
334 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

package main;
import misc.Error;
import misc.ShutDownHook;
import java.io.IOException;
import config.CommunicationType;
import config.EmulatorConfig;
import config.EmulatorType;
import config.SimulationConfig;
import config.SystemConfig;
import config.XMLParser;
import dram.DebugPrinter;
import emulatorinterface.RunnableThread;
import emulatorinterface.communication.IpcBase;
import emulatorinterface.communication.filePacket.FilePacket;
import emulatorinterface.communication.network.Network;
import emulatorinterface.communication.shm.SharedMem;
import emulatorinterface.translator.x86.objparser.ObjParser;
import generic.BenchmarkThreadMapping;
import generic.Operand;
import generic.PinPointsProcessing;
import generic.Statistics;
public class Main {
private static Emulator emulator;
// the reader threads. Each thread reads from EMUTHREADS
public static RunnableThread [] runners;
public static volatile boolean statFileWritten = false;
private static String emulatorFile = " ";
private static String[] traceFileBasename;
public static int pid;
public static IpcBase ipcBase;
public static String executableAndArguments[];
public static String benchmarkArguments = " ";
public static long startTime, endTime;
public static boolean printStatisticsOnAsynchronousTermination = false;
public static BenchmarkThreadMapping benchmarkThreadMapping;
//public static DebugPrinter debugPrinter;
public static DebugPrinter timingLog;
public static DebugPrinter traceFile;
public static DebugPrinter outputLog;
public static void main(String[] arguments)
//register shut down hook
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutDownHook());
String configFileName = arguments[0];
SimulationConfig.outputFileName = arguments[1];
// Parse the command line arguments
printStatisticsOnAsynchronousTermination = true;
traceFileBasename = new String[arguments.length - 2];
for(int i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
setTraceFileBasename(arguments[i], i-2);
//pin mode
// Read the command line arguments
executableAndArguments = new String[arguments.length-2];
// read the command line arguments for the benchmark (not emulator) here.
for(int i=2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
executableAndArguments[i-2] = arguments[i];
benchmarkArguments = benchmarkArguments + " " + arguments[i];
// Initialize the statistics
// PinPointsProcessing.initialize();
// Create a hash-table for the static representation of the executable
if(EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.pin) {
} /*else if(EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.none) {
executableAndArguments = new String[SystemConfig.NUM_BENCHMARKS];
for(int i=0;i<SystemConfig.NUM_BENCHMARKS;i++){
for(int i=2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
executableAndArguments[i-2] = arguments[i];
benchmarkArguments = benchmarkArguments + " " + arguments[i];
// initialize cores, memory
// Start communication channel before starting emulator
// PS : communication channel must be started before starting the emulator
ipcBase = startCommunicationChannel();
benchmarkThreadMapping = new BenchmarkThreadMapping(getTraceFileBasename());
runners = new RunnableThread[SystemConfig.maxNumJavaThreads];
//added by harveenk
//uncomment for printing debug info
//debugPrinter = new DebugPrinter("kush_event_log");
//timingLog = new DebugPrinter("./logfiles/timing/test.timing");
//traceFile = new DebugPrinter("./logfiles/traces/k6_test.trc");
//outputLog = new DebugPrinter("output_log_CMDQ");
// start emulator
String emulatorArguments = constructEmulatorArguments(benchmarkArguments);
startEmulator(emulatorArguments, ipcBase);
for (int i=0; i<SystemConfig.maxNumJavaThreads; i++) {
runners[i] = new RunnableThread("thread"+Integer.toString(i),i, ipcBase, ArchitecturalComponent.getCores());
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i=0; i<SystemConfig.maxNumJavaThreads; i++) {
if(runners[i].ipcBase != null) {
(new Thread(runners[i], "thread"+Integer.toString(i))).start();
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(emulator!=null) {
// PinPointsProcessing.windup();
//added by harveenk
//debugPrinter.close(); //close the debug file
Statistics.printAllStatistics(getEmulatorFile(), startTime, endTime);
statFileWritten = true;
System.out.println("\n\nSimulation completed !!");
public static void initializeObjectPools() {
int numStaticInstructions = 0;
if(EmulatorConfig.emulatorType == EmulatorType.pin) {
// approximately 3 micro-operations are required per cisc instruction
numStaticInstructions = ObjParser.noOfLines(getEmulatorFile()) * 3;
} else {
// Initialise pool of instructions
CustomObjectPool.initCustomPools(SystemConfig.maxNumJavaThreads*SystemConfig.numEmuThreadsPerJavaThread, numStaticInstructions);
// Pre-allocate all the possible operands
private static IpcBase startCommunicationChannel() {
IpcBase ipcBase = null;
if(EmulatorConfig.communicationType==CommunicationType.sharedMemory) {
System.out.println("Newmain : pid = " + pid);
ipcBase = new SharedMem(pid);
} else if(EmulatorConfig.communicationType==CommunicationType.network) {
//ipcBase = new Network(IpcBase.MaxNumJavaThreads*IpcBase.EmuThreadsPerJavaThread);
ipcBase = new Network();
} else if(EmulatorConfig.communicationType==CommunicationType.file) {
ipcBase = new FilePacket(getExecutableAndArguments());
} else {
ipcBase = null;
misc.Error.showErrorAndExit("Incorrect communication type : " + EmulatorConfig.communicationType);
return ipcBase;
private static void startEmulator(String emulatorArguments, IpcBase ipcBase) {
if(EmulatorConfig.communicationType==CommunicationType.file) {
// The emulator is not needed when we are reading from a file
emulator = null;
} else {
if (EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.pin) {
emulator = new Emulator(EmulatorConfig.PinTool, EmulatorConfig.PinInstrumentor,
emulatorArguments, ((SharedMem)ipcBase).idToShmGet);
} else if (EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.qemu) {
emulator = new Emulator(EmulatorConfig.QemuTool + " " + emulatorArguments);
} else if (EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.none) {
emulator = null;
} else {
emulator = null;
misc.Error.showErrorAndExit("Invalid emulator type : " + EmulatorConfig.emulatorType);
private static String constructEmulatorArguments(String benchmarkArguments) {
String emulatorArguments = " ";
if(EmulatorConfig.communicationType == CommunicationType.network) {
System.out.println("Emulator argument passed! portStart is: "+Network.portStart);
// Passing the start Port No through command line to the emulator
emulatorArguments += "-P " + Network.portStart;
if(EmulatorConfig.emulatorType == EmulatorType.qemu) {
// send num instructions to skip and simulate to Qemu.
// semantics : this fields apply locally to all the threads in Qemu.
emulatorArguments += " -SO " + SimulationConfig.NumInsToIgnore
+ " -ST " + SimulationConfig.subsetSimSize;
// convention : benchmark specific arguments come at the end only.
emulatorArguments += benchmarkArguments;
return emulatorArguments;
// checks if the command line arguments are in required format and number
private static void checkCommandLineArguments(String arguments[]) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
Error.showErrorAndExit("\n\tIllegal number of arguments !!\n" +
"Usage java main <config-file> <output-file> <benchmark-program and arguments>");
* debug helper functions
* @author Moksh
* For real-time printing of the running time, when program exited on request
public static void printSimulationTime(long time)
//print time taken by simulator
long seconds = time/1000;
long minutes = seconds/60;
seconds = seconds%60;
System.out.println("[Simulator Time]\n");
System.out.println("Time Taken\t=\t" + minutes + " : " + seconds + " minutes");
public static Emulator getEmulator() {
return emulator;
private static void getMyPID() {
pid = getPidThroughSystems();
private static int getPidThroughSystems() {
// TODO: Not checked for Windows yet
String processName = java.lang.management.ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
//System.out.println("ProcessName: " + processName);
int x = (int) Long.parseLong(processName.split("@")[0]);
return x;
public static String getEmulatorFile() {
return emulatorFile;
public static void setEmulatorFile(String emulatorFile) {
Main.emulatorFile = emulatorFile;
public static String[] getTraceFileBasename() {
return traceFileBasename;
public static void setTraceFileBasename(String inputFile, int index) {
traceFileBasename[index] = inputFile;
public static String[] getExecutableAndArguments() {
return executableAndArguments;
public static String getBenchmarkArguments() {
return benchmarkArguments;
public static long getStartTime() {
return startTime;
private static void getBenchmarkPID()
try {//hopefully the benchmark should have started by this time!
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("bash " + EmulatorConfig.GetBenchmarkPIDScript + " " + Main.pid);
} catch (IOException e) {