
801 lines
28 KiB
Executable File

Tejas Simulator
Copyright [2010] [Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Contributors: Prathmesh Kallurkar
package emulatorinterface.translator.x86.objparser;
import emulatorinterface.DynamicInstructionBuffer;
import emulatorinterface.EmulatorPacketList;
import emulatorinterface.communication.Encoding;
import emulatorinterface.communication.Packet;
import emulatorinterface.translator.InvalidInstructionException;
import emulatorinterface.translator.qemuTranslationCache.TranslatedInstructionCache;
import emulatorinterface.translator.visaHandler.DynamicInstructionHandler;
import emulatorinterface.translator.visaHandler.VisaHandlerSelector;
import emulatorinterface.translator.x86.instruction.InstructionClass;
import emulatorinterface.translator.x86.instruction.InstructionClassTable;
import emulatorinterface.translator.x86.instruction.X86StaticInstructionHandler;
import emulatorinterface.translator.x86.operand.OperandTranslator;
import emulatorinterface.translator.x86.registers.Registers;
import emulatorinterface.translator.x86.registers.TempRegisterNum;
import generic.GenericCircularQueue;
import generic.Instruction;
import generic.InstructionList;
import generic.InstructionTable;
import generic.Operand;
import generic.OperationType;
import generic.Statistics;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import config.EmulatorConfig;
import config.EmulatorType;
import main.CustomObjectPool;
import main.Main;
import misc.Error;
import misc.Numbers;
* Objparser class contains methods to parse a static executable file and to
* determine the information of dynamic instructions. The x86 assembly code
* generated by objdump utility is first parsed to obtain operation, source
* operands and destination operand. The x86 CISC operations are broken down
* into corresponding simpler micro-operations which follow load-store
* architecture. We store the linear address of the instruction and the
* corresponding micro-operations in a hash-table for faster access to
* instruction information later on..
* @author prathmesh
public class ObjParser
private static InstructionTable ciscIPtoRiscIP = null;
private static InstructionList staticMicroOpList = null;
private static InstructionList threadMicroOpsList[] = null;
public static void initializeThreadMicroOpsList(int maxApplicationThreads) {
threadMicroOpsList = new InstructionList[maxApplicationThreads];
for(int i=0; i<maxApplicationThreads; i++) {
threadMicroOpsList[i] = new InstructionList(10000);
private static DynamicInstructionBuffer[] staticDynamicInstructionBuffers;
public static void initializeDynamicInstructionBuffer(int maxApplicationThreads) {
staticDynamicInstructionBuffers = new DynamicInstructionBuffer[maxApplicationThreads];
for(int i=0; i<maxApplicationThreads; i++) {
staticDynamicInstructionBuffers[i] = new DynamicInstructionBuffer();
private static Instruction staticLoadMicroOp, staticStoreMicroOp, staticBranchMicroOp;
public static void initializeControlMicroOps() {
// Load from immediate memory location to a MSR(load_reg)
Operand loadLocation = Operand.getMemoryOperand(Operand.getImmediateOperand(), null);
Operand loadRegister = Operand.getIntegerRegister(Registers.encodeRegister("load_reg"));
staticLoadMicroOp = Instruction.getLoadInstruction(loadLocation, loadRegister);
// Store from MSR(load_reg) to immediate memory location
Operand storeLocation = Operand.getMemoryOperand(Operand.getImmediateOperand(), null);
Operand storeRegister = Operand.getIntegerRegister(Registers.encodeRegister("store_reg"));
staticStoreMicroOp = Instruction.getStoreInstruction(storeLocation, storeRegister);
// Branch address
Operand branchAddress = Operand.getImmediateOperand();
staticBranchMicroOp = Instruction.getBranchInstruction(branchAddress, Registers.getEFlagsRegister());
* This method translates a static instruction to dynamic instruction.
* It takes as arguments - instructionTable, instructionPointer and dynamic
* Instruction information
* This method parses the object file, and creates a hash-table from the
* static instructions.
* @param executableFile
* @return
public static void buildStaticInstructionTable(String executableFile)
BufferedReader input;
long noOfLines = noOfLines(executableFile);
if(noOfLines==0) {
misc.Error.showErrorAndExit("error in reading the output of objdump on " + executableFile);
// Read the assembly code from the program using object-dump utility
input = readObjDumpOutput(executableFile);
// Create a new hash table
ciscIPtoRiscIP = new InstructionTable((int)noOfLines);
System.out.println("The executable has " + noOfLines + " assembly lines");
String line;
long instructionPointer;
String instructionPrefix;
String operation;
String operand1, operand2, operand3;
staticMicroOpList = new InstructionList((int)noOfLines*3);
int microOpsIndex = 0;
long handled = 0, notHandled = 0;
// Read from the obj-dump output
while ((line = readNextLineOfObjDump(input)) != null)
// System.out.println("Number of lines = " + (handled+notHandled) +
// " and size of array-list = " + staticMicroOpList.getListSize());
if (!(isContainingObjDumpAssemblyCode(line))) {
String assemblyCodeTokens[] = tokenizeObjDumpAssemblyCode(line);
// read the assembly code tokens
instructionPointer = Numbers.hexToLong(assemblyCodeTokens[0]);
instructionPrefix = assemblyCodeTokens[1];
operation = assemblyCodeTokens[2];
operand1 = assemblyCodeTokens[3];
operand2 = assemblyCodeTokens[4];
operand3 = assemblyCodeTokens[5];
// Riscify current instruction
int microOpsIndexBefore = microOpsIndex;
int numRicscInsn = riscifyInstruction( instructionPointer,
instructionPrefix, operation,
operand1, operand2, operand3,
microOpsIndex += numRicscInsn;
if(microOpsIndexBefore==microOpsIndex) {
} else {
// add instruction's index into the hash-table
ciscIPtoRiscIP.addInstruction(instructionPointer, microOpsIndexBefore);
System.out.println("Total number of assembly lines = " + (handled + notHandled));
System.out.println("Total number of micro-operations = " + staticMicroOpList.length());
// close the buffered reader
try {input.close();}
catch (IOException ioe) {Error.showErrorAndExit("\n\tError in closing the buffered reader !!");}
private static int riscifyInstruction(
long instructionPointer, String instructionPrefix, String operation,
String operand1Str, String operand2Str, String operand3Str,
InstructionList instructionList)
// if(instructionPointer==4363909) {
// System.err.println("ip=" + instructionPointer + "\tprefix=" + instructionPrefix +
// "\top=" + operation + "\top1=" + operand1Str + "\top2=" + operand2Str + "\top3=" + operand3Str);
// }
int microOpsIndexBefore = instructionList.length();
Operand operand1 = null, operand2 = null, operand3 = null;
// System.out.println("instructionList size before = " + microOpsIndexBefore);
//Determine the instruction class for this instruction
InstructionClass instructionClass;
instructionClass = InstructionClassTable.getInstructionClass(operation);
// Obtain a handler for this instruction
X86StaticInstructionHandler handler;
handler = InstructionClassTable.getInstructionClassHandler(instructionClass);
// Handle the instruction
if(handler!=null) {
// Simplify the operands
TempRegisterNum tempRegisterNum = new TempRegisterNum();
operand1 = OperandTranslator.simplifyOperand(operand1Str, instructionList, tempRegisterNum, instructionPrefix);
operand2 = OperandTranslator.simplifyOperand(operand2Str, instructionList, tempRegisterNum, instructionPrefix);
operand3 = OperandTranslator.simplifyOperand(operand3Str, instructionList, tempRegisterNum, instructionPrefix);
handler.handle(instructionPointer, operand1, operand2, operand3, instructionList, tempRegisterNum);
//now set the ip of all converted instructions to instructionPointer
for(int i=microOpsIndexBefore; i<instructionList.length(); i++)
instructionList.setCISCProgramCounter(i, instructionPointer);
} else {
throw new InvalidInstructionException("", false);
} catch(Exception inInstrEx) {
* microOps created for this instruction are not valid
* since the translation of the instruction did not
* complete its execution.
while(instructionList.getListSize() != microOpsIndexBefore) {
instructionList.removeLastInstr(operand1, operand2, operand3);
return (instructionList.length()-microOpsIndexBefore);
private static Matcher instructionPrefixMatcher;
public static void createInstructionPrefixMatcher()
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("rep|repe|repne|repz|repnz|lock|o16");
instructionPrefixMatcher = p.matcher("");
//return true if the string is a valid instruction prefix
private static boolean isInstructionPrefix(String string)
if(instructionPrefixMatcher==null) {
if(instructionPrefixMatcher.reset(string).matches()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// runs obj-dump utility on the executable file to obtain the assembly code.
// The obj-dump output is then returned using a buffered reader.
public static BufferedReader readObjDumpOutput(String executableFileName) {
BufferedReader input = null;
try {
// Generate the command for obj-dump with required command line
// arguments
String command[] = { "objdump", "--disassemble", "-Mintel",
"--prefix-addresses", executableFileName };
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
// read the output of the process in a buffered reader
input = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
.showErrorAndExit("\n\tError in running objdump on the executable file !!");
return input;
// Counts number of lines in a file.
public static int noOfLines(String executableFileName) {
int numLines = 0;
BufferedReader input = null;
try {
// Generate the command for obj-dump with required command line
// arguments
String command[] = { "objdump", "--disassemble", "-Mintel",
"--prefix-addresses", executableFileName };
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
// read the output of the process in a buffered reader
input = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
while((input.readLine())!=null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
.showErrorAndExit("\n\tError in running objdump on the executable file !!");
return numLines;
// reads the next line of buffered reader "input"
public static String readNextLineOfObjDump(BufferedReader input)
return (input.readLine());
catch (IOException ioe)
Error.showErrorAndExit("\n\tError in reading from the buffered reader containing assembly code !!");
// we would never reach this statement
return null;
private static Matcher objdumpAssemblyCodeMatcher;
public static void createObjdumpAssemblyCodeMatcher()
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[0-9a-fA-F]+ <.*> [a-zA-Z]+.*");
objdumpAssemblyCodeMatcher = p.matcher("");
// checks if the passed line of objdump output matches the output for an
// assembly code.
public static boolean isContainingObjDumpAssemblyCode(String line)
if(objdumpAssemblyCodeMatcher==null) {
// A valid assembly code line has following pattern
// linear-address <referrence-address> opcode (operands)
return objdumpAssemblyCodeMatcher.reset(line).matches();
// for a line of assembly code, this would return the
// linear address, operation, operand1,operand2, operand3
public static String[] tokenizeObjDumpAssemblyCode(String line)
String linearAddress;
String instructionPrefix;
String operation;
String operand1, operand2, operand3;
String operands;
// remove the suffix part of string
if(line.indexOf("#")!=-1) {
line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf("#"));
// remove the part of string enclosed in <...>
//uselessCommentMatcher.reset(line).replaceAll(, "");
// Initialise all operands to null
operands = operand1 = operand2 = operand3 = null;
// Tokenize the line
StringTokenizer lineTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
// Read the tokens into required variables
linearAddress = lineTokenizer.nextToken();
lineTokenizer.nextToken(); // skip the referred address
// Determine the instruction prefix and operation
String tempToken = lineTokenizer.nextToken();
if(isInstructionPrefix(tempToken)) {
instructionPrefix = tempToken;
operation = lineTokenizer.nextToken();
} else {
instructionPrefix = null;
operation = tempToken;
if (lineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
operands = lineTokenizer.nextToken();
// If the operation has tokens, then break it further.
if (operands != null) {
// First join all the operand tokens
while (lineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
operands = operands + " " + lineTokenizer.nextToken();
StringTokenizer operandTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(operands,
",", false);
if (operandTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
operand1 = operandTokenizer.nextToken();
if (operandTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
operand2 = operandTokenizer.nextToken();
if (operandTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
operand3 = operandTokenizer.nextToken();
return new String[] { linearAddress, instructionPrefix, operation, operand1, operand2,
operand3 };
// for a line of assembly code, this would return the
// linear address, operation, operand1,operand2, operand3
private static String[] tokenizeQemuAssemblyCodeSS(String line)
String instructionPrefix;
String operation;
String operand1, operand2, operand3;
String operands;
// Initialise all operands to null
instructionPrefix = operation = null;
operands = operand1 = operand2 = operand3 = null;
// Tokenize the line
StringTokenizer lineTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
// Read the tokens into required variables
String str = lineTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
if(isInstructionPrefix(str)==true) {
instructionPrefix = str;
operation = lineTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
} else {
instructionPrefix = null;
operation = str;
if (lineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
operands = lineTokenizer.nextToken();
// First join all the operand tokens
while (lineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
operands = operands + " " + lineTokenizer.nextToken();
StringTokenizer operandTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(operands,
",", false);
if (operandTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
operand1 = operandTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
if (operandTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
operand2 = operandTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
if (operandTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
operand3 = operandTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
return new String[] { instructionPrefix, operation, operand1, operand2, operand3 };
// return index of null character for a byte array
private static int len(byte[] asmBytes) {
int i=0;
for(;asmBytes[i]!=0 && i<asmBytes.length;i++);
return i;
// searches character ch in asmByes. If not-found return -1, else return index of ch
private static int indexOf(byte[] asmBytes, char ch, int offset, int len) {
for(int i=offset; i<len(asmBytes); i++) {
if(asmBytes[i]==ch) {
return i;
return -1;
private static String concatenateStringArray(String[] strArray) {
String concatenatedString = new String(strArray[0] + strArray[1] + strArray[2] + strArray[3]);
return concatenatedString;
// for a line of assembly code, this would return the
// linear address, operation, operand1,operand2, operand3
private static String[] tokenizeQemuAssemblyCode(byte[] asmBytes) {
String assemblyTokens[] = new String[5];
// System.out.println("assembly = " + new String(asmBytes));
int previousPointer, currentPointer;
previousPointer = currentPointer = 0;
// -------------- instructionPrefix and operation ----------------------------------
currentPointer = indexOf(asmBytes, ' ', previousPointer, 64);
if(currentPointer==-1) {
assemblyTokens[0] = null;
assemblyTokens[1] = new String(asmBytes, 0, len(asmBytes)); // only operation field is present
assemblyTokens[2] = assemblyTokens[3] = assemblyTokens[4] = null;
return assemblyTokens;
String str = new String(asmBytes, previousPointer, (currentPointer-previousPointer));
currentPointer++; previousPointer = currentPointer;
if(isInstructionPrefix(str)) {
assemblyTokens[0] = str;
currentPointer = indexOf(asmBytes, ' ', previousPointer, 64);
if(currentPointer==-1) {
assemblyTokens[1] = new String(asmBytes, previousPointer, len(asmBytes)-previousPointer); // only operation field is present
assemblyTokens[2] = assemblyTokens[3] = assemblyTokens[4] = null;
return assemblyTokens;
else {
assemblyTokens[1] = new String(asmBytes, previousPointer, (currentPointer-previousPointer));
currentPointer++; previousPointer = currentPointer;
} else {
assemblyTokens[0] = null;
assemblyTokens[1] = str;
// --------------------- operand1, operand2, operand3 --------------------------------
if(previousPointer==len(asmBytes)) {
assemblyTokens[2] = assemblyTokens[3] = assemblyTokens[4] = null;
return assemblyTokens;
currentPointer = indexOf(asmBytes, ',', previousPointer, 64);
if(currentPointer==-1) {
assemblyTokens[3] = assemblyTokens[4] = null;
assemblyTokens[2] = new String(asmBytes, previousPointer, len(asmBytes)-previousPointer);
return assemblyTokens;
} else {
assemblyTokens[2] = new String(asmBytes, previousPointer, (currentPointer-previousPointer));
currentPointer+=2; previousPointer=currentPointer;
if(previousPointer==len(asmBytes)) {
assemblyTokens[3] = assemblyTokens[4] = null;
} else {
currentPointer = indexOf(asmBytes, ',', previousPointer, 64);
if(currentPointer==-1) {
assemblyTokens[4] = null;
assemblyTokens[3] = new String(asmBytes, previousPointer, len(asmBytes)-previousPointer);
return assemblyTokens;
} else {
assemblyTokens[3] = new String(asmBytes, previousPointer, (currentPointer-previousPointer));
currentPointer++; previousPointer=currentPointer;
assemblyTokens[4] = new String(asmBytes, previousPointer, len(asmBytes)-previousPointer);
return assemblyTokens;
return assemblyTokens;
private static boolean removeInstructionFromTail(GenericCircularQueue<Instruction> inputToPipeline, long instructionPointer, int previousSize) {
if(inputToPipeline.size()<previousSize) {
misc.Error.showErrorAndExit("This is not possible !!!");
while(inputToPipeline.size()>previousSize) {
Instruction ins = inputToPipeline.pop();
return false;
* This function fuses the statically translated micro-ops with the information received from the emulator.
* New micro-ops are added to the circular buffer(argument). Finally it returns the number of CISC instructions it could
* translate.
public static void fuseInstruction(
int tidApp, long startInstructionPointer,
EmulatorPacketList arrayListPacket, GenericCircularQueue<Instruction> inputToPipeline)
int prevLengthOfInputToPipeLine = inputToPipeline.size();
//System.out.println("ip = " + startInstructionPointer + "\t" + Long.toHexString(startInstructionPointer));
// Create a dynamic instruction buffer for all control packets
DynamicInstructionBuffer dynamicInstructionBuffer = staticDynamicInstructionBuffers[tidApp];
InstructionList assemblyPacketList = null;
int numCISC = 1;
int microOpIndex = -1;
boolean lockPrefix = false;
boolean removedFromTail = false;
// Riscify the assembly packets
if(EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.none) {
assemblyPacketList = threadMicroOpsList[tidApp];
//This is a bug(at least in case of caching): assemblyPacketList = threadMicroOpsList[tidApp];
Packet p = arrayListPacket.get(0);
if(p.value==Encoding.ASSEMBLY) {
byte asmBytes[] = CustomObjectPool.getCustomAsmCharPool().dequeue(tidApp);
String assemblyTokens[] = tokenizeQemuAssemblyCode(asmBytes);
String asmText = concatenateStringArray(assemblyTokens);
//check if present in translated-instruction cache
if(TranslatedInstructionCache.isPresent(asmText)) {
assemblyPacketList = TranslatedInstructionCache.getInstructionList(asmText);
for(int j=0; j<assemblyPacketList.length(); j++) {
assemblyPacketList.setCISCProgramCounter(j, p.ip);
} else {
// System.out.println(i + " : " + assemblyLine);
long instructionPointer = p.ip;
String instructionPrefix, operation, operand1, operand2, operand3;
instructionPrefix = assemblyTokens[0]; operation = assemblyTokens[1];
operand1 = assemblyTokens[2]; operand2 = assemblyTokens[3]; operand3 = assemblyTokens[4];
riscifyInstruction( instructionPointer,
instructionPrefix, operation,
operand1, operand2, operand3,
//Add to translated-instruction cache
TranslatedInstructionCache.add(asmText, assemblyPacketList);
} else {
//misc.Error.showErrorAndExit("First packet to fuse instruction must be assembly packet !!");
microOpIndex = 0;
} else if (EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.pin) {
assemblyPacketList = staticMicroOpList;
microOpIndex = ciscIPtoRiscIP.getMicroOpIndex(startInstructionPointer);
if(microOpIndex < -1)
//lock prefix
microOpIndex *= -1;
lockPrefix = true;
if((microOpIndex==-1) ||
(lockPrefix == false && assemblyPacketList.get(microOpIndex).getCISCProgramCounter()!=startInstructionPointer))
// Don't worry. even if the micro-op index is incorrect, it will be caught in the main
// translate loop
microOpIndex = 0;
// dynamicInstructionBuffer.clearBuffer();
//System.out.println("static -- " + microOpIndex);
//return 0;
Instruction staticMicroOp, dynamicMicroOp;
DynamicInstructionHandler dynamicInstructionHandler;
// main translate loop.
staticMicroOp = assemblyPacketList.get(microOpIndex);
if(staticMicroOp==null ||
(lockPrefix == false
&& staticMicroOp.getCISCProgramCounter() != startInstructionPointer)) {
dynamicInstructionHandler = VisaHandlerSelector.selectHandler(staticMicroOp.getOperationType());
dynamicMicroOp = getDynamicMicroOp(staticMicroOp);
if(lockPrefix == true)
microOpIndex = dynamicInstructionHandler.handle(microOpIndex, dynamicMicroOp, dynamicInstructionBuffer);
if(microOpIndex==-1) {
// I was unable to fuse certain micro-ops of this instruction.
// So, I must remove any previously
// computed micro-ops from the buffer
removeInstructionFromTail(inputToPipeline, staticMicroOp.getCISCProgramCounter(), prevLengthOfInputToPipeLine);
removedFromTail = true;
numCISC = 0;
} else {
inputToPipeline.enqueue(dynamicMicroOp); //append microOp
if((removedFromTail == true )&& inputToPipeline.size()!=prevLengthOfInputToPipeLine) {
System.err.println("\ncurrentSize = " + inputToPipeline.size());
System.err.println("previousSize = " + prevLengthOfInputToPipeLine);
// If we have failed to read any information from dynamicInstructionBuffer before, then read it now.
if(dynamicInstructionBuffer.missedInformation()) {
//This instruction could not be translated. However, if there are some
//load/store/branch operations in this instruction, they must be pushed
//to pipeline.
flushDynamicInformationPackets(startInstructionPointer, dynamicInstructionBuffer, inputToPipeline);
/* clear the dynamicInstructionBuffer */
// dynamicInstructionBuffer.clearBuffer();
//return numCISC;
//Some instructions are not translated by the translator. However, if there are some
//load/store/branch operations in this instruction, they must be pushed
//to pipeline.
private static void flushDynamicInformationPackets(
long instructionPointer,
DynamicInstructionBuffer dynamicInstructionBuffer,
GenericCircularQueue<Instruction> inputToPipeline)
Instruction dynamicMicroOp;
DynamicInstructionHandler dynamicInstructionHandler;
// load information
for(int i=dynamicInstructionBuffer.getMemReadCount(); i<dynamicInstructionBuffer.getMemReadSize(); i++)
dynamicMicroOp = CustomObjectPool.getInstructionPool().borrowObject();
dynamicInstructionHandler = VisaHandlerSelector.selectHandler(dynamicMicroOp.getOperationType());
dynamicInstructionHandler.handle(0, dynamicMicroOp, dynamicInstructionBuffer);
// store information
for(int i=dynamicInstructionBuffer.getMemWriteCount(); i<dynamicInstructionBuffer.getMemWriteSize(); i++)
dynamicMicroOp = CustomObjectPool.getInstructionPool().borrowObject();
dynamicInstructionHandler = VisaHandlerSelector.selectHandler(dynamicMicroOp.getOperationType());
dynamicInstructionHandler.handle(0, dynamicMicroOp, dynamicInstructionBuffer);
// branch information. This must be performed strictly after memory operations.
dynamicMicroOp = CustomObjectPool.getInstructionPool().borrowObject();
dynamicInstructionHandler = VisaHandlerSelector.selectHandler(dynamicMicroOp.getOperationType());
dynamicInstructionHandler.handle(0, dynamicMicroOp, dynamicInstructionBuffer);
private static Instruction getDynamicMicroOp(Instruction staticMicroOp) {
Instruction dynamicMicroOp = null;
if(EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.pin) {
dynamicMicroOp = CustomObjectPool.getInstructionPool().borrowObject();
} else if(EmulatorConfig.emulatorType==EmulatorType.none) {
// This will ensure that the packet is returned to instruction pool
dynamicMicroOp = staticMicroOp;
return dynamicMicroOp;