includedContent)
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
else recursion
fileContent(l) = line
2019-03-13 02:59:03 +05:30
l = l + 1
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
endif recursion
end function read_materialConfig
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2018-06-26 22:16:52 +05:30
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2018-06-26 22:16:52 +05:30
!> @brief parses the material.config file
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
subroutine parse_materialConfig(sectionNames,part,line, &
2019-05-15 02:42:32 +05:30
2019-12-07 15:36:39 +05:30
character(len=pStringLen), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(out) :: sectionNames
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
type(tPartitionedStringList), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: part
character(len=pStringLen), intent(inout) :: line
character(len=pStringLen), dimension(:), intent(in) :: fileContent
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2019-04-07 16:50:44 +05:30
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: partPosition !< position of [] tags + last line in section
integer :: i, j
logical :: echo
2019-12-07 15:36:39 +05:30
character(len=pStringLen) :: sectionName
2018-06-11 04:12:42 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
echo = .false.
2018-08-30 13:12:45 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
if (allocated(part)) call IO_error(161,ext_msg=trim(line))
2018-08-23 03:43:57 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
do i = 1, size(fileContent)
line = trim(fileContent(i))
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit
nextSection: if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then
partPosition = [partPosition, i]
endif nextSection
if (size(partPosition) < 1) &
echo = (trim(IO_getTag(line,'/','/')) == 'echo') .or. echo
partPosition = [partPosition, i] ! needed when actually storing content
do i = 1, size(partPosition) -1
2019-12-07 15:36:39 +05:30
write(sectionName,'(i0,a,a)') i,'_',trim(IO_getTag(fileContent(partPosition(i)),'[',']'))
sectionNames(i) = sectionName
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
do j = partPosition(i) + 1, partPosition(i+1) -1
call part(i)%add(trim(adjustl(fileContent(j))))
if (echo) then
write(6,*) 'section',i, '"'//trim(sectionNames(i))//'"'
call part(i)%show()
2018-06-26 22:16:52 +05:30
2019-03-13 02:18:33 +05:30
end subroutine parse_materialConfig
end subroutine config_init
2018-06-09 00:31:58 +05:30
2018-08-04 23:09:50 +05:30
!> @brief deallocates the linked lists that store the content of the configuration files
2018-06-27 00:00:41 +05:30
subroutine config_deallocate(what)
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
character(len=*), intent(in) :: what
2018-06-27 00:00:41 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
select case(trim(what))
2018-08-21 11:44:59 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
2018-08-21 11:44:59 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
2018-08-21 11:44:59 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
2018-08-21 11:44:59 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
2019-03-13 02:57:45 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
case default
call IO_error(0,ext_msg='config_deallocate')
2018-08-21 11:44:59 +05:30
2019-03-29 13:04:44 +05:30
end select
2018-06-27 00:00:41 +05:30
end subroutine config_deallocate
2018-06-14 10:09:49 +05:30
end module config