
159 lines
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!> @author Franz Roters, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief needs a good name and description
module materialpoint
use parallelization
use CLI
use system_routines
use signal
use prec
use misc
use IO
use YAML_types
use YAML_parse
use HDF5
use HDF5_utilities
use result
use config
use math
use rotations
use polynomials
use tables
use crystal
use material
use phase
use homogenization
use discretization
#if defined(MESH)
use FEM_quadrature
use discretization_mesh
#elif defined(GRID)
use base64
use discretization_grid
implicit none(type,external)
!> @brief Initialize all modules.
subroutine materialpoint_initAll()
call parallelization_init()
call CLI_init() ! grid and mesh commandline interface
call system_routines_init()
call signal_init()
call prec_init()
call misc_init()
call IO_init()
#if defined(MESH)
call FEM_quadrature_init()
#elif defined(GRID)
call base64_init()
call YAML_types_init()
call YAML_parse_init()
call HDF5_utilities_init()
call result_init(restart=CLI_restartInc>0)
call config_init()
call math_init()
call rotations_init()
call polynomials_init()
call tables_init()
call crystal_init()
#if defined(MESH)
call discretization_mesh_init(restart=CLI_restartInc>0)
#elif defined(GRID)
call discretization_grid_init(restart=CLI_restartInc>0)
call material_init(restart=CLI_restartInc>0)
call phase_init()
call homogenization_init()
call materialpoint_init()
call config_material_deallocate()
end subroutine materialpoint_initAll
!> @brief Read restart information if needed.
subroutine materialpoint_init()
integer(HID_T) :: fileHandle
print'(/,1x,a)', '<<<+- materialpoint init -+>>>'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if (CLI_restartInc > 0) then
print'(/,1x,a,1x,i0)', 'loading restart information of increment',CLI_restartInc; flush(IO_STDOUT)
fileHandle = HDF5_openFile(getSolverJobName()//'_restart.hdf5','r')
call homogenization_restartRead(fileHandle)
call phase_restartRead(fileHandle)
call HDF5_closeFile(fileHandle)
end if
end subroutine materialpoint_init
!> @brief Write restart information.
subroutine materialpoint_restartWrite()
integer(HID_T) :: fileHandle
print'(1x,a)', 'saving field and constitutive data required for restart';flush(IO_STDOUT)
fileHandle = HDF5_openFile(getSolverJobName()//'_restart.hdf5','a')
call homogenization_restartWrite(fileHandle)
call phase_restartWrite(fileHandle)
call HDF5_closeFile(fileHandle)
end subroutine materialpoint_restartWrite
!> @brief Forward data for new time increment.
subroutine materialpoint_forward()
call homogenization_forward()
call phase_forward()
end subroutine materialpoint_forward
!> @brief Trigger writing of results.
subroutine materialpoint_result(inc,time)
integer, intent(in) :: inc
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: time
call result_openJobFile()
call result_addIncrement(inc,time)
call phase_result()
call homogenization_result()
call discretization_result()
call result_finalizeIncrement()
call result_closeJobFile()
end subroutine materialpoint_result
end module materialpoint