#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- # This script is used for the post processing of the results achieved by the spectral method. # As it reads in the data coming from "materialpoint_results", it can be adopted to the data # computed using the FEM solvers. Until now, its capable to handle elements with one IP in a regular order # written by M. Diehl, m.diehl@mpie.de import os,sys,threading,re,numpy,time, postprocessingMath from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, Option, SUPPRESS_HELP # ----------------------------- class extendedOption(Option): # ----------------------------- # used for definition of new option parser action 'extend', which enables to take multiple option arguments # taken from online tutorial http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",) STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",) TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser): if action == "extend": lvalue = value.split(",") values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue) else: Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser) # ----------------------------- class backgroundMessage(threading.Thread): # ----------------------------- def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.message = '' self.new_message = '' self.counter = 0 self.symbols = ['- ', '\ ', '| ', '/ '] self.waittime = 0.5 def __quit__(self): length = len(self.message) + len(self.symbols[self.counter]) sys.stderr.write(chr(8)*length + ' '*length + chr(8)*length) sys.stderr.write('') def run(self): while not threading.enumerate()[0]._Thread__stopped: time.sleep(self.waittime) self.update_message() self.__quit__() def set_message(self, new_message): self.new_message = new_message self.print_message() def print_message(self): length = len(self.message) + len(self.symbols[self.counter]) sys.stderr.write(chr(8)*length + ' '*length + chr(8)*length) # delete former message sys.stderr.write(self.symbols[self.counter] + self.new_message) # print new message self.message = self.new_message def update_message(self): self.counter = (self.counter + 1)%len(self.symbols) self.print_message() def outStdout(cmd,locals): if cmd[0:3] == '(!)': exec(cmd[3:]) elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)': cmd = eval(cmd[3:]) print cmd else: print cmd return def outFile(cmd,locals): if cmd[0:3] == '(!)': exec(cmd[3:]) elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)': cmd = eval(cmd[3:]) locals['filepointer'].write(cmd+'\n') else: locals['filepointer'].write(cmd+'\n') return def output(cmds,locals,dest): for cmd in cmds: if isinstance(cmd,list): output(cmd,locals,dest) else: {\ 'File': outFile,\ 'Stdout': outStdout,\ }[dest](str(cmd),locals) return def transliterateToFloat(x): try: return float(x) except: return 0.0 # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def vtk_writeASCII_mesh(mesh,data,res): # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ """ function writes data array defined on a hexahedral mesh (geometry) """ N1 = (res[0]+1)*(res[1]+1)*(res[2]+1) N = res[0]*res[1]*res[2] cmds = [\ '# vtk DataFile Version 3.1', 'powered by $Id$', 'ASCII', 'DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID', 'POINTS %i float'%N1, [[['\t'.join(map(str,mesh[i,j,k])) for i in range(res[0]+1)] for j in range(res[1]+1)] for k in range(res[2]+1)], 'CELLS %i %i'%(N,N*9), ] # cells for z in range (res[2]): for y in range (res[1]): for x in range (res[0]): base = z*(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1)+y*(res[0]+1)+x cmds.append('8 '+'\t'.join(map(str,[ \ base, base+1, base+res[0]+2, base+res[0]+1, base+(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1), base+(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1)+1, base+(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1)+res[0]+2, base+(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1)+res[0]+1, ]))) cmds += [\ 'CELL_TYPES %i'%N, ['12']*N, 'CELL_DATA %i'%N, ] for type in data: for item in data[type]: cmds += [\ '%s %s float'%(type.upper(),item), 'LOOKUP_TABLE default', [[['\t'.join(map(str,data[type][item][:,j,k]))] for j in range(res[1])] for k in range(res[2])], ] # vtk = open(filename, 'w') # output(cmd,{'filepointer':vtk},'File') # vtk.close() return cmds # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def gmsh_writeASCII_mesh(mesh,data,res): # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ """ function writes data array defined on a hexahedral mesh (geometry) """ N1 = (res[0]+1)*(res[1]+1)*(res[2]+1) N = res[0]*res[1]*res[2] cmds = [\ '$MeshFormat', '2.1 0 8', '$EndMeshFormat', '$Nodes', '%i float'%N1, [[['\t'.join(map(str,l,mesh[i,j,k])) for l in range(1,N1+1) for i in range(res[0]+1)] for j in range(res[1]+1)] for k in range(res[2]+1)], '$EndNodes', '$Elements', '%i'%N, ] # cells n_elem = 0 for z in range (res[2]): for y in range (res[1]): for x in range (res[0]): base = z*(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1)+y*(res[0]+1)+x n_elem +=1 cmds.append('\t'.join(map(str,[ \ n_elem, '5', base, base+1, base+res[0]+2, base+res[0]+1, base+(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1), base+(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1)+1, base+(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1)+res[0]+2, base+(res[1]+1)*(res[0]+1)+res[0]+1, ]))) cmds += [\ 'ElementData', '1', '%s'%item, # name of the view '0.0', # thats the time value '3', '0', # time step '1', '%i'%N ] for type in data: for item in data[type]: cmds += [\ '%s %s float'%(type.upper(),item), 'LOOKUP_TABLE default', [[['\t'.join(map(str,data[type][item][:,j,k]))] for j in range(res[1])] for k in range(res[2])], ] # vtk = open(filename, 'w') # output(cmd,{'filepointer':vtk},'File') # vtk.close() return cmds # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def vtk_writeASCII_points(coordinates,data,res): # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ """ function writes data array defined on a point field """ N = res[0]*res[1]*res[2] cmds = [\ '# vtk DataFile Version 3.1', 'powered by $Id$', 'ASCII', 'DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID', 'POINTS %i float'%N, [[['\t'.join(map(str,coordinates[i,j,k])) for i in range(res[0])] for j in range(res[1])] for k in range(res[2])], 'CELLS %i %i'%(N,N*2), ['1\t%i'%i for i in range(N)], 'CELL_TYPES %i'%N, ['1']*N, 'POINT_DATA %i'%N, ] for type in data: for item in data[type]: cmds += [\ '%s %s float'%(type.upper(),item), 'LOOKUP_TABLE default', [[['\t'.join(map(str,data[type][item][:,j,k]))] for j in range(res[1])] for k in range(res[2])] ] return cmds # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ def vtk_writeASCII_box(diag,defgrad): # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ """ corner box for the average defgrad """ points = numpy.array([\ [0.0,0.0,0.0,],\ [diag[0],0.0,0.0,],\ [diag[0],diag[1],0.0,],\ [0.0,diag[1],0.0,],\ [0.0,0.0,diag[2],],\ [diag[0],0.0,diag[2],],\ [diag[0],diag[1],diag[2],],\ [0.0,diag[1],diag[2],],\ ]) cmds = [\ '# vtk DataFile Version 3.1', 'powered by $Id$', 'ASCII', 'DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID', 'POINTS 8 float', ['\t'.join(map(str,numpy.dot(defgrad_av,points[p]))) for p in range(8)], 'CELLS 8 16', ['1\t%i'%i for i in range(8)], 'CELL_TYPES 8', ['1']*8, ] return cmds # ----------------------- MAIN ------------------------------- parser = OptionParser(option_class=extendedOption, usage='%prog [options] datafile', description = """ Produce VTK file from data field. Coordinates are taken from (consecutive) ip.x, ip.y, and ip.z columns. $Id$ """) parser.add_option('-s', '--scalar', action='extend', dest='scalar', type='string', \ help='list of scalars to visualize') parser.add_option('-d', '--deformation', dest='defgrad', type='string', \ help='heading of deformation gradient columns [%default]') parser.add_option('-g', '--grain', dest='grain', type='int', \ help='grain of interest [%default]') parser.set_defaults(defgrad = 'f') parser.set_defaults(grain = 1) parser.set_defaults(scalar = []) parser.set_defaults(vector = []) parser.set_defaults(tensor = []) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() for filename in args: if not os.path.exists(filename): continue file = open(filename) content = file.readlines() file.close() m = re.search('(\d+)\shead',content[0],re.I) if m == None: continue print filename headrow = int(m.group(1)) headings = content[headrow].split() column = {} maxcol = 0 for col,head in enumerate(headings): if head == 'ip.x': ipcol = col maxcol = max(maxcol,col+3) break if ipcol < 0: print 'missing ip coordinates..!' continue column['tensor'] = {} for label in [options.defgrad] + options.tensor: column['tensor'][label] = -1 for col,head in enumerate(headings): if head == label or head == '%i_1_%s'%(options.grain,label): column['tensor'][label] = col maxcol = max(maxcol,col+9) break if column['tensor'][options.defgrad] < 0: print 'missing deformation gradient..!' continue column['vector'] = {} for label in options.vector: column['vector'][label] = -1 for col,head in enumerate(headings): if head == label or head == '%i_1_%s'%(options.grain,label): column['vector'][label] = col maxcol = max(maxcol,col+3) break column['scalar'] = {} for label in options.scalar: column['scalar'][label] = -1 for col,head in enumerate(headings): if head == label or head == '%i_%s'%(options.grain,label): column['scalar'][label] = col maxcol = max(maxcol,col+1) break values = numpy.array(sorted([map(transliterateToFloat,line.split()[:maxcol]) for line in content[headrow+1:]], key=lambda x:(x[ipcol+0],x[ipcol+1],x[ipcol+2])), # sort with z as fastest and x as slowest index 'd') N = len(values) grid = [{},{},{}] for j in range(3): for i in range(N): grid[j][str(values[i,ipcol+j])] = True res = numpy.array([len(grid[0]),\ len(grid[1]),\ len(grid[2]),],'i') dim = numpy.array([max(map(float,grid[0].keys()))-min(map(float,grid[0].keys())),\ max(map(float,grid[1].keys()))-min(map(float,grid[1].keys())),\ max(map(float,grid[2].keys()))-min(map(float,grid[2].keys())),]*res/(res-numpy.ones(3)), 'd') print 'resolution',res print 'dimension',dim defgrad_av = postprocessingMath.tensor_avg(res[0],res[1],res[2],\ numpy.reshape(values[:,column['tensor'][options.defgrad]: column['tensor'][options.defgrad]+9], (res[0],res[1],res[2],3,3))) print 'avg F\n',defgrad_av centroids = postprocessingMath.deformed_fft(res[0],res[1],res[2],dim,\ numpy.reshape(values[:,column['tensor'][options.defgrad]: column['tensor'][options.defgrad]+9], (res[0],res[1],res[2],3,3)),defgrad_av,1.0) print 'centroids\n',centroids ms = postprocessingMath.mesh(res[0],res[1],res[2],dim,defgrad_av,centroids) print 'mesh\n',ms fields = {\ 'tensors': {},\ 'vectors': {},\ 'scalars': {},\ } for me in options.tensor: fields['tensors'][me] = numpy.reshape(values[:,column['tensor'][me]:column['tensor'][me]+9],(res[0],res[1],res[2],3,3)) for me in options.vector: fields['vectors'][me] = numpy.reshape(values[:,column['vector'][me]:column['vector'][me]+3],(res[0],res[1],res[2],3)) for me in options.scalar: fields['scalars'][me] = numpy.reshape(values[:,column['scalar'][me]],(res[0],res[1],res[2])) out = {} out['mesh'] = vtk_writeASCII_mesh(ms,fields,res) out['points'] = vtk_writeASCII_points(centroids,fields,res) out['box'] = vtk_writeASCII_box(dim,defgrad_av) for what in out.keys(): vtk = open(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+'_%s.vtk'%what, 'w') output(out[what],{'filepointer':vtk},'File') vtk.close()