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377 lines
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* MathJax/extensions/TeX/AMSmath.js
* Implements AMS math environments and macros.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2009 Design Science, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("TeX Jax Ready",function () {
var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml;
var TEX = MathJax.InputJax.TeX;
var TEXDEF = TEX.Definitions;
var STACKITEM = TEX.Stack.Item;
var COLS = function (W) {return W.join("em ") + "em"};
macros: {
mathring: ['Accent','2DA'], // or 0x30A
nobreakspace: 'Tilde',
intI: ['Macro','\\mathchoice{\\!}{}{}{}\\!\\!\\int'],
// iint: ['MultiIntegral','\\int\\intI'], // now in core TeX input jax
// iiint: ['MultiIntegral','\\int\\intI\\intI'], // now in core TeX input jax
iiiint: ['MultiIntegral','\\int\\intI\\intI\\intI'],
idotsint: ['MultiIntegral','\\int\\cdots\\int'],
dddot: ['Macro','\\mathop{#1}\\limits^{\\textstyle \\mathord{.}\\mathord{.}\\mathord{.}}',1],
ddddot: ['Macro','\\mathop{#1}\\limits^{\\textstyle \\mathord{.}\\mathord{.}\\mathord{.}\\mathord{.}}',1],
sideset: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\mathop{\\rlap{\\phantom{#3}}}\\nolimits#1\\!\\mathop{#3}\\nolimits#2}',3],
boxed: ['Macro','\\fbox{$\\displaystyle{#1}$}',1],
tag: 'HandleTag',
notag: 'HandleNoTag',
substack: ['Macro','\\begin{subarray}{c}#1\\end{subarray}',1],
injlim: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\rm inj\\,lim}'],
projlim: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\rm proj\\,lim}'],
varliminf: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underline{\\rm lim}}'],
varlimsup: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\overline{\\rm lim}}'],
varinjlim: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underrightarrow{\\rm lim\\Rule{-1pt}{0pt}{1pt}}\\Rule{0pt}{0pt}{.45em}}'],
varprojlim: ['Macro','\\mathop{\\underleftarrow{\\rm lim\\Rule{-1pt}{0pt}{1pt}}\\Rule{0pt}{0pt}{.45em}}'],
DeclareMathOperator: 'HandleDeclareOp',
operatorname: 'HandleOperatorName',
genfrac: 'Genfrac',
frac: ['Genfrac',"","","",""],
tfrac: ['Genfrac',"","","",1],
dfrac: ['Genfrac',"","","",0],
binom: ['Genfrac',"(",")","0em",""],
tbinom: ['Genfrac',"(",")","0em",1],
dbinom: ['Genfrac',"(",")","0em",0],
cfrac: 'CFrac',
shoveleft: ['HandleShove',MML.ALIGN.LEFT],
shoveright: ['HandleShove',MML.ALIGN.RIGHT],
xrightarrow: ['xArrow',0x2192,5,6],
xleftarrow: ['xArrow',0x2190,7,3]
environment: {
align: ['AMSarray',null,true,true, 'rlrlrlrlrlrl',COLS([5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18])],
'align*': ['AMSarray',null,false,true, 'rlrlrlrlrlrl',COLS([5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18])],
multline: ['Multline',null,true],
'multline*': ['Multline',null,false],
split: ['AMSarray',null,false,false,'rl',COLS([5/18])],
gather: ['AMSarray',null,true,true, 'c'],
'gather*': ['AMSarray',null,false,true, 'c'],
alignat: ['AlignAt',null,true,true],
'alignat*': ['AlignAt',null,false,true],
alignedat: ['AlignAt',null,false,false],
aligned: ['Array',null,null,null,'rlrlrlrlrlrl',COLS([5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18,2,5/18]),".5em",'D'],
gathered: ['Array',null,null,null,'c',null,".5em",'D'],
subarray: ['Array',null,null,null,null,COLS([0,0,0,0]),"0.1em",'S',1],
smallmatrix: ['Array',null,null,null,'c',COLS([1/3]),".2em",'S',1]
delimiter: {
'\\lvert': ['2223',{texClass:MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN}],
'\\rvert': ['2223',{texClass:MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE}],
'\\lVert': ['2225',{texClass:MML.TEXCLASS.OPEN}],
'\\rVert': ['2225',{texClass:MML.TEXCLASS.CLOSE}]
* Add the tag to the environment to be added to the table row later
HandleTag: function (name) {
var arg = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name));
if (arg === "*") {arg = this.GetArgument(name)} else {arg = "("+arg+")"}
if (this.stack.global.notag)
{TEX.Error(name+" not allowed in "+this.stack.global.notag+" environment")}
if (this.stack.global.tag) {TEX.Error("Multiple "+name)}
this.stack.global.tag = MML.mtd.apply(MML,this.InternalMath(arg));
HandleNoTag: function (name) {
if (this.stack.global.tag) {delete this.stack.global.tag}
* Handle \DeclareMathOperator
HandleDeclareOp: function (name) {
var limits = "";
var cs = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name));
if (cs == "*") {
limits = "\\limits";
cs = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name));
if (cs.charAt(0) == "\\") {cs = cs.substr(1)}
var op = this.GetArgument(name);
op = op.replace(/\*/g,'\\text{*}').replace(/-/g,'\\text{-}');
TEX.Definitions.macros[cs] = ['Macro','\\mathop{\\rm '+op+'}'+limits];
HandleOperatorName: function (name) {
var limits = "\\nolimits";
var op = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name));
if (op == "*") {
limits = "\\limits";
op = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name));
op = op.replace(/\*/g,'\\text{*}').replace(/-/g,'\\text{-}');
this.string = '\\mathop{\\rm '+op+'}'+limits+" "+this.string.slice(this.i);
this.i = 0;
* Record presence of \shoveleft and \shoveright
HandleShove: function (name,shove) {
var top = this.stack.Top();
if (top.type !== "multline" || top.data.length) {TEX.Error(name+" must come at the beginning of the line")}
top.data.shove = shove;
* Handle \cfrac
CFrac: function (name) {
var lr = this.trimSpaces(this.GetBrackets(name)),
num = this.GetArgument(name),
den = this.GetArgument(name);
var frac = MML.mfrac(TEX.Parse('\\strut\\textstyle{'+num+'}',this.stack.env).mml(),
lr = ({l:MML.ALIGN.LEFT, r:MML.ALIGN.RIGHT,"":""})[lr];
if (lr == null) {TEX.Error("Illegal alignment specified in "+name)}
if (lr) {frac.numalign = frac.denomalign = lr}
* Implement AMS generalized fraction
Genfrac: function (name,left,right,thick,style) {
if (left == null) {left = this.GetDelimiterArg(name)} else {left = this.convertDelimiter(left)}
if (right == null) {right = this.GetDelimiterArg(name)} else {right = this.convertDelimiter(right)}
if (thick == null) {thick = this.GetArgument(name)}
if (style == null) {style = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name))}
var num = this.ParseArg(name);
var den = this.ParseArg(name);
var frac = MML.mfrac(num,den);
if (thick !== "") {frac.linethickness = thick}
if (left || right) {frac = MML.mfenced(frac).With({open: left, close: right})}
if (style !== "") {
var STYLE = (["D","T","S","SS"])[style];
if (STYLE == null) {TEX.Error("Bad math style for "+name)}
frac = MML.mstyle(frac);
if (STYLE === "D") {frac.displaystyle = true; frac.scriptlevel = 0}
else {frac.displaystyle = false; frac.scriptlevel = style - 1}
* Implements multline environment (mostly handled through STACKITEM below)
Multline: function (begin,numbered) {
return STACKITEM.multline().With({
arraydef: {
displaystyle: true,
rowspacing: ".5em",
width: TEX.config.MultLineWidth, columnwidth:"100%",
side: TEX.config.TagSide,
minlabelspacing: TEX.config.TagIndent
* Handle AMS aligned environments
AMSarray: function (begin,numbered,taggable,align,spacing) {
align = align.replace(/[^clr]/g,'').split('').join(' ');
align = align.replace(/l/g,'left').replace(/r/g,'right').replace(/c/g,'center');
return STACKITEM.AMSarray(begin.name,numbered,taggable,this.stack).With({
arraydef: {
displaystyle: true,
rowspacing: ".5em",
columnalign: align,
columnspacing: (spacing||"1em"),
rowspacing: "3pt",
side: TEX.config.TagSide,
minlabelspacing: TEX.config.TagIndent
AlignAt: function (begin,numbered,taggable) {
var n = this.GetArgument("\\begin{"+begin.name+"}");
if (n.match(/[^0-9]/)) {TEX.Error("Argument to \\begin{"+begin.name+"} must me a positive integer")}
align = ""; spacing = [];
while (n > 0) {align += "rl"; spacing.push("0em 0em"); n--}
spacing = spacing.join(" ");
if (taggable) {return this.AMSarray(begin,numbered,taggable,align,spacing)}
return this.Array(begin,null,null,align,spacing,".5em",'D');
* Handle multiple integrals (make a mathop if followed by limits)
MultiIntegral: function (name,integral) {
var next = this.GetNext();
if (next === "\\") {
var i = this.i; next = this.GetArgument(name); this.i = i;
if (next === "\\limits") {
if (name === "\\idotsint") {integral = "\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,"+integral+"}"}
else {integral = "\\!\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\,"+integral+"}"}
this.string = integral + " " + this.string.slice(this.i);
this.i = 0;
xArrow: function (name,chr,l,r) {
var def = {width: "+"+(l+r)+"mu", lspace: l+"mu"};
var bot = this.GetBrackets(name),
top = this.ParseArg(name);
var arrow = MML.mo(MML.chars(String.fromCharCode(chr))).With({
stretchy: true, texClass: MML.TEXCLASS.REL
var mml = MML.munderover(arrow);
if (bot) {
bot = TEX.Parse(bot,this.stack.env).mml()
* Get a delimiter or empty argument
GetDelimiterArg: function (name) {
var c = this.trimSpaces(this.GetArgument(name));
if (c == "") {return null}
if (!TEXDEF.delimiter[c]) {TEX.Error("Missing or unrecognized delimiter for "+name)}
return this.convertDelimiter(c);
* Implement multline environment via a STACKITEM
STACKITEM.multline = STACKITEM.array.Subclass({
type: "multline",
EndEntry: function () {
var mtd = MML.mtd.apply(MML,this.data);
if (this.data.shove) {mtd.columnalign = this.data.shove}
this.data = [];
EndRow: function () {
if (this.row.length != 1) {TEX.Error("multline rows must have exactly one column")}
this.table.push(this.row); this.row = [];
EndTable: function () {
if (this.table.length) {
var m = this.table.length-1, i;
if (!this.table[0][0].columnalign) {this.table[0][0].columnalign = MML.ALIGN.LEFT}
if (!this.table[m][0].columnalign) {this.table[m][0].columnalign = MML.ALIGN.RIGHT}
var mtr = MML.mtr;
if (this.global.tag) {
this.table[0] = [this.global.tag].concat(this.table[0]);
delete this.global.tag; mtr = MML.mlabeledtr;
this.table[0] = mtr.apply(MML,this.table[0]);
for (i = 1, m = this.table.length; i < m; i++)
{this.table[i] = MML.mtr.apply(MML,this.table[i])}
STACKITEM.AMSarray = STACKITEM.array.Subclass({
type: "AMSarray",
Init: function (name,numbered,taggable,stack) {
this.numbered = numbered;
this.save_notag = stack.global.notag;
stack.global.notag = (taggable ? null : name);
EndRow: function () {
var mtr = MML.mtr;
if (this.global.tag) {
this.row = [this.global.tag].concat(this.row);
mtr = MML.mlabeledtr;
delete this.global.tag;
this.table.push(mtr.apply(MML,this.row)); this.row = [];
EndTable: function () {
this.global.notag = this.save_notag;
// Look for \tag on a formula and make an mtable to include it
oldCheckItem: STACKITEM.start.prototype.checkItem,
checkItem: function (item) {
if (item.type === "stop") {
var mml = this.mmlData();
if (this.global.tag) {
mml = MML.mtable(MML.mlabeledtr(this.global.tag,MML.mtd(mml)));
mml.side = TEX.config.TagSide;
mml.minlabelspacing = TEX.config.TagIndent;
delete this.global.tag;
return STACKITEM.mml(mml);
return this.SUPER(arguments).checkItem.call(this,item);
MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("TeX AMSmath Ready");