Updating editing documentation

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toddstoffer 2016-03-14 13:16:58 -04:00
parent b5bd30f332
commit 41c40f30e2
1 changed files with 16 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -17,4 +17,19 @@ Once you have created your new repository you will be taken to a setup page. At
After the import is complete you can then visit [username].github.io and you will see your newly created website. On this page you will see a variety of posts that contain more detailed information on editing, modifying and updating your new website. After the import is complete you can then visit [username].github.io and you will see your newly created website. On this page you will see a variety of posts that contain more detailed information on editing, modifying and updating your new website.
##Next Steps ##Next Steps
After you have imported the files into your repository you will want to clone the files to your desktop using GitHub Desktop. This will give you a working set of files that you can edit to personalize your website. After you have imported the files into your repository you will want to clone the files to your desktop using GitHub Desktop, or any other tool that you are comfortable with. For more information on using GitHub Desktop click [here](https://desktop.github.com/). This will give you a working set of files that you can edit to personalize your website.
####Editing the config.yaml File
The config.yaml file that is in the root directory of the project is the first file that you will want to edit. This file allows you to set the website title, your email address and add in account information for a variety of social media services.
####Editing the accent.scss File
The accent.scss file allows you to modify the accent colors of your website. The default colors (red and black) can be set to any hexadecimal color that you would like. [W3Schools.com](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp) provides a good color picker that allows you to find the corresponding hex number for any color you wish to use.
####Editing the About Me and Resume Pages
These pages are each found in their corresponding directories (/about /resume). Simply open the index.md file from within each of these directories and begin making edits. Pay special attention to the formatting of the resume file. It makes use of single quotes ( \' ) and underscores ( \_ ) in the markdown markup language to format various aspects of the resume, including dates and university names.
####Editing Posts
Posts are all located in the \_posts folder. This folder contains sample posts that address in more depth the site structure and the markdown syntax. These posts are good to reference (by opening in a text editor of your choice) in order to get a better understanding of markdown. When you are ready to add a new post, simply copy one of the existing posts and edit it. Be sure to update the information at the top of the post, such as the title and timestamp. You will also want to rename the file to follow the same naming convention of the other post files (yyyy-mm-dd-post-title.md).
##Syncing Changes
After you have made changes to your site you will need to commit those changes to your repository for those changes to take effect. For more information on making commits please take a look at this [GitHub Cheat Sheet](https://training.github.com/kit/downloads/github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf). If you would prefer, you can also use GitHub Desktop to commit your changes, or drag-and-drop the changed files directly into your GitHub repository in the browser window.