# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import re import os class Section(): def __init__(self,data = {'__order__':[]},part = ''): classes = { 'homogenization':Homogenization, 'microstructure':Microstructure, 'crystallite':Crystallite, 'phase':Phase, 'texture':Texture, } self.parameters = {} for key in data: self.parameters[key] = data[key] if isinstance(data[key], list) else [data[key]] if '__order__' not in self.parameters: self.parameters['__order__'] = list(self.parameters.keys()) if part.lower() in classes: self.__class__ = classes[part.lower()] self.__init__(data) def add_multiKey(self,key,data): multiKey = '(%s)'%key if multiKey not in self.parameters: self.parameters[multiKey] = [] if multiKey not in self.parameters['__order__']: self.parameters['__order__'] += [multiKey] self.parameters[multiKey] += [[item] for item in data] if isinstance(data, list) else [[data]] def data(self): return self.parameters class Homogenization(Section): def __init__(self,data = {'__order__':[]}): Section.__init__(self,data) class Crystallite(Section): def __init__(self,data = {'__order__':[]}): Section.__init__(self,data) class Phase(Section): def __init__(self,data = {'__order__':[]}): Section.__init__(self,data) class Microstructure(Section): def __init__(self,data = {'__order__':[]}): Section.__init__(self,data) class Texture(Section): def __init__(self,data = {'__order__':[]}): Section.__init__(self,data) def add_component(self,theType,properties): scatter = properties['scatter'] if 'scatter' in list(map(str.lower,list(properties.keys()))) else 0.0 fraction = properties['fraction'] if 'fraction' in list(map(str.lower,list(properties.keys()))) else 1.0 try: multiKey = theType.lower() except AttributeError: pass if multiKey == 'gauss': self.add_multiKey(multiKey,'phi1 %g\tPhi %g\tphi2 %g\tscatter %g\tfraction %g'%( properties['eulers'][0], properties['eulers'][1], properties['eulers'][2], scatter, fraction, ) ) class Material(): """Reads, manipulates and writes material.config files""" def __init__(self,verbose=True): """Generates ordered list of parts""" self.parts = [ 'homogenization', 'crystallite', 'phase', 'texture', 'microstructure', ] self.data = {\ 'homogenization': {'__order__': []}, 'microstructure': {'__order__': []}, 'crystallite': {'__order__': []}, 'phase': {'__order__': []}, 'texture': {'__order__': []}, } self.verbose = verbose def __repr__(self): """Returns current data structure in material.config format""" me = [] for part in self.parts: if self.verbose: print('processing <{}>'.format(part)) me += ['', '#'*100, '<{}>'.format(part), '#'*100, ] for section in self.data[part]['__order__']: me += ['[{}] {}'.format(section,'#'+'-'*max(0,96-len(section)))] for key in self.data[part][section]['__order__']: if key.startswith('(') and key.endswith(')'): # multiple (key) me += ['{}\t{}'.format(key,' '.join(values)) for values in self.data[part][section][key]] else: # plain key me += ['{}\t{}'.format(key,' '.join(map(str,self.data[part][section][key])))] return '\n'.join(me) + '\n' def parse(self, part=None, sections=[], content=None): re_part = re.compile(r'^<(.+)>$') # pattern for part re_sec = re.compile(r'^\[(.+)\]$') # pattern for section name_section = '' active = False for line in content: line = line.split('#')[0].strip() # kill comments and extra whitespace line = line.split('/echo/')[0].strip() # remove '/echo/' tags line = line.lower() # be case insensitive if line: # content survives... match_part = re_part.match(line) if match_part: # found <...> separator active = (match_part.group(1) == part) # only active in <part> continue if active: match_sec = re_sec.match(line) if match_sec: # found [section] name_section = match_sec.group(1) # remember name ... if '__order__' not in self.data[part]: self.data[part]['__order__'] = [] self.data[part]['__order__'].append(name_section) # ... and position self.data[part][name_section] = {'__order__':[]} continue if sections == [] or name_section in sections: # possibly restrict to subset items = line.split() if items[0] not in self.data[part][name_section]: # first encounter of key? self.data[part][name_section][items[0]] = [] # create item self.data[part][name_section]['__order__'].append(items[0]) if items[0].startswith('(') and items[0].endswith(')'): # multiple "(key)" self.data[part][name_section][items[0]].append(items[1:]) else: # plain key self.data[part][name_section][items[0]] = items[1:] def read(self,filename=None): """Reads material.config file""" def recursiveRead(filename): """Takes care of include statements like '{}'""" result = [] re_include = re.compile(r'^{(.+)}$') with open(filename) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: match = re_include.match(line.split()[0]) if line.strip() else False result += [line] if not match else \ recursiveRead(match.group(1) if match.group(1).startswith('/') else os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),match.group(1)))) return result c = recursiveRead(filename) for p in self.parts: self.parse(part=p, content=c) def write(self,filename='material.config', overwrite=False): """Writes to material.config""" i = 0 outname = filename while os.path.exists(outname) and not overwrite: i += 1 outname = '{}_{}'.format(filename,i) if self.verbose: print('Writing material data to {}'.format(outname)) with open(outname,'w') as f: f.write(str(self)) return outname def add_section(self, part=None, section=None, initialData=None, merge=False): """adding/updating""" part = part.lower() section = section.lower() if part not in self.parts: raise Exception('invalid part {}'.format(part)) if not isinstance(initialData, dict): initialData = initialData.data() if section not in self.data[part]: self.data[part]['__order__'] += [section] if section in self.data[part] and merge: for existing in self.data[part][section]['__order__']: # replace existing if existing in initialData['__order__']: if existing.startswith('(') and existing.endswith(')'): # multiple (key) self.data[part][section][existing] += initialData[existing] # add new multiple entries to existing ones else: # regular key self.data[part][section][existing] = initialData[existing] # plain replice for new in initialData['__order__']: # merge new content if new not in self.data[part][section]['__order__']: self.data[part][section][new] = initialData[new] self.data[part][section]['__order__'] += [new] else: self.data[part][section] = initialData def add_microstructure(self, section='', components={}, # dict of phase,texture, and fraction lists ): """Experimental! Needs expansion to multi-constituent microstructures...""" microstructure = Microstructure() # make keys lower case (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/764235/dictionary-to-lowercase-in-python) components=dict((k.lower(), v) for k,v in components.items()) for key in ['phase','texture','fraction','crystallite']: if isinstance(components[key], list): for i, x in enumerate(components[key]): try: components[key][i] = x.lower() except AttributeError: pass else: try: components[key] = [components[key].lower()] except AttributeError: components[key] = [components[key]] for (phase,texture,fraction,crystallite) in zip(components['phase'],components['texture'], components['fraction'],components['crystallite']): microstructure.add_multiKey('constituent','phase %i\ttexture %i\tfraction %g\ncrystallite %i'%( self.data['phase']['__order__'].index(phase)+1, self.data['texture']['__order__'].index(texture)+1, fraction, self.data['crystallite']['__order__'].index(crystallite)+1)) self.add_section('microstructure',section,microstructure) def change_value(self, part=None, section=None, key=None, value=None): if not isinstance(value,list): if not isinstance(value,str): value = '%s'%value value = [value] newlen = len(value) oldval = self.data[part.lower()][section.lower()][key.lower()] oldlen = len(oldval) print('changing %s:%s:%s from %s to %s '%(part.lower(),section.lower(),key.lower(),oldval,value)) self.data[part.lower()][section.lower()][key.lower()] = value if newlen is not oldlen: print('Length of value was changed from %i to %i!'%(oldlen,newlen)) def add_value(self, part=None, section=None, key=None, value=None): if not isinstance(value,list): if not isinstance(value,str): value = '%s'%value value = [value] print('adding %s:%s:%s with value %s '%(part.lower(),section.lower(),key.lower(),value)) self.data[part.lower()][section.lower()][key.lower()] = value self.data[part.lower()][section.lower()]['__order__'] += [key.lower()]