43 lines
1.1 KiB
43 lines
1.1 KiB
## QR Code
The main idea finding the flag is to decrypt multiple encryptions.
#### Step-1:
After downloading, `qrcode.39907201.png` from the cloud, my first try was to scan it online:
<img src="qrcode.39907201.png">
#### Step-2:
I followed the URL: https://webqr.com/index.html
I got the following message after the scan:
<img src="Scan.png">
Message: `c3ludCB2ZiA6IGEwX29icWxfczBldHJnX2RlX3BicXI=`.
This was clearly Base64 encrypted, which can be said by terminating '='.
#### Step-3:
So, I tried at this URL and tried to decode the flag: https://www.base64decode.org/
I got the following result:
<img src="Base64.png">
Decryption: `synt vf : a0_obql_s0etrg_de_pbqrgo`.
I tried this as the flag, but unfortunately, it didn't work out. Now I thought that, this message itself could be encrypted and I got a sense of ROT13 there. If anyone is unaware of ROT13 encryption, they can check out here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROT13
#### Step-5:
So for ROT13 decryption, I followed this URL: https://cryptii.com/.
I got the following result:
<img src="ROT13.png">
Voila, we have it.
#### Step-6:
Finally the flag becomes:
`n0_body_f0rget_qr_code` |