
127 lines
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! $Id$
! -*- f90 -*-
! Note: the syntax of this file is case sensitive.
! This file was auto-generated with f2py (version:2_5972).
! See http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/
! The auto-generated file is quite heavily corrected
! For modifying, notice the following hints:
! - if the dimension of an array depend on a array that is itself an input, use the C-Syntax: (1) becomes [0] etc.
! - be sure that the precision defined is integer, real*8, and complex*16
python module core ! in
interface ! in :core
module prec
subroutine prec_init
end subroutine prec_init
end module prec
module damask_interface ! in :damask_interface:DAMASK_spectral_interface.f90
subroutine DAMASK_interface_init(loadcaseParameterIn,geometryParameterIn) ! in :damask_interface:DAMASK_spectral_interface.f90
character(len=1024), intent(in) :: loadcaseParameterIn
character(len=1024), intent(in) :: geometryParameterIn
end subroutine DAMASK_interface_init
end module damask_interface
module io
subroutine IO_init
end subroutine IO_init
end module io
module numerics
subroutine numerics_init
end subroutine numerics_init
end module numerics
module debug
subroutine debug_init
end subroutine debug_init
end module debug
module math ! in :math:math.f90
subroutine math_init
end subroutine math_init
function math_tensorAvg(field) ! in :math:math.f90
! input variables
real*8 dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(in), :: field
! function definition
real*8 dimension(3,3), :: math_tensorAvg
end function math_tensorAvg
end module math
module fesolving
subroutine FE_init
end subroutine FE_init
end module fesolving
module mesh ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
subroutine mesh_init(ip,element)
integer, parameter :: ip = 1
integer, parameter :: element = 1
end subroutine mesh_init
function mesh_nodesAroundCentres(gDim,Favg,centres) ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: centres
real*8, dimension(3), intent(in) :: gDim
real*8, dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: Favg
real*8, dimension(3,size(centres,2)+1,size(centres,3)+1,size(centres,4)+1), depend(centres) :: mesh_nodesAroundCentres
real*8, dimension(3,size(centres,2)+1,size(centres,3)+1,size(centres,4)+1), depend(centres) :: wrappedCentres
end function mesh_nodesAroundCentres
function mesh_deformedCoordsFFT(gDim,F,FavgIn,scalingIn) ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: F
real*8, dimension(3), intent(in) :: gDim
real*8, dimension(3,3), intent(in), optional :: FavgIn = -1.0
real*8, dimension(3), intent(in), optional :: scalingIn = -1.0
real*8, dimension(3,size(F,3),size(F,4),size(F,5)), depend(F) :: mesh_deformedCoordsFFT
end function mesh_deformedCoordsFFT
function mesh_volumeMismatch(gDim,F,nodes) ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: F
real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: nodes
real*8, dimension(3), intent(in) :: gDim
real*8, dimension(size(F,3),size(F,4),size(F,5)), depend(F) :: mesh_volumeMismatch
end function mesh_volumeMismatch
function mesh_shapeMismatch(gDim,F,nodes,centres) ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: F
real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: nodes
real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: centres
real*8, dimension(3), intent(in) :: gDim
real*8, dimension(size(F,3),size(F,4),size(F,5)), depend(F) :: mesh_shapeMismatch
end function mesh_shapeMismatch
function mesh_init_postprocessing(filepath) ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filepath
end function mesh_init_postprocessing
function mesh_build_cellnodes(nodes,Ncellnodes) ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
integer, intent(in) :: Ncellnodes
real*8, dimension(3,:), intent(in) :: nodes
real*8, dimension(3,Ncellnodes), depend(Ncellnodes) :: mesh_build_cellnodes
end function mesh_build_cellnodes
function mesh_get_Ncellnodes() ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
integer :: mesh_get_Ncellnodes
end function mesh_get_Ncellnodes
function mesh_get_unitlength() ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
real*8 :: mesh_get_unitlength
end function mesh_get_unitlength
function mesh_get_nodeAtIP(elemtypeFE,ip) ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
character(len=*), intent(in) :: elemtypeFE
integer, intent(in) :: ip
integer :: mesh_get_nodeAtIP
end function mesh_get_nodeAtIP
end module mesh
end interface
end python module core