A close interaction with industry helps me keep research objectives current and relevant to real-world problems, which in turn shapes my teaching efforts. I have experience working with private enterprises, utilities, as well as small businesses and startups in the US and in India for time-bound and cost-effective project completion.
My areas of expertise include:
* Power Electronics - topologies, controls, modelling and simulation- for
* Power conversion
* Motor drives
* Battery Management
* Fast Chargers for EVs
* Grid-connected applications
* Design of Renewable Energy Systems (Solar and Wind)
* Open-source EDA toolchains (gEDA/PCB and KiCad, ngSPICE, etc)
* Embedded design
Additionally, with my colleagues in the[Power and Energy group](https://bit.ly/peg-iitdh)we have considerable experience spanning power electronics, power systems, renewable energy and electric vehicles.
As a young and energetic institute, IIT-Dharwad encourages such interaction and supports its faculty with quick turnaround times and minimal administrative overheads. A variety of IP arrangements are possible and are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Industry engagement is possible through a variety of modes, loosely described below. Precise details, institute overhead rates etc. are as per guidelines issued by the R & D office from time to time.
**Training / Lecture Programs**
Companies may request a training program for their employees on specific topics / subjects. Based on the content, duration, format, and attendees a flat rate is charged.
**Consultancy Projects**
A problem statement and associated time-line is defined for the project through mutual discussion.
**Student Research Sponsorship**
Companies can sponsor the academic program cost of research students working on specific research problems. Companies can help shape and direct the research work and also benefit from the resulting workforce development.
**Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Funding**
IIT-Dharwad is eligible to receive CSR funds from Industry. These funds may be used for societal outreach, ongoing work, purchase of equipment, student assistantship etc subject to existing guidelines.