
453 lines
17 KiB

import os
import sys
import shutil
import logging
import logging.config
from collections.abc import Iterable
from optparse import OptionParser
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import damask
class Test:
General class for testing.
Is sub-classed by the individual tests.
variants = []
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""New test."""
defaults = {'description': '',
'keep': False,
'accept': False,
'updateRequest': False,
'show': False,
'select': None,
for arg in defaults.keys():
setattr(self,arg,kwargs.get(arg) if kwargs.get(arg) else defaults[arg])
fh = logging.FileHandler('test.log') # create file handler which logs even debug messages
fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: \n%(message)s'))
ch = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) # create console handler with a higher log level
logger = logging.getLogger()
'| '+self.description,
self.dirBase = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__))
self.parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption,
description = f'{self.description} (Test class version: {damask.version})',
usage = './test.py [options]')
self.parser.add_option("-k", "--keep",
action = "store_true",
dest = "keep",
help = "keep current results, just run postprocessing")
self.parser.add_option("--ok", "--accept",
action = "store_true",
dest = "accept",
help = "calculate results but always consider test as successful")
self.parser.add_option("-l", "--list",
action = "store_true",
dest = "show",
help = "show all test variants without actual calculation")
self.parser.add_option("-s", "--select",
dest = "select",
action = 'extend', metavar = '<string LIST>',
help = "run test(s) of given name only")
self.parser.set_defaults(keep = self.keep,
accept = self.accept,
update = self.updateRequest,
show = self.show,
select = self.select,
def variantName(self,variant):
"""Generate name of (numerical) variant."""
return str(variant)
def execute(self):
"""Run all variants and report first failure."""
if not self.options.keep:
if not self.feasible(): return -1
for variant,object in enumerate(self.variants):
name = self.variantName(variant)
if self.options.show:
logging.critical(f'{variant+1}: {name}')
elif self.options.select is not None \
and not (name in self.options.select or str(variant+1) in self.options.select):
if not self.options.keep:
if self.options.update:
if self.update(variant) != 0: logging.critical(f'update for "{name}" failed.')
elif not (self.options.accept or self.compare(variant)): # no update, do comparison
return variant+1 # return culprit
except Exception as e:
logging.critical(f'exception during variant execution: "{e}"')
return variant+1 # return culprit
return 0
def feasible(self):
"""Check whether test is possible or not (e.g. no license available)."""
return True
def clean(self):
"""Delete directory tree containing current results."""
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.warning(f'removal of directory "{self.dirCurrent()}" not possible...')
return True
except FileExistsError:
logging.critical(f'creation of directory "{self.dirCurrent()}" failed.')
return False
def prepareAll(self):
"""Do all necessary preparations for the whole test."""
return True
def prepare(self,variant):
"""Do all necessary preparations for the run of each test variant."""
return True
def run(self,variant):
"""Execute the requested test variant."""
return True
def postprocess(self,variant):
"""Perform post-processing of generated results for this test variant."""
return True
def compare(self,variant):
"""Compare reference to current results."""
return True
def update(self,variant):
"""Update reference with current results."""
logging.critical('update not supported.')
return 1
def dirReference(self):
"""Directory containing reference results of the test."""
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'reference/'))
def dirCurrent(self):
"""Directory containing current results of the test."""
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'current/'))
def dirProof(self):
"""Directory containing human readable proof of correctness for the test."""
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'proof/'))
def fileInRoot(self,dir,file):
"""Path to a file in the root directory of DAMASK."""
return str(Path(os.environ['DAMASK_ROOT'])/dir/file)
def fileInReference(self,file):
"""Path to a file in the refrence directory for the test."""
return os.path.join(self.dirReference(),file)
def fileInCurrent(self,file):
"""Path to a file in the current results directory for the test."""
return os.path.join(self.dirCurrent(),file)
def fileInProof(self,file):
"""Path to a file in the proof directory for the test."""
return os.path.join(self.dirProof(),file)
def copy(self, mapA, mapB,
A = [], B = []):
Copy list of files from (mapped) source to target.
mapA/B is one of self.fileInX.
if not B or len(B) == 0: B = A
for source,target in zip(list(map(mapA,A)),list(map(mapB,B))):
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.critical(f'error copying {source} to {target}')
raise FileNotFoundError
def copy_Reference2Current(self,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]):
if len(targetfiles) == 0: targetfiles = sourcefiles
for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles):
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.critical(f'Reference2Current: Unable to copy file "{f}"')
raise FileNotFoundError
def copy_Base2Current(self,sourceDir,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]):
source = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'../../..',sourceDir))
if len(targetfiles) == 0: targetfiles = sourcefiles
for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles):
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.critical(f'Base2Current: Unable to copy file "{f}"')
raise FileNotFoundError
def copy_Current2Reference(self,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]):
if len(targetfiles) == 0: targetfiles = sourcefiles
for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles):
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.critical(f'Current2Reference: Unable to copy file "{f}"')
raise FileNotFoundError
def copy_Proof2Current(self,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]):
if len(targetfiles) == 0: targetfiles = sourcefiles
for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles):
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.critical(f'Proof2Current: Unable to copy file "{f}"')
raise FileNotFoundError
def copy_Current2Current(self,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]):
for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles):
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.critical(f'Current2Current: Unable to copy file "{f}"')
raise FileNotFoundError
def execute_inCurrentDir(self,cmd,streamIn=None,env=None):
out,error = damask.util.execute(cmd,streamIn,self.dirCurrent())
return out,error
def compare_Table(self,headings0,file0,
import numpy as np
logging.info('\n '.join(['comparing ASCII Tables',file0,file1]))
if normHeadings == '': normHeadings = headings0
# check if comparison is possible and determine length of columns
if len(headings0) == len(headings1) == len(normHeadings):
dataLength = len(headings0)
length = [1 for i in range(dataLength)]
shape = [[] for i in range(dataLength)]
data = [[] for i in range(dataLength)]
maxError = [0.0 for i in range(dataLength)]
absTol = [absoluteTolerance for i in range(dataLength)]
column = [[1 for i in range(dataLength)] for j in range(2)]
norm = [[] for i in range(dataLength)]
normLength = [1 for i in range(dataLength)]
normShape = [[] for i in range(dataLength)]
normColumn = [1 for i in range(dataLength)]
for i in range(dataLength):
if headings0[i]['shape'] != headings1[i]['shape']:
raise Exception(f"shape mismatch between {headings0[i]['label']} and {headings1[i]['label']}")
shape[i] = headings0[i]['shape']
for j in range(np.shape(shape[i])[0]):
length[i] *= shape[i][j]
normShape[i] = normHeadings[i]['shape']
for j in range(np.shape(normShape[i])[0]):
normLength[i] *= normShape[i][j]
raise Exception(f'trying to compare {len(headings0)} with {len(headings1)} normed by {len(normHeadings)} data sets')
table0 = damask.ASCIItable(name=file0,readonly=True)
table1 = damask.ASCIItable(name=file1,readonly=True)
for i in range(dataLength):
key0 = ('1_' if length[i]>1 else '') + headings0[i]['label']
key1 = ('1_' if length[i]>1 else '') + headings1[i]['label']
normKey = ('1_' if normLength[i]>1 else '') + normHeadings[i]['label']
if key0 not in table0.labels(raw = True):
raise Exception(f'column "{key0}" not found in first table...')
elif key1 not in table1.labels(raw = True):
raise Exception(f'column "{key1}" not found in second table...')
elif normKey not in table0.labels(raw = True):
raise Exception(f'column "{normKey}" not found in first table...')
column[0][i] = table0.label_index(key0)
column[1][i] = table1.label_index(key1)
normColumn[i] = table0.label_index(normKey)
line0 = 0
while table0.data_read(): # read next data line of ASCII table
if line0 not in skipLines:
for i in range(dataLength):
myData = np.array(list(map(float,table0.data[column[0][i]:\
normData = np.array(list(map(float,table0.data[normColumn[i]:\
data[i] = np.append(data[i],np.reshape(myData,shape[i]))
if normType == 'pInf':
norm[i] = np.append(norm[i],np.max(np.abs(normData)))
norm[i] = np.append(norm[i],np.linalg.norm(np.reshape(normData,normShape[i]),normType))
line0 += 1
for i in range(dataLength):
if not perLine: norm[i] = [np.max(norm[i]) for j in range(line0-len(skipLines))]
data[i] = np.reshape(data[i],[line0-len(skipLines),length[i]])
if any(norm[i]) == 0.0 or absTol[i]:
norm[i] = [1.0 for j in range(line0-len(skipLines))]
absTol[i] = True
logging.warning(f'''{"At least one" if perLine else "Maximum"} norm of
"{headings0[i]['label']}" in first table is 0.0, using absolute tolerance''')
line1 = 0
while table1.data_read(): # read next data line of ASCII table
if line1 not in skipLines:
for i in range(dataLength):
myData = np.array(list(map(float,table1.data[column[1][i]:\
maxError[i] = max(maxError[i],np.linalg.norm(np.reshape(myData-data[i][line1-len(skipLines),:],shape[i]))/
line1 +=1
if (line0 != line1): raise Exception(f'found {line0} lines in first table but {line1} in second table')
logging.info(' ********')
for i in range(dataLength):
logging.info(f''' * maximum {'absolute' if absTol[i] else 'relative'} error {maxError[i]}
between {headings0[i]['label']} and {headings1[i]['label']}''')
logging.info(' ********')
return maxError
def compare_TablesStatistically(self,
files = [None,None], # list of file names
columns = [None], # list of list of column labels (per file)
meanTol = 1.0e-4,
stdTol = 1.0e-6,
preFilter = 1.0e-9):
Calculate statistics of tables.
threshold can be used to ignore small values (a negative number disables this feature)
if not (isinstance(files, Iterable) and not isinstance(files, str)): # check whether list of files is requested
files = [str(files)]
tables = [damask.Table.load(filename) for filename in files]
for table in tables:
columns += [columns[0]]*(len(files)-len(columns)) # extend to same length as files
columns = columns[:len(files)] # truncate to same length as files
for i,column in enumerate(columns):
if column is None: columns[i] = list(tables[i].data.columns) # if no column is given, read all
logging.info('comparing ASCIItables statistically')
for i in range(len(columns)):
columns[i] = columns[0] if not columns[i] else \
([columns[i]] if not (isinstance(columns[i], Iterable) and not isinstance(columns[i], str)) else \
if len(files) < 2: return True # single table is always close to itself...
data = []
for table,labels in zip(tables,columns):
data.append(np.hstack(list(table.get(label) for label in labels)))
for i in range(1,len(data)):
delta = data[i]-data[i-1]
normBy = (np.abs(data[i]) + np.abs(data[i-1]))*0.5
normedDelta = np.where(normBy>preFilter,delta/normBy,0.0)
mean = np.amax(np.abs(np.mean(normedDelta,0)))
std = np.amax(np.std(normedDelta,0))
logging.info(f'mean: {mean:f}')
logging.info(f'std: {std:f}')
return (mean < meanTol) & (std < stdTol)
def report_Success(self,culprit):
ret = culprit
if culprit == 0:
count = len(self.variants) if self.options.select is None else len(self.options.select)
msg = ('Test passed.' if count == 1 else f'All {count} tests passed.') + '\a\a\a'
elif culprit == -1:
msg = 'Warning: could not start test...'
ret = 0
msg = f'Test "{self.variantName(culprit-1)}" failed.'
logging.critical('\n'.join(['*'*40,msg,'*'*40]) + '\n')
return ret