broadcast scalars when getting list with known size

this makes old material configurations backward compatible and allows to
shorten configurations in case that the same value is used for multiple
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2024-02-04 07:26:10 +01:00 committed by achalhp
parent 5dbe3f109c
commit 8b24fd6b70
2 changed files with 33 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -573,8 +573,6 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,ext_msg,label1,ID1,label2,ID2)
msg = 'length mismatch'
case (710)
msg = 'closing quotation mark missing in string'
case (711)
msg = 'incorrect type'
! errors related to the mesh solver

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@ -258,8 +258,14 @@ subroutine types_selfTest()
error stop 'tDict_asFormattedStr'
if (d%get_asInt('three') /= 3) error stop 'tDict_get_asInt'
if (dNeq(d%get_asReal('three'),3.0_pREAL)) error stop 'tDict_get_asReal'
if (any(d%get_as1dReal('one-two') /= real([1,2],pReal))) &
error stop 'tDict_get_as1dReal'
if (any(d%get_as1dReal('three',requiredSize=3) /= real([3,3,3],pReal))) &
error stop 'tDict_get_as1dReal/size'
if (d%get_asStr('three') /= '3') error stop 'tDict_get_asStr'
if (any(d%get_as1dInt('one-two') /= [1,2])) error stop 'tDict_get_as1dInt'
if (any(d%get_as1dInt('three',requiredSize=3) /= [3,3,3])) &
error stop 'tDict_get_as1dInt/size'
call d%set('one-two',s4)
if (d%asFormattedStr() /= '{one-two: 4, three: 3, four: 4}') &
error stop 'tDict_set overwrite'
@ -1193,6 +1199,7 @@ end function tDict_get_asReal
!> @brief Get list by key and convert to real array (1D).
!> @details If a size is required, scalars are valid input and are broadcasted to the required size.
function tDict_get_as1dReal_size(self,k,defaultVal,requiredSize) result(nodeAs1dReal)
@ -1202,12 +1209,21 @@ function tDict_get_as1dReal_size(self,k,defaultVal,requiredSize) result(nodeAs1d
integer, intent(in), optional :: requiredSize
real(pREAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: nodeAs1dReal
type(tList), pointer :: list
class(tNode), pointer :: content
if (self%contains(k)) then
list => self%get_list(k)
nodeAs1dReal = list%as1dReal()
content => self%get(k)
select type(content)
class is(tScalar)
if (present(requiredSize)) then
allocate(nodeAs1dReal(requiredSize),source = content%asReal())
call IO_error(706,'"'//trim(content%asFormattedStr())//'" is not a list of reals')
end if
class is(tList)
nodeAs1dReal = content%as1dReal()
end select
elseif (present(defaultVal)) then
nodeAs1dReal = defaultVal
@ -1322,7 +1338,7 @@ function tDict_get_asInt(self,k,defaultVal) result(nodeAsInt)
integer, intent(in), optional :: defaultVal
integer :: nodeAsInt
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
type(tScalar), pointer :: scalar
if (self%contains(k)) then
@ -1339,6 +1355,7 @@ end function tDict_get_asInt
!> @brief Get list by key and convert to int array (1D).
!> @details If a size is required, scalars are valid input and are broadcasted to the required size.
function tDict_get_as1dInt(self,k,defaultVal,requiredSize) result(nodeAs1dInt)
@ -1348,12 +1365,21 @@ function tDict_get_as1dInt(self,k,defaultVal,requiredSize) result(nodeAs1dInt)
integer, intent(in), optional :: requiredSize
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nodeAs1dInt
type(tList), pointer :: list
class(tNode), pointer :: content
if (self%contains(k)) then
list => self%get_list(k)
nodeAs1dInt = list%as1dInt()
content => self%get(k)
select type(content)
class is(tScalar)
if (present(requiredSize)) then
allocate(nodeAs1dInt(requiredSize),source = content%asInt())
call IO_error(706,'"'//trim(content%asFormattedStr())//'" is not a list of integers')
end if
class is(tList)
nodeAs1dInt = content%as1dInt()
end select
elseif (present(defaultVal)) then
nodeAs1dInt = defaultVal