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Example Reveal.js Presentation Deck | Site Title
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# Reveal.js and Jekyll Academic
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## HTML or Markdown
Reveal.js works with either. Use whatever you are more comfortable with.
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## Works Anywhere
By creating presentations using Reveal.js and hosting them on your Jekyll Academic site you will have access to them anywhere. No need to worry about software compatibility, no need to sign in to email accounts on public machines. Simply load your website and select the presentation.
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## More Information
Jekyll Academic includes everything that you need in order to make Reveal.js work. Copy this file and edit it to begin making your own slide deck.
For more information about all of the options available in Reveal.js please the [Reveal.js Demo Website](
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// Full list of configuration options available at:
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history: true,
center: true,
transition: 'convex',
// Optional reveal.js plugins
dependencies: [
{ src: '/reveal.js/lib/js/classList.js', condition: function() { return !document.body.classList; } },
{ src: '/reveal.js/plugin/markdown/marked.js', condition: function() { return !!document.querySelector( '[data-markdown]' ); } },
{ src: '/reveal.js/plugin/markdown/markdown.js', condition: function() { return !!document.querySelector( '[data-markdown]' ); } },
{ src: '/reveal.js/plugin/highlight/highlight.js', async: true, condition: function() { return !!document.querySelector( 'pre code' ); }, callback: function() { hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); } },
{ src: '/reveal.js/plugin/zoom-js/zoom.js', async: true },
{ src: '/reveal.js/plugin/notes/notes.js', async: true }