
339 lines
14 KiB

!* $Id$
!> @author Pratheek Shanthraj, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief Basic scheme solver
module DAMASK_spectral_SolverBasic
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran >4.6 at the moment)
use DAMASK_spectral_Utilities
use math, only: &
math_I3, &
use mesh, only : &
mesh_spectral_getResolution, &
mesh_spectral_getDimension, &
math_rotate_backward33, &
math_mul3333xx33, &
implicit none
character (len=*), parameter, public :: &
DAMASK_spectral_SolverBasic_label = 'basic'
! common pointwise data
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: F, F_lastInc, P
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: coordinates
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: temperature
! stress, stiffness and compliance average etc.
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
F_aim = math_I3, &
F_aim_lastInc = math_I3
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
C = 0.0_pReal
subroutine basic_init()
use IO, only: &
IO_read_JobBinaryFile, &
use FEsolving, only: &
use DAMASK_interface, only: &
implicit none
integer(pInt) :: i,j,k
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: temp33_Real
write(6,'(a)') ''
write(6,'(a)') ' <<<+- DAMASK_spectral_solverBasic init -+>>>'
write(6,'(a)') ' $Id$'
#include "compilation_info.f90"
write(6,'(a)') ''
call Utilities_Init()
allocate (F ( res(1), res(2),res(3),3,3), source = 0.0_pReal)
allocate (F_lastInc ( res(1), res(2),res(3),3,3), source = 0.0_pReal)
allocate (P ( res(1), res(2),res(3),3,3), source = 0.0_pReal)
allocate (coordinates( res(1), res(2),res(3),3), source = 0.0_pReal)
allocate (temperature( res(1), res(2),res(3)), source = 0.0_pReal)
! init fields
if (restartInc == 1_pInt) then ! no deformation (no restart)
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = math_I3
F_lastInc(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = math_I3
coordinates(i,j,k,1:3) = geomdim/real(res,pReal)*real([i,j,k],pReal) &
- geomdim/real(2_pInt*res,pReal)
enddo; enddo; enddo
elseif (restartInc > 1_pInt) then ! using old values from file
if (debugRestart) write(6,'(a,i6,a)') 'Reading values of increment ',&
restartInc - 1_pInt,' from file'
call IO_read_jobBinaryFile(777,'convergedSpectralDefgrad',&
read (777,rec=1) F
close (777)
call IO_read_jobBinaryFile(777,'convergedSpectralDefgrad_lastInc',&
read (777,rec=1) F_lastInc
close (777)
call IO_read_jobBinaryFile(777,'F_aim',trim(getSolverJobName()),size(F_aim))
read (777,rec=1) F_aim
close (777)
call IO_read_jobBinaryFile(777,'F_aim_lastInc',trim(getSolverJobName()),size(F_aim_lastInc))
read (777,rec=1) F_aim_lastInc
close (777)
coordinates = 0.0 ! change it later!!!
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(coordinates,F,F_lastInc,temperature,0.0_pReal,&
! reference stiffness
if (restartInc == 1_pInt) then
call IO_write_jobBinaryFile(777,'C_ref',size(C))
write (777,rec=1) C
elseif (restartInc > 1_pInt) then
call IO_read_jobBinaryFile(777,'C_ref',trim(getSolverJobName()),size(C))
read (777,rec=1) C
close (777)
call Utilities_updateGamma(C)
end subroutine basic_init
type(solutionState) function basic_solution(guessmode,timeinc,timeinc_old,P_BC,F_BC,mask_stressVector,velgrad,rotation_BC)
use numerics, only: &
itmax, &
itmin, &
use IO, only: &
use FEsolving, only: &
implicit none
! input data for solution
real(pReal), intent(in) :: timeinc, timeinc_old
real(pReal), intent(in) :: guessmode
logical, intent(in) :: velgrad
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: P_BC,F_BC,rotation_BC
logical, dimension(9), intent(in) :: mask_stressVector
! loop variables, convergence etc.
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), parameter :: ones = 1.0_pReal, zeroes = 0.0_pReal
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: temp33_Real
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: S
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: mask_stress, &
mask_defgrad, &
deltaF_aim, &
F_aim_lab, &
F_aim_lab_lastIter, &
real(pReal) :: err_div, err_stress
integer(pInt) :: iter
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k
logical :: ForwardData
real(pReal) :: defgradDet
real(pReal) :: defgradDetMax, defgradDetMin
mask_stress = merge(ones,zeroes,reshape(mask_stressVector,[3,3]))
mask_defgrad = merge(zeroes,ones,reshape(mask_stressVector,[3,3]))
if (restartWrite) then
write(6,'(a)') 'writing converged results for restart'
call IO_write_jobBinaryFile(777,'convergedSpectralDefgrad',size(F_lastInc)) ! writing deformation gradient field to file
write (777,rec=1) F_LastInc
close (777)
call IO_write_jobBinaryFile(777,'C',size(C))
write (777,rec=1) C
ForwardData = .True.
if (velgrad) then ! calculate deltaF_aim from given L and current F
deltaF_aim = timeinc * mask_defgrad * math_mul33x33(F_BC, F_aim)
else ! deltaF_aim = fDot *timeinc where applicable
deltaF_aim = timeinc * mask_defgrad * F_BC
! winding forward of deformation aim in loadcase system
temp33_Real = F_aim
F_aim = F_aim &
+ guessmode * mask_stress * (F_aim - F_aim_lastInc)*timeinc/timeinc_old &
+ deltaF_aim
F_aim_lastInc = temp33_Real
F_aim_lab = math_rotate_backward33(F_aim,rotation_BC) ! boundary conditions from load frame into lab (Fourier) frame
! update local deformation gradient and coordinates
deltaF_aim = math_rotate_backward33(deltaF_aim,rotation_BC)
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
temp33_Real = F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)
F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) & ! decide if guessing along former trajectory or apply homogeneous addon
+ guessmode * (F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) - F_lastInc(i,j,k,1:3,1:3))*timeinc/timeinc_old& ! guessing...
+ (1.0_pReal-guessmode) * deltaF_aim ! if not guessing, use prescribed average deformation where applicable
F_lastInc(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = temp33_Real
enddo; enddo; enddo
call deformed_fft(res,geomdim,math_rotate_backward33(F_aim,rotation_BC),& ! calculate current coordinates
iter = 0_pInt
S = Utilities_maskedCompliance(rotation_BC,mask_stressVector,C)
if (update_gamma) call Utilities_updateGamma(C)
convergenceLoop: do
iter = iter + 1_pInt
! report begin of new iteration
write(6,'(a)') ''
write(6,'(a)') '=================================================================='
write(6,'(3(a,i6.6))') ' Iter. ',itmin,' < ',iter,' < ',itmax + 1_pInt
write(6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,1x)/))',advance='no') 'deformation gradient aim =',&
F_aim_lab_lastIter = math_rotate_backward33(F_aim,rotation_BC)
! evaluate constitutive response
print*, 'FLast 111', F_lastInc(1,1,1,1:3,1:3)
call Utilities_constitutiveResponse(coordinates,F_lastInc,F,temperature,timeinc,&
ForwardData = .False.
! stress BC handling
F_aim = F_aim - math_mul3333xx33(S, ((P_av - P_BC))) !S = 0.0 for no bc
err_stress = maxval(mask_stress * (P_av - P_BC)) ! mask = 0.0 for no bc
F_aim_lab = math_rotate_backward33(F_aim,rotation_BC) ! boundary conditions from load frame into lab (Fourier) frame
! updated deformation gradient
field_real = 0.0_pReal
field_real(1:res(1),1:res(2),1:res(3),1:3,1:3) = P
call Utilities_forwardFFT()
err_div = Utilities_divergenceRMS()
call Utilities_fourierConvolution(F_aim_lab_lastIter - F_aim_lab)
call Utilities_backwardFFT()
temp33_real =0.0_pReal
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) - field_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) ! F(x)^(n+1) = F(x)^(n) + correction; *wgt: correcting for missing normalization
temp33_real = temp33_real + field_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)
enddo; enddo; enddo
if (Convergenced(err_div,P_av,err_stress,P_av,iter)) exit
enddo convergenceLoop
end function basic_solution
logical function Convergenced(err_div,P_av,err_stress,P_av2,iter)
use numerics, only: &
itmax, &
itmin, &
err_div_tol, &
err_stress_tolrel, &
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: P_av, P_av2
real(pReal) :: err_div, err_stress, field_av_L2
integer(pInt) :: iter
field_av_L2 = sqrt(maxval(math_eigenvalues33(math_mul33x33(P_av,& ! L_2 norm of average stress (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpectralNorm.html)
Convergenced = (iter < itmax) .and. (iter > itmin) .and. &
err_stress/min(maxval(abs(P_av2))*err_stress_tolrel,err_stress_tolabs)] < 1.0_pReal)
write(6,'(a,f6.2,a,es11.4,a)') 'error stress = ', err_stress/min(maxval(abs(P_av2))*err_stress_tolrel,err_stress_tolabs), &
' (',err_stress,' Pa)'
write(6,'(a,f6.2,a,es11.4,a)') 'error divergence = ', err_div/field_av_L2/err_div_tol,&
' (',err_div,' N/m³)'
end function Convergenced
subroutine basic_destroy()
implicit none
call Utilities_destroy()
end subroutine basic_destroy
end module DAMASK_spectral_SolverBasic
! calculate some additional output
! if(debugGeneral) then
! maxCorrectionSkew = 0.0_pReal
! maxCorrectionSym = 0.0_pReal
! temp33_Real = 0.0_pReal
! do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
! maxCorrectionSym = max(maxCorrectionSym,&
! maxval(math_symmetric33(field_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3))))
! maxCorrectionSkew = max(maxCorrectionSkew,&
! maxval(math_skew33(field_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3))))
! temp33_Real = temp33_Real + field_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)
! enddo; enddo; enddo
! write(6,'(a,1x,es11.4)') 'max symmetric correction of deformation =',&
! maxCorrectionSym*wgt
! write(6,'(a,1x,es11.4)') 'max skew correction of deformation =',&
! maxCorrectionSkew*wgt
! write(6,'(a,1x,es11.4)') 'max sym/skew of avg correction = ',&
! maxval(math_symmetric33(temp33_real))/&
! maxval(math_skew33(temp33_real))
! endif
! calculate bounds of det(F) and report
! if(debugGeneral) then
! defgradDetMax = -huge(1.0_pReal)
! defgradDetMin = +huge(1.0_pReal)
! do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
! defgradDet = math_det33(F(i,j,k,1:3,1:3))
! defgradDetMax = max(defgradDetMax,defgradDet)
! defgradDetMin = min(defgradDetMin,defgradDet)
! enddo; enddo; enddo
! write(6,'(a,1x,es11.4)') 'max determinant of deformation =', defgradDetMax
! write(6,'(a,1x,es11.4)') 'min determinant of deformation =', defgradDetMin
! endif