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!> @brief internal microstructure state for all plasticity constitutive models
submodule(constitutive) constitutive_mech
module function plastic_none_init() result(myPlasticity)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
end function plastic_none_init
module function plastic_isotropic_init() result(myPlasticity)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
end function plastic_isotropic_init
module function plastic_phenopowerlaw_init() result(myPlasticity)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
end function plastic_phenopowerlaw_init
module function plastic_kinehardening_init() result(myPlasticity)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
end function plastic_kinehardening_init
module function plastic_dislotwin_init() result(myPlasticity)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
end function plastic_dislotwin_init
module function plastic_dislotungsten_init() result(myPlasticity)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
end function plastic_dislotungsten_init
module function plastic_nonlocal_init() result(myPlasticity)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
end function plastic_nonlocal_init
module subroutine plastic_isotropic_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: &
Lp !< plastic velocity gradient
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(out) :: &
dLp_dMp !< derivative of Lp with respect to the Mandel stress
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: &
Mp !< Mandel stress
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
end subroutine plastic_isotropic_LpAndItsTangent
pure module subroutine plastic_phenopowerlaw_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: &
Lp !< plastic velocity gradient
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(out) :: &
dLp_dMp !< derivative of Lp with respect to the Mandel stress
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: &
Mp !< Mandel stress
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
end subroutine plastic_phenopowerlaw_LpAndItsTangent
pure module subroutine plastic_kinehardening_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: &
Lp !< plastic velocity gradient
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(out) :: &
dLp_dMp !< derivative of Lp with respect to the Mandel stress
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: &
Mp !< Mandel stress
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
end subroutine plastic_kinehardening_LpAndItsTangent
module subroutine plastic_dislotwin_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,T,instance,of)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: &
Lp !< plastic velocity gradient
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(out) :: &
dLp_dMp !< derivative of Lp with respect to the Mandel stress
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: &
Mp !< Mandel stress
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
end subroutine plastic_dislotwin_LpAndItsTangent
pure module subroutine plastic_dislotungsten_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,T,instance,of)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: &
Lp !< plastic velocity gradient
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(out) :: &
dLp_dMp !< derivative of Lp with respect to the Mandel stress
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: &
Mp !< Mandel stress
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
end subroutine plastic_dislotungsten_LpAndItsTangent
module subroutine plastic_nonlocal_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp, &
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: &
Lp !< plastic velocity gradient
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3), intent(out) :: &
dLp_dMp !< derivative of Lp with respect to the Mandel stress
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: &
Mp !< Mandel stress
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
of, &
ip, & !< current integration point
el !< current element number
end subroutine plastic_nonlocal_LpAndItsTangent
module subroutine plastic_dislotwin_dependentState(T,instance,of)
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
end subroutine plastic_dislotwin_dependentState
module subroutine plastic_dislotungsten_dependentState(instance,of)
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
end subroutine plastic_dislotungsten_dependentState
module subroutine plastic_nonlocal_dependentState(F, Fp, instance, of, ip, el)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: &
F, & !< deformation gradient
Fp !< plastic deformation gradient
integer, intent(in) :: &
instance, &
of, &
ip, & !< current integration point
el !< current element number
end subroutine plastic_nonlocal_dependentState
module subroutine plastic_isotropic_results(instance,group)
integer, intent(in) :: instance
character(len=*), intent(in) :: group
end subroutine plastic_isotropic_results
module subroutine plastic_phenopowerlaw_results(instance,group)
integer, intent(in) :: instance
character(len=*), intent(in) :: group
end subroutine plastic_phenopowerlaw_results
module subroutine plastic_kinehardening_results(instance,group)
integer, intent(in) :: instance
character(len=*), intent(in) :: group
end subroutine plastic_kinehardening_results
module subroutine plastic_dislotwin_results(instance,group)
integer, intent(in) :: instance
character(len=*), intent(in) :: group
end subroutine plastic_dislotwin_results
module subroutine plastic_dislotungsten_results(instance,group)
integer, intent(in) :: instance
character(len=*), intent(in) :: group
end subroutine plastic_dislotungsten_results
module subroutine plastic_nonlocal_results(instance,group)
integer, intent(in) :: instance
character(len=*), intent(in) :: group
end subroutine plastic_nonlocal_results
end interface
!> @brief Initialize mechanical field related constitutive models
!> @details Initialize elasticity, plasticity and stiffness degradation models.
module subroutine mech_init
integer :: &
p, &
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
mech, &
elastic, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- constitutive_mech init -+>>>'
! initialize elasticity (hooke) !ToDO: Maybe move to elastic submodule along with function homogenizedC?
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(phase_elasticity(phases%length), source = ELASTICITY_undefined_ID)
allocate(phase_elasticityInstance(phases%length), source = 0)
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
mech => phase%get('mechanics')
elastic => mech%get('elasticity')
if(elastic%get_asString('type') == 'hooke') then
phase_elasticity(p) = ELASTICITY_HOOKE_ID
call IO_error(200,ext_msg=elastic%get_asString('type'))
stiffDegradation => mech%get('stiffness_degradation',defaultVal=emptyList) ! check for stiffness degradation mechanisms
phase_NstiffnessDegradations(p) = stiffDegradation%length
allocate(phase_stiffnessDegradation(maxval(phase_NstiffnessDegradations),phases%length), &
if(maxVal(phase_NstiffnessDegradations)/=0) then
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
mech => phase%get('mechanics')
stiffDegradation => mech%get('stiffness_degradation',defaultVal=emptyList)
do stiffDegradationCtr = 1, stiffDegradation%length
if(stiffDegradation%get_asString(stiffDegradationCtr) == 'damage') &
phase_stiffnessDegradation(stiffDegradationCtr,p) = STIFFNESS_DEGRADATION_damage_ID
! initialize plasticity
allocate(phase_plasticity(phases%length),source = PLASTICITY_undefined_ID)
allocate(phase_plasticityInstance(phases%length),source = 0)
allocate(phase_localPlasticity(phases%length), source=.true.)
where(plastic_none_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_NONE_ID
where(plastic_isotropic_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_ISOTROPIC_ID
where(plastic_phenopowerlaw_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_PHENOPOWERLAW_ID
where(plastic_kinehardening_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_KINEHARDENING_ID
where(plastic_dislotwin_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_DISLOTWIN_ID
where(plastic_dislotungsten_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_DISLOTUNGSTEN_ID
where(plastic_nonlocal_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_NONLOCAL_ID
do p = 1, phases%length
phase_elasticityInstance(p) = count(phase_elasticity(1:p) == phase_elasticity(p))
phase_plasticityInstance(p) = count(phase_plasticity(1:p) == phase_plasticity(p))
end subroutine mech_init
!> @brief checks if a plastic module is active or not
module function plastic_active(plastic_label) result(active_plastic)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: plastic_label !< type of plasticity model
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: active_plastic
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
mech, &
integer :: p
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(active_plastic(phases%length), source = .false. )
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
mech => phase%get('mechanics')
pl => mech%get('plasticity')
if(pl%get_asString('type') == plastic_label) active_plastic(p) = .true.
end function plastic_active
!> @brief returns the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and its tangent with respect to
!> the elastic and intermediate deformation gradients using Hooke's law
module subroutine constitutive_hooke_SandItsTangents(S, dS_dFe, dS_dFi, &
Fe, Fi, ipc, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
ipc, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
Fe, & !< elastic deformation gradient
Fi !< intermediate deformation gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
S !< 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor in lattice configuration
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dS_dFe, & !< derivative of 2nd P-K stress with respect to elastic deformation gradient
dS_dFi !< derivative of 2nd P-K stress with respect to intermediate deformation gradient
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: E
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: C
integer :: &
ho, & !< homogenization
d !< counter in degradation loop
integer :: &
i, j
ho = material_homogenizationAt(el)
C = math_66toSym3333(constitutive_homogenizedC(ipc,ip,el))
DegradationLoop: do d = 1, phase_NstiffnessDegradations(material_phaseAt(ipc,el))
degradationType: select case(phase_stiffnessDegradation(d,material_phaseAt(ipc,el)))
case (STIFFNESS_DEGRADATION_damage_ID) degradationType
C = C * damage(ho)%p(damageMapping(ho)%p(ip,el))**2
end select degradationType
enddo DegradationLoop
E = 0.5_pReal*(matmul(transpose(Fe),Fe)-math_I3) !< Green-Lagrange strain in unloaded configuration
S = math_mul3333xx33(C,matmul(matmul(transpose(Fi),E),Fi)) !< 2PK stress in lattice configuration in work conjugate with GL strain pulled back to lattice configuration
do i =1, 3;do j=1,3
dS_dFe(i,j,1:3,1:3) = matmul(Fe,matmul(matmul(Fi,C(i,j,1:3,1:3)),transpose(Fi))) !< dS_ij/dFe_kl = C_ijmn * Fi_lm * Fi_on * Fe_ko
dS_dFi(i,j,1:3,1:3) = 2.0_pReal*matmul(matmul(E,Fi),C(i,j,1:3,1:3)) !< dS_ij/dFi_kl = C_ijln * E_km * Fe_mn
enddo; enddo
end subroutine constitutive_hooke_SandItsTangents
!> @brief calls microstructure function of the different plasticity constitutive models
module subroutine constitutive_plastic_dependentState(F, Fp, ipc, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
ipc, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
F, & !< elastic deformation gradient
Fp !< plastic deformation gradient
integer :: &
ho, & !< homogenization
tme, & !< thermal member position
instance, of
ho = material_homogenizationAt(el)
tme = thermalMapping(ho)%p(ip,el)
of = material_phasememberAt(ipc,ip,el)
instance = phase_plasticityInstance(material_phaseAt(ipc,el))
plasticityType: select case (phase_plasticity(material_phaseAt(ipc,el)))
case (PLASTICITY_DISLOTWIN_ID) plasticityType
call plastic_dislotwin_dependentState(temperature(ho)%p(tme),instance,of)
call plastic_dislotungsten_dependentState(instance,of)
case (PLASTICITY_NONLOCAL_ID) plasticityType
call plastic_nonlocal_dependentState (F,Fp,instance,of,ip,el)
end select plasticityType
end subroutine constitutive_plastic_dependentState
!> @brief contains the constitutive equation for calculating the velocity gradient
! ToDo: Discuss whether it makes sense if crystallite handles the configuration conversion, i.e.
! Mp in, dLp_dMp out
module subroutine constitutive_plastic_LpAndItsTangents(Lp, dLp_dS, dLp_dFi, &
S, Fi, ipc, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
ipc, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
S, & !< 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
Fi !< intermediate deformation gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Lp !< plastic velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLp_dS, &
dLp_dFi !< derivative of Lp with respect to Fi
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLp_dMp !< derivative of Lp with respect to Mandel stress
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
Mp !< Mandel stress work conjugate with Lp
integer :: &
ho, & !< homogenization
tme !< thermal member position
integer :: &
i, j, instance, of
ho = material_homogenizationAt(el)
tme = thermalMapping(ho)%p(ip,el)
Mp = matmul(matmul(transpose(Fi),Fi),S)
of = material_phasememberAt(ipc,ip,el)
instance = phase_plasticityInstance(material_phaseAt(ipc,el))
plasticityType: select case (phase_plasticity(material_phaseAt(ipc,el)))
case (PLASTICITY_NONE_ID) plasticityType
Lp = 0.0_pReal
dLp_dMp = 0.0_pReal
case (PLASTICITY_ISOTROPIC_ID) plasticityType
call plastic_isotropic_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
call plastic_phenopowerlaw_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
call plastic_kinehardening_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,instance,of)
case (PLASTICITY_NONLOCAL_ID) plasticityType
call plastic_nonlocal_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp, temperature(ho)%p(tme),instance,of,ip,el)
case (PLASTICITY_DISLOTWIN_ID) plasticityType
call plastic_dislotwin_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,temperature(ho)%p(tme),instance,of)
call plastic_dislotungsten_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,temperature(ho)%p(tme),instance,of)
end select plasticityType
do i=1,3; do j=1,3
dLp_dFi(i,j,1:3,1:3) = matmul(matmul(Fi,S),transpose(dLp_dMp(i,j,1:3,1:3))) + &
dLp_dS(i,j,1:3,1:3) = matmul(matmul(transpose(Fi),Fi),dLp_dMp(i,j,1:3,1:3)) ! ToDo: @PS: why not: dLp_dMp:(FiT Fi)
enddo; enddo
end subroutine constitutive_plastic_LpAndItsTangents
!> @brief writes plasticity constitutive results to HDF5 output file
module subroutine plastic_results
integer :: p
character(len=:), allocatable :: group
plasticityLoop: do p=1,size(material_name_phase)
group = '/current/phase/'//trim(material_name_phase(p))
call results_closeGroup(results_addGroup(group))
group = trim(group)//'/plastic'
call results_closeGroup(results_addGroup(group))
select case(phase_plasticity(p))
call plastic_isotropic_results(phase_plasticityInstance(p),group)
call plastic_phenopowerlaw_results(phase_plasticityInstance(p),group)
call plastic_kinehardening_results(phase_plasticityInstance(p),group)
call plastic_dislotwin_results(phase_plasticityInstance(p),group)
call plastic_dislotungsten_results(phase_plasticityInstance(p),group)
call plastic_nonlocal_results(phase_plasticityInstance(p),group)
end select
enddo plasticityLoop
end subroutine plastic_results
end submodule constitutive_mech