"""Tools for managing DAMASK simulations.""" from pathlib import Path as _Path import re as _re name = 'damask' with open(_Path(__file__).parent/_Path('VERSION')) as _f: version = _re.sub(r'^v','',_f.readline().strip()) __version__ = version from . import util # noqa from . import seeds # noqa from . import tensor # noqa from . import mechanics # noqa from . import solver # noqa from . import grid_filters # noqa #Modules that contain only one class (of the same name), are prefixed by a '_'. #For example, '_colormap' containsa class called 'Colormap' which is imported as 'damask.Colormap'. from ._rotation import Rotation # noqa from ._orientation import Orientation # noqa from ._table import Table # noqa from ._vtk import VTK # noqa from ._colormap import Colormap # noqa from ._config import Config # noqa from ._configmaterial import ConfigMaterial # noqa from ._grid import Grid # noqa from ._result import Result # noqa # deprecated from ._test import Test # noqa