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/Author (Achal H P)
/Title (MTech Thesis)
/Subject (CP Modeling of Discrete Twin Evolution in HCP Metals)
{\huge\bfseries Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Discrete Twin Evolution in Hexagonal Closed Packed Metals\par}
{\large A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of \\ the requirements for the degree of \par}
{\large \bf Master of Technology}\\
{\large by }\\
{\large \bf Achal H. P.} \\
{\large \bf (Roll No. ME22MT011)} \\
{\large Under the Supervision of} \\
{\large \bf Professor Satyapriya Gupta \par}
\includegraphics[width=6.5cm]{images/IIT Dh Logo.png}\\[\baselineskip]
{\large \uppercase{Department of Mechanical, Materials, \\ and Aerospace Engineering}\par}
{\scshape\LARGE indian institute of technology dharwad\par}
{\large May 2024}
{Dedicated to my grandmothers Subbalakshmi and Devakiamma.\par}
{\LARGE \bf Thesis Approval}\\
{\large The thesis entitled}\\
{\huge\bfseries Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Discrete Twin Evolution in Hexagonal Closed Packed Metals\par}
{\large by}\\
{\Large \bf Achal H. P.}\\
{\large (Roll No. ME22MT011)}\\
{\large is approved for the degree of}\\
{\Large \bf Master of Technology}\\
{\large from the}\\
{\Large \bf Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad}\\
\rule{6.5cm}{1sp} &\rule{10mm}{0pt}& \rule{6.5cm}{1sp} \\ \vspace{-0.4cm} \\
{\Large \textbf{Prof. Somashekara M. A.}} && {\Large \textbf{Prof. Amlan Barua}} \\ \vspace{-0.2cm} \\
{\large Chairperson} && {\large External Examiner} \\ \vspace{1.5cm} \\
\rule{6.5cm}{1sp} && \rule{6.5cm}{1sp} \\ \vspace{-0.4cm} \\
{\Large \textbf{Prof. Tejas P. Gotkhindi}} && {\Large \textbf{Prof. Satyapriya Gupta}} \\ \vspace{-0.2cm} \\
{\large Internal Examiner} && {\large Supervisor} \\ \vspace{2cm} \\
{\raggedright \Large Date: 20 May 2024} \\ \vspace{0.5cm}
{\Large Place: Dharwad}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of tables}
%\chapter*{List of Symbols}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols}
\chapter{Literature Review.}
\chapter{Development of the Discrete Twinning constitutive model.}
\chapter{Model Study.}
%\chapter{Conclusions and discussions.}
\chapter{Conclusions and Future Scope.}
\chapter{Continuum Mechanics.}
\chapter{Implementation of correspondence matrix in DAMASK.}
\includepdf[pages=-, addtotoc={2, chapter, 2, Code to verify and visualize reorientation by twinning, lbl:pdfsection}, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{plain}}, offset=10mm -28mm]{Code_to_check_reorientation.pdf}
\chapter{DAMASK Source Code Installation.}