type: Hooke references: - G.N. Kamm and G.A. Alers, Journal of Applied Physics 35:327-330, 1964, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1713309, fit to Tab. I (T_min=100K, T_max=300K) - D. Gerlich and E.S. Fisher, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 30:1197-1205, 1969 https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-3697(69)90377-1, fit to Tab. 2 (T_min=293K, T_max=900K) C_11: 106.9e+9 C_11,T: -3.685e+7 C_11,T^2: -1.016e+4 C_12: 60.55e+9 C_12,T: -8.307e+6 C_12,T^2: -4.353e+3 C_44: 28.37e+9 C_44,T: -1.418e+7 C_44,T^2: -3.253e+3 T_ref: 293.15