from sys import platform import subprocess import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import os, sys import shutil # TEJAS_HOME = "/home/sandeep/Desktop/Work/PhD/Tejas" # PIN_HOME = "/home/sandeep/Desktop/Test/pin-3.7-97619-g0d0c92f4f-gcc-linux/" print (("\n\nStep 1 : Reading Config files")) fname = 'bin/config/config.xml' tree = ET.parse(fname) root = tree.getroot() emulator = root.find('Emulator') TEJAS_HOME=emulator.find('Tejashome').text PIN_HOME=emulator.find('PinTool').text #PIN print (("\n\nStep 2 : setting up Pin")) print ("Building Pin")['./', TEJAS_HOME, PIN_HOME]) print ("Building PIN done") #configuring print ('\n\nStep 3 : Configuring') jniInclude="" fname="" jniInclude = "-I/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/include/linux -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/include " fname = 'src/emulator/pin/makefile_linux_mac' print ('setting PINPATH in ' + fname + " to " + PIN_HOME) f = open(fname, 'r') lines = f.readlines() i = 0 for line in lines: if "PIN_KIT ?=" in line: lines[i] = "PIN_KIT ?=" + PIN_HOME + "\n" if "JNINCLUDE =" in line: lines[i] = "JNINCLUDE =" + jniInclude + "\n" i = i + 1 f.close() f = open(fname, 'w') for line in lines: f.write(line) f.close() #update config.xml fname = 'src/simulator/config/config.xml' tree = ET.parse(fname) root = tree.getroot() emulator = root.find('Emulator') print ('setting PinTool in ' + fname + ' to ' + PIN_HOME) emulator.find('PinTool').text = PIN_HOME print ('setting PinInstrumentor in ' + fname + ' to ' + TEJAS_HOME + '/src/emulator/pin/obj-pin/') emulator.find('PinInstrumentor').text = TEJAS_HOME + "/src/emulator/pin/obj-pin/" print ('setting ShmLibDirectory in ' + fname + ' to ' + TEJAS_HOME + '/src/emulator/pin/obj-comm') emulator.find('ShmLibDirectory').text = TEJAS_HOME + "/src/emulator/pin/obj-comm" print ('setting KillEmulatorScript in ' + fname + ' to ' + TEJAS_HOME + '/src/simulator/main/') emulator.find('KillEmulatorScript').text = TEJAS_HOME + "/src/simulator/main/" system = root.find('System') noc = system.find('NOC') print ('setting NocConfigFile in ' + fname + ' to ' + TEJAS_HOME + '/src/simulator/config/NocConfig.txt') noc.find('NocConfigFile').text = TEJAS_HOME + '/src/simulator/config/NocConfig.txt' if sys.version_info < (2, 7): tree.write(fname, encoding="UTF-8") else: tree.write(fname, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True) print ("configure successful") #building print ('\n\nStep 4 : Building Jar File') print ("jniInclude is " + jniInclude) status ='ant make-jar',shell=True) if status != 0 or os.path.exists(TEJAS_HOME + "/src/emulator/pin/obj-pin/") == False or os.path.exists(TEJAS_HOME + "/src/emulator/pin/obj-comm/") == False: print ("error building : " + str(os.WEXITSTATUS(status))) # print (output) sys.exit(1) else: print ("build successful") print ("------------- Tejas installed successfuly ----------------\n" ) print ("Tejas jar has been created here : " + TEJAS_HOME + "/jars/tejas.jar") print ("Configuration file is kept here : " + TEJAS_HOME + "/src/simulator/config/config.xml") print ("Use this command to run tejas : java -jar ")