
9.8 KiB

API References

  1. Common APIs
    1. api/login/ 2Student APIs
    2. api/student/profile/
    3. api/student/getDashboard/
    4. api/student/addResume/
    5. api/student/deleteResume/
    6. api/student/submitApplication/ 3Common Errors

Common APIs


This Api is used to Verify the user and find out the role he/she has

How to Use?

Send a POST request to api/login/


Authorization: "Bearer {tokenID}"


Response is a Json with these fields

    "action": "Login",
    "message": "Verified",
    "user_type": [
  • action: Tells us about the message creator
  • message: Tells us what happened with our Request.
  • user_type: Tells us about the role the user possess. Can have these values
    • student
    • Admin

Status Codes

The possible responses for this api request are as follows

Status Codes Possible Messages
200 OK Verified

You may see some different errors which can be seen here

Student Portal APIs


This Api is used to get the profile of the student.

How to Use?

Send a GET request to api/student/profile


Authorization: "Bearer {tokenID}"


Response is a Json with these fields

    "action": "Student Profile",
    "message": "Details Found",
    "details": {
        "id": "fdgdb",
        "roll_no": 190010036,
        "name": "Gowtham Sai",
        "batch": "THIRD",
        "branch": "CSE",
        "phone_number": 9390291911,
        "resumes": [
        "cpi": "9.02"
  • action: Tells us about the message creator
  • message: Tells us what happened with our Request.
  • details: Has the student data.

Status Codes

The possible responses for this api request are as follows

Status Codes Possible Messages
200 OK Details Found
400 BAD_REQUEST Error Occurred {error}

You may see some different errors which can be seen here


This Api is used to get all the placements applicable to the student.

How to Use?

Send a GET request to api/student/Dashboard



Authorization: "Bearer {tokenID}"


Response is a Json with these fields

    "action": "Placement and Internships",
    "message": "Data Found",
    "placements": [
            "id": "fdgdb121",
            "designation": "Software Developer",
            "description": "nice job",
            "start_date": "2021-06-17",
            "city": "Mumbai",
            "city_type": "Domestic",
            "compensation": 1200000,
            "compensation_details": "",
            "allowed_batch": [
            "allowed_branch": [
            "attachments": [],
            "rounds": [
                "Resume Shortlisting",
                "Technical Test",
            "additional_info": [
                "place of study",
            "status": "Resume Shortlisting",
            "rounds_details": {
                "Interview": "One -to-One interview",
                "Technical Test": "Online Technical test which will be monitored remotely",
                "Resume Shortlisting": "Resume will be seen"
           "company_details": {
                "id": "fdgdb",
                "name": "Apple",
                "address": "California",
                "companyType": "Technology",
                "website": ""
    "placementApplication": [
            "id": "dsdads",
            "application_status": "Resume Shortlisting",
            "resume": "XB85F4RIGBF5VJN_Cv-Gowtham.pdf",
            "additional_info": {
                "school": "Delhi Public School",
                "language": "Telugu",
                "place of study": "Visakhapatnam"
            "selected": null,
            "placement": "fdgdb121"
  • action: Tells us about the message creator
  • message: Tells us what happened with our Request.
  • placements: Has the placements data.
  • internships: Has the internships data.
  • application_status: Can have many names
    • Accepting Applications
    • One of the Round Names
    • Completed
  • selected: Can take three Values
    • null: Student is still in the Selection process
    • true: Student is Selected
    • false: Student is not selected

Status Codes

The possible responses for this api request are as follows

Status Codes Possible Messages
200 OK Resume Added
400 BAD_REQUEST Error Occurred {error}

You can see some common errors here


This Api is used to add resumes by a student.

How to Use?

Send a POST request to api/student/addResume/

Only users with student role can access this Api.


  "file": "__FILE_OBJECT__"

Excepted to send Form Data

Authorization: "Bearer {tokenID}"


Response is a Json with these fields

  "action": "Upload Resume",
  "message": "Resume Added"
  • action: Tells us about the message creator
  • message: Tells us what happened with our Request.

Status Codes

The possible responses for this api request are as follows

Status Codes Possible Messages
200 OK Resume Added

You can see some common errors here


This Api is used to delete resumes added by a student.

How to Use?

Send a POST request to api/student/deleteResume/

Only users with student role can access this Api.


  "resume_file_name": "8ZJ44RIS9914SO4_Resume for Google STEP.pdf"


Response is a Json with these fields

  "action": "Delete Resume",
  "message": "Resume Deleted"

Authorization: "Bearer {tokenID}"

  • action: Tells us about the message creator
  • message: Tells us what happened with our Request.

Status Codes

The possible responses for this api request are as follows

Status Codes Possible Messages
200 OK Resume Deleted
404 NOT FOUND File Not Found

You can see some common errors here


This Api is used to submit application to Internships/Placements.

How to Use?

Send a POST request to api/student/submitApplication/

Only users with student role can access this Api.


  "opening_type": "Placement",
  "opening_id": "fgervsdgdsf",
  "resume_file_name": "1FYE0PQZZ508HR6_Resume for Google STEP.pdf",
  "additional_info": {
    "school": "Narayana English Medium",
    "place of study": "Vizag",
    "language": "Telugu"

Authorization: "Bearer {tokenID}"

  • opening_type: Can be Placement/Internship
  • opening_id: Opening Id unique to each opening.
  • additional_info: This is the info which the Internship/Placement demands besides the normal user data which has to asked and sent. These fields can be found in the Internship Details.


Response is a Json with these fields

  "action": "Submit Application",
  "message": "Application Submitted"
  • action: Tells us about the message creator
  • message: Tells us what happened with our Request.

Status Codes

The possible responses for this api request are as follows

Status Codes Possible Messages
200 OK Application Submitted
403 FORBIDDEN Application is already Submitted

You can see some common errors here

Common Errors

Some common errors that you may see while accessing the Apis

Status Codes Possible Messages Possible Reasons
401 UNAUTHORIZED Authorization Header Not Found Check for the authorization header in you request and the prefix( Should use Bearer) used.
401 UNAUTHORIZED Access Denied. You are not allowed to use this service Your may not have required access to those access those Apis.
401 UNAUTHORIZED Token has wrong audience You may be using wrong credentials for Google OAuth2.0.
404 NOT FOUND User Not Found. Contact CDC for more details You may not be a user at CDC, IIT Dharwad. Please contact us to get your user account
400 BAD_REQUEST Error Occurred {error} Any random Error which can be seen in the {error} string.