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excerpt: Bio
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menutitle: Bio
menutitle: Bio
I completed my B. Tech from the erstwhile Department of Electronics and Instrumentation at [VIT Vellore](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/vit.ac.in), after which I joined the **M. Tech** program at the [Department of Electronic Systems Engineering](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/dese.iisc.ac.in) (formerly CEDT) at the [Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/iisc.ac.in). I then continued towards a **Ph.D** in Power Electronics and Drives in the same department. My [doctoral research on open-end induction motor drives](http://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/2722) was supervised by [Prof. L. Umanand](http://surya.dese.iisc.ac.in/lu/), with guidance from [Prof. K. Gopakumar](http://kgopakumar.dese.iisc.ac.in/). During my M. Tech I developed a disributed Air Quality Monitoring System under the supervision of [Prof. Jamadagani](https://in.linkedin.com/in/hsjam) and funded by [CiSTUP, IISc](http://cistup.iisc.ac.in/).
I completed my B. Tech from the erstwhile Department of Electronics and Instrumentation at [VIT Vellore](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/vit.ac.in), after which I joined the **M. Tech** program at the [Department of Electronic Systems Engineering](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/dese.iisc.ac.in) (formerly CEDT) at the [Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/iisc.ac.in). I then continued towards a **Ph.D** in Power Electronics and Drives in the same department. My [doctoral research on open-end induction motor drives](http://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/2722) was supervised by [Prof. L. Umanand](http://surya.dese.iisc.ac.in/lu/), with the guidance from [Prof. K. Gopakumar](http://kgopakumar.dese.iisc.ac.in/). During my M. Tech I developed a disributed Air Quality Monitoring System under the supervision of [Prof. Jamadagani](https://in.linkedin.com/in/hsjam) and funded by [CiSTUP, IISc](http://cistup.iisc.ac.in/).
I then took up a Post-doctoral appointment in [Prof. Ned Mohan](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/z.umn.edu/nedmohan)'s Lab at the [University of Minnesota, Twin Cities](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/umn.edu) where I worked on a number of research projects from matrix converters for open-end machines to modular converters for medium-voltage grid connected renewable energy conversion. I was also a part of a cross-disciplinary team researching energy management and LED controls for deep-winter greenhouses and warehouse-farms. During this time I was also involved in teaching [undergraduate and graduate courses](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/mohan.umn.edu), developing material for [CUSP](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/cusp.umn.edu) with support from the [National Science Foundation](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/nsf.gov) and the [Office of Naval Research](https://www.onr.navy.mil/).
I then took up a Post-doctoral appointment in [Prof. Ned Mohan](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/z.umn.edu/nedmohan)'s Lab at the [University of Minnesota, Twin Cities](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/umn.edu) where I worked on a number of research projects from matrix converters for open-end machines to modular converters for medium-voltage grid connected renewable energy conversion. I was also a part of a cross-disciplinary team researching energy management and LED controls for deep-winter greenhouses and warehouse-farms. During this time I was also involved in teaching [undergraduate and graduate courses](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/mohan.umn.edu), developing material for [CUSP](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/cusp.umn.edu) with support from the [National Science Foundation](https://iitdh.ac.in/kabhijit/nsf.gov) and the [Office of Naval Research](https://www.onr.navy.mil/).
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