
215 lines
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!> @author Martin Diehl, KU Leuven
!> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Michigan State University
!> @brief Miscellaneous tools.
module misc
use prec
use constants
implicit none(type,external)
interface misc_optional
module procedure misc_optional_bool
module procedure misc_optional_int
module procedure misc_optional_real
module procedure misc_optional_str
end interface misc_optional
public :: &
misc_init, &
misc_selfTest, &
misc_optional, &
!> @brief Do self test.
subroutine misc_init()
print'(/,1x,a)', '<<<+- misc init -+>>>'
call misc_selfTest()
end subroutine misc_init
!> @brief Return bool value if given, otherwise default.
pure function misc_optional_bool(given,default) result(var)
logical, intent(in), optional :: given
logical, intent(in) :: default
logical :: var
if (present(given)) then
var = given
var = default
end if
end function misc_optional_bool
!> @brief Return integer value if given, otherwise default.
pure function misc_optional_int(given,default) result(var)
integer, intent(in), optional :: given
integer, intent(in) :: default
integer :: var
if (present(given)) then
var = given
var = default
end if
end function misc_optional_int
!> @brief Return real value if given, otherwise default.
pure function misc_optional_real(given,default) result(var)
real(pREAL), intent(in), optional :: given
real(pREAL), intent(in) :: default
real(pREAL) :: var
if (present(given)) then
var = given
var = default
end if
end function misc_optional_real
!> @brief Return string value if given, otherwise default.
pure function misc_optional_str(given,default) result(var)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: given
character(len=*), intent(in) :: default
character(len=:), allocatable :: var
if (present(given)) then
var = given
var = default
end if
end function misc_optional_str
!> @brief Add prefix to options in string.
!> @detail An option starts with a dash followed by at least one letter.
pure function misc_prefixOptions(string,prefix) result(prefixed)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string,prefix
character(len=:), allocatable :: prefixed
integer :: i,N
prefixed = ''
N = len(string)
do i = 1, N
prefixed = prefixed//string(i:i)
if (string(i:i) == '-' .and. verify(string(min(i+1,N):min(i+1,N)),LOWER//UPPER) == 0) &
prefixed = prefixed//prefix
end do
end function misc_prefixOptions
!> @brief Check correctness of some misc functions.
subroutine misc_selfTest()
real(pREAL) :: r
character(len=:), allocatable :: str,out
call random_number(r)
if (test_str('DAMASK') /= 'DAMASK') error stop 'optional_str, present'
if (test_str() /= 'default') error stop 'optional_str, not present'
if (misc_optional(default='default') /= 'default') error stop 'optional_str, default only'
if (test_int(20191102) /= 20191102) error stop 'optional_int, present'
if (test_int() /= 42) error stop 'optional_int, not present'
if (misc_optional(default=20191102) /= 20191102) error stop 'optional_int, default only'
if (dNeq(test_real(r),r)) error stop 'optional_real, present'
if (dNeq(test_real(),0.0_pREAL)) error stop 'optional_real, not present'
if (dNeq(misc_optional(default=r),r)) error stop 'optional_real, default only'
if (test_bool(r<0.5_pREAL) .neqv. r<0.5_pREAL) error stop 'optional_bool, present'
if (.not. test_bool()) error stop 'optional_bool, not present'
if (misc_optional(default=r>0.5_pREAL) .neqv. r>0.5_pREAL) error stop 'optional_bool, default only'
str='-a -1 -more 123 -flag -'
if (out /= '-p_a -1 -p_more 123 -p_flag -') error stop 'misc_prefixOptions'
function test_str(str_in) result(str_out)
character(len=:), allocatable :: str_out
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: str_in
str_out = misc_optional_str(str_in,'default')
end function test_str
function test_int(int_in) result(int_out)
integer :: int_out
integer, intent(in), optional :: int_in
int_out = misc_optional_int(int_in,42)
end function test_int
function test_real(real_in) result(real_out)
real(pREAL) :: real_out
real(pREAL), intent(in), optional :: real_in
real_out = misc_optional_real(real_in,0.0_pREAL)
end function test_real
function test_bool(bool_in) result(bool_out)
logical :: bool_out
logical, intent(in), optional :: bool_in
bool_out = misc_optional_bool(bool_in,.true.)
end function test_bool
end subroutine misc_selfTest
end module misc