
540 lines
16 KiB

import sys
import datetime
import os
import subprocess
import shlex
import re
import fractions
from functools import reduce
from optparse import Option
import numpy as np
import h5py
from . import version
# limit visibility
'shapeshifter', 'shapeblender',
'extend_docstring', 'extended_docstring',
'DREAM3D_base_group', 'DREAM3D_cell_data_group'
# Functions
def srepr(arg,glue = '\n'):
Join arguments with glue string.
arg : iterable
Items to join.
glue : str, optional
Glue used for joining operation. Defaults to \n.
if (not hasattr(arg, "strip") and
(hasattr(arg, "__getitem__") or
hasattr(arg, "__iter__"))):
return glue.join(str(x) for x in arg)
return arg if isinstance(arg,str) else repr(arg)
def croak(what, newline = True):
Write formated to stderr.
what : str or iterable
Content to be displayed.
newline : bool, optional
Separate items of what by newline. Defaults to True.
if what is not None:
sys.stderr.write(srepr(what,glue = '\n') + ('\n' if newline else ''))
def report(who = None,
what = None):
Report script and file name.
croak( (emph(who)+': ' if who is not None else '') + (what if what is not None else '') + '\n' )
def emph(what):
"""Formats string with emphasis."""
return bcolors.BOLD+srepr(what)+bcolors.ENDC
def deemph(what):
"""Formats string with deemphasis."""
return bcolors.DIM+srepr(what)+bcolors.ENDC
def warn(what):
"""Formats string for warning."""
return bcolors.WARNING+emph(what)+bcolors.ENDC
def strikeout(what):
"""Formats string as strikeout."""
return bcolors.CROSSOUT+srepr(what)+bcolors.ENDC
def execute(cmd,
stream_in = None,
wd = './',
env = None):
Execute command.
cmd : str
Command to be executed.
stream_in : file object, optional
Input (via pipe) for executed process.
wd : str, optional
Working directory of process. Defaults to ./ .
env : dict, optional
Environment for execution.
initialPath = os.getcwd()
myEnv = os.environ if env is None else env
print(f"executing '{cmd}' in '{wd}'")
process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd),
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
env = myEnv)
stdout, stderr = [i for i in (process.communicate() if stream_in is None
else process.communicate(stream_in.read().encode('utf-8')))]
stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8').replace('\x08','')
stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8').replace('\x08','')
if process.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"'{cmd}' failed with returncode {process.returncode}")
return stdout, stderr
def show_progress(iterable,N_iter=None,prefix='',bar_length=50):
Decorate a loop with a status bar.
Use similar like enumerate.
iterable : iterable/function with yield statement
Iterable (or function with yield statement) to be decorated.
N_iter : int
Total # of iterations. Needed if number of iterations can not be obtained as len(iterable).
prefix : str, optional.
Prefix string.
bar_length : int, optional
Character length of bar. Defaults to 50.
status = _ProgressBar(N_iter if N_iter else len(iterable),prefix,bar_length)
for i,item in enumerate(iterable):
yield item
def scale_to_coprime(v):
Scale vector to co-prime (relatively prime) integers.
v : numpy.ndarray of shape (:)
Vector to scale.
def get_square_denominator(x):
"""Denominator of the square of a number."""
return fractions.Fraction(x ** 2).limit_denominator(MAX_DENOMINATOR).denominator
def lcm(a, b):
"""Least common multiple."""
# Python 3.9 provides math.lcm, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51716916.
return a * b // np.gcd(a, b)
m = (np.array(v) * reduce(lcm, map(lambda x: int(get_square_denominator(x)),v)) ** 0.5).astype(int)
m = m//reduce(np.gcd,m)
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
if not np.allclose(np.ma.masked_invalid(v/m),v[np.argmax(abs(v))]/m[np.argmax(abs(v))]):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid result {m} for input {v}. Insufficient precision?')
return m
def project_stereographic(vector,direction='z',normalize=True,keepdims=False):
Apply stereographic projection to vector.
vector : numpy.ndarray of shape (...,3)
Vector coordinates to be projected.
direction : str
Projection direction 'x', 'y', or 'z'.
Defaults to 'z'.
normalize : bool
Ensure unit length of input vector. Defaults to True.
keepdims : bool
Maintain three-dimensional output coordinates.
Default two-dimensional output uses right-handed frame spanned by
the next and next-next axis relative to the projection direction,
e.g. x-y when projecting along z and z-x when projecting along y.
coordinates : numpy.ndarray of shape (...,2 | 3)
Projected coordinates.
>>> project_stereographic(np.ones(3))
[0.3660254, 0.3660254]
>>> project_stereographic(np.ones(3),direction='x',normalize=False,keepdims=True)
[0, 0.5, 0.5]
>>> project_stereographic([0,1,1],direction='y',normalize=True,keepdims=False)
[0.41421356, 0]
shift = 'zyx'.index(direction)
v_ = np.roll(vector/np.linalg.norm(vector,axis=-1,keepdims=True) if normalize else vector,
return np.roll(np.block([v_[...,:2]/(1+np.abs(v_[...,2:3])),np.zeros_like(v_[...,2:3])]),
-shift if keepdims else 0,axis=-1)[...,:3 if keepdims else 2]
def execution_stamp(class_name,function_name=None):
"""Timestamp the execution of a (function within a) class."""
now = datetime.datetime.now().astimezone().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')
_function_name = '' if function_name is None else f'.{function_name}'
return f'damask.{class_name}{_function_name} v{version} ({now})'
def hybrid_IA(dist,N,rng_seed=None):
Hybrid integer approximation.
dist : numpy.ndarray
Distribution to be approximated
N : int
Number of samples to draw.
rng_seed : {None, int, array_like[ints], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator}, optional
A seed to initialize the BitGenerator. Defaults to None.
If None, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS.
N_opt_samples,N_inv_samples = (max(np.count_nonzero(dist),N),0) # random subsampling if too little samples requested
scale_,scale,inc_factor = (0.0,float(N_opt_samples),1.0)
while (not np.isclose(scale, scale_)) and (N_inv_samples != N_opt_samples):
repeats = np.rint(scale*dist).astype(int)
N_inv_samples = np.sum(repeats)
scale_,scale,inc_factor = (scale,scale+inc_factor*0.5*(scale - scale_), inc_factor*2.0) \
if N_inv_samples < N_opt_samples else \
(scale_,0.5*(scale_ + scale), 1.0)
return np.repeat(np.arange(len(dist)),repeats)[np.random.default_rng(rng_seed).permutation(N_inv_samples)[:N]]
def shapeshifter(fro,to,mode='left',keep_ones=False):
Return a tuple that reshapes 'fro' to become broadcastable to 'to'.
fro : tuple
Original shape of array.
to : tuple
Target shape of array after broadcasting.
len(to) cannot be less than len(fro).
mode : str, optional
Indicates whether new axes are preferably added to
either 'left' or 'right' of the original shape.
Defaults to 'left'.
keep_ones : bool, optional
Treat '1' in fro as literal value instead of dimensional placeholder.
Defaults to False.
beg = dict(left ='(^.*\\b)',
sep = dict(left ='(.*\\b)',
end = dict(left ='(.*?$)',
fro = (1,) if not len(fro) else fro
to = (1,) if not len(to) else to
grp = re.match(beg[mode]
+f',{sep[mode]}'.join(map(lambda x: f'{x}'
if x>1 or (keep_ones and len(fro)>1) else
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(f'Shapes can not be shifted {fro} --> {to}')
fill = ()
for g,d in zip(grp,fro+(None,)):
fill += (1,)*g.count(',')+(d,)
return fill[:-1]
def shapeblender(a,b):
Return a shape that overlaps the rightmost entries of 'a' with the leftmost of 'b'.
a : tuple
Shape of first array.
b : tuple
Shape of second array.
>>> shapeblender((4,4,3),(3,2,1))
>>> shapeblender((1,2),(1,2,3))
>>> shapeblender((1,),(2,2,1))
>>> shapeblender((3,2),(3,2))
i = min(len(a),len(b))
while i > 0 and a[-i:] != b[:i]: i -= 1
return a + b[i:]
def extend_docstring(extra_docstring):
Decorator: Append to function's docstring.
extra_docstring : str
Docstring to append.
def _decorator(func):
func.__doc__ += extra_docstring
return func
return _decorator
def extended_docstring(f,extra_docstring):
Decorator: Combine another function's docstring with a given docstring.
f : function
Function of which the docstring is taken.
extra_docstring : str
Docstring to append.
def _decorator(func):
func.__doc__ = f.__doc__ + extra_docstring
return func
return _decorator
def DREAM3D_base_group(fname):
Determine the base group of a DREAM.3D file.
The base group is defined as the group (folder) that contains
a 'SPACING' dataset in a '_SIMPL_GEOMETRY' group.
fname : str
Filename of the DREAM.3D (HDF5) file.
with h5py.File(fname,'r') as f:
base_group = f.visit(lambda path: path.rsplit('/',2)[0] if '_SIMPL_GEOMETRY/SPACING' in path else None)
if base_group is None:
raise ValueError('Could not determine base group in file {fname}.')
return base_group
def DREAM3D_cell_data_group(fname):
Determine the cell data group of a DREAM.3D file.
The cell data group is defined as the group (folder) that contains
a dataset in the base group whose length matches the total number
of points as specified in '_SIMPL_GEOMETRY/DIMENSIONS'.
fname : str
Filename of the DREAM.3D (HDF5) file.
base_group = DREAM3D_base_group(fname)
with h5py.File(fname,'r') as f:
N_points = np.prod(f[os.path.join(base_group,'_SIMPL_GEOMETRY','DIMENSIONS')])
cell_data_group = f[base_group].visititems(lambda path,obj: path.split('/')[0] \
if isinstance(obj,h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset) and np.prod(np.shape(obj)) == N_points \
else None)
if cell_data_group is None:
raise ValueError('Could not determine cell data group in file {fname}.')
return cell_data_group
# Classes
class extendableOption(Option):
Used for definition of new option parser action 'extend', which enables to take multiple option arguments.
Adopted from online tutorial http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html
ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",)
STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
if action == "extend":
lvalue = value.split(",")
values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue)
Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
class _ProgressBar:
Report progress of an interation as a status bar.
Works for 0-based loops, ETA is estimated by linear extrapolation.
def __init__(self,total,prefix,bar_length):
Inititalize a progress bar to current time as basis for ETA estimation.
total : int
Total # of iterations.
prefix : str
Prefix string.
bar_length : int
Character length of bar.
self.total = total
self.prefix = prefix
self.bar_length = bar_length
self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
self.last_fraction = 0.0
sys.stderr.write(f"{self.prefix} {''*self.bar_length} 0% ETA n/a")
def update(self,iteration):
fraction = (iteration+1) / self.total
filled_length = int(self.bar_length * fraction)
if filled_length > int(self.bar_length * self.last_fraction):
bar = '' * filled_length + '' * (self.bar_length - filled_length)
delta_time = datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time
remaining_time = (self.total - (iteration+1)) * delta_time / (iteration+1)
remaining_time -= datetime.timedelta(microseconds=remaining_time.microseconds) # remove μs
sys.stderr.write(f'\r{self.prefix} {bar} {fraction:>4.0%} ETA {remaining_time}')
self.last_fraction = fraction
if iteration == self.total - 1:
class bcolors:
ASCII colors.
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
DIM = '\033[2m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
CROSSOUT = '\033[9m'
class return_message:
"""Object with formatted return message."""
def __init__(self,message):
Sets return message.
message : str or list of str
message for output to screen
self.message = message
def __repr__(self):
"""Return message suitable for interactive shells."""
return srepr(self.message)