This repository holds the source for my academic homepage, built with Jekyll, an open source static website generator. The theme / layout is adapted from [a template published by NCSU Libraries]( which in turn is based on the [Minimal Mistakes theme by Michael Rose](
When hosting in a service where the root directory for the site will be a subdirectory, e.g. in
my case the root directory for my page is (, the paths of all stylesheets and other relative links need to point to ```/~kabhijit``` rather than the top-level root, i.e. ```/```. Normally, Jekyll themes use the variables ```baseurl``` or ```url``` to set these, but in this particular template the variable that needs to be used happens to be ```site.github.url```, presumably because this would be needed most commonly when deploying via github pages, to a URL like ``````. See the first few lines of the ```_config.yaml``` file for the syntax. If you are deploying to the root directory, this variable can be commented out.
If you are running a fork of Jekyll Academic before June 2021, we made some breaking changes to upgrade the underlying Jekyll version and to address the constant github/dependabot security notices mentioned in issue #4.
We have updated Jekyll to version 4 and removed reveal.js as an included library. We still want to support reveal.js presentations, so we have taken the suggestion from issue #4 and made the reveal.js directory a [git submodule]( If you are running Jekyll Academic as a Github Page, this should hopefully be a minor change.
If, however, you are running Jekyll Academic locally or on a custom server, after merging this repo's commits in to your fork, you will need to go to the command line in your local or custom instance and perform the following command:
`$ git submodule update --init`
If you have any reveal.js presentations posted, you may need to make some updates for them to display properly using reveal.js version 4. See [Jekyll's documentation]( for details.