\begin{circuitikz} \tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\LARGE] \draw (22.5,30.5) rectangle (30,21.75); \draw [short] (23.75,30.5) -- (23.75,21.75); \draw [short] (25,30.5) -- (25,21.75); \draw [short] (26.25,30.5) -- (26.25,21.75); \draw [short] (27.5,30.5) -- (27.5,21.75); \draw [short] (28.75,30.5) -- (28.75,21.75); \draw [short] (22.5,29.25) -- (30,29.25); \draw [short] (22.5,28) -- (30,28); \draw [short] (22.5,26.75) -- (30,26.75); \draw [short] (22.5,25.5) -- (30,25.5); \draw [short] (22.5,24.25) -- (30,24.25); \draw [short] (22.5,23) -- (30,23); % Sheared config \draw [short] (21.25,8) -- (22.5,16.75); \draw [short] (21.25,8) -- (28.75,8); \draw [short] (28.75,8) -- (30,16.75); \draw [short] (22.5,16.75) -- (30,16.75); \draw [short] (22.33,15.5) -- (29.83,15.5); \draw [short] (22.15,14.25) -- (29.65,14.25); \draw [short] (21.97,13) -- (29.47,13); \draw [short] (21.79,11.75) -- (29.29,11.75); \draw [short] (21.61,10.5) -- (29.11,10.5); \draw [short] (21.43,9.25) -- (28.93,9.25); \draw [short] (22.5,16.75) -- (22.5,8); \draw [short] (23.75,16.75) -- (23.75,8); \draw [short] (25,16.75) -- (25,8); \draw [short] (26.25,16.75) -- (26.25,8); \draw [short] (27.5,16.75) -- (27.5,8); \draw [short] (28.75,16.75) -- (28.75,8); %Twinned config \draw [short] (40,16.75) -- (47.5,16.75); \draw [short] (36.25,8) -- (43.75,8); \draw [short] (39.4,15.5) -- (46.9,15.5); \draw [short] (38.75,14.25) -- (46.25,14.25); \draw [short] (36.9,9.25) -- (44.4,9.25); \draw [short] (37.5,10.5) -- (45,10.5); \draw [short] (46.25,16.75) -- (46.25,14.25); \draw [short] (45,16.75) -- (45,14.25); \draw [short] (43.75,16.75) -- (43.75,14.25); \draw [short] (42.5,16.75) -- (42.5,14.25); \draw [short] (41.25,16.75) -- (41.25,14.25); \draw [short] (40,16.75) -- (40,14.25); %\draw [short] (38.75,16.75) -- (38.75,14.25); \draw [short] (43.75,10.5) -- (43.75,8); \draw [short] (42.5,10.5) -- (42.5,8); \draw [short] (41.25,10.5) -- (41.25,8); \draw [short] (40,10.5) -- (40,8); \draw [short] (38.75,10.5) -- (38.75,8); \draw [short] (37.5,10.5) -- (37.5,8); %\draw [short] (36.25,10.5) -- (36.25,8); \draw [short] (43.75,10.5) -- (45,14.25); \draw [short] (42.5,10.5) -- (43.75,14.25); \draw [short] (41.25,10.5) -- (42.5,14.25); \draw [short] (40,10.5) -- (41.25,14.25); \draw [short] (38.75,10.5) -- (40,14.25); \draw [short] (37.5,10.5) -- (38.75,14.25); % left edge y = 3 x - 102 %\draw [short] (36.25,10.5) -- (37.5,14.25); \draw [short] (45,10.5) -- (46.25,14.25); % right edge y = 3 x - 124.5 \draw [short] (38.625,13.875) -- (45.375,11.625); %x = 45.375 and y = 11.625, x = 38.625 and y = 13.875 \draw [short] (41.25,14.25) -- (45.75,12.75); % x = 45.75 and y = 12.75 \draw [short] (45,14.25) -- (46.125,13.875); % x = 46.125 and y = 13.875 \draw [short] (38.25,12.75) -- (45,10.5); % x = 38.25 and y = 12.75 \draw [short] (37.875,11.625) -- (41.25,10.5); %x = 37.875 and y = 11.625 \draw [short] (43.75,8) -- (45,10.5); \draw [short] (46.25,14.25) -- (47.5,16.75); \draw [short] (36.25,8) -- (37.5,10.5); \draw [short] (38.75,14.25) -- (40,16.75); %Final config \draw [short] (38.022,28.218) -- (39.000,30.500); % left vertical \draw [short] (36.708,21.985) -- (45.458,23.208); % bottom horizontal \draw [short] (39.000,30.500) -- (47.750,31.750); % top \draw [short] (46.772,29.468) -- (47.750,31.750); % right \draw [short] (45.947,24.350) -- (37.191,23.099); % \draw [short] (46.437,25.491) -- (37.687,24.241); % bottom 2 \draw [short] (38.511,29.359) -- (47.261,30.609); % \draw [short] (38.022,28.218) -- (46.772,29.468); %top 2 \draw [short] (37.687,24.241) -- (36.708,21.985);% \draw [short] (39.145,24.449) -- (38.167,22.167);% bott \draw [short] (40.603,24.658) -- (39.625,22.375);% \draw [short] (42.062,24.866) -- (41.083,22.583); % \draw [short] (43.520,25.074) -- (42.542,22.792); % \draw [short] (44.978,25.283) -- (44.0,23); \draw [short] (46.437,25.491) -- (45.458,23.208); \draw [short] (39.480,28.426) -- (40.458,30.708); \draw [short] (40.939,28.634) -- (41.917,30.917); \draw [short] (42.397,28.843) -- (43.375,31.125); % tops \draw [short] (43.855,29.051) -- (44.833,31.333); \draw [short] (45.313,29.259) -- (46.292,31.542); \draw [short] (37.687,24.241) -- (38.022,28.218); %Twin \draw [short] (39.145,24.449) -- (39.480,28.426); %2 \draw [short] (40.603,24.658) -- (40.939,28.634); %3 \draw [short] (42.062,24.866) -- (42.397,28.843); \draw [short] (43.520,25.074) -- (43.855,29.051); \draw [short] (44.978,25.283) -- (45.313,29.259); \draw [short] (46.437,25.491) -- (46.772,29.468); \draw [short] (45.313,29.259) -- (46.687,28.466); \draw [short] (43.855,29.051) -- (46.604,27.474); \draw [short] (42.397,28.843) -- (46.520,26.483); \draw [short] (40.939,28.634) -- (46.437,25.491); \draw [short] (39.480,28.426) -- (44.978,25.283); \draw [short] (38.022,28.218) -- (43.520,25.074); \draw [short] (37.939,27.226) -- (42.062,24.866); \draw [short] (37.855,26.235) -- (40.603,24.658); \draw [short] (37.772,25.243) -- (39.145,24.449); %Explanation \draw [->, >=Stealth] (25.75,20.75) -- (25.75,18); \draw [->, >=Stealth] (32,12.25) -- (34.5,12.25); \draw [->, >=Stealth] (43.5,18.25) -- (43.5,21.25); \draw [line width=1.2pt, ->, >=Stealth] (33.25,26.5) .. controls (34.25,27) and (35,27.25) .. (36.25,26.5) ; \node [font=\Huge] at (26.5,19.5) {$F_p$}; \node [font=\Huge] at (33,13) {$(\Delta F_p)F_p$}; \node [font=\Huge] at (46,19.5) {$F_e(\Delta F_p)F_p$}; \node [font=\Huge] at (34.75,27.5) {$F = F_e(\Delta F_p)F_p$}; \node [font=\Huge] at (25.5,31.5) {\textbf{Reference Configuration}}; \node [font=\Huge] at (40,31.5) {\textbf{Current Configuration}}; \node [font=\Huge] at (41.5,7) {\textbf{Intermediate Configuration,}}; \node [font=\Huge] at (41.5,6) {\textbf{Slip + Twin}}; \node [font=\Huge] at (26.5,7) {\textbf{Intermediate Configuration,}}; \node [font=\Huge] at (26.5,6) {\textbf{Slip}}; \end{circuitikz}