// Custom reveal.js integration (function(){ var isEnabled = true; document.querySelector( '.reveal .slides' ).addEventListener( 'mousedown', function( event ) { var modifier = ( Reveal.getConfig().zoomKey ? Reveal.getConfig().zoomKey : 'alt' ) + 'Key'; var zoomPadding = 20; var revealScale = Reveal.getScale(); if( event[ modifier ] && isEnabled ) { event.preventDefault(); var bounds = event.target.getBoundingClientRect(); zoom.to({ x: ( bounds.left * revealScale ) - zoomPadding, y: ( bounds.top * revealScale ) - zoomPadding, width: ( bounds.width * revealScale ) + ( zoomPadding * 2 ), height: ( bounds.height * revealScale ) + ( zoomPadding * 2 ), pan: false }); } } ); Reveal.addEventListener( 'overviewshown', function() { isEnabled = false; } ); Reveal.addEventListener( 'overviewhidden', function() { isEnabled = true; } ); })(); /*! * zoom.js 0.3 (modified for use with reveal.js) * https://lab.hakim.se/zoom-js * MIT licensed * * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Hakim El Hattab, https://hakim.se */ var zoom = (function(){ // The current zoom level (scale) var level = 1; // The current mouse position, used for panning var mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0; // Timeout before pan is activated var panEngageTimeout = -1, panUpdateInterval = -1; // Check for transform support so that we can fallback otherwise var supportsTransforms = 'WebkitTransform' in document.body.style || 'MozTransform' in document.body.style || 'msTransform' in document.body.style || 'OTransform' in document.body.style || 'transform' in document.body.style; if( supportsTransforms ) { // The easing that will be applied when we zoom in/out document.body.style.transition = 'transform 0.8s ease'; document.body.style.OTransition = '-o-transform 0.8s ease'; document.body.style.msTransition = '-ms-transform 0.8s ease'; document.body.style.MozTransition = '-moz-transform 0.8s ease'; document.body.style.WebkitTransition = '-webkit-transform 0.8s ease'; } // Zoom out if the user hits escape document.addEventListener( 'keyup', function( event ) { if( level !== 1 && event.keyCode === 27 ) { zoom.out(); } } ); // Monitor mouse movement for panning document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function( event ) { if( level !== 1 ) { mouseX = event.clientX; mouseY = event.clientY; } } ); /** * Applies the CSS required to zoom in, prefers the use of CSS3 * transforms but falls back on zoom for IE. * * @param {Object} rect * @param {Number} scale */ function magnify( rect, scale ) { var scrollOffset = getScrollOffset(); // Ensure a width/height is set rect.width = rect.width || 1; rect.height = rect.height || 1; // Center the rect within the zoomed viewport rect.x -= ( window.innerWidth - ( rect.width * scale ) ) / 2; rect.y -= ( window.innerHeight - ( rect.height * scale ) ) / 2; if( supportsTransforms ) { // Reset if( scale === 1 ) { document.body.style.transform = ''; document.body.style.OTransform = ''; document.body.style.msTransform = ''; document.body.style.MozTransform = ''; document.body.style.WebkitTransform = ''; } // Scale else { var origin = scrollOffset.x +'px '+ scrollOffset.y +'px', transform = 'translate('+ -rect.x +'px,'+ -rect.y +'px) scale('+ scale +')'; document.body.style.transformOrigin = origin; document.body.style.OTransformOrigin = origin; document.body.style.msTransformOrigin = origin; document.body.style.MozTransformOrigin = origin; document.body.style.WebkitTransformOrigin = origin; document.body.style.transform = transform; document.body.style.OTransform = transform; document.body.style.msTransform = transform; document.body.style.MozTransform = transform; document.body.style.WebkitTransform = transform; } } else { // Reset if( scale === 1 ) { document.body.style.position = ''; document.body.style.left = ''; document.body.style.top = ''; document.body.style.width = ''; document.body.style.height = ''; document.body.style.zoom = ''; } // Scale else { document.body.style.position = 'relative'; document.body.style.left = ( - ( scrollOffset.x + rect.x ) / scale ) + 'px'; document.body.style.top = ( - ( scrollOffset.y + rect.y ) / scale ) + 'px'; document.body.style.width = ( scale * 100 ) + '%'; document.body.style.height = ( scale * 100 ) + '%'; document.body.style.zoom = scale; } } level = scale; if( document.documentElement.classList ) { if( level !== 1 ) { document.documentElement.classList.add( 'zoomed' ); } else { document.documentElement.classList.remove( 'zoomed' ); } } } /** * Pan the document when the mosue cursor approaches the edges * of the window. */ function pan() { var range = 0.12, rangeX = window.innerWidth * range, rangeY = window.innerHeight * range, scrollOffset = getScrollOffset(); // Up if( mouseY < rangeY ) { window.scroll( scrollOffset.x, scrollOffset.y - ( 1 - ( mouseY / rangeY ) ) * ( 14 / level ) ); } // Down else if( mouseY > window.innerHeight - rangeY ) { window.scroll( scrollOffset.x, scrollOffset.y + ( 1 - ( window.innerHeight - mouseY ) / rangeY ) * ( 14 / level ) ); } // Left if( mouseX < rangeX ) { window.scroll( scrollOffset.x - ( 1 - ( mouseX / rangeX ) ) * ( 14 / level ), scrollOffset.y ); } // Right else if( mouseX > window.innerWidth - rangeX ) { window.scroll( scrollOffset.x + ( 1 - ( window.innerWidth - mouseX ) / rangeX ) * ( 14 / level ), scrollOffset.y ); } } function getScrollOffset() { return { x: window.scrollX !== undefined ? window.scrollX : window.pageXOffset, y: window.scrollY !== undefined ? window.scrollY : window.pageYOffset } } return { /** * Zooms in on either a rectangle or HTML element. * * @param {Object} options * - element: HTML element to zoom in on * OR * - x/y: coordinates in non-transformed space to zoom in on * - width/height: the portion of the screen to zoom in on * - scale: can be used instead of width/height to explicitly set scale */ to: function( options ) { // Due to an implementation limitation we can't zoom in // to another element without zooming out first if( level !== 1 ) { zoom.out(); } else { options.x = options.x || 0; options.y = options.y || 0; // If an element is set, that takes precedence if( !!options.element ) { // Space around the zoomed in element to leave on screen var padding = 20; var bounds = options.element.getBoundingClientRect(); options.x = bounds.left - padding; options.y = bounds.top - padding; options.width = bounds.width + ( padding * 2 ); options.height = bounds.height + ( padding * 2 ); } // If width/height values are set, calculate scale from those values if( options.width !== undefined && options.height !== undefined ) { options.scale = Math.max( Math.min( window.innerWidth / options.width, window.innerHeight / options.height ), 1 ); } if( options.scale > 1 ) { options.x *= options.scale; options.y *= options.scale; magnify( options, options.scale ); if( options.pan !== false ) { // Wait with engaging panning as it may conflict with the // zoom transition panEngageTimeout = setTimeout( function() { panUpdateInterval = setInterval( pan, 1000 / 60 ); }, 800 ); } } } }, /** * Resets the document zoom state to its default. */ out: function() { clearTimeout( panEngageTimeout ); clearInterval( panUpdateInterval ); magnify( { x: 0, y: 0 }, 1 ); level = 1; }, // Alias magnify: function( options ) { this.to( options ) }, reset: function() { this.out() }, zoomLevel: function() { return level; } } })();