/** * phantomjs script for printing presentations to PDF. * * Example: * phantomjs print-pdf.js "https://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js?print-pdf" reveal-demo.pdf * * By Manuel Bieh (https://github.com/manuelbieh) */ // html2pdf.js var page = new WebPage(); var system = require( 'system' ); var slideWidth = system.args[3] ? system.args[3].split( 'x' )[0] : 960; var slideHeight = system.args[3] ? system.args[3].split( 'x' )[1] : 700; page.viewportSize = { width: slideWidth, height: slideHeight }; // TODO // Something is wrong with these config values. An input // paper width of 1920px actually results in a 756px wide // PDF. page.paperSize = { width: Math.round( slideWidth * 2 ), height: Math.round( slideHeight * 2 ), border: 0 }; var inputFile = system.args[1] || 'index.html?print-pdf'; var outputFile = system.args[2] || 'slides.pdf'; if( outputFile.match( /\.pdf$/gi ) === null ) { outputFile += '.pdf'; } console.log( 'Printing PDF (Paper size: '+ page.paperSize.width + 'x' + page.paperSize.height +')' ); page.open( inputFile, function( status ) { window.setTimeout( function() { console.log( 'Printed successfully' ); page.render( outputFile ); phantom.exit(); }, 1000 ); } );