
217 lines
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!> @author Martin Diehl, KU Leuven
submodule(homogenization) thermal
module subroutine pass_init
end subroutine pass_init
module subroutine isotemperature_init
end subroutine isotemperature_init
end interface
type :: tDataContainer
real(pREAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: T, dot_T
end type tDataContainer
type(tDataContainer), dimension(:), allocatable :: current
type :: tParameters
character(len=pSTRLEN), allocatable, dimension(:) :: &
end type tParameters
type(tparameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
!> @brief Allocate variables and set parameters.
module subroutine thermal_init()
type(tDict), pointer :: &
configHomogenizations, &
configHomogenization, &
integer :: ho
print'(/,1x,a)', '<<<+- homogenization:thermal init -+>>>'
configHomogenizations => config_material%get_dict('homogenization')
do ho = 1, configHomogenizations%length
allocate(current(ho)%T(count(material_ID_homogenization==ho)), source=T_ROOM)
allocate(current(ho)%dot_T(count(material_ID_homogenization==ho)), source=0.0_pREAL)
configHomogenization => configHomogenizations%get_dict(ho)
associate(prm => param(ho))
if (configHomogenization%contains('thermal')) then
configHomogenizationThermal => configHomogenization%get_dict('thermal')
#if defined (__GFORTRAN__)
prm%output = output_as1dStr(configHomogenizationThermal)
prm%output = configHomogenizationThermal%get_as1dStr('output',defaultVal=emptyStrArray)
select case (configHomogenizationThermal%get_asStr('type'))
case ('pass')
call pass_init()
case ('isotemperature')
call isotemperature_init()
end select
prm%output = emptyStrArray
end if
end associate
end do
end subroutine thermal_init
!> @brief Check if thermal homogemization description is present in the configuration file
module function homogenization_thermal_active() result(active)
logical :: active
active = any(thermal_active(:))
end function homogenization_thermal_active
!> @brief Partition temperature onto the individual constituents.
module subroutine thermal_partition(ce)
integer, intent(in) :: ce
real(pREAL) :: T, dot_T
integer :: co
T = current(material_ID_homogenization(ce))%T(material_entry_homogenization(ce))
dot_T = current(material_ID_homogenization(ce))%dot_T(material_entry_homogenization(ce))
do co = 1, homogenization_Nconstituents(material_ID_homogenization(ce))
call phase_thermal_setField(T,dot_T,co,ce)
end do
end subroutine thermal_partition
!> @brief Homogenize thermal viscosity.
module function homogenization_mu_T(ce) result(mu)
integer, intent(in) :: ce
real(pREAL) :: mu
integer :: co
mu = phase_mu_T(1,ce)*material_v(1,ce)
do co = 2, homogenization_Nconstituents(material_ID_homogenization(ce))
mu = mu + phase_mu_T(co,ce)*material_v(co,ce)
end do
end function homogenization_mu_T
!> @brief Homogenize thermal conductivity.
module function homogenization_K_T(ce) result(K)
integer, intent(in) :: ce
real(pREAL), dimension(3,3) :: K
integer :: co
K = phase_K_T(1,ce)*material_v(1,ce)
do co = 2, homogenization_Nconstituents(material_ID_homogenization(ce))
K = K + phase_K_T(co,ce)*material_v(co,ce)
end do
end function homogenization_K_T
!> @brief Homogenize heat generation rate.
module function homogenization_f_T(ce) result(f)
integer, intent(in) :: ce
real(pREAL) :: f
integer :: co
f = phase_f_T(material_ID_phase(1,ce),material_entry_phase(1,ce))*material_v(1,ce)
do co = 2, homogenization_Nconstituents(material_ID_homogenization(ce))
f = f + phase_f_T(material_ID_phase(co,ce),material_entry_phase(co,ce))*material_v(co,ce)
end do
end function homogenization_f_T
!> @brief Set thermal field and its rate (T and dot_T).
module subroutine homogenization_thermal_setField(T,dot_T)
real(pREAL), dimension(:), intent(in) :: T, dot_T
integer :: ho, en, ce
do ce=max(lbound(T,1),lbound(dot_T,1)), min(ubound(T,1),ubound(dot_T,1))
ho = material_ID_homogenization(ce)
en = material_entry_homogenization(ce)
current(ho)%T(en) = T(ce)
current(ho)%dot_T(en) = dot_T(ce)
call thermal_partition(ce)
end do
end subroutine homogenization_thermal_setField
!> @brief writes results to HDF5 output file
module subroutine thermal_result(ho,group)
integer, intent(in) :: ho
character(len=*), intent(in) :: group
integer :: o
associate(prm => param(ho))
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
call result_writeDataset(current(ho)%T,group,'T','temperature','K')
end select
end do outputsLoop
end associate
end subroutine thermal_result
end submodule thermal