package generic; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import generic.Instruction.OperationType; import generic.Operand.OperandType; public class ParsedProgram { static ArrayList code = new ArrayList(); static int mainFunctionAddress; static int firstCodeAddress; static ArrayList data = new ArrayList(); public static void setMainFunctionAddress(int addr) { mainFunctionAddress = addr; } public static void setFirstCodeAddress(int addr) { firstCodeAddress = addr; } public static Instruction getInstructionAt(int programCounter) { return code.get(programCounter - firstCodeAddress); } static HashMap symtab = new HashMap(); public static int parseDataSection(String assemblyProgramFile) { FileInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(assemblyProgramFile); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { Misc.printErrorAndExit(e.toString()); } Scanner sc=new Scanner(inputStream); int address = 0; //Store data staring from 1st memory location. At 0th location we denote the start of the code section. while(sc.hasNextLine()) //TODO 3 loops? { String line=sc.nextLine(); if(line.contains(".data")) //Processing the .data section {; do { if(Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z]+([0-9]*)(:)", line)) { ParsedProgram.symtab.put(line.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]",""), address);//TODO removed statements that were adding data to the code arraylist while(Pattern.matches("-?\\d+", { data.add(Integer.parseInt(line)); address++; } } }while(!line.contains(".text")); break; } } sc.close(); setFirstCodeAddress(address); return address; } public static void parseCodeSection(String assemblyProgramFile, int firstCodeAddress) { FileInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(assemblyProgramFile); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { Misc.printErrorAndExit(e.toString()); } Scanner sc=new Scanner(inputStream); int address = firstCodeAddress; while(sc.hasNextLine()) { String line=sc.nextLine(); if(line.contains(".text")) { break; } } while(sc.hasNextLine()) { String line; if(Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z]+([0-9]*)(:)", line=sc.nextLine())) { ParsedProgram.symtab.put(line.replaceAll(":",""), address); if(line.replaceAll(":","").compareTo("main") == 0) { ParsedProgram.setMainFunctionAddress(address); } } else { ParsedProgram.code.add(address-firstCodeAddress, getInstructionFromString(line, address)); address++; } } sc.close(); } private static Instruction getInstructionFromString(String line, int address) { Instruction newInstruction = new Instruction(); newInstruction.setProgramCounter(address); Scanner sc = new Scanner(line); newInstruction.setOperationType(OperationType.valueOf(; switch(newInstruction.getOperationType()) { //R3I type case add : case sub : case mul : case div : case and : case or : case xor : case slt : case sll : case srl : case sra : { newInstruction.setSourceOperand1(getRegisterOperandFromString(; newInstruction.setSourceOperand2(getRegisterOperandFromString(; newInstruction.setDestinationOperand(getRegisterOperandFromString(; break; } //R2I type case addi : case subi : case muli : case divi : case andi : case ori : case xori : case slti : case slli : case srli : case srai : case load : case store : { newInstruction.setSourceOperand1(getRegisterOperandFromString(; String str =; if(Pattern.matches("-?\\d+(,)",str)) { //absolute immediate newInstruction.setSourceOperand2(getImmediateOperandFromString(str)); } else { //label / symbol newInstruction.setSourceOperand2(getLabelOperandFromString(str)); } newInstruction.setDestinationOperand(getRegisterOperandFromString(; break; } case beq : case bne : case blt : case bgt : { newInstruction.setSourceOperand1(getRegisterOperandFromString(; newInstruction.setSourceOperand2(getRegisterOperandFromString(; String str =; if(Pattern.matches("[0-9]+(,)",str)) { //absolute immediate newInstruction.setDestinationOperand(getImmediateOperandFromString(str)); } else { //label / symbol newInstruction.setDestinationOperand(getLabelOperandFromString(str)); } break; } //RI type : case jmp : { String str =; if(Pattern.matches("[0-9]+(,)",str)) { //absolute immediate newInstruction.setDestinationOperand(getImmediateOperandFromString(str)); } else if(Pattern.matches("%x([0-9]{1,2})",str)) { newInstruction.setDestinationOperand(getRegisterOperandFromString(str)); } else { //label / symbol newInstruction.setDestinationOperand(getLabelOperandFromString(str)); } break; } case end : break; default: Misc.printErrorAndExit("unknown instruction!!"); } sc.close(); return newInstruction; } private static Operand getRegisterOperandFromString(String str) { Operand operand = new Operand(); operand.setOperandType(OperandType.Register); operand.setValue(Integer.parseInt(str.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""))); return operand; } private static Operand getImmediateOperandFromString(String str) { Operand operand = new Operand(); operand.setOperandType(OperandType.Immediate); operand.setValue(Integer.parseInt(str.replaceAll("[^-?\\d+]",""))); return operand; } private static Operand getLabelOperandFromString(String str) { Operand operand = new Operand(); operand.setOperandType(OperandType.Label); operand.setLabelValue(str.replaceAll("[$,]", "")); return operand; } static void printState() { System.out.println("Symbol Table :"); System.out.println(Arrays.asList(symtab)); System.out.println("\nParsed instructions :"); System.out.println(Arrays.asList(code)); } }