# $Id$ class Material(): ''' Reads, manipulates and writes material.config files ''' __slots__ = ['data'] def __init__(self): self.parts = [ 'homogenization', 'microstructure', 'crystallite', 'phase', 'texture', ] # ordered (!) list of parts self.data = {\ 'homogenization': {'__order__': []}, 'microstructure': {'__order__': []}, 'crystallite': {'__order__': []}, 'phase': {'__order__': []}, 'texture': {'__order__': []}, } def __repr__(self): me = [] for part in self.parts: print 'doing',part me += ['','#-----------------------------#','<%s>'%part,'#-----------------------------#',] for section in self.data[part]['__order__']: me += ['','[%s] %s'%(section,'-'*max(0,27-len(section))),'',] for key in self.data[part][section]['__order__']: if key.startswith('(') and key.endswith(')'): # multiple (key) me += ['%s\t%s'%(key,' '.join(values)) for values in self.data[part][section][key]] else: # plain key me += ['%s\t%s'%(key,' '.join(map(str,self.data[part][section][key])))] return '\n'.join(me) def parse_data(self, part=None, sections=[], content=None): re_part = re.compile(r'^<(.+)>$') # pattern for part re_sec = re.compile(r'^\[(.+)\]$') # pattern for section name_section = '' idx_section = 0 active = False for line in content: line = line.split('#')[0].strip() # kill comments and extra whitespace if line: # content survives... match_part = re_part.match(line) if match_part: # found <part> separator active = (match_part.group(1) == part) # only active in <part> continue if active: match_sec = re_sec.match(line) if match_sec: # found [section] name_section = match_sec.group(1) # remember name ... if '__order__' not in self.data[part]: self.data[part]['__order__'] = [] self.data[part]['__order__'].append(name_section) # ... and position self.data[part][name_section] = {'__order__':[]} continue if sections == [] or name_section in sections: # respect subset items = line.split() if items[0] not in self.data[part][name_section]: # first encounter of key? self.data[part][name_section][items[0]] = [] # create item self.data[part][name_section]['__order__'].append(items[0]) if items[0].startswith('(') and items[0].endswith(')'): # multiple "(key)" self.data[part][name_section][items[0]].append(items[1:]) else: # plain key self.data[part][name_section][items[0]] = items[1:] def read(self,file=None): f=open(file,'r') c=f.readlines() f.close() for p in self.parts: self.parse_data(part=p, content=c) def write(self,file='material.config', overwrite=False): if overwrite is False: if os.path.exists(file): i=1 while os.path.exists(file+'_%i'%i):i+=1 file+='_%i'%i print('Writing material data to file %s'%file) f=open(file,'w') f.write(str(self)) f.close() return file def add_data(self, part=None, section=None, data={}): '''Generic data adding/updating''' if part not in self.parts: raise Exception('invalid part %s'%part) if section not in self.data[part]: self.data[part]['__order__'] += [section] self.data[part][section] = data def add_homogenization(self, label='', type='', Ngrains=None): if type.lower() == 'isostrain': self.add_data(part='homogenization', section=label, data={'type':[type], 'Ngrains':[Ngrains], '__order__':['type','Ngrains'] } ) elif type.lower() == 'rgc': raise Exception('Please implement me') def add_crystallite(self, label='', output=[]): self.add_data(part='crystallite', section=label, data={'(output)':[[o] for o in output], '__order__':'(output)'}) def add_texture(self, label='',type='', eulers=[], scatter=0., fraction=1.): ''' Experimental! Needs expansion to multi-component textures...''' if type == '(gauss)': texture={type:[['phi1','%f'%float(eulers[0]),'Phi','%f'%float(eulers[1]), 'phi2','%f'%float(eulers[2]),'scatter','%f'%float(scatter), 'fraction','%f'%fraction]],'__order__':label} #self.data['texture'][label]=texture #if len(self.data['texture'])>old_len: # added new label # self.data['texture']['__order__'].append(label) else: raise Exception('Please implement me.') self.add_data(part='texture',section=label, data=texture) def add_phase(self, file='', label='', newlabel=None, phase=None): ''' USAGE: - read phase "label" from file OR - phase is dict with one key ''' if file and label and (phase is None): other=MATERIAL_CONFIG() other.read(file=file) phase={label:other.data['phase'][label]} label=None print phase if len(phase)==1 and label is None: if newlabel: label=newlabel else: label=phase.keys()[0] print('Adding phase %s'%label) self.add_data(part='phase', section=label, data=phase) else: raise Exception('Wrong arguments') def add_microstructure(self, label=None, crystallite=None, # label phases=None, # list of labels textures=None, # list of labels fractions=None): # list of floats ''' Experimental! Needs expansion to multi-constituent microstructures...''' c=self.data['crystallite']['__order__'].index(crystallite)+1 constituent=phases[:] if fractions is None: fractions=[1./len(phases)]*len(phases) for i in range(len(phases)): p=self.data['phase']['__order__'].index(phases[i])+1 t=self.data['texture']['__order__'].index(textures[i])+1 f=fractions[i] constituent[i]=['phase','%i'%p,'texture','%i'%t,'fraction','%f'%f] data={'crystallite':['%i'%c], '(constituent)':constituent, '__order__':['crystallite','(constituent)']} self.add_data(part='microstructure',section=label,data=data) def change_value(self, part=None, section=None, key=None, value=None): if type(value) is not type([]): if type(value) is not type('s'): value = '%s'%value value = [value] newlen = len(value) oldval = self.data[part][section][key] oldlen = len(oldval) print('changing %s:%s:%s:%s'%(part,section,key,oldval)) self.data[part][section][key] = value print('new: %s'%self.data[part][section][key]) if newlen is not oldlen: print('Length of value was changed from %i to %i!'%(oldlen,newlen))